PowerDirector 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 Draw.io Desktop 22.0.1

PowerDirector 歷史版本列表

PowerDirector 提供了高端性能和高級編輯功能的獨特組合。使用起來非常簡單,可以讓所有技能水平的創作者訪問視頻,並且可以自由選擇多種可定制的設計工具,包括獨特的 alpha 轉換,動畫標題,粒子和 PiP 對象,為探索創造力提供了自由,視頻創作。 PowerDirector 視頻編輯軟件為高質量的視頻製作提供了易於使用和強大的工具。下載 PowerDirector 適用於 Windows... PowerDirector 軟體介紹

CareUEyes 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The installation package automatically detects the system language and switches to the supported language
- Add software mouse cursor feature
- Add the preview feature of rest notification
- Increase the feature of long break and short break (Pomodoro Technique Mode)
- Add the feature of resting by the seconds unit
- Optimization of animation of rest notification window
- Add simplified rest notification feature
- Solve the issue that the color temperature may invalid after the display is turned off and then turned on

DbSchema 8.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

CSV Editor for Large Files:
- DbSchema include now a CSV Editor for large files. The editor can open files up to 500 million of records, depending on the record size

Analytic Applications:
- The DbSchema Reports was renamed to Analytic Applications. The designer was improved.
- Now it is more easy to create charts.

New Look:
- We improved our default theme

Other improvements:
- Feature: Snowflake connection using private key
- Feature: Implement functions, procedures and trigger comments into the database
- Feature: Right-click copy to clipboard message dialogs
- Feature: Oracle use GENERATED AS IDENTITY
- Feature: Groovy scripts rename com.wisecoders.dbs.diagram.model.Location to com.wisecoders.dbs.diagram.model.Point
- Bug: MongoDb rename collections and objects
- Bug: MongoDb use ‘int’ instead of ‘integer’ data type
- Bug: Query Builder exclude table won’t remove it from the generated SQL
- Bug: HTML5 documentation fix special character
- Bug: Fix unreadable red error message in result pane
- Bug: Improve connectivity layer, for better code and correctly closing the SQL dead statements
- Bug: Fixes in SQL Parser
- Bug: Snowflake support varchar() without length
- Bug: Vertica reverse engineer table and column comments

Playnite 9.14 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Crash when cancelling already cancelled progress dialog
- Possible deadlock when getting WebView cookies using SDK
- Publisher and Developer info not being saved properly in some cases

Playnite 9.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Application deadlock when starting add-on installation externally

Playnite 9.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Possible window freeze when browsing add-ons while network connection to add-on manifests is slow
- Metadata are downloaded twice first time application is started
- chd is not listed as supported file type for PCSX2
- Scanning RPCS3 games fails completely if any of games have damaged metadata files
- Crash if audio files in Fullscreen mode fail to load properly
- Rare crash when changing view settings in Desktop mode
- Crash when opening game menu in Fullscreen mode

Playnite 9.11 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Games and emulators using startup scripts don't start properly
- Changing Fullscreen settings which require application restart don't offer restart option
- Theme previews don't work in Blend editor
- Updated extension templates to use the latest SDK version
- Made slight adjustments to Nahimic service warning message

Playnite 9.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Reverted per monitor DPI support until issue with windows not being displayed properly is investigated

Playnite 9.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Various startup issues introduced in 9.7 update

Playnite 9.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Show compatibility warning about Nahimic service
- Filtering options when changing game fields
- Option to override emulator arguments for built-in profiles
- webp files are now selectable via file image selection dialogs
- SwanStation profile for RetroArch
- Built-in Xemu emulator profile

- {PlayniteDir} variable can't be used in emulator installation folder field
- Metadata download fails if there are game fields with no name in the library
- Option to disable emulation library update on startup doesn't work
- Updated web view component
- Manually imported .lnk files have wrong startup configuration
- Modified game date is not updated when new metadata are downloaded via bulk download
- Wake on LAN doesn't work if computer is shut down from Playnite
- Add-on installation/update failures are not reported properly
- Missing PCSX2 and DuckStation RetroArch profiles
- Auto-close client executing even if another game from the same library is running
- Input processing issues when a game is started from Fullscreen mode
- Playnite is not properly DPI aware on configurations with multiple displays using different DPI settings
- Various fixes related to metadata downloads
- Several crash fixes and small improvements

CareUEyes 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improve the experience of advanced colour API
- Timer adds mini progress bar feature