
最新版本 Samurize 1.64.2

Samurize 1.64.2

Samurize 1.64.2
Samurize 是一個先進的  桌面增強實用程序,使用戶能夠完全自定義要在桌面上展示的高級信息類型。這包括對系統監控的全面支持,以及在精心設計的視覺元素中使用該監控中的數據的能力,這些元素有時可以徹底改變桌面的外觀,並將其轉化為看起來像專業人士設計的真正的藝術視覺展示.

Today ,Samurize 被 IT 專業人士,超頻玩家,遊戲玩家和桌面遊戲改裝商等用來展示系統信息,天氣預報,頭條新聞等等。為了能夠使用如此奢華的視覺元素,並結合如此廣泛的數據,Samurize 充分利用 Perl,Python, Ruby,Jscript,VBscripts 和 DLL pugins,它們幾乎可以讓你在桌面上顯示任何你想要的東西。

大部分用戶使用 Samurize 的主要方式是加載預製的“configs”,它可以在桌面上展示各種對象和小部件。如果你想創造自己的視覺元素,你可以充分利用高度勝任的所見即所得的配置編輯器,旨在為經驗豐富的用戶和設計人員使用.

從 Gustaf Lundh 和 Oscar Lundh 於 2002 年創建 Samurize,應用程序設法吸引了每個月都在增長的社區。今天,任何想要真正定制桌面的人都必須認真考慮使用 Samurize.

Samurize 的功能:一套無與倫比的內置儀表(磁盤利用率,CPU 使用率,網絡流量,系統溫度...)最終定制和蒙皮可能性無需編程知識通過網絡監控您自己的計算機或其他人微小的內存佔用空間和 CPU 使用率第一個具有真正 WYSIWYG 編輯器的系統監控工具通過腳本和插件提供全面的可擴展性,具有強大的插件 SDK / API 最低的軟件要求(無.NET 或 Service Packs)多監視器支持許多使用選項(桌面,任務欄和時鐘客戶端,輸出到 XML 或圖像格式的服務器,屏幕保護程序)


檔案版本 Samurize 1.64.2

檔案名稱 samurize_1.64.2.exe
檔案大小 5.1 MB
系統 Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Samurize Team
更新日期 2006-12-21

What's new in this version:

- fixed bug with Alphas on Vertical scrolling
- fixed bug with Shadow horizontal placement on vertical scrolling
- fixed bug with meterlist if no default group exists
- fixed checking for group names (Group names cannot be blank)
- fixed two bugs with Meter Maths (String concatation problems)
- fixed bug with Meter Maths displaying incorrect results with strings and numbers
(if a meter returns a string value it will be assumed 0 if in numeric mode)
- fixed bug with Timezones
- fixed bug with Fullscreen app mode and Notetaker plugin
- fixed bug with the client going off screen if client crashes or the config does not exist.
- fixed Alpha Blending bug with meter grids
- fixed bug with Meter Alerts and Histograms when playing sounds
- fixed bug in input controls calling plugins too often causing crashes of the plugin
- fixed bug in Meter Maths String that did not allow static text
- fixed bug with Meter Maths always defaulting to Numeric when editing
- fixed compatiblity bug with Foobar v0.9.x and samurize built-in Foobar Meter
- fixed problem with %b being returned at the end of value strings and meter linkage strings
- fixed bug when Gradient (ProgressBar) is selected end color is now disabled
- fixed bug with Groups in MeterList when changing Sort Order and moving Meters, groups are
now always listed in alphabetical order.
- fixed bug with apply all fonts not setting the text shadow
- fixed bug causing "Error: Failed to get data for 'index'" on startup of samurize

- Meters and groups can only use the following Characterset a-z A-Z 0-9 _ space.
- If Meter Grids X or Y is set to 0 then no lines will be drawn
- Import/Export Wizard is now part of the Config Editor - Please give this a try, we have covered a far amount, but there might still be errors we have missed
- New commandline parameters - positiony and positionx
- Updated all the xml parameters and DTD to being correct plus fixed a couple of bugs in the xml

New Features:
- Enabled a disable of logging for remote meters

Samurize 1.64.2 相關參考資料
Software-update: Samurize 1.64 - Computer - Downloads

POP3 Trace within Config Editor; Eclipse supports configurable border size; WM_SAM_SHOW lparam = 1 will give focus to the samurize window; Added further png ...

Download Samurize 1.64.3

A free utility setup to customize your desktop based on your wants and needs ; Samurize 1.63.1 (4.71 MB) ; Samurize 1.64.2 (5.1 MB) ; Samurize 1.64.3 Beta (5.14 MB).

Download Samurize 1.64.2 for Windows

Samurize 1.64.2 · File Size: 5.10 MB · Date Released: Add info · Works on: Windows 2000 / Windows 7 / Windows 7 x64 / Windows 8 / Windows 8 x64 / Windows Vista / ...

Download Samurize 1.64 for Windows

Samurize 1 Builds. Samurize 1.64.3 Beta · Samurize 1.64.3 · Samurize 1.64.2 · Samurize 1.63.1 · Samurize 1.63 · Samurize 1.62 · Samurize 1.61. Samurize Comments ...

Samurize 1.64.2 download for Windows

2006年12月20日 — Samurize is a tool for customizing Windows altogether surprisingly. It allows to keep an eye on many vital data such as available memory, CPU ...

Download Samurize 1.64.3 - other versions

Samurize 1.64.3. Release Date: 03 Apr 2007, Size: 5.3 MB, License: Freeware, OS: Windows 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows7 / XP64 / Vista64 / Windows7 64 ...

Samurize 1.64.2 - Lowyat Forum - Lowyat.NET

New Release of Serious Samurize!!! :clap: Samurize 1.64.2 is now available for download. Change Log: Bugfixes: * fixed bug with Alphas on Vertical scrolling

Serious Samurize 1.64.3 Beta

Samurize is a system monitoring utility with outstanding configuration power. The configuration program is totally separated from the client for minimal ...