NetBeans IDE 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 Apache NetBeans 21.0

NetBeans IDE 歷史版本列表

為軟件開發人員提供免費的開放源代碼集成開發環境。您可以使用 Java 語言,C / C ++,甚至 PHP,JavaScript,Groovy 和 Ruby 等動態語言來獲得創建專業桌面,企業,Web 和移動應用程序所需的所有工具。 NetBeans IDE 很容易安裝和使用直接開箱,並運行在許多平台上,包括 Windows,Linux,Mac OS X 和 Solaris。下載 NetBeans... NetBeans IDE 軟體介紹

Playnite 10.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Option to indicate number of days played in game time played format
- Support to display total install size in statistics view
- Option to change filter preset sort order in library manager
- Add support to display game Added Date in game details
- Option to switch to Fullscreen mode from taskbar jump list
- Per game option to activate system HDR when a game launches
- Option to hide already imported games on folder scan dialog
- Added support for playnite://playnite/search URI to open global search
- Option to choose tracking mode for emulators
- Option to control whether related ROM files should be merged during emulation scan
- Backup configurations now support additional OutputDir variable to set target backup folder instead of just OutputFile
- Fuzzy matching support in name filter
- Option to show assigned ROMs on List view
- Option to minimize Fullscreen mode from main menu

- Updates to built-in platforms list and emulation profiles
- RMG emulator profile updated
- Proton existing in Steam library causes install size scan error
- Zoom steps are different when zooming in and out in grid view with the arrow keys
- $StartedProcessId variable not available to emulator scripts
- $SourceAction variable not available in post scripts
- Toolbox theme packaging includes some VS related files that should be excluded
- Various fixes to manual metadata download
- Metadata priority settings not working properly with some plugins
- Name field is overwritten during metadata download even if download of missing fields is enabled
- Games can't be relaunched from tray menu if game tracking bugs out
- Close to tray on startup not working if backup is also performed on startup
- Lag when selecting game with long description text

Apache NetBeans 17.0 查看版本資訊


Playnite 10.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Acronyms search support in name filter and global search
- Added main menu entry to restart Playnite
- Added support to show favorite games in tray

- Fixes to software tools configuration view
- Updated several emulation profiles
- Better error reporting for failures related to emulation scanner settings
- Crash when setting sorting names during library update
- Games not being detected during emulation scan due to ROM file extension case sensitivity

Apache NetBeans 16.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Initial implementation of (experimental) Dependency API in Gradle
- Refactor Grade Editor Related Functionality into a gradle.editor Module
- Gradle hide empty generated folders
- Support projects without build.gradle
- Fix npe from gradle build actions dialog
- NETBEANS-4720 Support custom gradle test sourcesets
- Override gradle's compiler version from compiler args.
- Various fixes and improvements [1/3]

API: access to build properties of gradle script [2/3]
- Fix for Gradle project sources popup menu invocation error #4755
- Support for jar & native image artifact for gradle projects [3/3]

#4847: do not use newer classes in older distributions.
- Switched gradle.dist and gradle.editor module to regular. Fixes #4866

#4923: access to gradle internal APIs is protected from failing the project load, just logs a notification.
- Prevent CCE NbGradleProjectImpl to DataObject
- Fix GradleCliEditorKit Registration

- Support for project output artifacts
- Improve Jakarta EE 9/9.1 support
- Build action must be included in the cache key
- Allow to disable warning for specific lifecycle participants.
- Artifact tags, support for shaded output and source attachments.
- Fix possible NPE in NexusRepositoryIndexerImpl exception handler.
- Update Maven archetype version for Jakarta EE 9.1
- Implement maven pom javac release option hint (JEP 247).
- Maven UseReleaseOptionHint fixes
- hide template link as last resort if it appears to be broken.
- Fix maven classpath listening
- Maven HintsPanel UI layout fixes and minor cleanup.

- Modernize ActionsManager in Debugger API
- OrganizeImports fixed for clashing star imports.
- Update nb-javac to 19+33.
- Multi-release jar support
- Fix extra space added in try with resources
- Avoid using an invalid JavaPlatform
- JavadocImports fixed for illegal string trim.
- Fixing error recovery for (current) record patterns.
- Code completion for jdk-19 case patterns implemented.
- Fixing error recovery when j.l.MatchException is missing, and patterns are present.
- revert rushed unbalanced-hint fix (#4421).

[NETBEANS-4923]: Problem with Deploy/HotDeploy using Netbeans 12.1 an…
- Code completion after yield in switch expressions fixed.
- Improve java platform selection logic for hints.
- Fix error in wizard when creating module-info file (GH4628)
- Provide hints for conversion to Virtual thread executor when thread pools are used
- add semantic highlight for when keyword
- Implementation of auto completion, formatting adjustment and providing hints for JEP 405 record patterns
- Update JDK 19 Javadoc link from EA to GA.
- put nb-javac modules on the plugin import block list.
- Never mark overriding methods as unused, fixes GH4276.
- Fix MoveMemberPanel and MoveClassPanel (GH4708)

- #4556 - NetBeans should not auto-insert n in Groovy triple quoted strings

- Fix the syntax error for the constant array access #4684
- Fix the formatting for the textual operators(AND, OR, XOR) #4635

- The CPPLight debugger works on aarch64.

- Support for vulnerability audit in Oracle cloud
- Fixed JBoss EAP regex patterns to match two digit minor/patch versions
- Better messages during project audit. Code cleanup.
- Unable to register Payara 6.x in Apache NetBeans 15
- More options for LSP audit command
- Import local schema to avoid DNS lookup in build


CSS: Implemented position:sticky
- Fix for not calling auto completion after end tag was already added

- Cleanup debug Exception after an old issue

FIX-3732: Prevent possible IAE in DocumentViewOp.
- Fixed a NPE from issue #4629
- YAML Support
- Change YAML indent to 2 spaces by default
- YAML Support Layer Code Cleanup
- Minor cleanup in YAML Language Support
- Dockerfile Support
- Added multiview [Source|History] for Dockerfile-s

new: TOML Support
- Some support for TOML files
- TOML Cleanup and Improvements

new: ANTLR v4 and v3 Support
- ANTLR v4 and v3 Grammar Editing Support
- Fix possible NPE while editing ANTLR Grammar
- Improve support for ANTLRv4 Grammars
- ANTLRv4 indent and code snippet support.
- More precise code-completion for ANTLRv4 Grammars
- Fixed end of file indenting and code completion for ANTLR v4

UI Changes:
- Add ability to load custom FlatLaf properties from user config.
- Keyboard focus can activate top component
- Add update centre notifications to Check for Updates dialog
- Update FlatLaf from 2.4 to 2.5
- Dialog parent should not be null
- Update FlatLaf from 2.5 to 2.6
- about panel needs a vertical scrollbar if the async plugin update notification appears

- Better messages from Janitor on abandoned cache dirs.
- Do not eager load non-eager module fragments.
- Limit ValidateClassFilesTest to scan only JARs referenced from modules
- Another attempt to fix intermittent clipboard bug on Windows
- After file external change fire reloaded event

Language Server Protocol:

- LSP: Cloud explorer should be hidden with Java support switched off.
- LSP: Html4J UI modified work over LSP.
- Accept file paths passed as a plain string, toURL throws IAE.
- Automatically disable NBLS Java for GCN users.
- Project info exported through LSP
- Allow empty jdbc password

VSCode Extension:
- Vulnerability audit fixes
- Changed wording of the vulnerability scan message.
- Reveal things in project explorer by default.
- Updates for 15.0.301 release of VSNetBeans
- Add debugger listening connector to LSP.

- fix CI concurrency settings
- Cleanup a bunch of raw type error messages related to TreeSet.
- remove usages of deprecated junit.framework.Assert.
- Cleanup warnings related to raw type List
- conditional CI pipeline + migrate some jobs from travis to gh
- bump versions of setup-java, setup-php and cache actions.
- Cleanup more raw type List warnings..
- Tomcat module cleanup
- wrap unreliable micronaut tests in retry script for now
- ci - run cache action after checkout

Other Changes:
- Increment spec versions for Apache NetBeans 16 development.
- Update issue forms for 15 release candidates.
- Snapshot of APIs as of NetBeans 15
- Set "--add-modules ALL-MODULE-PATH" when compiling MX project.
- Make Apache NetBeans 15 the latest version for issue reports.
- Recognize generatedDependencies tag
- Limit bootstrap libraries to
- jna.nosys is required so that JNA tries to load native library via System#loadLibraryin #4736
- use instead of buggy custom impl.
- Recognize Scala class constructor

Playnite 10.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Some windows don't remember last position and size
- Various issues related to metadata download from game edit dialog
- Crash when importing non-exe file as software tool
- Safe mode is not carried over when switching application modes
- View settings not being saved during system shutdown
- Some emulated games won't start properly if {EmulatorDir} variable is used as game installation folder
- Opening game's installation folder doesn't work if {EmulatorDir} variable is used as game installation folder

Playnite 10.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Automatic install size scan overwrites manually set values
- Some theme styles can't be previewed in Blend
- Crash when importing emulated games after splitting them

Playnite 10.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Global search sometimes closes prematurely

Playnite 10.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Some Fullscreen themes causing crash on startup

Playnite 10.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Option to specify partial release date display format

- Daily update triggers don't work properly
- Can't confirm changes when editing game field with a controller in Fullscreen mode
- Performance regression with some themes
- "Start minimized" option not working
- Various issues related to install size calculation

Playnite 10.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Play time data being lost in some cases if automatic time import is set to "Always"