ShareX 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.01.24 build 9782

ShareX 歷史版本列表

ShareX 是一個免費和開源的程序,可以讓你捕捉或記錄你的屏幕的任何區域,並與一鍵單擊。它還允許上傳圖片,文字或其他類型的文件到 50 多個支持的目的地,您可以從中選擇。 ShareX 支持多種方式來捕捉或記錄您的屏幕.ShareX 特點: 免費,開源,輕量級和免費的廣告!高級截圖捕捉,屏幕錄像,文件共享和生產力工具。捕捉截圖的各種方法,包括全屏幕,窗口,顯示器,區域,寫意,滾動,等等。捕捉任務... ShareX 軟體介紹

Ditto (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Don't auto hide the window when editing a clip
- Don't hide the tooltip window when copying from html viewer, same as rtf
- When set to always on top refresh active window on first mouse move over window
- Don't refresh the list when a copy is made from the description window
- Use on demand icu dll for upper/lower case manipulation
- Removed icu dlls, use dll included in windows
- Fixed gdi leaks
- Handle shift - home to select all items above the current selection
- Use string size to create strings, found data sometimes didn't have a null terminator so extra data was at the end of the string
- Added a way to force crash, type crash in search and shift-control click
- Added support for total commander diff
- Enable html format by default if no formats are defined
- Fixed issue with screen resolution changing with scaled dpi settings, window would go smaller
- Updated c++ dependancies to the latest
- Fixed issue with high cpu with search full text selected when only a few items are returend
- Added a way through add ins to get/set the description
- Added adv option to set the default editor font size
- If searching for both description and full text use Distinct to ensure we don't return mutliple rows
- Fixed issue with export to text and image only allowing 1000 clips
- Refresh list after delete all non used clips from task tray
- Added option to delete all non used clips
- If database is on a network share refresh Ditto when showing if last write time of db has been updated
- If db is on a network drive, or anything other than C: then wait for that db to come online
- Added new global key to send a copy and save the current clipboard in one shot
- Added option to not place cf_hdrop onto the drag object when dragging from Ditto. Found latest firefox wouldn't accept drops if the cf_hdrop type was on there
- Enable / disable edit boxes for max count and keep days in config
- Update diff paths
- Order by sticky clip order first then group, then clip order - updated indexes

Technic Launcher 4.617 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.615 查看版本資訊


Technic Launcher 4.611 查看版本資訊


ShareX 13.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added thumbnail size option to main window right click menu
- Added Nord dark & light themes (by @botatooo)
- Added Dracula theme
- Visual improvements to setting windows navigation bars
- Added border style option to annotations (solid, dash, dot, dash dot, dash dot dot)
- Added tile option to “Image” image effect
- Support drag n drop .sxie files to image effects window
- Added CMYK support to screen color picker name format
- Added title option to Gfycat uploader

Ultracopier (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improve some code, disable drag'n'drop file move (with shift on windows) due to windows send file to trash, without shift will copy or move depending of window mode (copy or move)

Technic Launcher 4.608 查看版本資訊


ShareX 13.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- image effects listing to after capture tasks sub menu
- menu icon size option to region capture
- lock menu option to region capture that way toolbar grips can be hidden
- duplicate button and hotkey Ctrl + D to image editor
- In image editor show menu tooltips for task status
- option to swap Enter key behavior in annotation text input box
- arrow head direction option (by @Scrxtchy)
- bayer scale option to GIF bayer dithering mode (by @Scrxtchy)
- Screen record encoding progress is now shown in tray icon
- watch folder option to automatically move files to screenshots folder
- “Replace result URL using regular expression substitutions” option to task settings
- file compare support to “Hash check” tool
- clipboard viewer tool
- Created image effects web page which you can download example image effects, and also link to it in image effects window
- When .sxie file opened, ask for enabling image effects if not already enabled
- Removed export/import buttons from image effects window, because packager button can be now used for exporting image effects
- “Color depth” image effect (by @somethingSTRANGE)
- In “Image” image effect allow using -1 for absolute size to use 100% canvas size, so -1 width means 100% canvas width
- margin mode option to “Canvas” image effect (by @7coil)
- context menu font option to theme settings
- Visual changes to hotkey tips in main window
- error message support to custom uploaders
- Japanese language support (by @kanaxx)
- Removed Q hotkey from region capture because users keep pressing it accidentally
- screen color picker format options to include 0-1 colors $r1, $g1, $b1 (by @JakeCover)
- alternative screen color picker format, which can be used by Ctrl + click, default format is: $r255, $g255, $b255 (by @tomastalian3)
- screen color picker info text option, default format is: RGB: $r255, $g255, $b255$nHex: $hex$nX: $x Y: $y
- maximum item limit option to history window
- Using custom text notification window now instead of Windows notification/balloon tip
- first time minimize to tray notification
- “DevMode” option to application settings advanced tab, this option enables some hidden features such as “Restart ShareX as admin” button in tray menu

Technic Launcher 4.603 查看版本資訊


Ditto (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
