PlayOn Desktop 歷史版本列表 Page28

最新版本 PlayOn 4.5.116 Build 30341

PlayOn Desktop 歷史版本列表

PlayOn Desktop 是一個 PC 應用程序,將您的電腦變成流媒體錄像機和媒體服務器。從 Netflix,Hulu,亞馬遜,HBO 和其他 100 個流行的流媒體站點錄製,投射和流式傳輸您最喜愛的在線節目和電影。隨時隨地在任何設備上觀看,無需商業廣告,甚至離線觀看. 您只需點擊一下即可使用 PlayOn Cloud 移動應用程序(iPad 和 iPhone)錄製所有喜愛的節目和電影。記錄來... PlayOn Desktop 軟體介紹

Julia Language 1.3.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New language features:
- Support for Unicode 12.1.0
- Methods can now be added to an abstract type
- Support for unicode bold digits and double-struck digits 0 through 9 as valid identifiers
- Added the syntax var"#str#" for printing and parsing non-standard variable names

Multi-threading changes:
- New experimental [email protected] macro that runs a task on any available thread
- All system-level I/O operations (e.g. files and sockets) are now thread-safe. This does not include subtypes of IO that are entirely in-memory, such as IOBuffer, although it specifically does include BufferStream
- The global random number generator (GLOBAL_RNG) is now thread-safe (and thread-local)
- New Channel(f::Function, spawn=true) keyword argument to schedule the created Task on any available thread, matching the behavior of [email protected]
- Simplified the Channel constructor, which is now easier to read and more idiomatic julia. Use of the keyword arguments csize and ctype is now discouraged

New library functions:
- findfirst, findlast, findnext and findprev now accept a character as first argument to search for that character in a string passed as the second argument
- New findall(pattern, string) method where pattern is a string or regex
count(pattern, string) gives the number of things findall would match
istaskfailed is now documented and exported, like its siblings istaskdone and istaskstarted
RefArray and RefValue objects now accept index CartesianIndex() in getindex and setindex
Added sincosd(x) to simultaneously compute the sine and cosine of x, where x is in degrees
The function nonmissingtype, which removes Missing from type unions, is now exported

Standard library changes:
- Pkg won't clobber pre-compilation files as often when switching environments
- Pkg can now download and install binary artifacts through the Pkg.Artifacts submodule and supporting functions
- When wait (or @sync, or fetch) is called on a failing Task, the exception is propagated as a TaskFailedException wrapping the task. This makes it possible to see the location of the original failure inside the task (as well as the location of the wait call, as before)
- Regex can now be multiplied (*) and exponentiated (^), like strings
- Cmd interpolation (`$(x::Cmd) a b c` where) now propagates x's process flags (environment, flags, working directory, etc) if x is the first interpolant and errors otherwise
- Zero-dimensional arrays are now consistently preserved in the return values of mathematical functions that operate on the array(s) as a whole (and are not explicitly broadcasted across their elements). Previously, the functions +, -, *, /, conj, real and imag returned the unwrapped element when operating over zero-dimensional arrays
- IPAddr subtypes now behave like scalars when used in broadcasting
- Pair is now treated as a scalar for broadcasting
- clamp can now handle missing values
- empty now accepts a NamedTuple
- mod now accepts a unit range as the second argument to easily perform offset modular arithmetic to ensure the result is inside the range
- nothing can now be printed, and interpolated into strings etc. as the string "nothing". It is still not permitted to be interpolated into Cmds (i.e. echo `$(nothing)` will still error without running anything)
- When open is called with a function, command, and keyword argument (e.g. open(`ls`, read=true) do f ...) it now correctly throws a ProcessFailedException like other similar calls
- mktemp and mktempdir now try, by default, to remove temporary paths they create before the process exits
- Added argument keep to unescape_string

- dlopen() can now be invoked in do-block syntax, similar to open()

- The BLAS submodule no longer exports dot, which conflicts with that in LinearAlgebra
- diagm and spdiagm now accept optional m,n initial arguments to specify a size
- Hessenberg factorizations H now support efficient shifted solves (H+µI) b and determinants, and use a specialized tridiagonal factorization for Hermitian matrices. There is also a new UpperHessenberg matrix type
- Added keyword argument alg to svd and svd! that allows one to switch between different SVD algorithms
- Five-argument mul!(C, A, B, α, β) now implements inplace multiplication fused with addition C = A B α + C β

- SparseMatrixCSC(m,n,colptr,rowval,nzval) perform consistency checks for arguments: colptr must be properly populated and lengths of colptr, rowval, and nzval must be compatible with m, n, and eltype(colptr)
- sparse(I, J, V, m, n) verifies lengths of I, J, V are equal and compatible with eltype(I) and m, n

- DateTime and Time formatting/parsing now supports 12-hour clocks with AM/PM via I and p codes, similar to strftime
- Fixed repr such that it displays Time as it would be entered in Julia

- mean now accepts both a function argument and a dims keyword

- Sockets.recvfrom now returns both host and port as an InetAddr
- Added InetAddr constructor from AbstractString, representing IP address, and Integer, representing port number

- foldr and mapfoldr now work on any iterator that supports Iterators.reverse, not just arrays

Deprecated or removed:
- @spawn expr from the Distributed standard library should be replaced with @spawnat :any expr
- Threads.Mutex and Threads.RecursiveSpinLock have been removed; use ReentrantLock (preferred) or Threads.SpinLock instead

Tooling Improvements:
- The ClangSA.jl static analysis package has been imported, which makes use of the clang static analyzer to validate GC invariants in Julia's C code. The analysis may be run using make -C src analyzegc

ImageMagick 7.0.9-6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

ImageMagick 7.0.9-6 (64-bit)
- Increase the maximum number of bezier coordinates (reference
- Santize "'" from SHOW and WIN delegates under Linux, '"' for Windows (thanks to Enzo Puig)
- Correct for TGA orientation (reference
- The result for -compose Copy -extent on a MYK image is CMYK (reference
- Fix potential buffer overflow when reading a fax image (alert from Justin)
- Support dng:use-camera-wb option

ImageMagick 7.0.9-5 (64-bit)
- Ensure Ascii85 compression is thread safe
- Fixed numerous issues posted to GitHub

ImageMagick 7.0.9-4 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.9-3 (64-bit)
- Santize ';' from SHOW and WIN delegates
- Add exception parameter to CMS transform methods
- Output exception there is an attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy
- Fixed numerous issues posted to GitHub

ImageMagick 7.0.9-2 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.9-1 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.8-68 (64-bit)
- Support animated WebP encoding/decoding
- Text stroke cut off
- Adds support for lossless JPEG1 recompression

ImageMagick 7.0.8-67 (64-bit)
- Line endings renedered as empty boxes

ImageMagick 7.0.8-66 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.8-65 (64-bit)
- Eliminate fault when trace delegate is not available.
- Properly distinquish linear and non-linear gray colorspaces

ImageMagick 7.0.8-64 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.8-63 (64-bit)
- Properly identify the DNG and AI image format

ImageMagick 7.0.8-62 (64-bit)
- Added option to limit the maximum point size with -define caption:max-pointsize=pointsize
- Corrected JP2 numresolution calculation

ImageMagick 7.0.8-61 (64-bit)
- Fixed an issue with -background and -swirl

ImageMagick 7.0.8-60 (64-bit)
- Enable reading EXR image file from stdin

ImageMagick 7.0.8-59 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ImageMagick 7.0.8-58 (64-bit)
- Improve GetNextToken() performance

ImageMagick 7.0.8-56 (64-bit)
- Unexpected -alpha shape results
- Converting from PDF to PBM inverts the image

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


Electron 6.1.5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Disabled Touch Bar typing suggestions with autocorrect=off and spellcheck=false
- Fixed ENOMEM error with Node.js child_process when using empty options.env
- Fixed <webview>.capturePage() resolving with an empty object instead of NativeImage instance
- Fixed backgroundThrottling: false not having an effect
- Fixed broken globalShortcut.registerAll() on Windows and Linux
- Fixed broken focus with OOPIF embedded inside webview
- Fixed context menu disappearing when showing
- Fixed crash using v8 Date.toLocale* api with invalid locales
- Fixed exiting HTML fullscreen for cross-origin iframes (e.g. YouTube) while in macOS fullscreen
- Fixed flickering when maximizing and restoring frameless windows
- Fixed incorrect size of windows on differently scaled monitors

Simplenote 1.11.0 查看版本資訊


Balabolka 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Small improvements
- Resources for Bulgarian and Hungarian languages were updated

Electron 7.1.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Disabled Touch Bar typing suggestions with autocorrect=off and spellcheck=false
- Fixed ENOMEM error with Node.js child_process when using empty options.env
- Fixed <webview>.capturePage() resolving with an empty object instead of NativeImage instance
- Fixed webRequest module unable to modify CORS headers
- Fixed an issue where custom protocols registered using registerStreamProtocol would sometimes fail to complete the response when the stream ended
- Fixed flickering when maximizing and restoring frameless windows
- Fixed incorrect size of windows on differently scaled monitors
- Fixed the 'login' event not being emitted when HTTP Basic auth was requested from a WebContents

DreamMail 查看版本資訊


Studio One Professional 4.5.5 查看版本資訊


Rocrail 20-11-2019 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Rocrail 20-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Block: reset signals on exit option added
- Blockdialog: reset signals on exit
- Roclcdr: fix for checkinf shortin and inatpre2in
- Last time removal of dtc
- Z21: not trace unknown packets

Rocrail 19-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 18-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Loc: use modified direction on consist dispatch
- Wio: fix for old compiler
- Blockdialog: remove scale
- Block: use plan scale for mvtrack

Rocrail 15-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 14-11-2019 (64-bit)
- switch: ctc WIO blink LED support in case of pending

Rocrail 13-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 11-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 07-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Rocrailinidialog: wio options
- Rocrailinidlg: WIO options added
- Wio: watchdog timeout option
- Wio: show add to list trace at monitor level
- use bash instead of sh
- Wiodlg: layout correction
- added the zipper command
- simplified windows make script
- Cleanup
- Guiframe: report remark in case generic signal addresses
- Guiframe: report location split up in separate columns
- Version correction for rocs and lcdriver
- Report: show gate, description and decoder
- Signal: attribute rename addr -> addr1
- Wiodlg: fix for showing type LED on the index tab
- Guiframe: exclude the car list in case of accessory reporting
- Rocview: report action added
- Wio: trace correction for alive timeout
- Wio: POM cv number correction
- Trackdialog: show selected track on the plan panel
- Wio: binstate added
- Roads theme: fix for the twoway switch (Wolfgang)
- Wio: trace correction
- Loc: protect loco properties on field events
- Roads theme: more symbols (Wolfgang)
- Powerman: check if it is a booster event before generating a booster object
- Rocrailinidialog: generate booster option added
- Generate booster option in dialog
- Powerman: option for generating new boosters

Rocrail 06-11-2019 (64-bit)
- simplified windows make script
- Guiframe: report remark in case generic signal addresses
- Guiframe: report location split up in separate columns

Rocrail 03-11-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 31-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 23-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Wio: short circuit event added
- Wio: signal LED type support added bus:addr aspect
- Wio: remove ebreak from 127 speed steps
- Wio: fix for calculating decoder speed
- Wio: POM
- Wio: POM added
- Loc: swapondirchange reverted to revision 53
- Gotodlg: support for double click
- Wio: send speed steps
- Mvtrack: mvtrainlen var added, regard metrics for trainlen
- Switchdialog: translation typo fix
- Oc: swapondir at commands
- Wio: bus added to dcc loco commands
- Wio: mobile function support
- Switch/outputdlg: fix for channeltune dialog values
- Wiodlg: fix for I/O next/prev
- Mttmfcc: support for new bidi sensor module
- Loc: allow swap on dir change, but no support for multi head
- Wio: trace info at monitor level

Rocrail 16-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Text: convert display text from utf8 into iso latin

Rocrail 13-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Wio: send brighness with clock event
- Loc: fix for checking consist member
- Mvtrack: fix for save the calctrainlen option
- Wio: clock sync added
- Wio: text message type added
- Loc: fix for field direction

Rocrail 09-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 06-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 03-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Fine tune dialog for servo outputs and switches
- Wio: servo support

Rocrail 01-10-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 29-09-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 22-09-2019 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15954 (64-bit)
- Wio: sensor response added
- Clntcon,wio: fix for double wio broadcasts
- Wio: switch and output commands and events added

Rocrail 15949 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15943 (64-bit)
- mjpg: disable popups in case the data received is corrupt
- mjpg: crash fix
- mjpg: compile fix
- mjpg: wip for udp
- hue: fix for buffer overflow
- hue: free memory fix

Rocrail 15936 (64-bit)
- roco cam protocol

Rocrail 15935 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15931 (64-bit)
- rocdigs: makefile clear rascii dir
- demon plan: text pointsize correction

Rocrail 15928 (64-bit)
- infodialog: revert smalles font size for disclaimer
- infodialog: smaller font size for disclaimer
- infodialog: show system language
- infodialog: show wx system language code
- translation merge: de, cs, sl, fr, sr_latin, nl
- newfeatures update
- guiapp: added english variants for selecting language
- rocview: select language if none is set in the rocview.ini
- guiframe: try to get user language code

Rocrail 15916 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15905 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: fix for moving to other level
- Dccpp: fix for tcp port

Rocrail 15898 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15893 (64-bit)
- Rascii: signal type led support added
- Signal brightness added for LED signals
- Loc: regard gomanual on swap
- Rascii: set cts if wanted
- Loc: swap placing on direction change in half auto ode manual run
- Renderer: regard loco direction in case of flipping image
- Loc: evaluate field direction with current loco direction for optional swap block enter side
- Schedule: ignore automatic swap in case the loco runs in half automatic
- Schedule: ignore automatic swap in case the loco runs in half automatic mode

Rocrail 15884 (64-bit)
- Decoder: play sound async
- Decoder: play sound
- Loc: added state event
- sample interpreter

Rocrail 15877 (64-bit)
- Ledbutton: memory leak fix
- Translation change for swapondir
- Mjpg,item: init text object on the fly
- Loc: swapondir option added

Rocrail 15869 (64-bit)
- Item,renderer: moved the MJPG from renderer to item
- 1oc: swap block enter side on direction change in case of manual or halb automatic mode
- Rascii: output color support added

Rocrail 15864 (64-bit)
- mjpg: use mutex to access and update the jpg image to show

Rocrail 15860 (64-bit)
- Ahome: http support
- Ahome: support for simple http outputs
- Ahome: support for simple http outputs added

Rocrail 15857 (64-bit)
- Block: save closed state
- Route: check for runable the tt and seltab too
- Renderer: destructor to clean up the MJPG class
- Throttledlg: use size event to rescale
- Throttledlg: revert to bitmap button

Rocrail 15850 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15840 (64-bit)
- Zipper: added
- Zipper: canservice added
- Modplan: remove the deleted module also from the list to prevent saving it as empty plan
- Installwx: use the libwxgtk3.0-dev package
- Zipper; stylesheets added
- Throttle: set static bitmap background color to gray

Rocrail 15834 (64-bit)
- Control: fix for dependencies
- Mjpg,renderer: size fix for text
- Layout parent sizer after first bitmap update
- Rascii: 16 bit for CV get/set
- Throttledlg: locoimage mouse event handler added for selecting a loco
- Mjpg: fixes for text object

Rocrail 15824 (64-bit)
- Webview for macOS only until linux and windows do have fitting libraries
- Infodialog,renderer: webview also for linux
- Control: removed dependency webview
- Throttledlg: test wxWebView under Linux
- Dependency update for webview
- Video streaming in text and throttle
- Fback: regtrigger added
- Ahome: json power events
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text

Rocrail 15816 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: disable webview includes in case of none apple
- Fback: format variable text
- Fback: format variable text in case the original value was a float
- Infodialog: commented out the webview
- Infodialog: check if a web kit is available
- Infodialog: webview is not included in the linux wxWidgets
- Infodialog: wiki tab added
- Action,model,xmlscript: use the var pubish function to broadcast changes
- Fback,var: publish register variables

Rocrail 15807 (64-bit)
- Fback: trace correction for regval
- Loc: check shunting state
- Powerctrldlg: remove minimal height of graphic
- Output: variable support in commands on/off
- Dumper: output support added
- Fback: array added for register value types
- Sbus: wip
- Hue: lux to brightness calculation
- Rocview: revert translation from class to group

Rocrail 15792 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15742 (64-bit)
- fcc: write accessory cv

Rocrail 15734 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15671 (64-bit)
- comment added
- Loc: trigger corrections for virtual timers
- added for linux ZIP
- Zipper: create packege/history if needed
- Rocrail png icon added

Rocrail 15662 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15640 (64-bit)
- Removed wiringPI library
- Rocnetnode: added /dev/ttyAMA0 selection for dcc232
- Mbus: trace correction
- Dcc232: revert gpio
- Dcc232: WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dcc232: gpio WIP
- Dccd232: gpio WIP
- Analyse: fix for zoffset (Lothar)

Rocrail 15615 (64-bit)
- typo
- Zipper: linux support added
- Rocview.cmd: use absolute path for server binaries
- copy zip to package
- Zipper: $1 for w32/w64
- Zipper script added
- Rocview.cmd for zip installer
- Model: remove attribute modplan
- Text: replace pipe with
in case of html and concat

Rocrail 15608 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15604 (64-bit)
- switch: test trace twin address

Rocrail 15602 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15594 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15585 (64-bit)
- Infodialog: removed obsolete adjustminsize flag
- Donkeydlg: layout corrections
- Wsocket: trace correction in case the hostname query did fail
- Infodialog,rocguiinidlg: layout and translation corrections
- Donkey: added missing dialog title

Rocrail 15574 (64-bit)
- Control: tracelevel correction for action state does not match
- Rocweb: added text click command

Rocrail 15570 (64-bit)
- Canservice: report as CANID=0 and NN=0
- Text: fix for model command change
- Canservice: use same CANID and nodenumber as the GC1e in case of service on 5550
- Modplan: add all system actions
- Text: center option added

Rocrail 15558 (64-bit)
- text: fix for check action state

Rocrail 15554 (64-bit)
- Control: trace correction
- Mbus utils: fix for MERG standard CAN frame ID
- Canservice: avoid looping without sleep in case of tcp socket error
- Canservice: fix for standard ASCII frame
- Canservice: ascii framing support added
- Xmlscriptdlg: text commands added
- Text: click state for triggering actions added
- Modplan: read/save tour, waybill, link, weather, lightctrl and mvtrack
- Modplan: read and save module systemactions
- Modplan: read module system

Rocrail 15544 (64-bit)
- modplan: use modzoffset on modify; move, rotate

Rocrail 15543 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15533 (64-bit)
- Block: fix for action call for occupied
- Modplandlg: file dialog buttons added for loco and route xml

Rocrail 15531 (64-bit)
- Wrapper: default 3 trace files

Rocrail 15530 (64-bit)
- Location: fix for maxocc zero
- Route,switch: check if the switch has an address set on empty commands
- Switch: check for valid command
- Locationsdlg: layout correction
- Locationsdlg: layout correction

Rocrail 15525 (64-bit)
- mbus: support for UID in system commands and events

Rocrail 15518 (64-bit)
- Mbus: reject fnchanged -1
- Ocation: maxocc per cargo type
- Location: max commuter option added

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Schedules: reset callerid and callertype

Rocrail 15515 (64-bit)
- Control: set the IID in the callerid variable
- Check4redsignals option added, default off
- Wmz21: ignore bidikmh
- Mbus: send lights(f0) also after the speed/dir commands

Rocrail 15510 (64-bit)
- Win64 build: strip debug info

Rocrail 15506 (64-bit)
- System actions: sub state implemented for IID

Rocrail 15505 (64-bit)
- Location: disregard maxocc if the loco already did arrive
- Set UID to 21 if zero to be compatible with previous revisions
- Locationdlg: removed deprecated adjust flag
- Set uid on state report

Rocrail 15504 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15503 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15500 (64-bit)
- Trace: fix for empty trace file name
- Z21: uid field added
- Clntcon: fix for ping and reply with pong
- Rcon: reactivate the 5s idle ping
- Mqtt-cs: serial connect added
- Clntcon/rcon: set keepalive socket option

Rocrail 15498 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15494 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: save scroll position
- Mqtt-cs python example extended with XML parsing

Rocrail 15492 (64-bit)
- Item/guiframe: restore throttle position and size dependent from loco ID
- Rocview makefile: fix for wxsubincl 3.0 -> 3.1

Rocrail 15486 (64-bit)
- Signal: white address as bit pattern if port is zero
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Tracedlg: fix for close event (X)

Rocrail 15482 (64-bit)
- Rocweb: http return code correction for plan and options xml
- Evaluate function event
- Function control type added
- Translation merge: fr
- Xmlscriptdlg: replaced settargetrange with the 3.0 start/end function
- Aboxdlg: layout fixes
- EStW: threeway symbol added

Rocrail 15475 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15470 (64-bit)
- Xmlscriptdlg: try to select the complete invalid line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select invalid XML line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select text from invalid XML
- Block: fix for service wait
- Output: function type added

Rocrail 15465 (64-bit)
- Block: revert put out of operation behaviour in case from dialog
- Xmlscriptdlg: find added
- Xmldlg: find added

Rocrail 15462 (64-bit)
- Model: trace level correction
- Block: crosscheck fix for service
- MBUS: not evaluating type in case of UID zero
- Cv index support for accelleration and calibrating
- Xmlscript: block throttle command added
- Locdialog: show CV index in grid
- Mbus,rocpro: mfx cv index support
- Block: fix for wait and service
- Block: check if occupied in case of modify and new state should be close

Rocrail 15453 (64-bit)
- Tt: set accessory bit in case of f6915
- Xmlpointsize default set to 11
- Manifest: removed dpiAwareness
- Xml: add wrap and pointsize attribute