Opera (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page225

最新版本 RPCS3 0.0.30-16147

Opera (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

適用於 Windows 電腦的 Opera 64 位為您提供了瀏覽網頁的快速,高效和個性化的方式。它配備了一個流暢的界面,可自定義的快速撥號,發現功能,它可以幫助您找到新的網頁內容,數據保存 Opera Turbo 模式,可視化書籤,超過 1000 個擴展。在一個快速的瀏覽器上在網上做更多!您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 Opera 離線安裝程序.State in sync輕鬆地從您... Opera (64-bit) 軟體介紹

Opera 12.02 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixes and Stability Enhancements:
* General and User Interface
- Several general fixes and stability improvements
- Resolved an issue with Speed Dial thumbnails when automatic scaling is enabled
- Windows-only
> The Windows 32-bit version has been reverted to in-process plugins while stability issues stemming from the out-of-process plugin system are investigated and resolved
* Security
- Fixed an issue where truncated dialogs may be used to trick users

Opera 12.01 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Fixes and Stability Enhancements: 

* General and User Interface

- Several general fixes and stability improvements
- Website thumbnail memory usage improvements
- Address bar inline auto-completion no longer prefers shortest domain
- Corrected an error that could occur after removing the plugin wrapper
- Resolved an issue where favicons were squeezed too much when many tabs were open
* Display and Scripting
- Resolved an error with XHR transfers where content-type was incorrectly determined
- Improved handling of object literals with numeric duplicate properties
- Changed behavior of nested/chained comma expressions: now expressing and compiling them as a list rather than a tree
- Aligned behavior of the #caller property on function code objects in ECMAScript 5 strict mode with the specification
- Fixed an issue where input type=month would return an incorrect value in its valueAsDate property
- Resolved an issue with JSON.stringify() that could occur on cached number conversion
- Fixed a problem with redefining special properties using Object.defineProperty()
* Network and Site-Specific
- Fixed an issue where loading would stop at "Document 100%" but the page would still be loading
- tuenti.com: Corrected behavior when long content was displayed
- https://twitter.com: Fixed an issue with secure transaction errors
- Fixed an issue with Google Maps Labs that occured when compiling top-level loops inside strict evals
- Corrected a problem that could occur with DISQUS
- Fixed a crash occurring on Lenovo's "Shop now" page
- Corrected issues when calling window.console.log via a variable at watch4you
- Resolved an issue with Yahoo! chat
* Mail, News, Chat
- Fixed a bug with both inline images in HTML mail and inserted images in e-mail compose windows
- Resolved an issue where under certain conditions the mail panel would continuously scroll up
- Fixed a crash occurring when loading mail databases on startup
* Security
- Re-fixed an issue where certain URL constructs could allow arbitrary code execution, as reported by Andrey Stroganov
- Fixed an issue where certain characters in HTML could incorrectly be ignored, which could facilitate XSS attacks
- Fixed another issue where small windows could be used to trick users into executing downloads as reported by Jordi Chancel
- Fixed an issue where an element's HTML content could be incorrectly returned without escaping, bypassing some HTML sanitizers
- Fixed a low severity issue, details will be disclosed at a later date

Opera 12.00 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

# Improvements:
* General and User Interface
- A custom user agent preference has been added to opera:config
* Display and Scripting
- Improved pipelining, JavaScript, and Turbo
# Fixes and Stability Enhancements 
* General and User Interface
- Fixed an issue with missing region definitions for some regions
- Fixed UI artifacts in viewport when scrolling a page containing a fixed element with 100% height
- Fixed an issue with the tab bar
- Resolved an issue where hovering the close button in an inactive tab would steal its hover state, instead of propagating it
- Fixed incorrect address bar focus and update behavior
- Fixed an issue where search suggestion latency could provide incorrect suggestions under certain conditions
- Cancelling address field dropdown now reverts it to its previous state
- Fixed several minor issues with browser history
- Fixed an issue with Speed Dial entries not updating under certain conditions
* Display and Scripting
- Behvior improvements and enhancements to HTML5 Drag and Drop
- Fixed Canvas clearRect behavior
- Resolved an issue where XMLHttpRequest.status becomes 0 instead of 401 or 407 on cached response
- Fixed artifacts in WebM videos
- Fixed an issue with scripts saturating setInterval()
- Corrected responseXML's null behavior
- Fixed incorrect behavior with window.close and a user-initiated event
- Resolved an issue where clearTimeout() would not remove timeout
- Fixed a clipping error when combining CSS transforms and opacity
- Fixed some issues with painting and repainting that could occur under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue with drag and drop resource usage
* Mail, News, Chat
- Fixed an issue with long attachment names preventing some UI elements from showing properly
* Network and Site-Specific
- Resolved some issues with Google sites
- Resolved an issue that caused some third-party login systems to fail under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue with HTTPS connections and proxies
* Security
- Fixed an issue where hidden keyboard navigation could allow cross site scripting or code execution
- Fixed an issue where a combination of clicks and key presses could lead to cross site scripting or code execution
- Fixed an issue where cross-domain JSON resources may be exposed as JavaScript variable data
- Fixed an issue where carefully timed reloads, redirects, and navigation could spoof the address field
- Fixed an issue where pages could prevent navigation to a target page, spoofing the address field

Pano2VR 3.1.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This new version of Pano2VR is bug fix release
- The Mac App Store version fixes a bug where the Flash Skins didn't work properly
- A WebGL memory leak in the HTML5 player was fixed for all Pano2VR versions

Pano2VR 3.1.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This new version of Pano2VR is bug fix release
- The Mac App Store version fixes a bug where the Flash Skins didn't work properly
- A WebGL memory leak in the HTML5 player was fixed for all Pano2VR versions

Pano2VR 2.3.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Scratch Desktop 1.4 查看版本資訊
