TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 MySQL 軟體歷史版本 Download Page21 :: 軟體兄弟

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MySQL 歷史版本列表

MySQL 是一個開源的 RDBMS(關係數據庫管理系統),它支持用 C,C ++,Java,Perl 和 PHP 等各種編程語言編寫的請求。由於其高速度和靈活性,MySQL 已成為主要用於開發各種形狀和大小的 Web 應用程序的最流行的數據庫系統之一。自 1995 年上市以來,這種非常受歡迎的開源數據庫管理系統已經應用於當今幾乎所有互聯網用戶的無數項目中。今天一些最受歡迎的 MySQL 用戶是 ... MySQL 軟體介紹

MySQL (32-bit)MySQL (64-bit)MySQL WorkbenchMySQL Workbench (32-bit)MySQL Workbench (64-bit)

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.11.1 查看版本資訊


MySQL 8.0.20 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Functionality Added or Changed:
- Important Change: Previously, including any column of a blob type larger than TINYBLOB or BLOB as the payload in an ordering operation caused the server to revert to sorting row IDs only, rather than complete rows; this resulted in a second pass to fetch the rows themselves from disk after the sort was completed. Since JSON and GEOMETRY columns are implemented internally as LONGBLOB, this caused the same behavior with these types of columns even though they are almost always much shorter than the 4GB maximum for LONGBLOB (or even the 16 MB maximum for MEDIUMBLOB). The server now converts columns of these types into packed addons in such cases, just as it does TINYBLOB and BLOB columns, which in testing showed a significant performance increase. The handling of MEDIUMBLOB and LONGBLOB columns in this regard remains unchanged.
- One effect of this enhancement is that it is now possible for Out of memory errors to occur when trying to sort rows containing very large (multi-megabtye) JSON or GEOMETRY column values if the sort buffers are of insufficient size; this can be compensated for in the usual fashion by increasing the value of the sort_buffer_size system variable. (Bug #30400985, Bug #30804356)
- InnoDB: The Contention-Aware Transaction Scheduling (CATS) algorithm, which prioritizes transactions that are waiting for locks, was improved. Transaction scheduling weight computation is now performed a separate thread entirely, which improves computation performance and accuracy.
- The First In First Out (FIFO) algorithm, which had also been used for transaction scheduling, was removed. The FIFO algorithm was rendered redundant by CATS algorithm enhancements. Transaction scheduling previously performed by the FIFO algorithm is now performed by the CATS algorithm.
- A TRX_SCHEDULE_WEIGHT column was added to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_TRX table, which permits querying transaction scheduling weights assigned by the CATS algorithm.

Bugs Fixed:
- Performance: Certain queries against tables with spatial indexes were not performed as efficiently following an upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0
- References: See also: Bug #89551, Bug #27499984
- NDB Cluster: NDB defines one SPJ worker per node owning a primary partition of the root table. If this table used read from any replica, DBTC put all SPJ workers in the same DBSPJ instance, which effectively removed the use of some SPJ workers.
- NDB Cluster: Executing the SHOW command using an ndb_mgm client binary from NDB 8.0.16 or earlier to access a management node running NDB 8.0.17 or later produced the error message Unknown field: is_single_user.
- InnoDB: A CREATE UNDO TABLESPACE operation that specified an undo data file name without specifying a path removed an existing undo data file of the same name from the directory specified by innodb_undo_directory variable. The file name conflict check was performed on the data directory instead of the directory specified by the innodb_undo_directory variable.
- InnoDB: In debug builds, a regression introduced in MySQL 8.0.19 slowed down mutex and rw-lock deadlock debug checks.
- References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #30628872.
- InnoDB: Valgrind testing raised an error indicating that a conditional jump or move depends on an uninitialized value. The error was a false-positive due to invalid validation logic.
- InnoDB: Missing barriers in rw_lock_debug_mutex_enter() (in source file sync0debug.cc) could cause a thread to wait without ever being woken up.
- InnoDB: To improve server initialization speed, fallocate() is now used to allocate space for redo log files.
- InnoDB: A data dictionary table open function was implemented with incorrect lock ordering
- InnoDB: Changes to parallel read threads functionality introduced in MySQL 8.0.17 caused a degradation in SELECT COUNT(*) performance. Pages were read from disk unnecessarily
- InnoDB: DDL logging was not performed for SQL operations executed by the bootstrap thread using the init_file startup variable, causing files to be left behind that should have been removed during a post-DDL stage.
- InnoDB: Adding an index on a column cast as a JSON array on a table with a specific number of records failed with an “Incorrect key file for table” error.
- InnoDB: A Valgrind error reported that an uninitialized lock->writer_thread value was used in a conditional jump.
- InnoDB: An internal buffer pool statistics counter (n_page_gets) was partitioned by page number to avoid contention when accessed by multiple threads.
- InnoDB: A tablespace import operation failed with a schema mismatch error due to the .cfg file and the data dictionary both containing default values for a column that was added using ALGORITHM=INSTANT. An error should only occur if default values differ.
- InnoDB: A slow shutdown failed to flush some GTIDs, requiring recovery of unflushed GTIDs from the undo log.
- InnoDB: A broken alignment requirement in the code that allocates a prefix in memory for Performance Schema memory allocations caused a failure on MySQL builds optimized for macOS and FreeBSD.
- InnoDB: Adding a virtual column raised an assertion failure due to data that was missing from the new data dictionary object created for the table.
- InnoDB: A required latch was not taken when checking the mode of an undo tablespace. A required latch was also not taken when checking whether an undo tablespace is empty
- InnoDB: Allocating an update undo log segment to an XA transaction for persisting a GTID value before the transaction performed any data modifications caused a failure.
- InnoDB: A query executed on a partitioned table with a discarded tablespace raised an assertion failure.
- InnoDB: The row_upd_clust_rec_by_insert function, which marks a clustered index record as deleted and inserts an updated version of the record into the clustered index, passed an incorrect n_ext value (the total number of external fields) to lower level functions, causing an assertion failure.
- InnoDB: During a cloning operation, writes to the data dictionary buffer table at shutdown were too late, causing a failure. Newly generated dirty pages were not being flushed.
- InnoDB: An operation performed with the innodb_buffer_pool_evict debug variable set to uncompressed caused an assertion failure.
- InnoDB: Read-write lock code (rw_lock_t) that controls ordering of access to the boolean recursive flag and the writer thread ID using GCC builtins or os_mutex when the builtins are not available, was revised to use C++ std::atomic in some instances.
- Thanks to Yibo Cai from ARM for the contribution.
- InnoDB: A failure occurred while upgrading from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0. A server data dictionary object was missing information about the FTS_DOC_ID column and FTS_DOC_ID_INDEX that remain after dropping a FULLTEXT index.
- InnoDB: Unnecessary messages about parallel scans were printed to the error log.
- InnoDB: During upgrade from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0, clustered indexes named GEN_CLUST_INDEX are renamed to PRIMARY, which resulted in duplicate entries for the clustered indexes being added to the mysql.innodb_index_stats table.
- InnoDB: Various internal functions computed write event slots in an inconsistent manner.
- InnoDB: Under specific circumstances, it was possible that tablespace encryption key information would not be applied during the redo log apply phase of crash recovery.
- InnoDB: A file operation failure caused the page tracking archiver to fail, which in turn caused the main thread to hang, resulting in an assertion failure. Also, incorrectly, the page tracking archiver remained enabled in innodb_read_only mode.
- InnoDB: An index corruption error was reported when attempting to import a tablespace containing a table column that was added using ALGORITHM=INSTANT. The error was due to missing metadata associated with the instantly added column.
- InnoDB: A transaction attempting to fetch an LOB record encountered a null LOB reference, causing an assertion failure. However, the null LOB reference was valid in this particular scenario because the LOB value was not yet fully written.
- InnoDB: During a parallel read operation, the rollback of a table load operation while autocommit was disabled resulted in a server to exit due to assertion code that did not account for the possibility of tree structure changes during a parallel read.
- InnoDB: The current size value maintained in a rollback segment memory object was found to be invalid, causing an assertion failure in function trx_purge_free_segment(). A validation routine (trx_rseg_t::validateCurrSize()) was added to verify the current size value.
- InnoDB: A prepared statement executed with invalid parameter values raised an assertion failure.
- InnoDB: An add column operation caused an assertion failure. The failure was due to a dangling pointer.
- References: This issue is a regression of: Bug #28491099.
- InnoDB: Updating certain InnoDB system variables that take string values raised invalid rad errors during Valgrind testing.
- InnoDB: Redo log records for modifications to undo tablespaces increased in size in MySQL 8.0 due to a change in undo tablespace ID values, which required additional bytes. The change in redo log record size caused a performance regression in workloads with heavy write I/O. To address this issue, the redo log format was modified to reduce redo log record size for modifications to undo tablespaces.
- InnoDB: Additional information about InnoDB file writes, including progress data, is now printed to the error log.
- InnoDB: An insert statement on a table with a spatial index raised a record type mismatch assertion due to a tuple corruption.
- InnoDB: A function that calculates undo log record size could calculate an incorrect length value in the case of a corrupted undo log record, resulting in a malloc failure. Assertion code was added to detect incorrect calculations.
- Replication: The thread used by Group Replication's message service was not correctly registered by the Performance Schema instrumentation, so the thread actions were not visible in Performance Schema tables.
- Replication: Group Replication initiates and manages cloning operations for distributed recovery, but group members that have been set up to support cloning may also participate in cloning operations that a user initiates manually. In releases before MySQL 8.0.20, you could not initiate a cloning operation manually if the operation involved a group member on which Group Replication was running. From MySQL 8.0.20, you can do this, provided that the cloning operation does not remove and replace the data on the recipient. The statement to initiate the cloning operation must therefore include the DATA DIRECTORY clause if Group Replication is running.
- Replication: For Group Replication channels, issuing the CHANGE MASTER TO statement with the PRIVILEGE_CHECKS_USER option while Group Replication was running caused the channel's relay log files to be deleted. Transactions that had been received and queued in the relay log, but not yet applied, could be lost in this situation. The CHANGE MASTER TO statement can now only be issued when Group Replication is not running.
- Replication: Group Replication's failure detection mechanism raises a suspicion if a server stops sending messages, and the member is eventually expelled provided that a majority of the group members are still communicating. However, the failure detection mechanism did not take into account the situation where one or more of the group members in the majority had actually already been marked for expulsion, but had not yet been removed from the group. Where the network was unstable and members frequently lost and regained connection to each other in different combinations, it was possible for a group to end up marking all its members for expulsion, after which the group would cease to exist and have to be set up again.
- Group Replication's Group Communication System (GCS) now tracks the group members that have been marked for expulsion, and treats them as if they were in the group of suspect members when deciding if there is a majority. This ensures at least one member remains in the group and the group can continue to exist. When an expelled member has actually been removed from the group, GCS removes its record of having marked the member for expulsion, so that the member can rejoin the group if it is able to. (Bug #30640544)
- Replication: While an SQL statement was in the process of being rewritten for the binary log so that sensitive information did not appear in plain text, if a SHOW PROCESSLIST statement was used to inspect the query, the query could become corrupted when it was written to the binary log, causing replication to stop. The process of rewriting the query is now kept private, and the query thread is updated only when rewriting is complete.
- Replication: When a GRANT or REVOKE statement is only partially executed, an incident event is logged in the binary log, which makes the replication slave's applier thread stop so that the slave can be reconciled manually with the master. Previously, if a failed GRANT or REVOKE statement was the first statement executed in the session, no GTID was applied to the incident event (because the cache manager did not yet exist for the session), causing an error on the replication slave. Also, no incident event was logged in the situation where a GRANT statement created a user but then failed because the privileges had been specified incorrectly, again causing an error on the replication slave. Both these issues have now been fixed.
- Replication: Compression is now triggered for the mysql.gtid_executed table when the thread/sql/compress_gtid_table thread is launched after the server start, and the effects are visible when the compression process is complete.
- Replication: Performance Schema tables could not be accessed on a MySQL server with Group Replication that was running under high load conditions.
- Replication: Internal queries from Group Replication to the Performance Schema for statistics on local group members failed if they occurred simultaneously with changes to the group's membership. Locking for the internal queries has been improved to fix the issue.
- Replication: In the event of an unplanned disconnection of a replication slave from the master, the reference to the master's dump thread might not be removed from the list of registered slaves, in which case statements that accessed the list of slaves would fail. The issue has now been fixed. (Bug #29915479)
- Replication: When a partitioned table was involved, the server did not correctly handle the situation where a row event could not be written to the binary log due to a lack of cache space. An appropriate error is now returned in this situation.
- Replication: During Group Replication's distributed recovery process, if a joining member is unable to complete a remote cloning operation with any donor from the group, it uses state transfer from a donor's binary log to retrieve all of the required data. However, if the last attempted remote cloning operation was interrupted and left the joining member with incomplete or no data, an attempt at state transfer immediately afterwards could also fail. Before attempting state transfer following a failed remote cloning operation, Group Replication now checks that the remote cloning operation did not reach the stage of removing local data from the joining member. If data was removed, the joining member leaves the group and takes the action specified by the group_replication_exit_state_action system variable.
- Replication: With the settings binlog_format=MIXED, tx_isolation=READ-COMMITTED, and binlog_row_image=FULL, an INSERT ... SELECT query involving a transactional storage engine omitted any columns with a null value from the row image written to the binary log. This happened because when processing INSERT ... SELECT statements, the columns were marked for inserts before the binary logging format was selected. The issue has now been fixed.
- Replication: Before taking certain actions, Group Replication checks what transactions are running on the server. Previously, the service used for this check did not count transactions that were in the commit phase, which could result in the action timing out. Now, transactions that are in the commit phase are included in the set of currently ongoing transactions.
- JSON: When JSON_TABLE() was used as part of an INSERT statement in strict mode, conversion errors handled by any ON ERROR clause could cause the INSERT to be rejected. Since errors are handled by an ON ERROR clause, the statement should not be rejected unless ERROR ON ERROR is actually specified.
- This issue is fixed by ignoring warnings when converting values to the target type if NULL ON ERROR or DEFAULT ... ON ERROR has been specified or is implied.

SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2020.04.28 build 9731 查看版本資訊


Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.5.0
- Control the pace of the video: change the speed of the slides in the Slideshow Wizard
- Apply a logo to your video in one click with the new Logo tool
- Small improvements in the Crop and Rotate tool
- The picture-in-picture and the split-screen effects moved to the Tools tab
- New color picker. Grab the color for the titles right from the player
- Add files from the Media bin and media collections not only by dragging, but also by double-clicking them

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.4.0
- Adding a background will help to hide black bars at the sides of images that don't fit the aspect ratio
- Sort your files by name
- The order in which you add files will remain the same

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.3.0
- The Slideshow Wizard can now assemble a slideshow more effectively
- Save your videos with no watermark right after you activate the program – no restart required
- We found as many as six instances in which the program did not work correctly or may crash

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.2.0
- Sort photos and videos by date or shuffle them on the Files tab
- The player on the Preview tab is now a bit more prominently displayed, so you won’t miss it
- The likelihood of the program crashing while you’re creating a slideshow has been minimized

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.1.0
- An icon on the Media bin previews now indicates a format of a file
- All the files you add to the Timeline will have a tick on them in the Media bin library
- The program will not shut down anymore while browsing files in the Media bin, dropping files on the Timeline and downloading the collection elements
- The program will not shut down anymore because of an insufficient OpenGL version. However, you still need an actual OpenGL version for proper work
- Images that were constantly loading in the Notification Center are now displayed correctly
- A video compression standard H265 (HEVC) is no longer supported

Movavi Slideshow Maker 6.0.0
- Modern and stylish design with more intuitive navigation
- New Media bin for your personal files. You can browse, sort and select your files right in the editor and add them anywhere on the Timeline so they’re easily available for the future montage
- New parallax transitions, glitch, and retro effects
- Transitions and themes have been grouped together on the Templates tab
- Change the music in a selected theme, if you don’t like the default track
- Even more presets for the Pan and zoom controls
- Transitions can now be applied to intro videos
- The program fits 1366x768 monitors correctly
- Other improvements and bug fixes

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.4.0
- Don't miss out on fresh packs in Movavi Effects Store, helpful tutorials and other news. Click Notifications at the bottom of the Timeline to see what you can find!
- Now, when you click on the star icon to look through the effects applied to a clip, it will open a tab where you can remove the effects.
- Automatically cut long video fragments into shorter scenes with the Scene Detection tool.
- Have fun with the new animations presets! You can now choose from almost 30 of them.
- Convey the right mood of your slideshow with 5 new themes.
- To remove black bars from several clips at once, select the clips you need and crop only one of them.
- Apply noise reduction, audio effects or equalizer presets to several clips at once.
- Other small enhancements.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.3.1
- General improvements for a better performance.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.3.0
- Change the clip order in the automatically compiled video by clicking the Shuffle button on the Preview tab of the Slideshow Wizard.
- Enhanced color adjustment tool.
- In callouts, you can now change the style of arrows, set their custom length and direction. And they look much better than the arrows we used to have.
- Drag and drop filters from the Filters collection to several selected clips at once.
- Eliminated the most common cause for the program to unexpectedly shut down.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.2.0
- Combining two or more projects in one is not a dream any more. It's here! Go to “File” – “Append Project” to try it out.
- Now you can have Pan&Zoom effect added to all clips in both video making modes.
- Sharing to Vimeo is now also available.
- Add animation presets as you would add any other file – drag-and-drop them onto the Timeline.
- Small interface improvements and enhancements to some tools.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.1.0
- Make objects move on the screen with the new Animation feature.
- More love and travel themed stickers.
- The difference between the original image and the image with an applied effect is more noticeable with the new preview picture.
- General improvements for a better performance.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.0.1
- General improvements for a better performance.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 5.0.0
- Create slideshows even faster with Themes: Family, Birthday, Love Story, Action, and Travel. Each theme has its own transitions, titles, and background music. To create a slideshow, all you need to do is just upload photos and choose a theme – it’s that simple!
- Extensive collection of intros and outros to make your slideshows really stand out.
- 3 catchy music tracks: Love Nest, Make a Wish, and Seize the Day.
- Revamped timeline. Every track is now clearly visible, which makes creating movies much simpler.
- Thanks to the Fast Track HD technology, working with large files will now results in much fewer freezes and lags.
- The preview screen now has handy guide lines to help you work with titles, stickers, and other tools more precisely.
- Redesigned start screen.
- Other improvements and bug fixes.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 4.2.0
- Transfer your projects to other computers effortlessly! Simply choose the Save Portable Project option in the File menu.
- More export options: adjust video codec settings, video bitrate type and quality.
- The project settings window has been made into a nice and convenient button under the player, where you can change the aspect ratio in just two clicks.
- Fixed an issue with a black bar on some images in the Crop tool.
- Bug fixes and other improvements.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 4.1.0
- Slideshow Maker now supports effects sets from the Movavi Effects Store.
- Ability to upload slideshows to Google Drive.
- Bug fixes and other improvements.

Movavi Slideshow Maker 4.0.0
- Meet the all-new Montage Wizard! It has all the features of the ‘old’ Slideshow Wizard plus some cool new options.
- More music. We’ve added 10 free music tracks: Bright Future, Discovery, Road Trip, and other themes.
- Support for RAW images. Upload photos from digital cameras in RAW format.
- Step-by-step tips to help you quickly master the main features.
- You can now record audio from microphone even if there are no clips or images on the timeline.
- Changes in working with titles.
- New editing frames for the Pan and Zoom and Crop and Rotate tools.
- Undo and Redo buttons are located on the toolbar to better help you avoid unplanned mistakes and misclicks while editing.
- Context menu for effects collections. To add a filter, transition or title, just right-click it and choose the option you need.
- Add titles and callouts by dragging and dropping them into the preview area.
- Improved program menu.
- A new, simpler export window has only the settings you need. To access additional parameters, click Advanced.
- Changes in working with transitions.
- Free media files in the program collections can now be downloaded on demand. Download individual videos, audio, or images that you like, or even whole collections, whenever you need them.
- Sample audio tracks now have graphic covers.
- GIF added to supported export formats.
- Ability to create custom Equalizer presets.
- Ability to separate audio from a video file using the context menu.
- Bug fixes and other improvements.

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.26 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.26
- New Discharge 2 animation has been added
- New animated fractal shape has been added to the line particle
- New rough line texture has been added to the Particle System Constructor library
- Sound volume control has been added to MP3 play list
- The bug with view control of Fireworks animation has been fixed
- Scrolling behavior of animation layer list has been improved

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.25
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.24
- Change log not available for this version

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.22
- Option to write 3D text along a circle line has been added
- Loop transition option has been added to MP4 export
- Point particle emitter has been replaced with Radial Flow emitter
- Bug with sector area in particle emitter has been fixed
- Crash on exporting 4K videos with loop transition option has been fixed
- Bug with particle brush in No background mode has been fixed
- Bug with some executable files has been fixed
- Crash on the using particle presets has been fixed
- Crash on waterfall object has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.21
- DP animation Maker will now save export settings
- Phase option has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom and Stretch brushes
- Windlike motion type has been added to Turn, Fold, Zoom, Stretch, Bend and Drift brushes
- Rectangle and Sector particle emitters has been joined in Liner Flow emitter
- Crash on switching particle template has been fixed
- Behavior of the MP4 incorrect parameters warning has been fixed
- Occasional erasing brush masks has been fixed
- Occasional malfunction of the view window has been fixed

Animated Wallpaper Maker 4.4.20
- New Splashes animation has been added
- New Field emitter has been added to Particle System Constructor
- Center property for particle image has been added

MySQL Workbench 8.0.20 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

MySQL Workbench 8.0.20 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.19 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.18 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.17 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.16 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.15 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.14 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.13 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

MySQL Workbench 8.0.12 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.7.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.7.3
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.7.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.6.6
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.6.5
- Improved the performance of loading songs on TuneFab
- Support WAV output format

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.6.3
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.6.2
- Updated internal links of the program based on different languages(Japanese, Traditional Chinese and German)

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.6.1
- Fixed: TuneFab Apple Music Converter crashes on Windows 7

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.5.2
- Bug fixed: Can't find output file after changing the output path

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.5.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.3.5
- Fixed the ID3 tag issues in converted MP3 files, including missing song title and damaged album artwork

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.3.0
- Fixed bugs

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.2.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.1.4
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.1.3
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 6.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.6.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.5.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.0.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 5.0.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 2.3.6
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 2.3.5
- Improve the software's interface resolution

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 2.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 2.3.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Apple Music Converter 2.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

Raccoon 4.14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a layout bug in the ‘unlock features’ dialog that would squash the personalisation code.
- SECURITY BUGFIX: Verify the TLS certificate

Hearthstone Deck Tracker 1.10.8 查看版本資訊


Ultimaker Cura 4.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- New Intent profiles. In version 4.4 we introduced Intent profiles for the Ultimaker S3 and Ultimaker S5 which allow you to start prints at the click of a button without a lot of configuration steps. Due to popular demand, version 4.6 expands the range of Engineering Intent profiles to include more of the Ultimaker material portfolio: PC, Nylon, CPE, and CPE+. These work with 0.4 print cores.
- Show active post processing scripts. fieldOfview has contributed an ease of use improvement to the post processing plugin. The number of enabled post processing scripts will now display as a badge notification over the post processing scripts icon. A tooltip gives extra information about which scripts are enabled for quick and easy inspection, so there's no need to open the post processing dialog.
- Hole Horizontal Expansion. smartavionics has contributed a new setting that applies an offset to all holes on each layer, allowing you to manually enlarge or contract holes to compensate for horizontal expansion.
- Per-model settings. The "Infill only" checkbox has been changed to a dropdown selection: “Infill mesh only” or “Cutting mesh”.
- Transparent support rendering. In preview mode with ‘Line type’ selected, support material will render with transparency so you can easily see what’s being supported.
- No stair stepping for PVA profiles. Stair stepping is intended to reduce the adhesion between support and the model, where the support rests on the model, and to reduce scarring. As PVA doesn't suffer from scarring or adhesion issues due to its water-solubility, this value has been set to 0 for PVA profiles. A known issue with the stair stepping algorithm causes support to disappear sometimes, so doing this reduces the chance of that happening when PVA is used.
- Separators in extensions menu. fieldOfview has contributed a method for plugin authors to add separators between menu items in the “Extensions” submenu. The method is backwards-compatible so changes don’t have to be made in Cura and Uranium together.
- Ultimaker account sign in prompt. Added clearer text to the sign in popup and first use flow to highlight the benefits of using an Ultimaker account with Cura.
- Updated installer. Small fixes have been made to the installer. To keep up with the times, we’ve also updated the images to display an Ultimaker S3 instead of an Ultimaker 3.

Bug fixes:
- Infill mesh ordering
- When you have three objects overlapping each other and you set two of them to "Modify settings for infill of other models", then the setting "Infill Mesh Order" determines which of the two infill meshes gets priority where they overlap. This was broken for cutting meshes, so BagelOrb contributed a fix.
- Backups storage size. We’ve put a hard limit on backup file size in this release to prevent other files being stored there
- 3MF gcode comments removed. Fixed a bug where comments were removed from Start/End G-codes when opening from a 3MF
- Print monitor preheat fields. Values in the print monitor preheat fields were broken in previous versions, they have now been fixed by fieldOfview
- Stepper motor disarming during pause at height. Some printers automatically disable their steppers after a pause (after a certain time). This script makes it possible to set that in the pause script (instead of relying on default behavior of the firmware).
- Crash if logging in on two instances at the same time. During the beta period we caught a critical bug where logging in to an Ultimaker account with two instances of Cura would crash the second instance. It crashes because while the web page is open, Cura opens a web server in the local host. The web page redirects to that web server when you've logged in, so that it knows that the log-in was successful and what the credentials are. Both instances try to create a web server on the same port, which is impossible.
- "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" message. We fixed a bug on MacOS where duplicate "Changes detected from your Ultimaker account" popups would appear at a single time.
- Crashes when inactive. Some people reported experiencing crashes when the computer had been inactive for a long time, or when the laptop got suspended or went to sleep. This has been fixed.
- Support blocker is not blocking support. Fixed an issue where the support blocker was not blocking support.
- Sending slice message takes too long when using mesh helpers. Fixed an issue where it would take too long to trigger a slice when using the mesh helpers and support blocker.