Plex Media Server 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Plex Media Server

Plex Media Server 歷史版本列表

Plex Media Server 連接您所有的本地和在線媒體 Plex 客戶端。集中的圖書館管理,在線內容的流式傳輸和轉碼功能的結合提供了靈活性和易用性。 Plex Media Server 在 Mac,PC 或兼容的 NAS 設備上運行,並向您的所有 Plex 客戶端(包括啟用 Plex 的移動設備和智能電視)提供媒體服務。Plex Media Server 功能:讓您的媒體更加美麗 Plex... Plex Media Server 軟體介紹

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What's new in this version:

- (Collections) Items added to a collection from the item context menu will now lock the collection field on the items
- (Music) Store track genres and add filtering options
- (Music) Support ID3v2.4 null-separated tags for genres and release type
- (View History) No longer create a view history entry for items marked as played
- (Web) Updated to 4.123.2

- (Agents) Changing a ‘Other Videos’ type library to the modern movie agent would fail
- (Agents) It is possible that agents are not initialised during startup on rare occasions
- (Agents) Remove the legacy OpenSubtitles agent which is no longer supported upstream
- (Collection) Server could become unresponsive when collection membership changes
- (DVR) Previously watched recordings could be deleted without being watched again
- (Debian) Installation could fail on some Debian 11 systems in some cases
- (Debian) Installation would fail on Linux systems running older Debian versions.
- (Installer) Windows 64 installer did not remove old plugin folders
- (Installer) Windows 64 installer did not set correct permissions for Plex Update Service
- (Libraries) When performing fix match on items from certain music libraries the language would default to Arabic
- (Library) The Content Rating not equal to None filter does not work
- (Lyrics) Server could crash during processing of lyrics
- (Metadata) Music track numbering could have been wrong if ‘prefer local metadata’ was set
- (Netgear) Installation would fail on some Netgear systems.
- (Scanner) Some id3v2 tags found in music caused a memory leak
- (Search) Album search results could contain all the album’s tracks too
- (Subtitles) In some circumstances, sidecar subtitles can show up for media when they’re no longer available
- (Transcoder) HW encoding would fail on devices with no rate control
- (Transcoder) Software transcoding on Ubuntu could cause unexpected behavior

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What's new in this version:

- (Web) Updated to 4.116.1

- (Library) “Episode sorting” and “Album sorting” preferences had meaningless “Library default” global library setting
- (Library) The default season sort order in TV libraries may not work as intended
- (LiveTV) Transcoded video would fail to play in some circumstances
- (Metadata) Items could lose metadata if a refresh request failed due to a network failure
- (Player) Controlling a player didn’t work in some cases
- (Sharing) Sharing a single episode was not playable by sharee
- (Transcoder) HW transcoding failed on GeminiLake CPUs when running on linux
- (Transcoder) Videos HW encoded on the shield would display a black screen on some devices
- (Updater) Windows Updater would hang when run with PMSService

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What's new in this version:

- (Agents) Some attributes were missing from legacy agent api responses
- (Analysis) MP4 Atom Parsing could fill logs
- (Automatic Scanning) Symbolic links with missing targets could cause changes to later entries in a directory not to be detected
- (DVR) Could not record a show if a show with the same name (such as a remake) and episode number already existed in the target library
- (DVR) Devices could fail to be recognized when IP addresses change
- (DVR) Multi-lineup DVRs could be created as single-lineups
- (DVR) Tuning in channels could fail for channel names containing special characters
- (Debian) Remove GPG lower version limit
- (Filters) Filtering on dates before/after 1970-01-01 would result in an error
- (Library) Some of the hubs on preplay screens may not load
- (Mac) Transcoder crashes would cause PMS to exit
- (Music) Scanning music could be pathologically slow in some cases
- (Music) Searches for lyrics could be run unnecessarily
- (Playlist) Adding a Clip to a playlist would unexpectedly convert it to a photo playlist
- (Thumbnails) Certain JPEG images caused PMS to exhibit unexpected behavior when generating thumbnails
- (Transcoder) An incorrect fallback font could be used when burning subtitles in some cases
- (Transcoder) Certain newer AMD GPU models couldn’t be used for hardware transcoding on Linux
- (Transcoder) Unexpected behavior when subtitles ended before the end of video
- FreeBSD builds would crash on start-up
- (Transcoding) Some HW encoded video would not play on Android
- (Transcoding) Hardware transcoding failed on linux machines

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What's new in this version:

- (TerraMaster) Improve multi-volume support when adding folders to libraries
- (Transcoder) Enable hardware transcoding by default where available

- (Hubs) User could order a hub before Continue Watching hub
- (Library) In some cases, media item presence and accessibility could fail to be reported
- (Photos) Autotag data was not visible even if photos had pre-existing autotags
- (Photos) Places filter was not visible even if photos had pre-existing place data
- (Preferences) Adjust library section preference text for intro and credits detection
- (Scanner) Episodes with absolute numbering of 264 and 265 could get ignored
- (Security) Certain requests could trigger unwanted notifications
- (Transcoding) Some HW encoded video would not play on Android

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What's new in this version:

- (TerraMaster) Improve multi-volume support when adding folders to libraries
- (Transcoder) Enable hardware transcoding by default where available

- (Hubs) User could order a hub before Continue Watching hub
- (Library) In some cases, media item presence and accessibility could fail to be reported
- (Photos) Autotag data was not visible even if photos had pre-existing autotags
- (Photos) Places filter was not visible even if photos had pre-existing place data
- (Preferences) Adjust library section preference text for intro and credits detection
- (Scanner) Episodes with absolute numbering of 264 and 265 could get ignored
- (Security) Certain requests could trigger unwanted notifications
- (Transcoding) Some HW encoded video would not play on Android


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What's new in this version:

- (Agents) Some attributes were missing from legacy agent api responses
- (Analysis) MP4 Atom Parsing could fill logs
- (Automatic Scanning) Symbolic links with missing targets could cause changes to later entries in a directory not to be detected
- (DVR) Could not record a show if a show with the same name (such as a remake) and episode number already existed in the target library
- (DVR) Devices could fail to be recognized when IP addresses change
- (DVR) Multi-lineup DVRs could be created as single-lineups
- (DVR) Tuning in channels could fail for channel names containing special characters
- (Debian) Remove GPG lower version limit
- (Filters) Filtering on dates before/after 1970-01-01 would result in an error
- (Mac) Transcoder crashes would cause PMS to exit
- (Music) Scanning music could be pathologically slow in some cases
- (Music) Searches for lyrics could be run unnecessarily
- (Playlist) Adding a Clip to a playlist would unexpectedly convert it to a photo playlist
- (Thumbnails) Certain JPEG images caused PMS to exhibit unexpected behavior when generating thumbnails
- (Transcoder) An incorrect fallback font could be used when burning subtitles in some cases
- (Transcoder) Certain newer AMD GPU models couldn’t be used for hardware transcoding on Linux
- (Transcoder) Unexpected behavior when subtitles ended before the end of video
- FreeBSD builds would crash on start-up

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What's new in this version:

- (Music) Add “Deep Cuts” station
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding is now supported for SDR media on AMD GPUs on Linux
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding is now supported when running Plex Media Server on headless Windows systems
- (Transcoder) The GPU used for transcoding can now be selected in server preferences

- (EPG) Filters were constructed using timestamps in local server time instead of UTC
- (Filters) Date-based filters could be off by a day in some time zones
- (Library) New TV show theme songs would not get downloaded
- (Library) Poster previews in metadata edit screen could become blank if the selected poster failed to download
- (Music) In some cases, less popular tracks were picked in stations
- (Packaging) RPM packages are now signed using SHA-512 instead of SHA-1
- (Photos) The server could exit unexpectedly when reading TIFF or RAW image files
- (Scanner) Movies and TV shows would fail to match when invoked from the scanner CLI
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding could fail on Intel Apollo Lake GPUs
- (Windows) Fixed potential privileged execution in updater by an unprivileged user

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What's new in this version:

- (Music) Add “Deep Cuts” station
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding is now supported for SDR media on AMD GPUs on Linux
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding is now supported when running Plex Media Server on headless Windows systems
- (Transcoder) The GPU used for transcoding can now be selected in server preferences

- (EPG) Filters were constructed using timestamps in local server time instead of UTC
- (Filters) Date-based filters could be off by a day in some time zones
- - (Library) New TV show theme songs would not get downloaded
- (Library) Poster previews in metadata edit screen could become blank if the selected poster failed to download
- (Music) In some cases, less popular tracks were picked in stations.
- (Packaging) RPM packages are now signed using SHA-512 instead of SHA-1
- (Photos) The server could exit unexpectedly when reading TIFF or RAW image files
- (Scanner) Movies and TV shows would fail to match when invoked from the scanner CLI
- (Transcoder) Hardware transcoding could fail on Intel Apollo Lake GPUs