Razer Synapse 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 Razer Synapse 3.8.731.72514

Razer Synapse 歷史版本列表

Razer Synapse 是統一的配置軟件,允許您重新綁定控製或將宏分配給任何 Razer 外圍設備,並將所有設置自動保存到雲中。當你到達局域網聚會或遊戲時,不需要更繁瑣的設備配置,因為你可以把它們從雲中拉出來,並立即擁有。硬件配置器 硬件配置器是一個統一的配置軟件,允許你重新綁定控製或者將宏指定給任何的 razer 外圍設備,並將所有設置自動保存到雲中.Stats& heatmaps... Razer Synapse 軟體介紹

Razer Synapse 3.6.1130.111217 查看版本資訊


Razer Synapse 3.6.1030.102715 查看版本資訊



Razer Synapse 3.6.1018.101823 查看版本資訊


Razer Synapse 3.6.0920.091710 查看版本資訊


Razer Synapse 3.6.0731.072613 查看版本資訊


VSCode 1.59.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

VSCode 1.59.0
- Extensions view improvements - Rich extension detail hovers, new runtime status tab
- Settings editor validation - Quickly find editing errors for object-based settings
- Drag and drop terminals - Move terminals across windows to both editor and panel areas
- Extended theme customization - Customize multiple color themes at once
- Built-in support for Jupyter notebooks - Open .ipynb files directly in VS Code
- Notebook UI improvements - Display first line of collapsed cells, Undo/Redo per cell
- Testing API finalized - Native support for running tests in VS Code with built-in Test Explorer
- Debug Disassembly view preview - Display disassembled C++ code in VS Code
- Live Preview extension - Live HTML preview within VS Code with JavaScript debugging support
- Remote - Containers devcontainer CLI - Command line interface for working with development containers

VSCode 1.58.2
- June 2021 Endgame Recovery 2
- Only acquire workspace storage locks on the remote extension host
- Remote extension will not work if it depends on a local UI one
- Terminal is tiny when extensions create and show them
- When multiple ghost text parts have line breaks, the first line of the ghost text gets deleted
- Using command line to open vscode causes code warning
- Trust and Continue dialog need two clicks on Continue to go away
- VS Code Terminal doesn't autofocus
- MacOS: Could not move terminal into editor area after first move

VSCode 1.58.1
The update addresses these security issues:
- Improves Git security with untrusted workspaces bug git important
- Don't use guessable nonces in webview
- Update distro hash

VSCode 1.58.0
- Terminals in the editor - Create or move terminals into the editor area
- Workspace Trust - Quickly customize Workspace Trust settings, disable Restricted Mode banner
- Editor scroll bar customization - Set bar visibility and width, click navigation behavior
- Markdown preview KaTeX support - Math support in the Markdown preview
- Settings editor improvements - Support for multiple checkboxes and enumeration dropdowns
- Sticky debug environment choice - Debugger remembers your previous environment choice
- Jupyter Interactive window - Run Jupyter code directly in an interactive window
- Jupyter notebook debugging - Debug Jupyter notebook code from within VS Code
- 'Open in VS Code' badge - Lets visitors quickly open your GitHub repo in VS Code
- Data Science tutorials - Learn about Jupyter Notebooks, PyTorch, and more
VSCode 1.57.1
- May 2021 Endgame Recovery
- Scrolling on mouse click
- macOS: restore Cmd+W closing the window when all tabs are closed
- 1.57.0 (macOS): window behaves different now (fullscreen & priority issues)
- "Open New External Terminal" doesn't work if no terminal settings are present
- Entire settings file got erased on new latest update. Just FYI

VSCode 1.57.0
- Workspace Trust - Extra security against code execution when browsing unfamiliar source code
- New Getting Started experience - Helps you quickly set up and learn about VS Code
- Remote Repositories - Browse and edit code without locally cloning repositories
- Terminal tabs - Tabs let you easily create, manage, and group multiple open terminals
- Edge browser debugging - Integrates the Microsoft Edge Developer Tools directly into VS Code
- JSDoc @link support - Add @link tags in your comments for fast symbol navigation
- Go to Definition for non-code files - Quickly jump to images and stylesheets
- Notebook API finalized - Notebook API for native notebook support in VS Code
- VS Code at Build 2021 blog post - Catch up with on-demand sessions featuring VS Code

VSCode 1.56.2
- C# syntax highlighting incorrect in 1.56
- Use shell/shellArgs over defaultProfile if specified
- HTML files now require an extension to run
- The default Monokai highlight color is displayed incorrectly
- No longer scaling toolbar icon
- On PC 'Delete' key not working on insiders for approx last week
- Version control icons became minuscule with latest update

VSCode 1.56.1
The update addresses these security issues:
- Do not invoke resolveWithInteraction over terminal settings
- Change grunt, gulp and jake task auto detection to be off by default

VSCode 1.56.0
- Improved hover feedback - Helps you quickly find clickable editor actions
- Terminal profile improvements - Create a custom default terminal profile
- Debugger inline values - Display variable values inline during debugging sessions
- Notebook KaTeX support - Math support in notebook Markdown cells
- Remote - Containers volumes view - Manage mounted volumes within Docker containers
- winget installation - VS Code is available via the Windows Package Manager
- New introductory videos - Videos for getting started with VS Code as well as working with C++
- Terminal tabs preview - Get a first look at managing open terminals with the new tabs view

VSCode 1.55.2
The update addresses these security issues:
- Limit set of allowed remote CLI commands bug important
- command: links should be only selectively enabled bug important
- Spawning php should use its complete disk path bug important
- Spawning npm should use its complete disk path bug important
- CSS should use variables when using editor.fontFamily bug important
- The http.proxy setting should use machine or application scope bug important

VSCode 1.55.1
- Proxy agent is hijacking requests and redirecting them to localhost
- Remote extensions are not installed automatically from devcontainer.json
- Bug Sur icons glitched on non-hidpi screens
- ECONNREFUSED debugging browsers in WSL2

VSCode 1.55.0
- Accessibility improvements - Multi-cursor support and increased line limit
- Updated icons for macOS Big Sur - Brand icons that match the visual style of Big Sur
- Improvements to breakpoints - Inline breakpoints menu, and more
- Editor status decorations - Editor tab status decorations are on by default
- Customize keyboard shortcuts editor - Resize columns in the keyboard shortcuts editor
- Improved remote ports management - Port forwarding autodetection, regex naming, and more
- Terminal profiles - Define profiles in terminal to conveniently launch non-default shells
- Notebook improvements - Multiple cell selection, and more customizable diff editor
- VS Code on Raspberry Pi - New topic explaining how to install VS Code on Raspberry Pi devices

VSCode 1.54.3
- February Recovery 3
- VS Code is unable to activate a debugger extension because of path casing discrepancies

VSCode 1.54.2
- Listener leak in Ports view
- Close terminal warning shows even if no terminal is open
- Command "View: Join all editor groups" not working after update
- Pick up TS 4.2.3
- Cannot find module 'worker_threads' using js debugger auto attach
- Completed tiles of "Getting Started" don't reopen
- List focus background needs proper migration
- Renaming a folder adds it to history
- FileSystemProvider extension: throwing a FileSystemError in readFile does not report to user
- Hide pty host unresponsive notification when it becomes responsive again
- Terminal pty host unresponsive after closing a VS Code window
- Prevent env var relaunch from extension owned terminals

VSCode 1.54.1
- The update addresses an issue with an extension dependency

VSCode 1.53.2
- TS Server fatal error: Cannot read property 'indexOf' of undefined
- <> in all files
- Minimap keeps disappearing
- Fresh install won't open any windows or allow me to open any windows
- First call to activeDebugConsole.appendLine() while debugging JavaScript doesn't appear in the debug console
- Cannot unset StatusBarItem background from errorBackground
- tasks.json npm script does not work with arguments since 1.53
- v1.53 creates debug.log automatically
- The default extension for untitled files is not .txt
- Emmet suggestions bug in SASS files
- VSCode emmet SASS snippets
- IME ON at Alt+` key, Focus ALT Menu

VSCode 1.53.1
Security issues:
- Bundle TypeScript 4.1.4
- Dragging files from explorer to terminal may execute a command
- Pick up new distro version and bump version

VSCode 1.53.0
- Wrap tabs - Wrap editor tabs in the workbench instead of having a scrollbar
- Configure tab decorations - Add editor tab status decorations
- Customize search mode - Use the Search view or open a new Search editor
- JavaScript debugging - Support for conditional exception breakpoints and Node.js worker_threads
- Notebook UX updates - Outline view for Notebook cells, and breadcrumbs for improved navigation
- Markdown preview image auto update - Preview automatically updates when images change
- Emmet improvements - Faster performance and supporting the latest features
- Extension guidelines - Documented best practices for extension authors
- Remote Development video series - Learn to create and configure container-based environments

VSCode 1.52.1
- November 2020 Recovery Endgame
- Check for all possible localhost string when checking if a tunnel already exists
- Can not set breakpoint in PHP files
- notebook status bar icon colors missing

Topaz Video Enhance AI 2.4.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major Features:
- Chronos v2 - Further training to fix model artifacts and to make the result more natural
- Proteus v2 - Further training to make the result more natural
Model Manager - Under the “File” menu, allows you to download / delete / move your AI models, as - well as view information about them
- New trial flow - when not logged into the application, a watermark will be applied to the output
Beta model support - application will now display when new beta models are ready to try. Go to File -> Manage AI Models -> Preferences, and tick “Enable beta models” to get early access to - our models in development
- Model updates can now be downloaded separately from application updates

- Application will now tell user that a model file is being downloaded, if one is being downloaded when trying to process
- Login flow has been improved, and now displays correct error information when login was not successful

ProPresenter 7.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adds support for editing multiple text ranges
- Improves the group name matching with Planning Center sequences

- a crash that can occur with when using the “replace line returns” option with some text links
- a bug that causes delete and backspace to not respond in the reflow editor
- a bug that causes selected effects to not show the translated effect name
- a bug that causes macros to not sync
- an issue with media bin items not showing the missing media indicator
- an issue with system clock text links showing format options that do not match the local system’s format preferences
- an issue that prevents elapsed timers from starting with negative values
- Fix a bug that prevents capitalization from being preserved during copy/paste
- a bug that causes search results to return as empty if numbers are part of the query
- an issue that prevents triggering of the next slide build when a go to next timer is active
- a bug that prevents message actions from transferring correct between Mac and Windows
- an issue with timer actions being lost when importing a presentation on Mac that was created on Windows
- an issue with stage actions showing "No Change" instead of the appropriate stage layout
- a bug that prevents importing of groups between Mac and Windows
- a bug that causes capitalization settings to not be saved in slide notes
- an issue with hot keys not showing in the reflow editor
- an issue with the action dialog not showing when adding prop action from action palette
- an issue that prevents image import for images being dragged from a web browser
- a hang that happens when an invalid url is used for a web fill
- an issue with the roundness value popup not showing for a rounded rectangle
- an issue with the incorrect slide being triggered when switching between playlist items
- a bug that prevents dropping a folder in media bin not allowed
- an issue where clicking unlock all elements in the editor does not unlock all of the elements
- an issue where template guidelines are visible after applying a template, even if the visibility disabled
- an issue where video/audio continues to play during a scrub
- an issue where the paragraph spacing is not changing by the expected amount

DrawPile 2.1.19 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed performance regression (noticeable especially when using the selection tool on large boards)
- Fixed crash when adding a new input preset
- On Windows, the "fusion" widget style is now always used for consistency. (Previously, fusion style was used only with the dark mode.)
- Added a canvas rotation widget to the status bar
- Fixed that invalid canvas resize commands could crash the application
- Unfinished indirect strokes now get exported properly
- Fixed graphical corruption in navigator at the start of a session