NetBalancer 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 Gyazo 5.4.4

NetBalancer 歷史版本列表

NetBalancer 使用瀏覽和做任何網上活動舒適,即使您的下載管理器或洪流客戶從互聯網下載大文件只是降低其網絡優先級與 NetBalancer. 您可以使用 NetBalancer 來設置下載或上傳傳輸速率優先級的應用程序,並監視他們的互聯網交通。具有較高網絡優先級的應用將比具有較低網絡優先級的應用獲得更多的通信帶寬。福利 NetBalancer 等流量整形軟件是 NetBalancer 的作... NetBalancer 軟體介紹

DBeaver 23.2.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SQL editor:
- Code completion for update statements was added
- Smart completion and replacements of quoted expressions was fixed
- Redundant errors on opening SQL Editor for the first time were removed from the logs

Database Navigator:
- Filtered objects visualization was added
- Script folder opening was fixed

Data transfer:
- Attributes names for quoted attributes are handled correctly
- "Copy as HTML" result presentation is improved

Data editor:
- Background color reset was fixed
- Message about content representation size limit was fixed
- App freeze in binary editor was fixed (MacOS)
- ER diagrams: one-to-one connection rendering was fixed

- SSH connection page validation is enhanced for jump servers
- Complex JDBC driver support was improved (context classloader + driver cache)

- Script names are sorted alphabetically
- Refresh button was added to the ‘Generate DDL’ dialog
- Issue with app launch was fixed (rare case)

- Oracle: search package bodies as packages was supported

- Default privileges presentation and editing was supported
- Sequences permissions reading for quoted roles was fixed
- SQLite: required columns creating was fixed

PHP 8.2.12 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed bug GH-12207 (memory leak when class using trait with doc block)
- Fixed bug GH-12215 (Module entry being overwritten causes type errors in ext/dom)
- Fixed bug GH-12273 (__builtin_cpu_init check)
- Fixed bug #80092 (ZTS + preload = segfault on shutdown)

- Ensure a single Date header is present

- Fixed bug GH-11997 (ctype_alnum 5 times slower in PHP 8.1 or greater)

- Restore old namespace reconciliation behaviour
- Fixed bug GH-8996 (DOMNode serialization on PHP ^8.1)

- Fixed bug GH-11891 (fileinfo returns text/xml for some svg files)


- Fixed bug GH-12186 (segfault copying/cloning a finalized HashContext)

- Fixed bug GH-12243 (segfault on IntlDateFormatter:construct)
- Fixed bug GH-12282 (IntlDateFormatter:construct should throw an exception on an invalid locale)

- Fixed bug GH-12297 (PHP Startup: Invalid library (maybe not a PHP library) '' in Unknown on line)

- Fixed opcache_invalidate() on deleted file
- Fixed bug GH-12380 (JIT+private array property access inside closure accesses private property in child class)

- Fixed bug GH-11956 (Backport upstream fix, PCRE regular expressions with JIT enabled gives different result)

- Fixed bug GH-12170 (Can't use xpath with comments in SimpleXML)
- Fixed bug GH-12223 (Entity reference produces infinite loop in var_dump/print_r)
- Fixed bug GH-12167 (Unable to get processing instruction contents in SimpleXML)
- Fixed bug GH-12169 (Unable to get comment contents in SimpleXML)

- Fixed bug GH-12190 (binding ipv4 address with both address and port at 0)
- Fix return type of stub of xml_parse_into_struct()
- Fix memory leak when calling xml_parse_into_struct() twice

- Fix type error on XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc return value with SimpleXML

PHP 8.1.25 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


DBeaver 23.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data editor:
- Excel (XLSX) export now supports columns auto-fit
- Copy from row bellow/above command was fixed
- Shortcut for "Got to column" column was changed to Ctrl+Shift+G

SQL editor:
- Script statistics configuration was extended
- AI completion bugs were fixed and configuration UI was redesigned
- Tabs close in horizontal mode was fixed
- Script to connection association save was fixed

Data export:
- Data import tasks wer fixed for schema-less databases
- Columns value transform expressions evaluation was fixed
- All data transfer were migrated to a new IO API
- Export functionality now can be disabled completely
- Tasks loading for missing database objects was fixed
- ER diagrams: one-to-one connections rendering was fixed

- Default file encoding was changed to UTF-8. IT affects all external tools integration.
- Web based authentication is now opened in external browser by default
- Version update functionality now can be disabled completely

- Clickhouse: map data type visualization was fixed
- Databricks: issue with national encodings was resolved

- Issue with case-sensitive table names was resolved
- FFL for function parameters was fixed
- MySQL: session manager now shows info from performance_schema
- OpenEdge: root catalog is now hidden; data export was fixed
- PostgreSQL: foreign key DDL was fixed (MATCH FULL)
- Misc: we switched to Eclipse 2023-09

DBeaver 23.2.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SQL editor:
- Aut-completion for complex SQL queries was improved
- Reconnecting of open editors when switching between Simple and Advanced view was fixed
- SQL console now can be saved as script

ER diagrams:
- Diagrams notations switcher was added
- Connections rendering was improved
- Crow’s foot notation was added

Data editor:
- Multiple query results now can be displayed vertically
- `Go to column` (Ctrl+F) action was added
- Column search was added to Metadata panel
- Numeric formatting was fixed for floating point numbers
- Issue with empty table after opening the Calc panel was resolved
- Setting row color for the result set was fixed
- Data transfer: columns automating mapping is now configurable

- `Restore defaults` on preference pages now resets to actual default preferences
- Eclipse 2023-09 plugin API is now supported
- Reset UI settings was fixed on macOS
- App crash when running on Wayland was fixed
- java.compiler and java.scripting modules were included in bundled Java

- Dameng database extension was added (thanks to @Stkai)
- Clickhouse: array map representation was fixed
- Google Spanner: table DDL generation was fixed
- DB2 LUW: trigger editor was fixed
- Exasol: customer group creation was fixed
- Fireberd: several keywords were added
- Materialized: system schemas loading was fixed

- Backup/restore native tools execution was fixed
- `Europe/Kyiv` timezone support was fixed

- Schemas loading was fixed
- Spectrum tables loading was fixed (for custom driver configurations)

WinNTSetup 5.3.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Native ARM64 code for WIM apply and capture
- WIM apply and capture will be executed as "trusted installer"
- WIM capture UI adds compression level, defaults to wimlib's LZX Fast
- Wimlib wimboot apply - changed overlay type to WIM_BOOT_OS_WIM
- Wimlib capture WIM - deletes incomplete WIM after operation cancel
- Wimlib smooth progress bar for appending operation
- Using customized wimlib.dll (do not update!)
- Automatically switch to wimlib, if wimgapi can not load WIM file
- Added advanced VHD creation options
- Respect NTFS indexing option on target partition
- No longer downloads ADK files on Win10/11 Host

- cancel setup was ignored during DISM operations
- WinCopy Volume mode problems
- some issues with ARM64 sources

PHP 8.2.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


PHP 8.1.23 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed bug GH-11716 (cli server crashes on SIGINT when compiled with ZEND_RC_DEBUG=1)
- Fixed bug GH-10964 (Improve man page about the built-in server)

- Fixed strerror_r detection at configuration time

- Fixed bug GH-11416: Crash with DatePeriod when uninitialised objects are passed in

- Fix DOMEntity field getter bugs
- Fix incorrect attribute existence check in DOMElement::setAttributeNodeNS
- Fix DOMCharacterData::replaceWith() with itself
- Fix empty argument cases for DOMParentNode methods
- Fixed bug GH-11791 (Wrong default value of DOMDocument::xmlStandalone)
- Fix json_encode result on DOMDocument
- Fix manually calling __construct() on DOM classes
- Fixed bug GH-11830 (ParentNode methods should perform their checks upfront)
- Fix segfault when DOMParentNode::prepend() is called when the child disappears

- Fix leaking definitions when using FFI::cdef()->new(...)

- Fixed bug GH-11440 (authentication to a sha256_password account fails over SSL)
- Fixed bug GH-11438 (mysqlnd fails to authenticate with sha256_password accounts using passwords longer than 19 characters)
- Fixed bug GH-11550 (MySQL Statement has a empty query result when the response field has changed, also Segmentation fault)
- Fixed invalid error message "Malformed packet" when connection is dropped

- Fixed bug GH-11715 (opcache.interned_strings_buffer either has no effect or opcache_get_status() / phpinfo() is wrong)
- Avoid adding an unnecessary read-lock when loading script from shm if restart is in progress

- Revert behaviour of receiving SIGCHLD signals back to the behaviour before 8.1.22

- Fixed bug #81992 (SplFixedArray::setSize() causes use-after-free)

- Prevent int overflow on $decimals in number_format
- Fixed bug GH-11870 (Fix off-by-one bug when truncating tempnam prefix)

NetBalancer 12.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- We are proud to unveil the latest enhancement in NetBalancer's toolkit: the "Bind program to adapter" feature, incorporated in the 12.1 release. This addition marks a significant step in our journey to provide users with superior control over their network management.
- This new capability empowers all NetBalancer users to dictate specific programs to operate through designated network connections, such as Wi-Fi or Ethernet. By doing so, users can, for example, ensure certain applications always leverage the Wi-Fi connection, even when Ethernet is the dominant network. This intricate level of control is paramount in situations demanding distinct network priorities or dedicated bandwidth for specific applications.

DBeaver 23.2.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SQL Editor:
- Aliases proposals for tables with joins were improved
- SQL console can now be saved as a script
- Enhanced smart completion is enabled (configurable)
- Issue with big string contents (json, xml) edit was resolved
- JSON formatting in the separate editor was fixed
- Ctrl+Alt+6 shortcut was changed to Ctrl+Alt+T
- JSON functions keywords were added to the SQL Assist
- Representation of errors on query execution was fixed
- ER Diagrams: issue with duplicate relations on the diagram was fixed

Data Editor:
- Big content representation end editing was limited to 1MB (configurable)
- User can now add a shortcut for setting row color
- Issue with hiding the wrong column from the context menu was resolved
- Grouping panel now shows actual executed SQL
- Decimal rounding error was fixed

General UI:
- When exporting a project, a warning about replacing an existing project was added
- Scroll bars were added on the connection page, and other wizards
- Issue with broken quotes in localization files was resolved

- Driver download UI was improved: already downloaded driver files are colored in grey
- JDBC drivers maven artifacts resolve was fixed
- The "Propagate driver properties" option was added to the driver settings

New drivers:
- JDBCX driver was added

- Clickhouse: IPv4 data representation was fixed
- Greenplum: External tables representation was fixe
- MySQL: Unsupported engine types are replaced with the default one

- Views editor was supported
- Routines and procedure parameters read was fixed

- Foreign tables folder was added
- Enum data types reading performance was enhanced
- Redshift: Backup/Restore tools were deprecated and removed from UI

- Driver was updated to 3.13.25
- Materialized views are now supported
- Schema create UI was enhanced was enhanced
- Trino: Views DDL support was added