NoMachine 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 NoMachine 8.6.1

NoMachine 歷史版本列表

NoMachine 是一個免費的遠程桌面應用程序,具有強大的功能的堆棧。隨著 NoMachine 你可以訪問所有的文件和文件夾,無論你在哪裡看 DVD,電視或 YouTube 視頻。您可以從 PC 或 Mac 上查看平滑,高分辨率的視頻和音頻到任何啟用 NoMachine 的設備。該應用程序甚至可以與任何 USB 控制器一起使用,因此您可以遠程玩遊戲。 NoMachine 6 帶來了許多令人興奮的... NoMachine 軟體介紹

Screaming Frog 14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dark Mode, Google Sheets Export, HTTP Headers, Cookies, Aggregated Site Structure and New Configuration Options

NTLite (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix-Components: Defender deployed image/live removal error 5
- Fix: Windows 7 KB958830 (RSAT) integration then update cleanup or English(US) removal were breaking feature config
- Fix: Cortana is now kept with Shell Search compatibility in Win10 1909 and older images

NTLite (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix-Components: Defender deployed image/live removal error 5
- Fix: Windows 7 KB958830 (RSAT) integration then update cleanup was breaking feature config
- Fix: Cortana is now kept with Shell Search compatibility in Win10 1909 and older images

NTLite (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Preset: Component names can now use wildcards as manual preset entries
- UI: Completing longer tasks now has the optional popup for clarity
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Chinese Traditional, Portugues-Brasil, Turkish

- Components: Image removal of Edge Chromium was not working on a specific Win10 20H2.572 image
- Components: Biometric Service removal could break Defender settings UI in Win10 2009
- Post-setup: Post-setup adding a file via drag and drop method was causing a crash
- Source: Image name could show description even if same as name, looking duplicated

Viscosity 1.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New adapter driver for Windows 10 2004+
- Connection details are now accessible from Batch and VBS scripts
- Before-Connect scripts are now able to return a username and password
- Scripting command added to list all connections as a JSON parsable string

- Connection-specific DNS Suffix Search List is now used instead of the global list on Windows 10 1809+
- IPv6 SLAAC/RA TAP support has been improved
- NCSI and NLA support on Windows 10 2004+ has been improved
- Additional compression options have been added to the editor

- OpenSSL updated to verion 1.1.1h

- An issue where an extraneous adapter was sometimes left behind after a failed connection attempt no longer occurs
- A rare issue where a connection would become stuck in the creating state has been fixed
- Inline auth-user-pass is now imported correctly
- Resolves low-severity security vulnerability in the installer that could allow library side-loading
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

- OpenVPN 2.3 removed

Opera GX 71.0.3770.323 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 71.0.3770.317 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 71.0.3770.310 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.1.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DI] Fix Preloader exception when preloading a class with an unknown parent/interface
- [HttpClient] relax auth bearer format requirements
- [DependencyInjection] Preload classes with union types correctly
- [Serializer] fix decoding float XML attributes starting with 0
- [PhpUnitBridge] Support new expect methods in test case polyfill
- [PHPUnitBridge] Support PHPUnit 8 and PHPUnit 9 in constraint compatibility trait
- [TwigBridge] Remove "transchoice" from the code base
- [String] fix before/afterLast returning the empty string instead of the original one on non-match
- [PhpUnitBridge] Add missing exporter function for PHPUnit 7
- [String] fix slicing in UnicodeString
- [TwigBridge] do not translate null placeholders or titles
- [Cache] Use correct expiry in ChainAdapter
- [Filesystem] Check if failed unlink was caused by permission denied
- [PropertyAccess] forward the caught exception
- [Messenger/Amqp] Allow setting option "login" in DSN
- [Messenger][Doctrine] Avoid early db access for pgsql detection
- [DoctrineBridge] indexBy does not refer to attributes, but to column names
- [WebProfilerBundle] Hide debug toolbar in print vie
- [DI] Fix Reflection file name with eval()'d code
- Add missing use statement
- [HttpFoundation] Fix Range Requests
- [Lock] Reset Key lifetime time before we acquire it
- Remove content-type check on toArray methods
- [String] fix "is too large" ValueError on PHP 8
- [DI] fix dumping env vars
- [TwigBridge] Fix preload hint and remove "unlinked class [email protected]" warning
- [HttpClient] fix reading the body after a ClientException
- [PropertyInfo] Support for the mixed type
- [HttpClient] Fix CurlHttpClient memory leak
- [Cache] skip igbinary < 3.1.6
- [Ldap] Bypass the use of ldap_control_paged_result on PHP >= 7.3
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix running parallel tests with phpunit 9
- [PropertyInfo] Extract from default value doesn't set collection boolean
- [VarDumper] fix truncating big arrays
- [Mime] Fix serialization of RawMessage

Opera GX 71.0.3770.302 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
