Norton Power Eraser 歷史版本列表 Page1

最新版本 Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.11.2

Norton Power Eraser 歷史版本列表

Norton Power Eraser 使用最積極的掃描技術來消除傳統病毒掃描不會檢測到的威脅,因此您可以將 PC 取回。因為 Norton Power Eraser 是一個積極的病毒清除工具,它可能會標記一個合法的程序刪除。但是,您始終可以撤消掃描的結果。它還可以幫助檢測和刪除可能有害的程序. 快速和 EasyNorton Power Eraser 是一個輕量級的工具,可以迅速掃描您的計算機上最... Norton Power Eraser 軟體介紹

Symfony 3.4.40 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [PhpUnitBridge] Use COMPOSER_BINARY env var if available
- [YAML] escape DEL(x7f)
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix compatibility with phpunit 9
- [Cache] skip APCu in chains when the backend is disabled
- [Form] apply automatically step=1 for datetime-local input
- [Security/Core] fix escape for username in LdapBindAuthenticationProvider.php
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix session.attribute_bag service definition
- [HttpFoundation] workaround PHP bug in the session module
- [SecurityBundle] fix accepting env vars in remember-me configurations
- [Form] Fixed handling groups sequence validation
- [Cache] Avoid memory leak in TraceableAdapter::reset()
- [Form] RepeatedType should always have inner types mapped
- [DI] fix loading defaults when using the PHP-DSL
- [HttpKernel] silence E_NOTICE triggered since PHP 7.4
- [Validator] Fixed default group for nested composite constraints
- [Validator] do not merge constraints within interfaces
- [Workflow] Use a strict comparison when retrieving raw marking in MarkingStore
- [PropertyInfo][ReflectionExtractor] Check the array mutator prefixes last when the property is singular
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed session migration with custom cookie lifetime
- [WebProfilerBundle] Support for Content Security Policy style-src-elem and script-src-elem in WebProfiler
- [Validator] Allow URL-encoded special characters in basic auth part of URLs
- [Serializer] Fix unitialized properties (from PHP 7.4.2) when serializing context for the cache key
- [HttpKernel][LoggerDataCollector] Prevent keys collisions in the sanitized logs processing
- [Validator] Fixed calling getters before resolving groups
- [Security/Http] Allow setting cookie security settings for delete_cookies
- [FrameworkBundle] revert to legacy wiring of the session when circular refs are detected

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.11.2 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2020.04.29 build 9731 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.0.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Cache] Allow invalidateTags calls to be traced by data collector
- [PhpUnitBridge] Use COMPOSER_BINARY env var if available
- [YAML] escape DEL(x7f)
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix compatibility with phpunit 9
- [Cache] skip APCu in chains when the backend is disabled
- [Form] apply automatically step=1 for datetime-local input
- [FrameworkBundle] debug:autowiring: Fix wrong display when using class_alias
- [DependencyInjection][ServiceSubscriber] Support late aliases
- [Profiler] Fix profiler nullable string type
- [Security/Core] fix escape for username in LdapBindAuthenticationProvider.php
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix session.attribute_bag service definition
- [Routing][PrefixTrait] Add the _locale requirement
- [Cache] CacheItem with tag is never a hit after expired
- [HttpFoundation] workaround PHP bug in the session module
- [SecurityBundle] fix accepting env vars in remember-me configurations
- [Form] Fixed handling groups sequence validation
- [Mime] Ensure proper line-ending for SMIME
- [Cache] Avoid memory leak in TraceableAdapter::reset()
- Mailer from sender fixes
- [PhpUnitBridge] add PolyfillTestCaseTrait::expectExceptionMessageMatches to provide FC with recent phpunit versions
- Remove return type for Twig function workflow_metadata()
- [Messenger] Make sure redis transports are initialized correctly
- [Form] RepeatedType should always have inner types mapped
- [DI] fix loading defaults when using the PHP-DSL
- [HttpKernel] silence E_NOTICE triggered since PHP 7.4
- [Validator] Fixed default group for nested composite constraints
- [HttpClient] fix HTTP/2 support on non-SSL connections - CurlHttpClient only
- Force ping after transport exception
- [Validator] do not merge constraints within interfaces
- [HttpClient] Fix scoped client without query option configuration
- [DI] fix detecting short service syntax in yaml
- [DI] add missing property declarations in InlineServiceConfigurator
- Allowing empty secrets to be set
- [Process] Fixed input/output error on PHP 7.4
- [Workflow] Use a strict comparison when retrieving raw marking in MarkingStore
- [Workflow] Use a strict comparison when retrieving raw marking in MarkingStore
- [PropertyInfo][ReflectionExtractor] Check the array mutator prefixes last when the property is singular
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed session migration with custom cookie lifetime
- [HttpKernel][FrameworkBundle] fix compat with Debug component
- [WebProfilerBundle] Support for Content Security Policy style-src-elem and script-src-elem in WebProfiler
- [Validator] Allow URL-encoded special characters in basic auth part of URLs
- [Security] Track session usage whenever a new token is set
- [Serializer] Fix unitialized properties (from PHP 7.4.2) when serializing context for the cache key
- [MonologBridge] Fix $level type
- [MonologBridge] Fix $level type
- [Security][Http][SwitchUserListener] Ignore all non existent username protection errors
- [HttpKernel][LoggerDataCollector] Prevent keys collisions in the sanitized logs processing
- [Validator] Fixed calling getters before resolving groups
- Fix the reporting of deprecations in twig:lint
- [Security] forward multiple attributes voting flag

Symfony 4.4.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Cache] Allow invalidateTags calls to be traced by data collector
- [PhpUnitBridge] Use COMPOSER_BINARY env var if available
- [YAML] escape DEL(x7f)
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix compatibility with phpunit 9
- [Cache] skip APCu in chains when the backend is disabled
- [Form] apply automatically step=1 for datetime-local input
- [FrameworkBundle] debug:autowiring: Fix wrong display when using class_alias
- [DependencyInjection][ServiceSubscriber] Support late aliases
- [Profiler] Fix profiler nullable string type
- [Security/Core] fix escape for username in LdapBindAuthenticationProvider.php
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix session.attribute_bag service definition
- [Routing][PrefixTrait] Add the _locale requirement
- [Cache] CacheItem with tag is never a hit after expired
- [HttpFoundation] workaround PHP bug in the session module
- [SecurityBundle] fix accepting env vars in remember-me configurations
- [Form] Fixed handling groups sequence validation
- [Mime] Ensure proper line-ending for SMIME
- [Cache] Avoid memory leak in TraceableAdapter::reset()
- Mailer from sender fixes
- [PhpUnitBridge] add PolyfillTestCaseTrait::expectExceptionMessageMatches to provide FC with recent phpunit versions
- Remove return type for Twig function workflow_metadata()
- [Messenger] Make sure redis transports are initialized correctly
- [Form] RepeatedType should always have inner types mapped
- [DI] fix loading defaults when using the PHP-DSL
- [HttpKernel] silence E_NOTICE triggered since PHP 7.4
- [Validator] Fixed default group for nested composite constraints
- [HttpClient] fix HTTP/2 support on non-SSL connections - CurlHttpClient only
- Force ping after transport exception
- [Validator] do not merge constraints within interfaces
- [HttpClient] Fix scoped client without query option configuration
- [DI] fix detecting short service syntax in yaml
- [DI] add missing property declarations in InlineServiceConfigurator
- Allowing empty secrets to be set
- [Process] Fixed input/output error on PHP 7.4
- [Workflow] Use a strict comparison when retrieving raw marking in MarkingStore
- [Workflow] Use a strict comparison when retrieving raw marking in MarkingStore
- [PropertyInfo][ReflectionExtractor] Check the array mutator prefixes last when the property is singular
- [HttpFoundation] Fixed session migration with custom cookie lifetime
- [HttpKernel][FrameworkBundle] fix compat with Debug component
- [WebProfilerBundle] Support for Content Security Policy style-src-elem and script-src-elem in WebProfiler
- [Validator] Allow URL-encoded special characters in basic auth part of URLs
- [Security] Track session usage whenever a new token is set
- [Serializer] Fix unitialized properties (from PHP 7.4.2) when serializing context for the cache key
- [MonologBridge] Fix $level type
- [MonologBridge] Fix $level type
- [Security][Http][SwitchUserListener] Ignore all non existent username protection errors
- [HttpKernel][LoggerDataCollector] Prevent keys collisions in the sanitized logs processing
- [Validator] Fixed calling getters before resolving groups
- Fix the reporting of deprecations in twig:lint
- [Security] forward multiple attributes voting flag

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.11.1 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.8 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.7 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.6 查看版本資訊


Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.5 查看版本資訊
