Quip for Desktop 歷史版本列表 Page24

最新版本 SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.02.15 build 9782

Quip for Desktop 歷史版本列表

Quip for Desktop 是現代生產力套件,簡化您的生活,並幫助您的團隊更快地完成工作。全球有 3 萬多家公司和數百萬人使用 Quip for Desktop 進行團隊協作。從 Instacart 和 Stripe 等科技公司到 CNN 和 Al Jazeera 等媒體公司,像 Lean In.6235896Quip for Windows 這樣的非營利組織,無論您的 WiFi 連接速度如... Quip for Desktop 軟體介紹

BYOND 513.1541 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

BYOND 513.1541
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Maptext wrapping was broken, causing the last line to appear incorrectly
- An atom that was animating a color matrix could sometimes have incorrect interpolation between colors when other parts of its appearance (like dir) changed after the call to animate()

BYOND 513.1539
Dream Maker:
- The ?. and ?: operators were compiled incorrectly when used in left-hand-side expressions, which resulted in weird errors at runtime
- Escaped line breaks in #define macro arguments were handled incorrectly
- #define macros that used strings with embedded expressions were parsed incorrectly when the substitution was made

Dream Seeker:
- Maptext underlines appeared in the wrong position when the map drawing area was bigger than the control itself, e.g. when the letterbox parameter was false

BYOND 513.1538
Dream Maker:
- A fix for the ?. operator caused problems when it was used in certain expressions

BYOND 513.1537
Dream Daemon:
- flist() failed in Windows on directories with trans-ASCII characters in their names
- When reading the length of client.verbs directly, a value of 0 was returned

Dream Maker:
- Including a raw string (any format starting with @) in a block of code skipped by a preprocessor directive would cause compilation to proceed incorrectly
- The compiler allowed vis_locs and vis_flags to be defined under /image; these vars are only relevant to turfs and movable atoms
- The ?. operator on the left-hand side of an assignment operator worked incorrectly in certain cases when adding/assigning some constant values such as negative numbers

Dream Seeker:
- Applying a color to an atom with maptext did not necessarily apply the color to the maptext also, if the color was opaque
- A second animate() call with the parallel animation flag could sometimes temporarily show out-of-sync results, such as the new animation appearing to be at its endpoint for a single frame before running the rest of the animation normally.
- Turfs in visual contents of objects did not properly mark when they were no longer in use (on the client) as a result of the obj or mob being deleted

BYOND 513.1536
Dream Seeker:
- VIS_UNDERLAY could sometimes propagate further than intended
- Another aspect of the link() fix was apparently incompatible with multiple websites

BYOND 513.1535
Dream Maker:
- Raw strings did not get parsed correctly when included in macro arguments

Dream Seeker:
- The fix for launching links in the default browser had a bug for certain links

BYOND 513.1534
Dream Daemon:
- json_decode() could crash for some inputs

Dream Seeker:
- Microsoft made a stupid, stupid change to command line parsing that impacted link() and caused incorrect results on many systems where the default browser was Chromium-based. The behavior of link() has been adjusted to account for this stupid, stupid change.
- The & character could cause problems in alert() boxes and some input() boxes due to the way Windows uses it as an escape in displayed text. For worlds compiled in 513 or newer, this will now be escaped properly

BYOND 513.1533
Dream Daemon:
- Images in the visual contents of their container could cause a recursion that crashed the server. (FKI)

Dream Seeker:
- Looping animations could sometimes get confused if the server re-sent them as a result of an update on the object they belonged to. (PopLava)

BYOND 513.1532
Dream Maker:
- A bug in an experimental compiler change managed to elude testing

BYOND 513.1530
Dream Seeker:
- Changes to maptext handling caused a regression where certain maptext could crash the client

BYOND 513.1529
Dream Daemon:
- view() and similar procs could include turfs and possibly their contents multiple times when the perspective object (e.g. a player mob) straddled multiple turfs

BYOND 513.1528
Dream Daemon:
- Failing to open a file sent by browse_rsc(), etc. printed a "File not found" error message that could be incorrect or misleading. Additionally, file errors occurring during savefile usage did not print correctly either

Dream Maker:
- Commands in the skin editor, such as for buttons, got doubly escaped and un-escaped which caused some of them to get mangled
- Multiline editing fields in the skin editor, such as output.style, did not have scrollbars, which made editing more difficult

Dream Seeker:
- The map.view-size parameter was poorly documented and the values it produced were too complex to be usable. The parameter has been updated to behave more consistently and is now documented better
- Input controls couldn't be created with text already in the control
- Maptext wrapping sometimes was incorrect with Unicode characters, and could mangle them in some cases
- Maptext considered a change of styles to be a potential break point for wrapping text, which was incorrect

Dream Seeker:
- New keyboard macros are now recognized for media-capable keyboards: VolumeMute, VolumeUp, VolumeDown, MediaPlayPause, MediaStop, MediaNext, MediaPrev

BYOND 513.1527
Dream Daemon:
- Several internal lists couldn't be located based on their ref() values
- Error messages from external DLL calls were cut off after the first character in Windows

Dream Maker:
- The error message regarding exceeding the maximum number of internal arrays, thought fixed in the previous version, had a different cause that still remained undetected. This has been fixed
- In a very old bug, the compiler handled the continue statement wrong when used with a labeled outer loop
- Addition of two constant strings at compile-time was broken

Dream Seeker:
- Improperly formatted DM-CSS could cause a hang in some cases. (Devourer Of Souls)

BYOND 513.1526
- BYONDexe
- Login form CSS was broken

Dream Daemon:
- There were multiple situations where Uncross() wasn't called during Move()
- Visual contents seen by clients could cause a memory leak on the server
- Regular expressions struggled with some UTF-8 cases
- Initial() for any of the bound vars on an object returned the same value as initial(bounds) instead of the correct var
- The client.bound vars were limited to a -32K to 32K range, which was inappropriate for large maps and icons

Dream Maker:
- In some complex projects, a weird error message could appear about exceeding the old 64K limit maximum number of internal arrays, even though that limit has been long gone and the projects in question were already over the limit.
- Adding constant numbers and strings at compile-time did not compile correctly, resulting in weird outcomes at runtime
- Using a small transparency checker size along with an extremely high zoom level, which for instance could happen in a 1x1 icon, could cause a crash due to way too many of the checkers being mistakenly drawn.
- Icons with huge numbers of states didn't display correctly in the icon editor, which failed to display later states entirely and also had problems with the scrollbar

Dream Seeker:
- The first stage of topological sorting in isometric mode didn't handle topdown icons such as HUDs properly
- Using too many ripple filters could cause a crash in some cases
- Right-click verb menus accidentally went back to being slow in some situations

Dream Daemon:
- Setting certain built-in lists like overlays, underlays, filters, verbs, etc. by assigning a list to them would clear them out and add an item at a time, which was often inefficient and resulted in appearance churn. This has been optimized internally to avoid churn, improving performance.

Dream Maker:
- Several true/false condition checks used in situations like for, while, etc. have been updated in the compiler to improve performance

BYOND 512.1488
Dream Maker:
- The ?. operator didn't handle some complex situations properly where it was the left-hand side of an expression and that expression was in turn the right-hand side of another. This is a compiler fix
- The find/replace dialog lost focus when searching across multiple files

Dream Seeker:
- Animated cursors did not work for the inactive pointer or various other default pointers
- Maptext was not being counted in the client-side calculation of visual bounds, resulting in some icons not being drawn when maptext dimensions were large even though the maptext extended into the visible area
- In some games, the output control still didn't have its scrollbar appear, nor stay scrolled to the bottom. This seems to be related to the style of the text, so it only occurs in specific games

BYOND 512.1485
Dream Seeker:
- The options string in browse() was not parsed like a URL-encoded parameter string (as in list2params), which prevented special characters from being escaped. Now it's parsed the same way, except that for legacy reasons a comma is still allowed as a delimiter between items in the list. (MrStonedOne)
- When a turf in visual contents also had another turf in visual contents, moving away from and then back to its Z level in a different place could cause the inner visual contents to shift over. (HindyMinte)

Dream Daemon:
- The way certain special internal objects (regex, database, icon math) are handled internally has been refactored to improve server stability

BYOND 512.1484
Dream Daemon:
- A further possible source of server instability was fixed

BYOND 512.1479
Dream Daemon:
- Turfs and movable objects did not properly calculate visual bounds on the server side for visual contents, if the turf/movable had no attached images or animation

Dream Seeker:
- Some kinds of filter animations were broken in a previous build, resulting in wrong values

BYOND 512.1478
Dream Daemon:
- Setting world.fps or client.fps at runtime could sometimes cause messages to be sent to newly connecting clients before the client was ready to handle them, causing it to disconnect. This especially happened if such changes were done often
- Procs that ended because their src was deleted generated errors in world/Error() and were caught in try/catch, which they shouldn't have been
- client.view wasn't respected when set at compile time. This has been changed for all projects compiled in 512 or later
- Old code altering client.lazy_eye automatically when the world size was small resulted in some unexpected/annoying behavior, so it has been disabled for projects compiled in 512 or higher. Also, lazy_eye and EDGE_PERSPECTIVE interacted catastrophically in certain situations, causing a constant jump back and forth on each frame

Dream Maker:
- The icon editor was still limited to loading only 512 states, even though the reason for that restriction (the old icon editor) no longer exists

Dream Seeker:
- Parallel animations on the same filter didn't work as expected, causing the later animations to basically cancel out the earlier ones even if they applied to different parameters
- The output control didn't always show a scrollbar, once the scrollbar was needed, until the place it was supposed to be was clicked or the user scrolled up. This has been fixed after exhaustive, painstaking testing

Dream Maker:
- The hotspot indicator in the icon editor now correctly contrasts with a transparent background in dark mode

BYOND 512.1477
Dream Seeker:
- Regression: Statpanels got messed up by the grid formatting fix (Laser50)

BYOND 512.1475
Dream Daemon:
- Reading initial() failed for some vars, resulting in major runtime errors

Dream Maker:
S- tep offsets, pixel offsets, and bounds were not always set properly in the map editor

BYOND 512.1474
- Regression: Non-zero map zooms were broken

BYOND 512.1472
Dream Daemon:
- Filter list access for animations, setting vars, etc. sometimes resulted in spurious "index out of bounds" errors. (Lummox JR)
- The server did not send sound information properly, which prevented sound.environment from accepting 0 to reset the environment. (VolAs)
- MouseEntered() is now called right after MouseDrop() in response to the fact that the object under the cursor has changed. This call is generated on the server instead of the client. (Ter13)
- Case insensitivity was not properly handled in some complex regular expressions. (Altoids0)

Dream Maker:
- Several issues regarding global color changes in an icon have been fixed. (NSBR)
- The backspace key didn't work correctly in the loop count edit box of the icon pixmap editor. (Nadrew)
- The map editor suffered reduced performance. (Ter13)

Dream Seeker:
- Visual contents of objs and mobs did not reset in some cases when they were removed from the map and later re-added, but not deleted in the interim. (Mport2004)

Dream Maker:
- In the pixmap editor's movie area, you can now insert or delete entire columns. Using a regular delete when a column is selected will ask if you'd rather shift the other columns over. The new insert-columns and delete-columns commands have keyboard shortcuts Shift+Ins and Shift+Del, respectively

BYOND 512.1471
Dream Daemon:
- In some cases, the server did not properly send map chunk information that was necessary to handle big icons
- Some proc calls using the call() proc were misinterpreted, causing named arguments not to work correctly when calling those procs with an arglist()

Dream Maker:
- The map editor has had some updates to improve its ability to handle certain conditions like the use of BACKGROUND_LAYER
- The compiler did not include some vars in turf underlays that impacted their appearance, when those underlays used modified types (vars set in the map editor). This very old bug, which can be traced back to BYOND 324 because it impacted pixel offsets too, has been corrected
- Setting parent_type in a way that created a circular reference caused the compiler to hang or crash

Dream Seeker:
- Color matrices and certain situations applying alpha values did not mix properly, resulting in incorrect color matrix calculations
- alert() couldn't use buttons starting with a period, which resulted in some broken behavior
- blend_mode was not applied properly in icons using flick()

Jottacloud 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Added support for custom messages

- Changed login to use the default browser instead of embedded browser
- Added support for macos Big Sur
- Fixed a bug causing backup errors to not always be displayed in the ui
- Fixed a crash on Mac OS X

- Fixed a bug sometimes causing incorrect excludes on windows

- Fixed an issue with bandwith limits during upload

- Fixed a bug causing a crash when scanning very active folders
- Fixed a bug causing a broken state when pausing the client at an inopportune moment
- Fixed a few translations
- Reduced the minimum size of the main ui to accomodate smaller screens
- Improved rate controll for uploads
- Increased bandwith-slider scale

- Fixed a bug where upload errors would not always display in the ui
- Fixed a bug where conflicted sync files with certain characteres in the filename would cause sync to stop

- Added "Share file..." to windows explorer context menu
- Fixed a crash when opening a file-detail-dialog on some search results

- Fixed a bug where the client could get stuck in an "unconnected" state after frequent network status changes
- Fixed a bug where a suspended backup folder could be scanned
- Fixed a crash that could occur when using upload rate limiting

- Removed Latest and Links from Restore tab
- Added Photos to Restore tab
- Changed default permissions for sync folder. Not retroactive.
- Improved a few translations
- Improved conflicted file naming
- Fixed a false positive conflict
- Fixed an issue where the client would not reconnect its websocket properly
- Fixed an issue where the tray's help submenu could become corrupted
- Fixed an issue where the checksum thread could get stuck in infinite retry loop
- Fixed a crash related to upload error retries
- Fixed a crash related to bad timing of scan thread start/stop messages

NetSetMan 5.0.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NetSetMan 5.0.4
- Profile activation didn't use recent modifications of IPs in UI
- Error 1219 with connected network paths without a drive letter
- Incompatibility with another software prevented profile activation
- IPv6 activation error prevents further activation of settings
- New SMTP configurations were not saved correctly
- High-DPI adjustments for dialogs and tabs
- (Pro): License registration issues in rare constellations
- Translation updates, fixes and adjustments
- Minor fixes and adjustments

NetSetMan 5.0.3
- Connecting net drives with user name and password failed
- Connecting to WiFi network by MAC address
- Saving a WiFi profile without encryption
- Settings in a profile without a selected NIC were not saved
- Incorrect tray icon animation after command line activation
- High-DPI issues with checkboxes
- (Pro): Firefox profile file might not have been found

- Command line activation now updates the active profile in an
- already running instance of the application
- Tray-Info now marks network adapters that are disconnected
- Minor fixes and adjustments

NetSetMan 5.0.2
- Fix: Deleting a profile while it's being renamed
- Fix: File dialog failed if file extensions were hidden in Explorer
- Fix: Configuration of first gateway metric was always reset to 0
- Fix: Profile activation on Windows logon screen
- Fix: WiFi connection error 5023 in certain constellations
- Fix: License text in preferences could be missing
- Fix (Pro): Double-click on license button opens dialog twice

- Language updates

NetSetMan 5.0.1
- Fix: Mobile NICs could missing in the network adapters list
- Fix: Displayed information partially incorrect for newly available update
- Fix: After using auto-update there was no automated program restart
- Fix (Pro): Autorun was added twice
- Fix (Pro): Multiple License registration issues

NetSetMan 5.0.0
- Profile Management in Profile Tree:
- Easier handling of profiles and groups in a tree structure
- Drag&drop, copy&paste, multi-select, nested group hierarchy
- Tooltips for profile settings, notes and AutoSwitch conditions
- Searching/filtering profiles and groups
- NC-Freeware can now also use groups and up to 8 profiles
- Settings file format is now XML instead of INI:
- No more limitation of exactly 6 profiles per group
- Profile groups can now be nested within each other
- "Atomic saving" prevents file corruptions even during system crash
- Carefully modernized UI retaining the familiar usability:
- Resizable window with additional profile overview at a certain width
- Vertical menu for quick access to the main parts of the application:
- Network profiles, WiFi Management, Network Tools and AutoSwitch
- AutoSwitch can now be configured directly in each profile
- Activation dialog displays all setting details that are applied
- Dialogs can contain formatted text, images and links
- IPv6 and WINS have been moved to the Advanced TCP/IP dialog (IP+)

NetSetMan WiFi Management:
- Recreated from scratch, removing all previous limitations and errors
- Additional info: MAC, channel, speed, protocols, etc.
- Optional descriptions and colors for important wireless networks

AutoSwitch Overview:
Modernized Tray-Info:
- Modern design with glass/acrylic background and user color scheme
- Can be displayed as an overlaying dialog with selectable text
- Customizable content and zoom level with live preview
- Content is automatically updated every 5 seconds
- Modern high resolution icon images:
- Almost 200 images recreated to support high-DPI screens
- New NetSetMan logo!
- Auto-Update for downloading and installing new versions
- Automatic Network Adapter Management
- List with available NICs is automatically updated at program start
- Structured list with hardware, virtual and generic NICs
- "Dynamic LAN/WiFi adapter" to auto-select a NIC at profile activation
- High-DPI compatibility with multi-monitor support
- Network bridges are now better supported
- Extended NetSetMan Administration with more options
- Multiple profiles can be activated with one command line call
- Command line activation now accepts profile names and even place holders
- Improved security with custom file dialog
- Lots of usability improvements, additional options and fixes
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 20H2

Important / breaking changes:
- Dropping support for XP (incompatible) and Vista (untested)
- Due to outdated APIs, these EOL Windows versions are no longer supported
- If you are on Windows Vista or older, please keep using NetSetMan 4.x
- Settings file format and name changed from settings.ini to netsetman.xml
- If you are accessing the file from a script, you will need to update it
- Command line activation requires a new type of profile ID (see help file)
- Due to the changed file structure, previous IDs have been replaced by GUIDs. Copy them from tree context menu or directly from XML file

Some outdated translations have been removed:
- Danish, Georgian, Hebrew, Indonesian, Malay, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese
- Temporarily: Greek, Portuguese (Brazil), Ukrainian
- If you would like to continue one of the languages and become an
- official volunteer translator, please contact us

NetSetMan 4.7.2
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 1909
- Fix: Buffer Overflow vulnerability in Workgroup feature
- Fix: DEP key in WiFi Management was missing the last character
- Fix: VPN profile recognition for some third party VPN clients
- Fix: Accessing private VPN profiles with a restricted user account
- Fix (Pro): Repeated license activation in some cases
- Fix (Pro): Command line uninstallation with enabled NSM Administration
- Fix (Pro): License deregistration issue in rare cases

NetSetMan 4.7.1
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 1803
- Fix: Exception errors with new TCP/UDP-Connections feature on some systems
- Fix: High-DPI adjustments for TCP/UDP-Connections toolbar and icons
- Minor bug fixes and improvements

NetSetMan 4.7.0
- NEW Tool: TCP/UDP Connections (IPv4 & IPv6)
- Windows Tools menu items can now be disabled in NSM Administration
- Tool "Adapters Details" now shows modified and original MAC addresses
- Fix: Version 4.6 had multiple issues with Windows XP
- Fix: Network Scanner remained enabled in Compact Mode even if
- NSM Tools were disabled in NSM Administration
- Fix: Reassigning NICs in AutoSwitch conditions for copied ini file
- Fix: Combining multiple error messages in NSM WiFi Management
- Fix: Global AutoSwitch options remained active with disabled AutoSwitch
- Fix: Error message in System Settings when changing the computer name

NetSetMan 4.6.1
- Activation log shows assigned IP addresses when DHCP was set
- Skipping activation of settings if they are currently already set
- (To force re-initializing IP settings, set Adapter Status: Restart)
- "Waiting for network" only if there are other settings following
- "No network adapter selected" only shown if relevant in that profile
- Several improvements for command line activation
- Fix: LAN/Adapter settings showed an error even if completed successfully
- Fix: Incorrect value for "Enabled" status in Tools: Adapters Details
- Fix: Activation order when connecting to a WiFi network and restarting NIC
- Fix: Error 7000000F for WiFi connection if NIC not ready after changing IP
- Fix: Format of some details in the activation log
- Fix: Reading current Gateway value didn't work in certain cases
- Fix: Show only one System Up-Time in TrayInfo if Boot Time = Work Time
- Fix: Rare problem with -aw/-ah command line parameters
- Fix (Pro): Firefox Proxy option "Same proxy for all protocols"
- Fix (Pro): Cancelling profile activation while waiting for FF

NetSetMan 4.6.0
- NEW: "Public DNS Servers" list for quick access from the DNS context menu
- Prefilled with the most common DNS servers, but fully customizable
- New method for the IPv6 feature for reading the current addresses
- Compatibility for Windows 10 version 1709 ("Fall Creators Update")
- Fix: WiFi debug file removed
- Fix: Skip delay if a program that is set to "Run once" is already running
- Fix: MAC address format in LAN/Adapter dialog
- Fix (Pro): Updating prepared NICs in settings file with NICLabel only
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

NetSetMan 4.5.1
- Network Scanner Additionally to the built-in MAC-OUI vendors list selection, you can now place the official oui.txt from ieee.org in the program folder to get the complete OUI data.
- New "Programs" option for preventing multiple instances of the same exe
- Built-in MAC-OUI vendor now also displayed in NIC and WiFi Management
- Improved Network Scanner results for low-energy target devices
- Ping network packets are now identical to Windows pings
- AutoSwitch info dialog UI improved
- Increased compatibility for Speed/Duplex, MTU, Flow Control, VLAN ID
- Fix Displaying incorrect context menu for IP input fields
- Fix Console-Tool with non-Latin characters
- Fix (Pro) Rare problem with command line license installation
- Fix (Pro) Problem with portable mode in certain constellations

NetSetMan 4.5.0
- NEW Tool: Network Scanner
- Scan networks by IP range (IPv4 & IPv6), subnet (CIDR), ARP & NDP cache
- Get details like name, MAC, domain/workgroup, OS, network shares, etc.
- Multithreading for scanning large numbers of IPs simultaneously
- Highly compatible and flexible by using new and old protocols
- Copy details, open targets, export results, send Wake-On-LAN
- Favorites list for customizing frequently used targets
- Detailed information of network printers (shared or directly connected)
- Real-time search filter for all results
- Fix: Some setup parameters have been ignored
- Fix: Minimizing application didn't save profile changes
- Fix: Pressing ENTER in IP fields resulted in an error message
- Fix: High-DPI problems (query dialogs, AutoSwitch menu items click area)
- Fix: Firefox Proxy is now also available for user-specific installations
- Fix: Autorun in Preferences dialog not showing its state correctly
- Fix: Multiple memory leaks
- Tool "Adapters Details" is now sorted by type and name
- Lots of minor fixes and adjustments

GPU Caps Viewer 1.50.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- support of NVIDIA GeForce GT 1010
- support of NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080 Laptop, RTX 3070 Laptop and RTX 3060 Laptop
- old Radeon R5 Stoney support

- detection of NVIDIA Quadro P620
- number of TMUs for a Radeon RX 580 (deviD: 67df, sub dev: E3661DA2)

- TDP for some Tiger Like H45 GPUs
- GPU Shark
- with latest GeeXLab SDK libs (GeeXLab 0.40.0)
- with NVAPI R460

Insync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Remove Stats section in Account Settings
- Fix app not generating Unsync activity item

DAX Studio 2.14.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed #509 - critical issue with the Excel Addin that causes it to fail to load

DAX Studio 2.14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added help text when the edit control is empty
- Added privacy settings
- Added options for improving the readability of the xmSQL in Server Timings
- Added "Multiple Queries Detected" dialog when pasting in queries from Power BI Performance Analyzer that came from a Composite model
- Help Ribbon updates
- Updating link in help ribbon to Analysis Services forum
- Query Builder moved out of preview status
- Benchmarking moved out of preview status
- Enabled Discussions on the github site
- Adding Query Builder documentation to daxstudio.org
- Updating AdomdClient and TOM references to v19.14
- Added retry logic when fetching Database and Model lists
- #450 Last Updated is now shown in local time instead of UTC
- Added keyboard short cuts in metadata pane to work with Query Builder
- #492 added description to function tooltip

- crash when doing Replace All with an invalid RegEx expression
- crash when clicking Refresh Metadata after connection has dropped
- #469 Server Timings busy spinner was activating incorrectly when doing Clear Cache
- #467 Database Name was being incorrectly injected into all new connections when DAX Studio was opened from External Tools in Power BI Desktop
- #466 PBI XMLA connections not being parsed correctly
- #457 crashing on startup after setting view hidden objects = false in options
- #356 Clear Cache throwing errors against PBI XMLA endpoint
- #449 Connection lost during Benchmarking
- a trace timeout issue when connecting to PBI XMLA endpoint (sometimes it is still necessary to increase the default timeout to 90 seconds or more)
- Builder
- a bug when filtering dates that reported an error parsing an empty string
- the ability to drag KPI components into the Query Builder
- a crash when trying to alter the expression for a dynamic format string for a calculation group item
- hang when pasting in code with extremely long lines (tens of thousands of characters)
- #451 up/down keys not work consistently
- #446 Aggregate rewrite events causing an error
- #444 to use correct culture in csv export
- #445 defaulting the selected model to the base model not the first perspective
- an issue with the trace layout options not displaying
- a bug with swap delimiters feature and block comments
- a number of small fixes that should address some issues that came in via crash reports, but these reports were all submitted anonymously so for many of them it is impossible to verify that the fix has worked as we have no steps to reproduce the issue and the fix is based on assumptions of the cause of the issue.
- drag/drop of text not working within editor
- #475 proxy auth error when entering AAD credentials
- #485 Swap delimiters incorrectly affecting functions with periods in the name
- #486 Define Measure not using Separator specified in Options
- #497 Define Measures not working when connected to a model with active translations
- #499 Added table name when querying for column references
- #501 avoiding bug with EXCEPT function in Query Builder

RazorSQL 9.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Query Builder: Added the ability to select the same column multiple times in the query
- RazorSQL Command Line Process: Added the ability to execute multiple commands per call using the -commandFile "command file path" option. The command file should contain one RazorSQL command line process command per line
- SQL Editor Tab right-click menu: Added a New Tab -> Share Connection menu item
- H2 Database Object Search: Added the ability to search for triggers
- HSQLDB Database Object Search: Added the ability to search for triggers
- H2 Database Browser: Added support for triggers
- HSQDLB Database Browser: Added support for triggers

- BigQuery Database Browser: If project id entered in the connection does not come back from the driver meta data call, include it in the browser list anyway
- Updated H2 driver to version 1.4.199
- H2, HSQLDB, Derby, and SQLite Embedded: When closing a connection, some resources from the connection may not have been eligible for garbage collection

- SQL Editor: Single quotes inside of multi-line comments were not getting ignored when determining statement delimiter positioning

Quip for Desktop 7.27.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Quip for Desktop 7.27.2
- Format Painter: Easily copy formatting between cells in spreadsheets with the new Format Painter button in your toolbar. Available on the web now and coming shortly to the desktop apps.
- Read and Respond to Comments Using a Screenreader: Screenreader users can now read and respond to comment threads when reading a Quip document in View-Only Mode (cmd+opt+z on Mac or ctrl+alt+z in Windows). Too many comments interrupting your reading experience? Turn them off just for yourself by going to View → Show Comments for each document. As a reminder, keyboard users can still access comments on any section in a document outside of View-Only Mode by using the keyboard shortcuts cmd+shift+c or ctrl+shift+c.
- Define Sections of a Template with Document Ranges: Add headings to your templates to create document ranges and see how your templates are structured. Now you can easily use your template’s sections to create business processes and automation based on your range names with the Automation API. Updated endpoints include Edit Document and Live Paste.
- Offline Access Changes: We’ve changed which documents are available offline in the mobile and desktop apps. Now, all documents in your Favorites, documents you’ve opened in the last week, and documents mentioned in your notifications in the last week will automatically be available offline.
- Window App Performance: We improved the performance of the Windows app
- iOS app now requires iOS 12 or later
- Mac app now requires macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) or later

Quip for Desktop 7.26.2
- Share a Folder Using Its URL: At last, it’s now possible to share folders by sending around a shareable URL, rather than requiring members to be added one-by-one. Just go to the folder you want to share, click the share button, hit the “Shareable Link” switch, and send the URL to whoever you’d like to add.

Quip for Desktop 7.25
- Salesforce Data Mentions: Bring Salesforce data even more seamlessly into Quip with Data Mentions. Just @mention any standard or custom Salesforce field in-line in a Quip document and spreadsheet, and you’ll get a dynamic field that always stays up-to-date. Users are able to edit Salesforce fields and save back to Salesforce. For Web, Desktop
- Removing the Inline Toolbar for Live Apps: We did some clean up and got rid of the inline formatting toolbar – a relic from Quip’s past – that still remained for Live Apps. You can continue to apply formatting to content in Live Apps via the standard toolbar at the top. For Web and Desktop
- Export Live App API: We did some cleanup and got rid of the inline formatting toolbar – a relic from Quip’s past – that still remained for Live Apps. You can continue to apply formatting to content in Live Apps via the standard toolbar at the top. For Web and Desktop
- Slides Retirement: We are retiring slides on January 31, 2021. After this date, users will no longer be able to create slide presentations in Quip and existing Quip Slides will be view only. If you want to continue editing content in a slide, we encourage you to move it to a document. For Web and Desktop

Quip for Desktop 7.24.2
- Log Activity Enhancements: Log activity for all custom and standard Salesforce objects from a Quip document. Add calls, tasks, and events to supported activity types in Quip.
- Salesforce Cloud Icon: We centralized all of Quip’s Salesforce actions into one place. Now you can go to the new Salesforce Cloud (next to the Share button) to add Salesforce data to your documents, log activity from Quip, and manage your Salesforce records.
- Manage Quip Templates with the Template Library: Create templates from Quip documents and easily access them from Quip’s new Template Library. Users can now create and share templates in private galleries, like the Created by Me and Shared with Me galleries, or get started with sample templates.
- Create a Relationship Map in Quip with Live Salesforce Data: Build relationship maps in your Account Plans with imported Salesforce record data from both standard and custom objects. Refresh your map and sync field edits back to Salesforce. To add data to your maps that exist outside of Salesforce, create custom Quip cards.
- Copy Document Links from the Desktop App: Let’s say you’re looking at a document in the desktop app, and you want to copy it’s link. But how can you do it when there’s no URL bar? Easy: Go to the Document menu and select “Copy Link.”
- Redirect Quip Document Links to the Quip App: Tired of links to Quip documents opening in your dusty old web browser instead of your shiny Quip app? Go to your account menu (that’s your avatar, down in the lower left corner), select “Quip Desktop App...” and check off the “Open links in the app” checkbox.

Quip for Desktop 7.24
- Create a Relationship Map in Quip with Live Salesforce Data: Build relationship maps in your Account Plans with imported Salesforce record data from both standard and custom objects. Refresh your map and sync field edits back to Salesforce. To add data to your maps that exist outside of Salesforce, create custom Quip cards.

Quip for Desktop 7.23.1
- Sorting in Filter Views: Go on and sort your data from A→Z (or Z→A, no judgements), even when it’s in a filter view
- Command Center: We have made one keyboard shortcut to rule them all. Press cmd+shift+J (ctrl+shift+J in Windows) anywhere in Quip to invoke just about any command in Quip—from formatting highlighted bits of text to creating a whole new document.

Quip for Desktop 7.22.2
- Hide the document outline: You can now toggle the document outline on and off through a setting in the View menu. Whichever setting you choose will apply only to you and will be remembered for the document.
- Set a custom date and time format: Spreadsheet cells can now have custom date/time formatting. You’ll find the option in the Spreadsheets toolbar under the More Formats button (that’s the one that says “123”). A list of common formats (including the ISO 8601 standard!) are available to quickly apply—or you can pick and choose the format that works best for you and your team.

Quip for Desktop 7.19.2
- More special paste options in spreadsheets: Now when you paste cells in spreadsheets, you can choose to paste over only the format, formulas, or data validation rules. Use the special paste menu that appears after pasting to access these options.

Quip for Desktop 7.19.0
- Transfer private folder contents in admin console: Now, when a user leaves your company, you can transfer the contents of their private folder to a user of your choice, using the new “Transfer Content” option for deactivated members in your admin console.
- Grant Admin API access in admin console: There’s a new admin permission in town! Use admin roles to assign the “Manage Admin API” permission, which gives admins access to new section in the Site Settings page where you can manage Admin API access directly — no more writing in to support.

Quip for Desktop 7.18.0
- New, more streamlined navigation: Quip’s got a new button in its sidebar: Home. Home is one convenient place for your updates, folders, favorited docs, recently opened docs, and all the docs that have been shared with you. No matter how you prefer to browse Quip, Home has got you covered. We’ve also redesigned the iOS app to match this new navigation and bring all of desktop Quip’s doc-finding features to mobile.
- Preferred Salesforce Orgs: Users can mark a Salesforce org as their preferred org for Salesforce data in Quip. Live apps, log activity, and reports pull data from the preferred Salesforce org unless manually changed.

Quip for Desktop 7.17.0
- Mute your favorites: You know that little blue dot that shows up next to an item in your Favorites list when it’s been updated? If you prefer, you can hide that little dot. Just right-click on the item and choose “Mute Updates.” (Alternatively, open it up, go to Documents > Advanced > Notification Settings... and choose “Mute in Updates and Favorites. And on mobile? Open the document, tap on the gear at the top of the screen, and choose “Mute in Inbox and Favorites.”) For Web, Desktop, and Mobile

Quip for Desktop 7.16.0
- Locked Sections: In addition to locking edits to the entire document, you’re now able to lock edits to individual parts of a document. Handy for keeping information intact, minimizing accidental edits, and streamlining business processes. To lock a section, click on it and then choose “Lock Edits” from the floating context menu over to the right. (Alternatively, you can also go to the Format menu and click “Lock Edits” there.) And just FYI: only non-list, text styles can be locked at this time.
- Equations: Insert equations by typing @math right into your Quip documents. Equations can toggled to be viewed either inline or full-width (AKA “Display Mode”). Equations are rendered using the LaTeX library which supports many LaTeX functions.
- Temporary Filter Views for View or Comment-Only Users: Users without edit access to spreadsheet data are able to now create their own temporary filter views to quickly sort, filter, and view the data as they wish without impacting the view for other users. Multiple temporary filter views can be created and are available to only the creating user for the duration of their session.
- Better right-click menus: We noticed some inconsistencies between the dropdown menus and right-click menus for various types of text sections. Those inconsistencies have been addressed, and your menu options are more thorough at every turn.

Quip for Desktop 7.14.0
- Salesforce Settings unified in admin console: All the Salesforce-related settings have moved to a new Salesforce page in the admin console, under Settings. That includes the Salesforce Org Member Policy and Connected Salesforce Orgs. There’s also a new Salesforce permission in admin roles, so it’s easy to make an admin role profile giving access only to Salesforce-related settings.
- Mark-all-as-read button for chats and favorites: A few weeks ago we made it so that you could mark chats and favorites as read by clicking on their little blue badges. Well, friend, now you can mark all your chats and favorites as read by clicking on the checkbox at the top of those drawers.

Quip for Desktop 7.13.2
- Select a language in code blocks for better syntax highlighting: You can now specify the programming language for code blocks, so whether you use TypeScript, Swift or Go you'll have language-aware highlighting. For Web and Desktop

- Add a border to images: Select an image in a document and choose “Show Border” in the inline menu to toggle a border around your images. For Desktop and Web

- Hide comments: Sometimes you want to screen share a document and focus on the core content, without seeing the comment bubbles. Now, you can hide the comments in a document by toggling off View → Show Comments. This will only hide them for you—not others—and if a new comment is added, all comments will reappear. Comments will also remain visible in the conversation pane, as always. For Desktop and Web

- Hyperlink text by pasting a URL onto it: Instantly add a link to text in a Quip document by selecting the text and pasting a URL onto it. For Desktop and Web

Quip for Desktop 7.13.1
- Select a language in code blocks for better syntax highlighting: You can now specify the programming language for code blocks, so whether you use TypeScript, Swift or Go you'll have language-aware highlighting.
- Add a border to images: Select an image in a document and choose “Show Border” in the inline menu to toggle a border around your images
- Hide comments: Sometimes you want to screen share a document and focus on the core content, without seeing the comment bubbles. Now, you can hide the comments in a document by toggling off View → Show Comments. This will only hide them for you—not others—and if a new comment is added, all comments will reappear. Comments will also remain visible in the conversation pane, as always.
- Hyperlink text by pasting a URL onto it: Instantly add a link to text in a Quip document by selecting the text and pasting a URL onto it

Quip for Desktop 7.12.2
Set and display your current status:
- In a meeting? Having lunch? Let your colleagues know by setting a status on your account. In the desktop app or on the web, open your account menu (that’s your avatar, down in the lower-left corner), and choose “Profile and Status....” On the iOS app, tap the Quip icon at the top of your Updates feed, then choose “Status.” Type whatever you like, add an emoji for extra flavor, and set a time for the status to expire, if you like. You can see other people’s status (and they can see yours) whenever you’re direct messaging with them, or whenever you hover their name in a document, spreadsheet, activity pane, etc.

Quip for Desktop 7.11.0
- Use Live Paste to keep content in sync across multiple documents: Just copy the content you’re interested in, paste it into a different document, then choose Live Paste from the menu that appears below your pasted content. Whenever that content gets updated at the source, it’ll automatically be updated wherever you Live Pasted it. (Note that you can also choose manual updates, if you prefer.) It works for text, lists, tables, images, videos — or any mix of those things — and it’s a simple but powerful way to establish a single source of truth for the content that matters to your team. For Web, Desktop, and Mobile.
- Organize your folders with bulk move and delete: When browsing a folder in list view, you can now move or delete multiple items all at the same time. Hold down option (on a Mac) or alt (on Windows) and click the items you want to select, then head up to the Item menu (or just right-click) to choose what you want to do to them. Keyboard users: You can multi-select by holding command (on a Mac) or control (on Windows) while arrowing up and down, then hitting the space bar. For Web.

Quip for Desktop 7.10.2
- Change log not available for this version

Quip for Desktop 7.9.2
- Organize your favorites into collections Keep your favorites tidy by bundling them into collections. If your list of favorites is taller than your sidebar, you’ll appreciate this one. (Also, for consistency, your favorites will always be contained to their drawer regardless of whether the sidebar is collapsed or expanded). Learn more. For Web, Mac, and Windows.
- Selecting multiple cells in spreadsheets: By holding down Cmd (on Mac) or Ctrl (on a PC) while clicking in a spreadsheet, you can select multiple cells to take action on. You can even drag after clicking to select multiple ranges. For Web and Desktop.
- Quip for Customer 360 Features in VPC: Q4C360 features, such as live reports and live apps, are now fully supported in PCs. For Web, Mac, and Windows.
- Sign into your quip.com account with Salesforce Sandbox SSO: Now you can easily sign into your quip.com or subdomain.quip.com account with your Salesforce Sandbox login credentials. Simply select “Sign in with Salesforce Sandbox” on the sign in page. For Web.
- IFTTT Integration: Due to low usage, we have decided to turn off our IFTTT integration feature in chat

Quip for Desktop 7.8.2
- Data Reference Paste Menu: Now you can easily create a new data reference by simply copy and pasting a range of cells into another spreadsheet. When you perform the paste action, you will see a purple clipboard icon appear. Simply click on it and select the “Data Reference” option.

Bug Fixes:
- Embedded spreadsheet rendering performance improvements: We improved how quickly a spreadsheet embedded in a document will render. Previously, if you had a very large spreadsheet in a document it had trouble fully rendering, which would prevent you from interacting with the document. Now it should take a fraction of the time.
- Formula calculation performance improvements: Formulas are now calculated much more efficiently resulting in faster actions. You’ll see improvements around formulas that reference another cell, conditional formatting rules, changing options in a data validation dropdown, sorting, and other related calculations.
- Read-only documents are now accessible to keyboard and screen reader users: Previously, it was difficult to navigate to an embedded spreadsheet and its cells when a document was read-only.

Quip for Desktop 7.7.1
- Subscripts and superscripts: Format text in documents with subscripts and superscripts. Find these options in the Format menu or use the ⌘/Ctrl + , or ⌘/Ctrl + . keyboard shortcuts.
- Group folder deletion: Admins can delete any group folder in the Group Folders section of the admin console.
- Self-serve Unredacted Audit Access: There’s a new Unredacted Audit Access to All Members & Content permission, which you can grant using Admin Roles. Admins with this permission can view every document and every user at your site, export content sitewide, and otherwise have full access across your organization via the admin console. (If you’ve previously enabled these permissions for some admins or your entire site, you’ll see a section describing your Legacy Unredacted Audit Access under the Admin Roles section in Site Settings.)

Quip for Desktop 7.6.1
- New Add/Edit Link UI: We refreshed the design for the Add/Edit Link flow to make it more user friendly. We also no longer require the user to input the http protocol for URLs. For Web and Desktop

Bug Fixes:
Notification Updates:
- Spreadsheet cell content is now included in email notifications. Previously, when you got an email notification for a comment in a cell, it only included the comment. Now, we include a preview of the cell so you know what is being commented on.
- Opening a spreadsheet comment notification from an email or the notification drawer should now take you to the correct cell. Previously, if the comment was on a cell outside the viewport, clicking on the notification would not take you to the correct cell.

Quip for Desktop 7.5.1
Improved chat creation flow:
- When composing a new chat message with others, you’ll see the previous conversation you’ve had with them, helping you have more context when crafting your message. Additionally, composing new chats feels faster on the web and desktop, thanks to the composer opening in a lightweight chat tab in the bottom-right.

Menu Reorganization:
- Sidebar items have been added, removed, and reorganized to help users access features, match user expectations, and maintain consistency across the app. You can also now compose new Quip documents from the menu.

Bug Fixes:
- Admin Console Updates: We changed the way we represent embedded elements like Live Apps and in-document spreadsheets on the Admin Console Insights page. Previously, we counted the number of times a member of your site added an embedded element to a Quip document. Now, we count the total number of embedded elements. You may notice the numbers of embedded elements are lower than they were previously, because we’re no longer counting elements that were deleted or removed from a document.

Quip for Desktop 7.4.2
- Quip Governance: We’ve created a new set of auditing and reporting features, designed to help companies meet industry and organizational data requirements. Quip Governance is available as a standalone add-on, and also included in the Quip Shield package. Contact your account executive or customer success manager for more information. This is a new SKU available for customers with Quip Enterprise and above.
-Data Retention: Create policies to manage how long your site retains content and programmatically delete stale content.
- Data Hold: Add individual users to data holds within Quip, ensuring their content will not be deleted.
- Reporting: Reporting on data retention and data hold policies
- New API Event Types We’ve added new event types to the Events API, including events related to link-sharing, governance features, and more. See here for additional details. For Quip Shield and Events API subscribers.
- Easily Update a Filter: When data in a filtered range changes that affects what is being filtered, you will now see a “Update Filter” button to quickly apply the filter to the new data. Previously, you had to turn off/on your filter in order for it to apply to your new data.
- Videos in Messages: Videos used appear in conversations as attachments. Now they render and play right in the message
- Indentable Paragraphs: Press tab to indent the paragraph to make your documents easier to navigate and read. Hitting Shift-Tab outdents it
- Reactions: Have some fun and express yourself with more than just a thumbs up. Now you can react to messages using the emoji of your choice

Bug Fixes:
- Spreadsheet Export improvements: We have improved our .xlsx file export functionality to support the following: hyperlinks, images, merged cells, column width, row height, text alignment, text color, and time format
- Resizable Images in Lists: Images can now be re-sized when they’re a part of lists. Use the drag handles just like you would for images in paragraph sections
- Renamed Admin Action Log: We’ve renamed the Admin Audit Log to the Admin Action Log

Quip for Desktop 7.4.1
Import Related Lists into a Quip document:
- Add record-specific related lists to a Quip document with the updated Salesforce List Live App. Embedded Quip documents dynamically pull the related lists of the records they’re embedded on to save your users time. Your users can easily stay on top of deals and cases with in-line editing, comments, and bi-directional syncing to Salesforce. Available for Quip for Customer 360 (formerly named Quip for Salesforce).

Get summarized Salesforce Reports in Quip:
- Hide your report’s detail rows in Quip to improve report performance and to focus on key details like groupings, totals, subtotals, and record counts. Use Summary view to get a high-level overview of your report, making it easier to collaborate without getting stuck in the weeds. Available for Quip for Customer 360 on Web and Desktop.

Keep your Quip templates up-to-date with Dynamic Live Apps:
- Add Salesforce Record and Salesforce List Live Apps to a Quip document embedded in a Salesforce record. Configure them to automatically update based on the record’s data. Available for Quip for Customer 360.

Dynamically Filter Live Salesforce Reports in Quip:
- Filter live Salesforce reports in Quip using your report’s custom filters. Create a standard template from a Quip document and add it to a Salesforce record using the Quip Document component. Reports added to an embedded Quip document dynamically filter based on the record’s data. Available for Quip for Customer 360 on Web and Desktop.

Use Salesforce Record and Salesforce List Live Apps without Reconnecting:
- After users connect their Salesforce orgs to Quip, they can add live Salesforce data to a Quip document without needing to reconnect. No more logging in to each live app separately. They can even connect multiple Salesforce orgs to one Quip site, making it easier to keep cross-cloud collaboration in context. Available for Quip for Customer 360.

Synced Sharing for Salesforce Sandbox Orgs:
- Admins can connect Salesforce Sandbox Orgs in the Quip Admin Console to try out synced sharing capabilities in a test environment. Available for Quip for Customer 360.

Restrict Importing and Exporting:
- Admins can now restrict importing and exporting documents from their Quip site. Import restrictions can be applied either to all platforms or just importing on mobile devices, and include importing from other services, as well as the local device. Export restrictions disable downloads and exports to any filetype.

Bigger Comments:
- We've increased the size of the comment popovers to improve the experience of reading and writing conversations via comments. Available on Web and Desktop.

Bug Fixes:
User List Export Improvements:
- We have improved the user list exporting functionality for large companies. Instead of directly downloading the .csv of users, we’ll send you an email with a link to the .csv to avoid timeouts and other errors. The experience is unchanged for smaller organizations.

Quip for Desktop 7.3.1
- Restrict file attachments: Admins can now set a site-wide policy restricting file uploads, attachments, and imports to specified MIME types. Attempts to attach or import a file with a MIME type outside the allowlist will fail.

Bug Fixes:
- Spreadsheet import improvements: We have improved our .xlsx file import functionality to support the following: hyperlinks, images, merged cells, currency number formatting, cell borders, and text color. Since images in Quip spreadsheets must be in-cell, when importing images from an .xlsx file, all images will be in a separate tab so we don’t disturb the formatting of the other cells.

Anchor Link Copy/Paste Improvement:
- Anchor links that refer to content within the same document and then get copy-pasted to a different document now refer to the pasted section in the new document, rather than the source document

Quip for Desktop 7.2.1
Quip for Salesforce Usage Metrics in the Quip Admin Console:
- Admins can now measure user adoption of Quip for Salesforce features in the Quip Admin Console. Use data to track engagement with Salesforce integrations in Quip and to make the most of your Quip for Customer 360 licenses.

Bug Fixes:
Anchor Link Copy/Paste Improvement:
- Anchor links that: 1) refer to content in the same document and then, 2) get copy-pasted to a different document, now refer to the pasted section in the new document rather than the source document.

Quip for Desktop 7.1.0
- Locked cells: Anyone with edit access can now lock a cell, range of cells, or an entire sheet from being modified on a spreadsheet. Confidently collaborate on spreadsheets without worrying about your complex formulas or formatting being accidentally modified by team members
- New Color Picker: We’ve updated and unified our color picker across all of Quip. You will now see a standard color picker throughout Quip, with many more colors for every color formatting feature
- Better printing for Spreadsheets: We’ve made improvements to our printing and export to PDF functionality for full-screen spreadsheets. You can now choose from different page layout and scaling options to fit your printing needs. You can even print all of your spreadsheet content without it getting cut off

Quip for Desktop 7.0.0
- Create additional Quip sites for secure partner collaboration (Partner Sites) or non-production testing (Testing Sites): Admins can now use the Managed Sites feature to enable and manage two key workflows right from the Quip Admin Console. 1) Spin up a Partner Site and provision Quip access for your vendors to collaborate with your employees, and retain ownership and control of all content. 2) If you’re looking for a blank space to test out templates or site configuration options, just create a new Testing Site and provision a few users for testing. And, to help clarify these new types of site relationships, we’ve added two new types of user badges in the app: blue badges represent Partner Site relationships, and green badges represent Testing Site relationships. Check out full details on the admin experience, sharing controls and user badges here. For Quip Enterprise and Quip for Salesforce.
- Filter the list of document/folder members by type: Now when you click the red External badge next to the title of your document or folder, the Share dialog opens and you can click “Manage” to see the full list of who has access. But rather than scrolling through the list to see who is an External member, who is a Partner Site member, and who is a Testing Site member, just use the new dropdown to filter the list by type, so you can easily know the audience of your document.
- Capitalize headers your way: Previously, the smallest headings (H3s) were styled with all uppercase letters. For new documents (created on web; coming soon for apps), you can capitalize them as you’d like. H3s in existing documents will stay capitalized but can be updated per document from Document > Advanced > Uncapitalize Small Headings.
- To bold or not to bold (checklist items): For new documents (created on web; coming soon for apps), checklist items with sub-items will no longer be automatically bolded. You can decide for yourself if you prefer to bold or not to bold.
- Working with images: Images make documents shine. We’ve created a more natural experience to make it easier than ever before to insert, drag, arrange, and resize images in your documents.
- Improved accessibility on Spreadsheets: We’ve made improvements for screenreader users on Spreadsheets. Our latest changes are listed below, but check out our full Accessibility Guide here.

Quip 5.5.49
- Customize your sidebar buttons: A couple weeks ago, we launched our new customizable sidebar on web. Today, you can also access this feature on your desktop app. As a reminder, here’s what we said about it last time.
Ahem: “We all use Quip a little differently, and some of your sidebar buttons probably get used a lot more than other ones do. That’s why we’ve made it possible to customize which ones are in there, and in what order they appear. Just right click on the sidebar (or choose ‘Customize Sidebar’ from the account menu) and uncheck anything you don’t want to see. To reorder, just drag.”
- Consistent chat experience: The chat icon has moved up in the sidebar and is now grouped with all the other icons. Also, your chats will now always be in a drawer. Combined with the customizable sidebar feature (see above), you can hide/reposition the chat icon as you wish.

install4j 8.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- The install4j GUI and compiler now run natively on ARM macOS (Apple M1)
- Code signing: Added support for AES256 encrypted PKCS12 key files
- JetBrains JDK provider: macos-aarch64 platform can now be used and notarized

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed notarization for Zulu Java 11 macos-aarch64 builds
- Older Java 11 and 8 releases were not shown for the AdoptOpenJDK JDK provider
- JetBrains JDK provider: Releases were not sorted correctly in the selection dialog
- Regression in 8.0.9: Under some circumstances, scripts and multi-line strings were not saved after closing the editor.
- Calling ApplicationInfo.getInstallerVariable() always returned variables for the first project it was used on