Paint.NET 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 Firefox Developer Edition 121.0b6 (64-bit)

Paint.NET 歷史版本列表

Paint.NET 是免費的圖像和照片編輯軟件運行 Windows 的個人電腦。它具有直觀和創新的用戶界面,支持圖層,無限撤消,特殊效果以及各種有用和強大的工具。一個積極發展的在線社區提供友好的幫助,教程和插件.它開始作為由微軟指導的本科學院高級設計項目開發,目前由一些最初從事這項工作的校友維護。最初意圖作為 Windows 附帶的 Microsoft Paint 軟件的免費替代品,它已經發展成為... Paint.NET 軟體介紹

Paint.NET 5.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Edit -> Paste now supports base64-encoded images, which enables copying images from Microsoft Teams
- Plugins can now access the built-in JPEG and PNG FileTypes through two new methods on IFileTypesService
- The Paint.NET Plugin API Documentation website is now live
- Added convenience constructors to many Direct2D effects so that they can be used without declaring a new local variable
- Added GaussianBlurMapEffect and BokehBlurMapEffect for use by GpuEffect plugins. They enable the blur radius to be controlled per-pixel through the use of a second input image (the "map")
- Added a RandomNoiseEffect that GpuEffect plugins can make use of

- Distance and Dot to the list of HlslBinaryFunctions
- Length and Mad (multiply-add) to the list of HlslTernaryFunctions

- a rare bug that would cause selection tools to not work until the image was closed and reopened
- All mouse cursors will now honor the Windows setting for adjusting the mouse pointer size
- a rare crash when rapidly undoing multiple actions
- All of the custom Direct2D effects now have runtime metadata (DisplayName, Author, Category, Description), which is useful for a UI that lets the user browse them (e.g. node editor)
- various bugs with HlslBinaryFunctionEffect, HlslBinaryOperatorEffect, and HlslTernaryFunctionEffect (which can be used by GpuEffect plugins)
- the Environment property's runtime type when accessed from an EffectConfigForm (for BitmapEffects and GpuEffects with custom UIs)
- UIScaleFactor's methods for converting between DIPs and pixels
- ability to work with EffectConfigForms in the Visual Studio WinForms designer

- the bundled AvifFileType to version 1.1.26
- the bundled DdsFileTypePlus to version 1.12.6
- the bundled WebPFileType to version 1.3.20. It now uses libwebp v1.3.2 which contains the fix for CVE-2023-4863/CVE-2023-5129

Firefox Developer Edition 119.0b3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 119.0b2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 119.0b1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


TablePlus 5.4.5 Build 240 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 118.0b9 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Select Version 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated the bundled DDSFileTypePlus plugin to v1.12.2.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems
- Updated the bundled WebPFileType plugin to v1.3.19.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems

- When using Alt+Tab, the internal state of the Alt key could get 'stuck' when the Shapes or Line/Curve tool was active, causing the next shape or line/curve to be drawn from the center
- Sliders were not responding to the mouse wheel (regression in 5.0.8)
- the DeviceEffect.Properties.Min/MaxInputCount properties, which were throwing an ArgumentException (for plugin authors)
- a rare crash at app exit due to a race condition in the auto-updater
- a rare crash when the system resumes from sleep mode, due to a race condition in DWM reporting whether composition is enabled
- a rare crash when using copy+paste due to .NET Runtime

Paint.NET 5.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated the bundled DDSFileTypePlus plugin to v1.12.2.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems
- Updated the bundled WebPFileType plugin to v1.3.19.0, which fixes the inability to save on ARM64 systems

- When using Alt+Tab, the internal state of the Alt key could get 'stuck' when the Shapes or Line/Curve tool was active, causing the next shape or line/curve to be drawn from the center
- Sliders were not responding to the mouse wheel (regression in 5.0.8)
- the DeviceEffect.Properties.Min/MaxInputCount properties, which were throwing an ArgumentException (for plugin authors)
- a rare crash at app exit due to a race condition in the auto-updater
- a rare crash when the system resumes from sleep mode, due to a race condition in DWM reporting whether composition is enabled
- a rare crash when using copy+paste due to .NET Runtime

Recover My Files (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Protocol Buffers 24.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Protobuf News may include additional announcements or pre-announcements for upcoming changes

- Drop support for Bazel 5
- Allow code generators to specify whether or not they support editions
- Release prototype of Protobuf Editions
- Compiler: Correct depfile generation when there are no outputs
- Add dllexport_decl for generated default instance
- In TSan mode, detect concurrent mutations of repeated/map fields
- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr bug
- Turn on the table-driven parser by default, as it is no longer experimental
- Shrink code size of generated protocol buffer code via a few
- Implement enforcement of target constraints
- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so

- In OSS mode omit some extern template specializations. We have seen reports of compilers falling over due to the size of translation units.
- Automated rollback of
- Fix building shared libraries on MinGW-w64
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Release prototype of Protobuf Editions.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Fix case of locality optimizer being wrong for split repeated fields and add a check that the optimized order has the same size as the unoptimized order.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Mark single arg ctor explicit in DynamicMessageFactory.
- Enable TSan validation to detect when a mutable accessor of a message is called concurrently with another accessor on the same message, which is a data race.
- Let ParseRepeatedStringOnce call AllocateFromStringBlock()
- Check next tag in MpRepeatedMessage
- When parsing repeated primitives, append to a tmp array on stack
- Add dllexport_decl for generated default instance
- TextFormat::ParseFieldValueFromString now takes absl::string_view as input instead of const std::string &
- In TSan mode, detect concurrent mutations of repeated/map fields
- Use the same ABI for static and shared libraries on non-Windows platforms
- Replace ColdChunkSkipper with iterator-based approach
- Check invalid type_id after casting it to uint32_t.
- Strengthen assertions on reflection methods.
- Add assertions to reflection methods.
- Fail to parse message sets if type_id is zero.
- Enable the use of [SU]Int32Size and EnumSize templates for AArch64
- Add a workaround for GCC constexpr bug
- Add ABSL_ATTRIBUTE_LIFETIME_BOUND attribute on Map, RepeatedField and RepeatedPtrField
- Turn on the table-driven parser by default, as it is no longer experimental
- Fix: avoid warnings on MSVC
- Fix: avoid warnings on Windows
- Shrink code size of generated protocol buffer code via a few
- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so
- Forbid embedded nulls in json_name
- Implement option retention for C#
- Implement enforcement of target constraints
- Make RepeatedField and RepeatedPtrField be destructor skippable for proto arenas.
- Update MessageDifferencer to conditionally force comparing additional fields while doing PARTIAL comparison
- CMake: Use the correct jsoncpp target name in static builds
- Fix: missing -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS in pkg-config
- Avoid using string(JOIN..., which requires cmake 3.12

- Put a 4k limit on preallocation to prevent OOM from malformed inputs
- Mark OneofDescriptor.isSynthetic() deprecated
- Use ProtobufArrayList for repeated bytes field. Presize primitive arrays for fixed-length primitives.
- Add protobuf-kotlin into protobuf-bom
- Handle clear for Java proto3 optionals
- Deps: Update Guava to 32.0.0
- Migrate repeated numeric fields to use bit field to track presence instead of using it to indicate the field mutability to potentially skip work on the field during build operations.
- Automated rollback of commit

- [C#] Replace regex that validates descriptor names