NetBalancer 歷史版本列表
NetBalancer 使用瀏覽和做任何網上活動舒適,即使您的下載管理器或洪流客戶從互聯網下載大文件只是降低其網絡優先級與 NetBalancer. 您可以使用 NetBalancer 來設置下載或上傳傳輸速率優先級的應用程序,並監視他們的互聯網交通。具有較高網絡優先級的應用將比具有較低網絡優先級的應用獲得更多的通信帶寬。福利 NetBalancer 等流量整形軟件是 NetBalancer 的作... NetBalancer 軟體介紹更新時間:2020-10-15
What's new in this version:
New features:
- Added Macro support
- Added support to view trigger function under the respective trigger node
- Allow user to change the database connection from an open query tool tab
- Added support to ignore the owner while comparing objects in the Schema Diff tool
- Added documentation for Macro support
- Improve code coverage and API test cases for Functions
- Added RESQL/MSQL test cases for Functions
- Merged the latest code of ‘pgcli’ used for the autocomplete feature
Bug fixes:
- Added useful message when the explain plan is not used and empty
- Fixed an issue where file extension is stripped on renaming a file
- Ensure that ‘ctrl + a’ shortcut does not move the cursor in SQL editor
- Fixed and improve API test cases for the schema diff tool
- Ensure that the import/export feature should work with SSH Tunnel
- Remove maximum length on the password field in the server dialog
- Fixed an issue where a column is renamed and then removed, then the drop SQL query takes the wrong column name
- Fixed an issue where schema diff is showing identical table as different due to default vacuum settings
- Fixed reverse engineering SQL where parenthesis is not properly arranged for View/MView definition
- Fixed ‘can’t execute an empty query’ message if the user change the option of Auto FK Index
- Ensure that multiple extensions can be dropped from the properties tab
- Fixed an issue where the server is not able to connect using the service
- Fixed an issue where the ‘PARALLEL UNSAFE’ option is missing from reverse engineering SQL of function/procedure
- Fixed an issue where the query tool is not fetching more than 1000 rows for the table does not have any primary key
- Fixed an issue where ‘Rows X’ column values were not visible properly for Explain Analyze in Dark theme
- Ensure that the user should be able to change the start value of the existing sequence
- Ensure that the ‘Remove Server’ option should be visible in the context menu
- Fixed an issue where some properties are not being updated correctly for the shared server
- Fixed invalid literal issue when fetching dependencies for Materialized View
- Fixed an issue where the user is unable to change the macro name
What's new in this version:
- NetBalancer v10.2 adds back the status bar from the old UI with all functionality
What's new in this version:
- Windows: Fails to open when certain fonts are in use in the plex
- Error when showing brains list