Psiphon 歷史版本列表 Page19

最新版本 Psiphon 3 Build 167

Psiphon 歷史版本列表

Psiphon 是 Windows 和移動平台的規避軟件,提供對互聯網內容的未經審查的訪問。旨在幫助受互聯網審查影響的互聯網用戶安全地繞過內容過濾系統的開放源代碼 Web 代理.Psiphon 提供了一個特定和簡單的目的:當信息控制和限制在任何特定國家內被強制實施時,授予用戶開放互聯網訪問權限。 Psiphon 服務努力成為無論何時何地發生反對審查的第一種手段. 互聯網控制的任何程度本質上都是非法... Psiphon 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

All platforms:
- NEW: VNC is available in French, German, and Spanish. The appropriate language for the desktop of each user is automatically selected. This can be changed (if required) using the Locale VNC parameter.
- VNC parameters that parse environment variables (such as LogDir) now resolve the syntax $$ to a literal $, for example to accommodate such a character in a folder name.
- FIXED: The VNC Viewer chat interface no longer prevents a user account password being entered at the Login window or lock screen.

- Chat and file transfer are no longer separate applications but rather merged into the vncserverui.exe program. To configure chat and file transfer using Group Policy, examine the VNC Server > mode > User Interface policy folder.
- FIXED: VNC applications can now be run from user accounts with a $ character in the account name.

- VNC Server in Service Mode (vncserver-x11-serviced) and the VNC Server in Virtual Mode daemon (vncserver-virtuald) can now be started using systemctl on Linux distributions that support systemd, such as the latest Fedora.
- VNC Server now supports PAM session modules, and session actions in,,, and are automatically referenced in /etc/pam.d/vncserver (or equivalent file).
- Chat is no longer a separate application but rather merged into the vncserverui program. To configure chat using policy, edit the vncserverui- policy template file.
- FIXED: VNC hosted on a network share no longer relies on the cacerts.pem file.

Mac OS X:
- NEW: VNC Server in Service Mode can lock the computer or start the screensaver when the last VNC Viewer user disconnects (not available under OS X 10.4).
- The VNC no longer reads from the /Library/Preferences/com.realvnc.vncchat.plist file. To configure chat using policy, edit the vncserverui- policy template file.
- FIXED: VNC Viewer no longer prevents media keys such as volume or brightness from affecting the client computer.




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What's new in this version:

- Snapshot tool fails to force unloaded map tiles to load
- Decks behave strangely after loading saved game
- Embellishment follows property to display first level when property is null instead of erroring
- Movement trail trait erroneously draws dots on unmoved pieces
- Cannot return to having no image in BasicPiece trait
- TabWidget updates its name using stale values
- Property filter built incorrectly in MassKeyCommand
- Send Back Command disabled after undo
- Dynamic Property Set/Increment expressions cannot access Properties defined above them
- Map-level global properties of the same name messed up online
- Windows installer does not recognize 64-bit JVMs
- Corrupt module should not cause unchecked exception
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in CropOpBitmapImpl.eval()
- RotateScaleOpBitmapImpl created with scale == 0
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException in Map.popMouseListener()
- Negative scale factor passed to RotateScaleOpBitmapImpl
- NumberFormatException in SVGImageUtils.getImageSize()
- Better adjustment for splitter between log and map panes