Send Anywhere 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 Send Anywhere 23.7

Send Anywhere 歷史版本列表

Send Anywhere 是一個跨平台的文件共享服務,它允許用戶實時無需雲端存儲即可輕鬆共享點對點數字內容。不像信使或云存儲應用程序 Send Anywhere 允許最終用戶在 Android,iOS,Windows Phone,Windows 8,Chrome,Linux 和桌面上發送盡可能多的任何文件類型和大小的文件。 SA 利用 P2P 網絡來繞過雲存儲,從而使傳輸過程更安全,更快速。此外... Send Anywhere 軟體介紹

Apache Tomcat 10.0.21 查看版本資訊


Apache Tomcat 9.0.63 查看版本資訊


Anki 2.1.52 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Editor Improvements:
- Ctrl/Cmd+A in tag editing area now selects all tags
- Fixed backspace sometimes removing multiple images at once
- Fixed copying and pasting MathJax on Windows (Qt6)
- Fixed handling of < and > symbols in MathJax
- Fixed intermittent editor loading failures when add-ons have injected a large amount of code
- Fixed pasting of local files of unsupported types that contain spaces
- Fixed some formatting being lost when copying between fields on Windows (Qt6)
- Fixed various issues with tag editing
- Pressing tab on the last field now moves focus to tag area
- Reduce size of editor buttons on Windows/Linux
- Tags copied from the tag editor are no longer joined together when pasted into the add tags/remove tags dialogs
- The Qt5 Mac build now caps tag autocomplete matches to 10, as showing more is extremely slow in the old toolkit version

Other Improvements:
- Update Qt to 6.3.0, which fixes slow loading of large images, and inertial scrolling on macOS
- Fixed an error when previewing cards and selecting multiple cards
- Fixed Anki needing to close when invalid modification times encountered by the browser on Windows
- Fixed colpkg imports not being cancellable
- Fixed current working directory changing on apkg export
- Fixed custom browser font not being honored (Qt6)
- Fixed custom study applying the previously-input limit, instead of the current one
- Fixed due graph showing wrong date for review cards in a filtered deck with rescheduling disabled
- Fixed grey background in type answer text + dark mode
- Fixed v3 scheduler allowing one extra card when review limit reached
- Lists on cards are now aligned to the left by default
- Removed the highlight on the Show Answer and Good buttons
- Reset page zoom when moving between different screens
- The Qt6 Linux build now defaults to X11/XWayland instead of Wayland due to some remaining issues; you can force-enable Wayland with ANKI_WAYLAND=1

Anki 2.1.51 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Reviews in the V3 scheduler can now optionally be sorted by relative overdueness
- Remember original card position when using 'set due date' on a card
- Improve editor startup time, especially with many fields

- compatibility with older macOS versions
- an issue that was breaking some add-ons when running on Windows without using anki-console.bat
- Anki now closes the Browse screen before full sync or colpkg import/export, so it doesn't show errors
- Automatically re-enable disabled add-ons when user explicitly reinstalls them, and improve conflict handling
- an issue with the search history when clicking on items in the sidebar
- card layout screen opening too wide if card template name was long
- compatibility with 'card info during review' and similar add-ons
- formatting being turned off when pressing shift
- full sync not being triggered when changing sort field
- illegible calendar buttons in dark mode on Mac/Linux
- stats PDF being illegible when saving in dark mode after scrolling down
- Use <b> and <i> formatting tags, instead of <strong> and <em>

Anki 2.1.50 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Windows 10 or 11 is required. If you are still using Windows 7 or 8, 2.1.49 is
the last build that will install on your system.

Editor Changes:
- A redesigned editing area, and a redesigned tag editor
- MathJax has a live preview
- HTML source and rendered text can be viewed at the same time
- The HTML editor now matches the current Anki theme
- Images can be resized within the editor
- Fields can now have an optional description/tooltip assigned to them
- The "remove formatting" button now offers a choice of what to remove
- Adjust color picker shortcut, and apply color when different color selected
- Reduced editor button size on Windows/Linux
- Fixed IME input after pressing tab
- Fixed media files not being inserted at cursor position on Windows
- Cloze shortcut correctly positions cursor
- Added a separate cloze button to repeat the current cloze
- Lots of behind-the-scenes changes and fixes. Because of the extensive changes,
- some add-ons that modify the editing screen will have broken (see the
- developers section below)

New Features:
- Anki will now switch to day or night mode automatically depending on your
- system settings. You can force day or night mode in the Preferences screen.
- Reworked backup handling:
- Backups are created much faster than they were previously
- Anki can now create backups periodically. The default is every 30 minutes; you can adjust this in the preferences screen.
- There are new options in the preferences to control the number of daily, weekly and
- monthly backups you'd like to retain.
- The File menu now has an option to create a backup immediately.
- Because the backup storage format has changed, backups created with 2.1.50 will not be
- importable into older Anki versions.
- Reworked .colpkg import/export (thanks to Rumo):
- When exporting, you can optionally target Anki 2.1.50+. When doing so,
- imports and exports are faster, and media files will be compressed, but the
- resulting .colpkg will not be readable by older Anki clients.
- Collections are now checked for corruption when importing.
- An option to ignore accents in searches by default has been added to
- preferences screen.
- The Card Info screen now updates automatically as you change to a different
- card
- Added a View menu to the main window and browse window The
- view menu provides options to zoom in and out, and to toggle a full screen
- mode. Due to technical issues, the full screen mode is not currently available
- on Windows when graphics acceleration is enabled.
- A new TTS tag format that allows you to combine extra text and multiple
- fields, such as [anki:tts lang=en_US]Here is {{Field1}} and {{Field2}}[/anki:tts] There are no plans to deprecate the
- old TTS syntax - either can be used
- Added an option to add/remove sidebar tag to selected notes
- Be smarter about mapping existing text to new fields when switching notetypes in the Add screen
- Apkg files can now be dragged on the main window to import them
- Added a "Create Copy" option in the browse screen and review screen, to copy
- selected note's contents into the Add window
- You can now search for tags by regular expression One use
- for this is locating notes that are tagged with a parent tag, while not matching
- ones tagged with parent::child: tag:re:^parent$
- When switching Anki versions, an add-on update check is run on startup
- Make links with target=_blank work
- Added "Forget Card" action to review screen
- Added Belarusian and Odia to available languages in the preferences
- Added a silent option (/s) for the Windows uninstaller
- Added tooltips to some browser columns

Other Improvements:
- Added a "Learn" label to the learning counts in the deck list
- Added shortcut keys for creating lists and indentatio
- Allow longer maximum answer times in the deck settings
- Behind-the-scenes improvements to the deck and notetype selectors
- Change cards/notes toggle to Ctrl/Cmd+Alt+T to avoid conflict on macOS
- Changed the "Previous Card Info" shortcut to avoid a conflict with language input
- Colpkg imports now always require a full sync
- Deck creation in the custom study screen has been reworked, and now supports undo properl
- Don't show error when gsettings exists but does not have a GNOME theme set
- Don't show error when Windows color scheme setting is missing
- Fall back on regular file deletion when no recycling bin/trash folder is available on Linux
- Filtered decks in 'order added' now sort by card template
- Fix deck name not updating after deck/notetype renamed
- Fixed "tag duplicates" possibly operating on stale data
- Fixed a number of issues with the preview window
- Fixed AltGr triggering Ctrl+Alt shortcuts on Windows
- Fixed an error loading the old deck options screen when using Python 3.10
- Fixed an error that could appear when clicking on the sidebar
- Fixed an error that could occur in the browser when switching profiles
- Fixed an error when an installed TTS voice on Windows supported multiple language
- Fixed an error when exporting a collection with media files in it with very old modification dates
- Fixed an intermittent error when building on Windows
- Fixed error shown when double-tapping answer buttons on the v3 scheduler
- Fixed errors and display issues when flagging and undoing in the review screen
- Fixed external scripts being executed out of order
- Fixed field content sometimes spilling outside container
- Fixed flicker in review screen when referencing external js, and preload css files
- Fixed incorrect card count in timebox after undo
- Fixed new card position appearing as a date when cards were in preview
- Fixed newly-added deck not being selected in the Add screen
- Fixed quotation of "and" and "or" in searc
- Fixed some parts of the media handling code matching more HTML tags than it should have
- Fixed sound failing to play after exporting a collection
- Fixed the deck list showing up blank in collections with many expanded decks
- Fixed the main window sometimes failing to load properly when Anki starts (which could lead to blank windows, a giant sync icon, etc)
- Fixed unwanted <div> being left behind when deleting field contents
- Fixed various memory leaks
- Flip sidebar location in RTL mode
- Hide "open new window" action in GNOME (thanks to Fusion future & Felipe
- Improve search highlight color in templates screen
- Improved display of the card info scree
- Improved localization of large numbers in the graphs, and various layout tweaks (thanks to Vova)
- Improved performance with large selections in the Browse scree
- Improvements to the Change Notetype screen
- Performance improvements for searching through many fields with a wildcard searc
- Randomized card positions now start at 1, which avoids a corner case in filtered deck scheduling
- Reduced flicker when opening browser in night mod
- Report correct count in timebox screen with v2 scheduler
- Rows with database inconsistencies in the browse screen now prompt you to use "check database" instead of saying they were delete
- Some behind-the-scenes code improvements
- Support autoplay in audio tags again
- Support Markdown inside HTML tags in
- The 'future due' graph no longer shows learning cards in a filtered deck as being due a long time ago
- The note: and card: searches no longer do a substring matc
- The Add Cards screen will no longer allow accidental triggering of main window shortcuts when it is open on a Ma
- The calendar graph uses consistent coloring as years are changed
- The custom study screen no longer (sometimes incorrectly) limits the amount you can extend the daily limits by
- The top and bottom bars will no longer zoom in/out, but the main area and editors can be zoomed in and ou
- Truncate deck names in the deck list if they are too long (thanks to Sachin)
- Tweaks to the sidebar icons
- Updated translations - thanks as always to all the translators
- Use white menubar on Window
- Various behind-the-scenes fixes
- Various improvements to right-to-left display
- When Anki encounters an issue with a card template, it now provides a link to a help page with more informatio
- Numerous other fixes and contributions, thanks to Rumo, Henrik, Abdo, Matthias
- Evandro, Arthur, Soren, BlueGreenMagick, Yoshi, Jakub, Gesa, blue-putty
- stopendy, TheFeelTrain and zjosua

Apache Tomcat 9.0.60 查看版本資訊


Apache Tomcat 10.0.20 查看版本資訊


Apache Tomcat 10.0.17 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for additional user attributes to TomcatPrincipal and GenericPrincipal
- Correct a regression in the fix for 65454 that meant that minSpareThreads and maxThreads settings were ignored when the Connector used an internal executor
- Improve the detection of the Linux duplicate accept bug and reduce (hopefully avoid) instances of false positives

Apache Tomcat 9.0.58 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add recycling check in the input and output stream isReady to try togive a more informative ISE when the facade has been recycled
- Implement support for HTTP/1.1 upgrade when the request includes abody. The maximum permitted size of the body is controlled bymaxSavePostSize.
- Improve handling of various cases where one request/responseprocessing thread attempts to manage the asynchronous IO for adifferent request/response

Apache Tomcat 10.0.16 查看版本資訊
