Windows Live Messenger 歷史版本列表
Windows Live Messenger 包括對 IM 倡議的支持!每當您開始使用即時通訊進行對話時,Microsoft 都會將該計劃的一部分廣告收入與世界上一些最有效的致力於社會事業的組織分享。所以,無論何時你使用 Windows Live Messenger 進行即時對話,你都可以幫助解決你最感興趣的問題。這很簡單。所有你需要做的就是加入並開始即時消息對話。Windows Live Mes... Windows Live Messenger 軟體介紹更新時間:2007-01-30
What's new in this version:
Changes since Messenger 8.0
Roaming Identity
- Your display name follows you any place you sign into. Now your display picture and personal message will follow you too. If you would prefer they stayed in place you can turn this off (Tools->Options->General -> Sign In -> "Use the same display picture....")
Contact Card
- The contact card has gotten a updated look. Instead of a flip it does a slide to toggle between the Spaces and Contact information. Also no more squinting at an icon and trying to figure out what it means the actions on the card are now listed out plain and simple.
Emoticons, Winks, Backgrounds, Display Pictures
- The menus have gotten an updated look. They include a recently used list and easy access to featured content so you can get new emoticons, winks, background and display pictures to use. hint: typcially in the featured section the first 4 are free.
SMS Phone Book
- You now have a quick way to send SMS to a phone number or add phone numbers for your contacts. Just click the cell phone icon in them main window for a good time.
New Contact Emotion
- In 8.0 all our icons got an update but we forgot a very important one. The contact emoticon. Type (M) to send it.
Status Menu includes Sign Out
- We noticed people look in the status menu to sign out and so ta-da now you can sign out from the status menu.
Report abuse
- Here is something you will hopefully never need to use, but it is there just in case in the help menus.
Vista Presentation Mode
- When you are in Presentation Mode on Vista Messenger will change your status to busy so you can avoid the embarrassing situation of everyone reading your IMs! Don't worry if you want to show Messenger in your presentation you can turn this off (Tools->Options-> Personal-> My Status -> Show me as "Busy"...).
Behind the scenes changes
- This release also includes changes to the "guts" of some of the features. The goal is for these changes to improve your experience. Please let us know if that is not the case.
Personal Invitation
- When you add a new contact you can add a message so they know who you are. Especially helpful if your email address is something like ILoveMessenger(at) - since there are so many of us out there.
What's new in this version:
- Roaming Identity - Your display name follows you any place you sign into. Now your display picture and personal message will follow you too. If you would prefer they stayed in place you can turn this off (Tools->Options->General -> Sign In -> "Use the same display picture....")
- Contact Card - The contact card has gotten a updated look. Instead of a flip it does a slide to toggle between the Spaces and Contact information. Also no more squinting at an icon and trying to figure out what it means the actions on the card are now listed out plain and simple.
- Emoticons, Winks, Backgrounds, Display Pictures - The menus have gotten an updated look. They include a recently used list and easy access to featured content so you can get new emoticons, winks, background and display pictures to use. hint: typcially in the featured section the first 4 are free.
- SMS Phone Book - You now have a quick way to send SMS to a phone number or add phone numbers for your contacts. Just click the cell phone icon in them main window for a good time.
- New Contact Emotion - In 8.0 all our icons got an update but we forgot a very important one. The contact emoticon. Type (M) to send it.
- Status Menu includes Sign Out - We noticed people look in the status menu to sign out and so ta-da now you can sign out from the status menu.
- Report abuse - Here is something you will hopefully never need to use, but it is there just in case.
- Vista Presentation Mode - When you are in Presentation Mode on Vista Messenger will change your status to busy so you can avoid the embarrassing situation of everyone reading your IMs! Don't worry if you want to show Messenger in your presentation you can turn this off (Tools->Options-> Personal-> My Status -> Show me as "Busy"...).
- Behind the scenes changes - This release also includes changes to the "guts" of some of the features. The goal is for these changes to improve your experience. Please let us know if that is not the case.