Samsung Smart Switch 歷史版本列表 Page19

最新版本 Samsung Smart Switch 4.3.23081.1

Samsung Smart Switch 歷史版本列表

Samsung Smart Switch 是一個易於使用的工具,用於將內容從其他智能手機傳輸到三星移動設備。 Samsung Smart Switch 無縫地將聯繫人,照片,音樂,視頻,消息,筆記,日曆和更多轉移到幾乎任何三星 Galaxy 設備。享受!Samsung Smart Switch 功能:Seamless,省時內容傳輸 其他內容傳輸工具是耗時的。智能交換機提供了一個簡單的,自己動手的... Samsung Smart Switch 軟體介紹

Windows Terminal 2020 1.1.2021.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Scrolling inside a mouse-enabled application should now be 98% less wild when you use a precision touchpad
- Terminal should no longer crash when you read its contents with Narrator's "scan mode"
- You may now double-click a tab to rename it
- The buttons in the tab color picker now have tooltips
- A hard reset will now fully reset the terminal instead of failing out halfway through
- The shapes and colors of the new tab button have been updated to better match the rest of the OS
- Terminal now ships with high contrast icons
- We've improved the performance of rendering by reducing unnecessary copies (thanks C++!)
- The Solarized color schemes have been updated to fix "bright black" and "normal black" having been swapped
- PowerShell's PSReadline prefers bright black to render command parameters, which rendered (!) them totally unreadable on Solariz
- This version of Windows Terminal ships with Cascadia Code v2007.15

Streamlabs OBS 0.23.0 查看版本資訊


MeshLab 2020.07 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- new plugin "Global Registration" based on OpenGR library
- option to reverse wheel direction
- snap package allows to associate file extensions and to open files on external disks
- u3d exporter is now more stable and works on every platform
- removed support for XML plugins and QtScript dependecy
- VisualSFM (and some other formats) output *.nvm, *.rd.out projects supported by meshlabserver
- various bugfixes

Windows Terminal 2020 1.0.1811.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug Fixes:
- The cursor will no longer obscure text, unless that text is the same color as the cursor
- Known issue: underlines are now drawn on top of the cursor. Follow #6499 for updates
- Win32-OpenSSH 7.7 is here to stay, so we decided to fix the issue that allowed it to break mouse input
- Our caption buttons now fade like everyone else's when you hover over them
- Text copied from the File Explorer's "Copy Address" option will now be pasteable
- Every time the window was resized, we'd lose track of another GDI handle. Now, we don't
- Maximized terminal windows will finally put their tab strips right at the top of the screen. Unrelatedly, Paul Fitts called to let us know about this one weird law
- The maximize/restore button now more accurately tracks the state of the window
- Right-clicking the negative space between the tabs and the caption buttons will now open the system menu
- Some of you thought it would be a good idea to close a tab while dragging it around. I couldn't figure out why you wanted to do that, but it will at least now not do something strange..
- You can now drag and drop snippets of text onto the Terminal and it'll do roughly what you'd expect
- The keen-eyed among you may have noticed that the 6x6x6 xterm color cube was totally horked. Thanks to @j4james, this egregious sin has been corrected
- Terminal will no longer rely on PATH lookup for cmd and powershell. They ship as part of Windows, so we should know exactly where they are

- We've added a couple fast paths to things that the profiler told us were taking more time than we expected

Tableau Desktop 2020.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- When an English workbook with Union Data is opened in Non-English Tableau Desktop versions 2020.1 and over, there are added Non-English translation of 'Sheet' and 'Table Name' fields added to the Union resulting in "Unknown Column Error"
- Sometimes when using Explain Data, the error, "unable to poll port number of Yaxcatd" would occur
- Selecting "Update Now" with a grouped Dimension when using Quickbooks Online resulted in the error: 6EA18A9E
- The RANK_DENSE function tooltip would sometimes show "Ausdruck" instead of the correct expression when the German language was previously set
- When publishing to a Tableau Server Site with more than 3,000 projects, not all projects displayed
- Using a published Spatial file and an action filter from one dashboard to another dashboard, the resulting map displayed no data when the secondary dashboard used a different primary data source.
- Nested calculation execution time increased with some visualizations
- SAP BW extract refresh would sometimes fail due to a timeout limit
- Some of the regions of Ghana were not recognized
- Using Tableau Desktop command line tool to refresh extracts "tableau refreshextract" sometimes resulted with "Internal error"
- SAML SSO sometimes failed with the following error "ERROR 6: SSL handshake failed"

Samsung Smart Switch 4.2.20061.8 查看版本資訊


Surfer 18.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Automation: Can't call MapFrame overlays if a map layer is selected in the UI
- 3D View: surface shading is all black
- TIF import: use datum ellipsoid as projection ellipsoid, if no projection ellipsoid is found
- Surfer Error occurs when loading base layers in particular order
- Base map: can no longer group groups within a base layer
- Vector PDF: transparency and image contrast aren't exported correctly
- Base(vector): Info: Cannot enter attributes values for new objects
- Paste: doesn't go in center of page anymore
- Pasting contour map and Undoing doesn't undo the paste (it just removes the color from the contours)
- Entire map is pasted into Base layer
- GeoTIFF: importing at grid corners instead of grid cell centers
- KML Import: reading apostrophe ' as '
- Internal Error after pasting a map in base layer (transformer.cpp)
- Internal Error when gridding data (searchtableau.cpp)
- Internal Error after undoing map create (scenelist.cpp)
- Internal Error after updating properties (pmplotdocinterface.cpp)
- Internal Error with undo deleting (scenelist.cpp)
- Internal Error when creating 3D View when using Parallels for Mac (vlrenderer.cpp)
- Crash when drag object in Contents window from plot document into base layer
- Crash when gridding was cancelled
- Crash when create 3D View
- Crash when opening a corrupt v12 SRF file instead of issuing error

Streamlabs OBS 0.22.3 查看版本資訊


Windows Repair 4.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Major update, added the registry files and service startup commands to support Windows 10 build 2004
- Updated default registry and file permissions for Windows 10 as of June 8th 2020

Streamlabs OBS 0.22.2 查看版本資訊
