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最新版本 Samurize 1.64.3

Samurize 歷史版本列表

Samurize 是一個先進的  桌面增強實用程序,使用戶能夠完全自定義要在桌面上展示的高級信息類型。這包括對系統監控的全面支持,以及在精心設計的視覺元素中使用該監控中的數據的能力,這些元素有時可以徹底改變桌面的外觀,並將其轉化為看起來像專業人士設計的真正的藝術視覺展示.Today ,Samurize 被 IT 專業人士,超頻玩家,遊戲玩家和桌面遊戲改裝商等用來展示系統信息,天氣預報,頭... Samurize 軟體介紹

Samurize 1.64.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed a bug with Meter x/y width/height toggle arrows not updating the meters correctly.
- fixed a bug with Import Export form not loading language files
- fixed a bug with Rulers not updating when using the Mouse Scroll Wheel
- fixed a bug with icons not displaying correctly in the config editor
- fixed a bug with the input wizard displaying the wrong form
- fixed a bug with the reconnection logic on Remote Meters
- fixed a bug with Access violations on drag and drop in the Meter List
- fixed a bug that scroll wasnt working when drag and drop
- fixed numerous bugs in instance manager when starting clients and servers
- fixed a bug with the display box on the Console Meter
- fixed a bug with the displaying of the glass effect on the config editor and Instance Manager
plus currently removed all glass effect from the client
- fixed a couple of bugs with the console meter constaintly running process
- fixed a bug with totalNetCollector when an adapter is disabled and reenabled
- fixed an infinite loop within the Samurize Server
- fixed a problem with the Options dialog box in the Samurize Server
- fixed a bug with the Meter Maths loading new style meter names

- Vista Support
- ToolTips can now be used with mouse buttons (single and double click)
- updated DTD for all the new xml sections in every meter type.
- Additional input method using Scripts
- Console Meters can now run constantly running console programs and get the output
- Updated the Copy meter logic so the new meter names are not so long
- Instance Manager supports groups
- Instance Manager maintains the Z-Order of instances when loaded (if pin to desktop, dock or normal window behaviour is used)
- Improved the catching of Show Desktop for pin to Desktop and pin to Desktop compat modes.
- Improved the Perfmon gathering of data to reduce the number of queries.
- Added rename to the instance manager for groups and instances.
- Meter maths will return a NOT FOUND on string maths if the meter is not available.
- IMAP4 support for the mail meter
- Total Net Collector changes unit dynamically

New Features:
- Logging can be enabled for the clients and config editors

Samurize 1.64.3 Beta 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed a bug with Meter x/y width/height toggle arrows not updating the meters correctly.
- fixed a bug with Import Export form not loading language files
- fixed a bug with Rulers not updating when using the Mouse Scroll Wheel
- fixed a bug with icons not displaying correctly in the config editor
- fixed a bug with the input wizard displaying the wrong form
- fixed a bug with the reconnection logic on Remote Meters
- fixed a bug with Access violations on drag and drop in the Meter List
- fixed a bug that scroll wasnt working when drag and drop
- fixed numerous bugs in instance manager when starting clients and servers

- Vista Support
- ToolTips can now be used with mouse buttons (single and double click)
- updated DTD for all the new xml sections in every meter type.
- Additional input method using Scripts
- Console Meters can now run constantly running console programs and get the output
- Updated the Copy meter logic so the new meter names are not so long
- Instance Manager supports groups and z-Order (only pinned to desktop, normal and dock honour z-Ordering).

New Features:
- Logging can be enabled for the clients and config editors

Samurize 1.64.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed bug with Alphas on Vertical scrolling
- fixed bug with Shadow horizontal placement on vertical scrolling
- fixed bug with meterlist if no default group exists
- fixed checking for group names (Group names cannot be blank)
- fixed two bugs with Meter Maths (String concatation problems)
- fixed bug with Meter Maths displaying incorrect results with strings and numbers
(if a meter returns a string value it will be assumed 0 if in numeric mode)
- fixed bug with Timezones
- fixed bug with Fullscreen app mode and Notetaker plugin
- fixed bug with the client going off screen if client crashes or the config does not exist.
- fixed Alpha Blending bug with meter grids
- fixed bug with Meter Alerts and Histograms when playing sounds
- fixed bug in input controls calling plugins too often causing crashes of the plugin
- fixed bug in Meter Maths String that did not allow static text
- fixed bug with Meter Maths always defaulting to Numeric when editing
- fixed compatiblity bug with Foobar v0.9.x and samurize built-in Foobar Meter
- fixed problem with %b being returned at the end of value strings and meter linkage strings
- fixed bug when Gradient (ProgressBar) is selected end color is now disabled
- fixed bug with Groups in MeterList when changing Sort Order and moving Meters, groups are
now always listed in alphabetical order.
- fixed bug with apply all fonts not setting the text shadow
- fixed bug causing "Error: Failed to get data for 'index'" on startup of samurize

- Meters and groups can only use the following Characterset a-z A-Z 0-9 _ space.
- If Meter Grids X or Y is set to 0 then no lines will be drawn
- Import/Export Wizard is now part of the Config Editor - Please give this a try, we have covered a far amount, but there might still be errors we have missed
- New commandline parameters - positiony and positionx
- Updated all the xml parameters and DTD to being correct plus fixed a couple of bugs in the xml

New Features:
- Enabled a disable of logging for remote meters

Samurize 1.64 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:

- Fixed a bug with Increase/Decrease/change alerts with Images
- Fixed bug that remote meters only read one line
- Fixed bug with Remote meter Port settings in the Config editor
- Fixed a bug with Value Contains / Doesnt Contain if the value is space
- Fixed a bug with the unique meters not being selected correctly in the meter list
- Fixed bug with server not saving the port correctly if changed from 9090
- Fixed bug with perfmons that needed a reload
- Fixed bug with incorrectly holding Window State for AppBars
- Fixed bug with AppBar locations and multi-screen
- Fixed bug with Border width settings for Meters and Graphical Objects
- Fixed bug with PNG images being downloaded from the web
- Fixed bug in Vertical scroll when using %tab
- Server sends back better informational messages in Remote Mode
- Fixed default image so that it downloads correctly from internet
- Fixed Fade problem bug
- Fixed a bug with Tool Tips being cached if no tooltip was returned on the next refresh
- Fixed ToolTip so that it returns the value without re-calling the function
- Fixed Memory Leak in Meter Linkage
- Fixed Pause Config bug when reloading a config
- Fixed Alphabetic sort problem with MeterList


- Alert Images can now use %v within them
- Upgraded Graphical Components to latest level
- Added a new color preference for selected and highlighted meters
- Enable dragging and dropping between groups
- Added a WM_PAINT message enabling people to get access to the Samurize produced bitmap
- Option to display text in toolbars of the config editor
- Shadow Color added to Preferences
- Default number of lines for Text File meters increased to 10
- MeterList group selection now works correctly.
- MeterList Multi selection working using ctrl
- Date / Time Meter has time zone support
- POP3 Trace within Config Editor
- Eclipse supports configurable border size
- WM_SAM_SHOW lparam = 1 will give focus to the samurize window
- Added further png image support
- Autohide added to Appbar Functionality
- Locale fix for Plugins and Scripts returning , or . will be changed to the local Decimal Separator instead
- Added command line parameters for Docking the client window
- Up/Down Meters can have multiple network cards selected
- Changed draw order of the Grid/Borders
- Added Proxy support to images
- Rulers have been added to the config editor
- Added ZOrder for Meter List (note that Graphical Objects will always be at the bottom of the list)
- Click through has been turned off by default when first load of client
- Added ability to force Antialiasing of Text (meaning it doesnt have to be turned on in the rest of windows).
- Meter Maths is not allowed to be used with 'Text Meter' (source not output) so its been disabled.
- Text shadow will allow negative values
- Design Area size can be customized (Advanced users only)
- Gradient Fill Progressbars
- Progress bars can have a raised effect
- Updated Windows components to Latest level
- Holding space when Design area has focus will allow you to move it around.
- Added WM_SAM_GET_SAMURIZE_DIRECTORY support to the Config Editor.
- Meter Maths now copes with adding strings together.
- Added WM_SAM_GET_PROXYSETTINGS support to the Config Editor.
- Description added to plugin about and about button added to input plugin panel.
- Graphical Objects can have shadows when in fill mode (Currently line doesnt work)
- Completely redone how Input actions are added to Meters.
- Text Meters are now sorted correctly.
- Uptime meter has padding values

Samurize 1.63.1 查看版本資訊


Samurize 1.63 查看版本資訊


Samurize 1.62 查看版本資訊


Samurize 1.61 查看版本資訊
