Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page48

最新版本 Pale Moon 32.3.1 (64-bit)

Pale Moon (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

蒼白的 64 位是一個開源的,基於 Goanna 的網絡瀏覽器,可用於 Microsoft Windows 和 Linux(其他操作系統正在開發),重點在於效率和易用性。確保充分利用您的瀏覽器!Pale Moon 為您提供瀏覽體驗,完全由自己開發的瀏覽器完全構建,源自 Firefox / Mozilla 代碼,並通過精心挑選的功能和優化來改進瀏覽器的速度,資源使用,穩定性和用戶體驗,同時提供完整的... Pale Moon (64-bit) 軟體介紹

GameMaker Studio 2.2.4 Build 464 查看版本資訊


Zotero 5.0.76 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed timeout errors during syncing (since 5.0.75)
- Fixed “c1 is undefined” sync error

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add Linux program can open virtual files like /proc/version, /proc/meminfo
- Add command "markers select to last marker"
- Add command "markers delete to last marker"
- Add arrow keys skip position inside Unicode surrogate pairs
- Change menu item "View / Lexers" now shows dialog, like Command Palette
- Fix tree-helpers did not work (when no folding ranges)
- Fix Unicode surrogate pairs gave crash in Python plugins
- Fix rendering of Unicode surrogate pairs (when lexer sees surrogates as symbols)
- Fix plugin API sometimes changed file encoding to UTF16
- Fix Linux dialog labels with CJK text were clipped

Megacubo 15.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Searching related improvements
- Tuning related improvements
- Added "Icon framing" option under theme customization options

Zotero 5.0.75 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality added or changed:
- Added View menu
- Includes user interface options previously in preferences, toggles for various panes, and a new “Display Items from Subcollections” option (previously available via the recursiveCollections hidden pref)
- Added “Convert Linked Files to Stored Files…” menu option
- Available via File ? Manage Attachments

Bugs fixed:
- Fixed broken tag selector when colored tags contain leading/trailing whitespace
- Fixed tag selection in read-only libraries
- Fixed potential “getNote() can only be called on notes and attachments” error during conflict resolution
- Fixed potential “attachmentSyncedModificationTime must be a number” sync error

GameMaker Studio 2.2.4 Build 458 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Updated Licensing to Remove GPU Checks:
- Some customers had issues where dual-GPUs in their machines meant moving the IDE between displays or toggling power-saving modes could cause their licence to be invalidated
- This GPU check has been removed, but now everyone needs to refresh their licence the first time they run 2.2.4 - please remember you will need an internet connection to achieve this
- Note, if you're using 2.2.4 on the same machine as 2.2.3 or older (e.g., you have a Steam install and a standalone), then be aware you will be asked to log-in again each time you start the IDE
- Changed the "clean" button to confirm if you need elevated permissions in order to clean files in your build folder (e.g., Apple Sign-In information) and then prompt you on the Mac if required
- Changed behaviour around saving empty code files
- Code files are now only created on disk if there is actually something to save when the editor is closed the first time after creating the resource
Now, if you create a new Script/Event/Shader/Instance Creation Code/Room Creation Code/Timeline moment/Note and then close the Code Editor without typing anything, no empty file will be created
- Stops redundant file watcher notifications that your project has changed on disk
- Extra Name Verification For Included Files;
- Building for Apple platforms and Android/Amazon, you will now get an error if you try to export an Included File which has a name starting with a number
- These device OSes do not allow filenames starting with a number, so this stops you wondering why the file can't be found in-game later on
- Until you fix the incorrect filename or disable the Included File from being exported into your package, you will see this error each time
- Removed redundant in-game analytics checkbox in Game Options
- The runner no longer requests analytics information when players run games, following the previous de-activation of the server, so this redundant checkbox has now been removed
- Extended HTML5 Browser Launch Settings
- Added Preferences for you to specify the default webserver URLs and port
- Added Device Manager support to pass command line arguments to the browser (e.g., start with the dev tools open)

- General: Changed GPU memory allocation for editor windows, which should result in better performance when moving between workspaces and/or running GMS2 for a while
- General: Fixed Help > Release Notes / Runtime Release notes link to be https versions, not http, to avoid issues where some users could not see the contents of the notes
- General: Fixed those above two links to send you to the correct versions of the notes if you're currently using a beta release without actually having opted-in
- Build Windows: Fixed Windows VM Steam builds to use the correct Steamworks dll version from your Steamworks install folder (YYC was fine)
- Code Editor: Fixed that custom snippets were only appended to the defaults, they couldn't replace a default - snippets will now override if a duplicate keybinding is found
- Compiling: Fixed on some platforms the build timer didn't stop at the end of the build, instead it kept going until the game was also closed
- Compiling: Fixed an issue where changing the creation order of instances in the Room Editor could make double-clicking compiler errors open the wrong instance's code
- Compiling: Added a Compiler Error for the "Missing or corrupt build tools" message to better highlight this installation issue - some users were missing this in their compiler log because they only read the last line
- Device Manager: iOS/tvOS "Detect Devices" now returns all physical devices of that type currently connected to the Mac, rather than just the first one found
- Extension Editor: Fixed an issue with newline characters in Gradle injection text boxes could cause Android builds to fail in the Mac IDE
- Game Options: Added support for specifying a game description value for UWP packages
- Game Options: Added support for specifying an Amazon TV banner image and have this packaged correctly in-game
- Game Options: Added support for injecting text into the Android "application tag" during builds (this allows you to set android:usesCleartextTraffic="true", which some extensions need for allowing http traffic in Android API 28+)
- Game Options: Removed checkboxes to enable Google Play Services and Google Play Licensing on Android. These have worked for a few releases simply via the extension being in the project or not, and so the checkbox was misleading
- Importing Projects (1.x): Fixed an issue where the "type" of instance creation code wasn't being set automatically, leading code to be missing in the IDE unless you fixed the .yy manually
- Room Editor: Fixed an issue where two room's Layer Properties windows could be drawn at the same time if both rooms were open and had layers of the same name selected
- Room Editor: Fixed a couple of issues where the visibility of layers in a group was not being passed correctly to the game if the group folder/parent was set as invisible
- Note: In the room editor you need the parent/folder set as visible in order to have any child set as visible, and you then turn off visibility for any child layers you don't want to show
- Sound Editor: Fixed that imports of 1.4 projects were not setting the new sound to the correct bitrate value
- Source Control: Double clicking on a file will now start the diff tool defined in

- UI: Fixed a 2.2.3 issue with Mac IDE keybindings when there were multiple bindings for the one action, so all keybindings now work again (e.g., Cmd+Y and Cmd+Shift+Z to redo actions)

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- API sometimes changed file encoding to UTF16
- Linux: dialog labels with CJK text were clipped

Megacubo 15.4.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for TS transmissions has been rewritten and is now much more efficient
- The LIVE and VIDEOS options were merged, as identifying the type by URL was not infallible and testing each stream would be impracticable
- Added "When transmission fails..." option under "Options> Tuning" to allow selecting the default behavior when a transmission fails

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- option "word_chars" replaced with "nonword_chars" (to be like Sublime & Atom)
- detection of file changes in external programs is rewritten. Now it uses thread, not timers (per each file-tab) as before. It should work more reliable and fast
- confirmation "File was changed outside. Reload?" changed from messagebox to modalless panel inside file-tab
- clicking micromap doesn't move caret
- names of color themes now stores to user.json (reading of old setting from history.json is supported)

- option "caret_keep_visible_on_scroll"
- option "ui_notif" was returned back
- paired file-tab: auto-reloading works for second file; if both files were changed outside, 2 "Reload?" prompts appear at the same time
- don't reload file, which was deleted outside
- during drag-drop of text fragment, editor shows red marker for drop position
- zip file installer: for lexers and lite-lexers, support to install lexer-override settings in "lexer*.json"
- plugin Tabs List: reworked, using listbox with x and circle marks
- plugin Tabs List: added options in [columns] section to specify additional listbox columns (width values: >0 - in pixels, <0 - in percents, =0 - auto-stretch; show values: 0 or 1)
- file with ASCII char 07 is still considered as text
- command "ui: focus editor notification panel"
- command "ui: hide editor notification panels"

Pano2VR 6.1.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- WebVR with native stereo support
- Custom hotspot images
- Panotour pro import
- Integrated web server now includes a secure option (HTTPS)
- Distance placeholders in hotspots
- Raw CSS: You can mix units for position and size of skin elements
- Significant improvements to the Google Street View upload

- Fixed an issue where the SVG buttons
- Pinned video will now play as expected on MS Edge
- Request access added for the gyroscope in iOS 13