MyPhoneExplorer 歷史版本列表 Page4

最新版本 DxO FilmPack 7.00

MyPhoneExplorer 歷史版本列表

只需使用免費軟件 MyPhoneExplorer 探索您的 Android 手機!通過有線,藍牙或紅外線連接您的手機,您會驚奇地發現使用我們的軟件管理您的手機是多麼容易和高效。由於它是第一個版本 MyPhoneExplorer 發展成為最受歡迎的 SE 電話免費軟件工具。該軟件不斷更新的新功能。自 1.8 版以來,MyPhoneExplorer 也支持基於 Android 的手機(通過 WiFi,... MyPhoneExplorer 軟體介紹

MP4 Player 4.25.10 查看版本資訊


KiCad 7.0.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix issue with colours in the new lazy-loaded preference panels
- Fix preferences dialog "Reset to Default" button
- Fix view shifting when infobar is shown
- Improve appearance of stroked knockout text
- Outline font performance improvements
- Correctly handle hidden columns when pasting into grids
- Handle numeric keypad enter in missing places
- Force word wrapping of PCM package descriptions on Mac
- Fix broken cursor key handling in library tree pane
- Fix null pointer access attempting to read common settings
- Maintain file permissions to prevent locking out other developers
- Fix broken file locking

Schematic Editor:
- Fix block mirroring of fields attached to labels
- Fix pin preferences dialog size
- Fix crash if ${VALUE} variable expansion recurses
- Fix worksheet text layout when using custom font
- Don’t dim fields when selecting them
- Fix arc color printing bug
- Fix inter-sheet reference position when printing

Spice Simulator:
- Fix handling of SPICE parameters that include capital letters
- Fix unhandled exception when loading model files
- Fix unknown model type in IBIS file
- Fix SENTRY issue KICAD-2EF

Symbol Editor:
- Ensure a new derived symbol has the correct alternate body style option displayed
- Fix null pointer assertion in symbol library cache
- Fix segfault when selecting a pad from the footprint browser

Footprint Assignment Tool:
- Fix crash when "View selected footprint in footprint viewer" is clicked
- Fix crash when destroy footprint frame gets called more than once

Board Editor:
- Export STEP circular board outlines as cylinder
- Fix unexpected rats nest behavior
- Delete ratsnest line after drawing track
- Fix discrepancy between interactive routing and design rules checker
- Fix clipped combobox entry in text box dialog.
- Hook up text variable automatic completion
- Fix crash when saving a board with overbar text using a non KiCad font
- Shorten overly verbose error message on board load failure
- Fix DRC assertion for unsupported collisions
- Fix differential pair routing crash
- Fix use after free crash in router drag walkaround mode
- Don’t allow setting a pad width or height of 0
- Fix broken rotated dimensions when importing Altium PCB
- Fix net inspector crash
- Fix search pane not remembering docking sizes and positions
- Do not allow selecting reference text when reference display is disabled
- Show dimensions in footprint preview panel
- Re-create missing exclusion markers if DRC was canceled
- Do not plot edge cut layer arcs in Gerber files when plotting solder mask layers
- Do not require restart to make graphic default settings changes take effect
- Ensure differential pair gap is respected when switching track postures
- Fix tab order in edit text and graphics properties dialog
- Fix broken arcs on DXF import
- Fix zone fill issue with net ties
- Add DRC testing for copper graphic to zone fill collisions

Footprint Editor:
- Fix unexpected change of default preferences in text and graphic properties dialog

3D Viewer:
- Trim solder paste and other layers to holes
- Fix display of castellated vias

PCB Calculator:
- Fix grid layout issues on Ubuntu

Command Line Interface:
- Fix blank symbol on SVG export file names
- Fix incorrect unit when user origin is specifed when exporting STEP files
- Support mirror option in PDF export
- Add the missing plot formats to schematic export
- Add option to plot PCB GERBER files with KiCad file extension

MP4 Player 4.25.7 查看版本資訊


MP4 Player 4.25.6 查看版本資訊


OCCT 12.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: An exception may occur if your system had no 3d-capable GPU

- The language translation option is now properly hidden again

- Fixed: There's no constraint on the minimum interval when loading OCCT's settings anymore. The newer timer used doesn't allow concurrent refreshes, so the minimum refresh time doesn't have to be constrained anymore

- Fixed: The enterprise edition would sometimes refuse to start if your CPU had more than 32 cores

- Both the UI and the Command-line version will have an exit code corresponding to the test status (only if --auto-close is used for the UI edition). Codes are as follows : Finished = 0, Cancelled =1,Overheat = 2,Crashed = 3,ErrorFound = 4, WheaErrorFound = 5

MP4 Player 4.25.5 查看版本資訊


OCCT 12.0.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: OCCT would not properly close if no test was launched prior

- The cursor will switch to wait status while OCCT's cleaning up before closing

OCCT 12.0.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: When a WHEA error was detected and no compute error, the text status would still say "no error(s) detected". They properly appeared in the test log, and the indicator was yellow as intended, but this led to confusion.

- Added Serial number reporting for Memory modules

- Fixed: When no GPU was detected, the intended message didn't show up

- Fixed: an issue was rarely preventing the benchmarks from finishing properly

- Fixed: The summary did not display the current benchmark running

- Fixed: The test status in the PNG report for the personal edition was not reflecting the last test run

- Fixed: Serial numbers for Memory were missing from the json and HTML report

MP4 Player 4.25.4 查看版本資訊


OCCT 12.0.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix: pressing space during a stability certificate won't restart the timer