Mp3tag 歷史版本列表 Page61

最新版本 Mp3tag 3.23

Mp3tag 歷史版本列表

Mp3tag 是一個功能強大,但易於使用的工具來編輯常見的音頻格式的元數據,它支持 ID3v1,ID3v2.3,ID3v2.4,iTunes 的 MP4,WMA,Vorbis 的評論和 APE 標籤。它可以重命名文件的基礎上標籤信息,替換標籤和文件名中的字符或單詞,導入 / 導出標籤信息,創建播放列表等.Mp3tag 支持來自 Amazon,discogs 或 freedb 的在線數據庫查詢,允許... Mp3tag 軟體介紹

Mp3tag 2.69 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIX: field names were not always sorted when displayed in the extended tag dialog (since v2.67).
- [2015-03-14] FIX: directory names containing a dot had only the part till the dot in %_directory% (since v2.67).

Mp3tag 2.68 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIX: Runtime errors caused by internal changes from v2.67

Mp3tag 2.66 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- added support for complex JSON object values by web sources framework functions 'json_select_object' and 'json_unselect_object'.
- added support for boolean values in web sources framework function 'json_select'.
- added scripting function $strcmp to compare strings case-sensitively.
- added scripting function $stricmp to compare strings case-insensitively. Fixed:
- MP4 cdec field for encoder settings was not preserved when writing tags.
- updated RATING MM to use latest mapping of values.
- removing filter from filter history did not reset filter and file list.
- field RELEASETIME was missing after resetting the tag fields list.
- adding cover art did not conform to the description in the documentation (select file dialog was showing the current working directory instead of the file's directory in case no default directory was provided).
- documentation of action 'Remove duplicate fields' did not mention that the first value is retained.
- documentation of scripting function $eql did not mention that strings are compared case insensitive.
- scripting function $eql was not working correctly if strings contained umlauts or diacritic characters. Changed:
- added support for mouse wheel scrolling in tag panel.
- added context-specific detection of mouse-wheel usage to prevent accidentally overwriting the field contents.

Mp3tag 2.65a 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- FIX: Discogs web source now uses as word separator (using + gave HTTP 401 Unauthorized in some cases).

Mp3tag 2.65 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- CHG: added Discogs image caching through dedicated caching server.
- FIX: web sources framework function 'ifnot' did not work for empty parameter in some cases.
- CHG: web sources framework function "json_select_array" does not create error result in case parameter does not refer to an array.

Mp3tag 2.64 查看版本資訊


Mp3tag 2.63 查看版本資訊


Mp3tag 2.62 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- updated Bulgarian, Czech, Hungarian, and Korean language files.
- search requests to Discogs were not URL encoded anymore (since v2.61b).
- authentication via OAuth 1.0a for Discogs tag sources was not triggered in all cases (since v2.61b).
- added authentication via OAuth 1.0a for Discogs tag sources.
- added scripting function $list(x,y,z) to official documented scripting functions.
- replaced Romanian language file by new translation from Andrei-Felix Areanu.
- runtime error when file name resulting from performing actions was one of the reserved device file names CON, PRN, AUX, NUL, COM1-9, or LPT1-9.

Mp3tag 2.61d 查看版本資訊


Mp3tag 2.61b 查看版本資訊
