TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
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MKVToolNix 歷史版本列表

MKVToolNix 是一套在 Linux 和 Windows 下創建,更改和檢查 Matroska 文件的工具。他們為 Matroska 做了 OGM 工具為 OGM 格式做了些什麼,然後做了一些。它支持處理幾個輸入文件,就好像它們已經被二進制級聯成一個大的輸入文件一樣.8997423 選擇版本:MKVToolNix 19.0.0(32 位)MKVToolNix 19.0.0(64 位) MKVToolNix 軟體介紹

MKVToolNix (32-bit)MKVToolNix (64-bit)

pdfFactory 6.32 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- All executable files (*.exe, *.dll) and all driver files (*.cat) are now dual-signed with EV SHA-1 and SHA-256 code signing certificates. You can get more information here.
- (Pro only) the SettingsBookmarks command now works correctly when run from the printer driver UI

BirdFont for Windows 3.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adjust underline thickness and position in a font
- Run faster on Windows
- Export large (CJK) fonts
- Fix parsing of TTF fonts

BirdFont for Windows 3.8.7 查看版本資訊


pdfFactory 6.31 查看版本資訊


MKVToolNix 25.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mkvmerge: SRT/ASS/SSA text subtitles: for files for which no encoding has been specified, mkvmerge will try UTF-8 first before falling back to the system's default encoding. Part of the implementation of #2246.
- Mkvmerge: SRT/ASS/SSA/WebVTT text subtitles: a warning is now emitted if invalid 8-bit characters are encountered outside valid multi-byte UTF-8 sequences. Part of the implementation of #2246.
- Mkvmerge: Matroska & MPEG transport stream readers: the encoding of text subtitles read from Matroska files can now be changed with the `--sub-charset` parameter
- Linux: starting with release 25 an AppImage will be provided which should run on any Linux distribution released around the time of CentOS 7/Ubuntu 14.04 or later
- MacOS: translations: updated the `build.sh` script to build `libiconv` and a complete `gettext`. Together with an additional fix to how translation files are located, MKVToolNix can now use all interface languages on macOS, too.

pdfFactory 6.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- the default app font is now larger (Calibri 9pt)
- the default app font can now be customized in the Settings dialog
- keyboard users can now use the Tab key to navigate through the toolbar buttons
- you can now set the PDF password from the main Jobs tab instead of having to use the SettingsSecurity command
- (Pro only) you can now drag and drop snapshot selections from pdfFactory Pro to other apps (e.g. Windows Explorer, Google Maps)

App Builder 2018.92 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

App Builder 2018.92
- Fix an mistake in the app's Files Manager dialog, which causes that the Explorer toolbar button stay enable when in fact there is no file to be explored. The explorer button has been enhanced too in order to be ready to explore styles and scripts, in addition to images, other files and folders

App Builder 2018.91
- Enhance the Checkbox and Radio controls, or, better said, let it working as expected. Before this release we can't change the Caption variable of these controls in runtime, which is not what we can expected

App Builder 2018.90
- Add 14 new app's themes to be available for our apps. This themes are based in Boostrap CSS 4.1.1 version, and, counting the default one, we have now up to 36 app's themes ready to be used in our apps.
- Upgrade the Boostrap CSS framework from the 4.0.0 version to the latest 4.1.1 version. Update also the 21 app's themes already included in DecSoft App Builder to the 4.1.1 version of Boostrap CSS

App Builder 2018.89
- Prevent to fire the Complete and Update events of the MediaPlayer control if we change the view on the Complete event of that control, for example. This avoid certain errors when try to access non existing properties of the MediaPlayer control. Thanks Julio for the report

App Builder 2018.88
- Fix an problem with the Navbar control HTML caused by the upgraded to AngularJS 1.7.0. The error don't cause the app to stop, however, we carefully recommend to upgrade AB to this new release if you use the Navbar control in your app

App Builder 2018.85
- Update AngularJS and the used route, touch, sanitize and animated modules from the 1.6.9 version to the latest 1.7.0 stable version. This AngularJS release include some bug fixed, changes and various enhancements from the previous release
- The program config Debugger options have an Search button, which search for the possible browsers installed in the computer, to be added into the App Builder's Debugger toolbar. Now this Search also recognize Firefox 64 bits installations

App Builder 2018.84
- Fix a bug which occur when the App Builder compiler copy an entire directory previously established in the app's files manager. If after the first compilation the original directory files change (which is something more or less common) the App Builder compiler copy again the directory files into the compilation directoy, but in an wrong place. Now the directory files are copied in the right place.

App Builder 2018.83
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2018.82
- Add some useful CSS classes to the Report control, and, more in particular, to the optional "loading" text that can appear in the Report control. If the Report Wrapper is "table", you can now use the "loading-row", "loading-col" and "loading-text" CSS classes. If the Report Wrapper is "grid", you can now use the "loading-container" and "loading-text" CSS classes. Thanks Julio for the suggestion

App Builder 2018.81
- Some minor adaptations in some App Builder IDE labels in order to allows brazilian portuguese and may other translation to properly translate that labels
- Some fixes and enhancements over the brazilian portuguese translation of the IDE of DecSoft's App Builder. Thanks very much Jackson for your work!

App Builder 2018.80
- Add the ItemClick event to the TypeAhead control. This event is fired when the user select one of the available TypeAhead items. The Value variable of the control stores the item that has been selected by the user

App Builder 2018.79
- This DecSoft's App Builder release includes the brazilian portuguese translation for the App Builder's IDE. Only the help file is not translated, but the IDE is completely translated into the brazilian portuguese language

App Builder 2018.78
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2018.77
- Made some internal changes and enhance the AB core Javascript in order to allows attributes like "style" in HTML tags inserted via app's variables in certain contexts like in HTML and Report controls

App Builder 2018.76
- The "viewport" HTML meta tag are not correctly written in the app's HTML file, causing that the app appear with an very small font in mobile browsers. This is fixed now, by written the appropriate "viewport" meta tag. This problem has been probably introduced some releases ago, and some customers report to me. Thanks to all!
- Add the icons' "sizes" argument into the Progressive Web Apps JSON manifest. Apparently this argument is requied in order to allows Chrome for Mobile to pick the right icon for our app, when add it as an Progressive Web App

App Builder 2018.75
- Fix an problem in touch screens with the Report controls, which disallow their scroll left and right (in case their columns exceeds the screen width). This problem is related with the Report swipe left and right events, wich now are not refered if we don't use it. Thanks Tin for the report

App Builder 2018.74
- Add some CSS code useful to hide the default caret used in the Dropdown button control. Some other very minor changes, fixes and enhancements

App Builder 2018.73
- Fix a problem with the Navbar control in Android, which causes that the navbar menu did not appear by pressing the Toggle button, if we did not press in some other control before. Also remove the outline of the Toggle button. Thanks Tin for the report
- Update the Font Awesome font files and CSS code to the latest version 5.0.10, which includes a total of 991 icons ready to be used in our apps

App Builder 2018.72
- Add the new Login sample, who provide one of the possible ways to implement an login procedure in our apps. The sample shown how we can login into an app's server, and, how we can then continue requesting contents as an logged user by using an token instead of the user's password. This sample includes various server PHP scripts that requires your attention and study too

App Builder 2018.71
- Made some changes and enhancements in the Welcome page in order to use a btter URL to get the latest threads and posts from the DecSoft's support forum
- Update the "RSS" app sample in order to use the new RSS feed of the DecSoft's support forum. This sample stop to work since we change the support forum system in our website

App Builder 2018.68
- Add the new Dinamic Controls samples (number 172 of App Builder). This app shown how we can insert dinamic controls inside an HTML control container, and, also how to retrieve the possible values for that controls. This is not a very common task and therefore they requires Javascript code usage. On the other hand, there is not only a way to play with HTML and CSS, so, what this app propose is only one of the possible ways to achieve something like that: create dinamic controls

App Builder 2018.65
- The App Builder IDE themes has been removed in this release. The themes are not really useful, probably are not too much used, and, are the responsible for certain anoying error in AB, very difficult to reproduce, very difficult to catch and very difficult to reproduce. The IDE themes, therefore, has been removed. Of course the App Builder IDE continue adapting their interface to the Windows theme

App Builder 2018.64
- Adapt the App Builder's welcome page to the latest changes in the DecSoft's website. We integrate the support forum in the same website, we no more uses a different software, which means our customers must login just one time in our website to give all the benefits of an DecSoft's customer, including the ability to post into the support forum. This release of App Builder adapt and enhance the welcome page to continue viewing the latest support forum posts in a quick way

App Builder 2018.63
- Fix an introduced error in the Radio controls Javascript which causes that they can't work like expected when their Checked property was "False"

App Builder 2018.61
- Add the new CacheView action. This action can be used to preload an app's view HTML template into the internal app's cache, then when that app's view is required, they no need to be loaded from the scratch. This action is not intended to be used for all app's views, but for some of the most common or "first of", so our app's behaviour can be a bit faster
- Improve the way in which the SimpleGet, SimplePost and LoadVariables actions are translated to Javascript. Catch also the possible HTTP error in the LoadVariables action

App Builder 2018.60
- Find some introduced bugs in the previous release when compile some of the available non visual controls. This release fix that introduced bugs

App Builder 2018.59
- Continue with the enhancements in the App Builder compiler in order to reduce the app.js core Javascript file. This release of App Builder changes the way in which the app's controls are declared, reducing the app.js ammount of Javascript and also obtaining a more readable Javascript app.js file. In a simple test, an real app.js of 1,39 MB (1,00 MB after minimize) has been reduced their size up to 1,06 MB (787 KB after minimize)

App Builder 2018.58
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2018.57
- Properly catch possible errors in the HTTP calls made by the SimpleGet and SimplePost actions. Now this errors are reported into the [App.LastError] global variable and causes than the app's Error event are fired

App Builder 2018.56
- Fix a bug in the Timer controls, who can cause unexpected behaviours if we try to start and stop it from different views. The problems can be to unable to stop Timers to double Timers intervals executions. This bug is fixed now.

App Builder 2018.55
- Avoid an error if we try to clear a variable with a null valueu using the ClearVariables action. We receive an error in that case that is fixed now

App Builder 2018.54
- The optional "PluginDocumentReadyEvent" function for App Builder Javascript plugins are not executing properly said when the document DOM is ready, but, just a few milliseconds before of that, which can cause some unexpected problems. This is fixed in this release, and, the refered function is executed when the document DOM is really ready to be used

App Builder 2018.53
- Prevent (only in certain scenario) that an shown view fit only the keyboard allowed space (in device with software keyboards) if the keyboard is present when we use the ShowView or ReplaceView actions

App Builder 2018.52
- Add up to 14 splash screen images (and refer it into the config.xml file) to Apache Cordova for iOS, and, more specifically, trying to solve certain issue found when run the apps in an iPhone X device

App Builder 2018.51
- Complete the spanish translation of the App Builder i18n file and update the french translation of the App Builder i18n with some fixes and new strings added

App Builder 2018.50
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2018.49
- Increase the Min SDK option for Android to 16 instead of 14. Add the new Android Oreo 8.1 API 27 into the Target SDK ComboBox of the app Cordova / Android options. Establish this option as the selected by default too
- Update the Phonegap CLI version to the latest Apache Cordova version: 8.0.0

App Builder 2018.48
- Change log not available for this version

App Builder 2018.47
- App Builder generates now the new splash screens (named "story boards") for the iOS platform, instead to the "old" splash screen images. These new images are of course also referred in the Cordova config.xml file. Made also some more other changes at the core app CSS. Both of these changes are made in order to be ready with the iPhone X and other iOS devices

App Builder 2018.46
- The "SplashMaintainAspectRatio" and the "StatusBarOverlaysWebView" Cordova options are not properly saved in the Cordova config.xml file, that is, the App Builder compiler do not take in consideration the default values for this option and do something wrong in some cases. This has been fixed now and the refered options are properly saved and used

App Builder 2018.45
- Move the Cordova Screen options from the General tab to the Configuration one. Inside the Configuration tab we place a new page control with an Screen, Statusbar and Extra XML tabs. The Statusbar tab contains three new Cordova Statusbar related options: Overlay WebView, Style and Background color

App Builder 2018.44
- Add the new Configuration tab in the app's options dialog for the Apache Cordova Android platform. Inside this new tab we add a new Splash Screen Maintain Ratio option. This new option allows to choose (for Android) between to maintain the aspect ratio of the splash screens

App Builder 2018.43

- The HistoryBack and the HistoryForward actions don't cause the [App.CurrentView] to be properly set, which is the expected behaviour. Only the ShowView and ReplaceView actions causes the [App.CurrentView] to be properly set. This has been fixed now and all these actions causes the [App.CurrentView] to be filled properly
- The [App.DialogView] variable are not filled in the proper way when more than one dialog view are open (one after another). This variable store an empty string when a second modal view is closed. This problem has been fixed and the [App.DialogView] stores the current modal view or an empty string (if any modal view is opened)
- If we pass some params to an app view the [App.CurrentView] variable are not filled in the right way, and include the params inside the variable, which is not what we can expected. This problem has been solved too in this DecSoft's App Builder release

App Builder 2018.41
- Upgrade the FontAwesome icons to the latest version 5. The IDE icon picker dialog as well the apps can now use up to 929 icons from the FontAwesome pack, including all the Regular, Solid and Brands icons. Note that some icons names has been renamed from the previous FontAwesome 4.x versions. Review your apps and use the IDE icon picker dialog in order to assign new icons if needed

App Builder 2018.39
- Enhance the algorithm used when generate the splash screens for all the supported Apache Cordova platforms. Thanks very, very, very much José! Without your help we probably can't get our desired result: the best as possible! Thanks again!

App Builder 2018.38
- Change the algorithm used when generate the splash screens for all the supported Apache Cordova platforms. Now the provided splash screen is resized, but, only to fit the generated splash screen. This release includes also a bug fix for the generated landscape splash screens, which certainly crop the provided splash screen in a wrong way before this fix.

App Builder 2018.37
- Introducing the app's views' Params variable. Take a look at the app's views' help topic in order to learn about this new variable that every view in the app have now.  Take also a look at the new ViewParams app sample (number 170), that shows how we can use the new views' Params variable.

App Builder 2018.36
- Some other minor changes and enhancements has been made over the App Builder compiler, some of the includes app samples, the program's help file and the spanish translation.
- Added the new CopyVar action. This action allows to copy or assign the specified variable B into the specified variable A. If the variable A did not exists, a new variable is created. If the variable B did not exists, then an "undefined" value is assigned to the variable A. This action did not take in consideration the type of the variables, then we can use this action to copy or assign variables of any type. For example, we can copy or assign an variable B of the type Array, Object, etc. into the specified variable A.
- Change the debug layout dock panels positions. Instead of place all the debug related dock panels at the button and using tabs, now the debug related dock panels are placed at the right. The enhancement is that they are not placed now in tabs, then we can see by a quick view all the debug related panels, without the need to change any tab.

App Builder 2018.35
- Update the Boostrap CSS framework used internally by App Builder, and, update all the Boostrap CSS app themes, from the Boostrap CSS beta 3 version to the first stable Boostrap CSS 4 version.

App Builder 2018.34
- Fix a bug in the Watcher control that occur if we try to set the Watcher variable in runtime. The Watcher control works now as expected, except that they no more start automatically when the app start: we must start it explicitly when we wanted.
- Minor changes in the Database sample (server side scripts) in order to offer the appropriate exception message if we can't connect with the database server. Now, in addition to the "Can't connect to the database" we have the right PHP exception message.

App Builder 2018.33
- Fix a bug related with the Apache Cordova splash screen: few releases ago App Builder uses the App icon if an splash screen is not provided, however, the appropriate addition in the Batch generated files for Apache Cordova are missing.

App Builder 2018.32
- The Welcome page has been redesigned, simplified and enhanced. Some useful links are provided, as well an HTML form to directly search in the program support forum. As before, the latest posts in the forum are listed too.

App Builder 2018.31
- Upgrade Boostrap CSS 4 to the latest version. Do the same with all the 21 themes by bootswatch. Upgrade the HTML markup for Select, Radio and Checkbox controls to fit the latest version of Boostrap CSS 4.

App Builder 2018.30
- Added a new AlertBox app sample (number 169) to show the different types that we can use in the AlertBox, MessageBox and InputBox actions. The MessageBox sample has been enhanced with more types, the possible use of HTML and others.
- Enhance the AlertBox, InputBox and MessageBox actions. Now these actions respect the user selected "type" (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, light, dark) in the best wat as possible: with the correct background and foreground colors.
- Complete the spanish translation of the App Builder i18n file and update the french translation of the App Builder i18n with some fixes and new strings added. Thanks very much for your work Jean!

App Builder 2018.29
- Fix an anoying bug that causes the code editor indentation do not work as expected when we choose an App Builder action from the code editor autocomplete list.
- Enhance the ApplyModel action in order to try to avoid Angular JS "digest" problem when that action are "abused" or not used properly in the right place. Since the error that can cause this action can affect the app behaviour, this fix try to avoid these problems.

App Builder 2018.28
- Added the new FileDownload app sample (number 168). This sample show us how to download an file into the user device storage (to be available for the user) and also download an image file in the app private storage (to be used only by the app).
- Added the Apache Cordova plugin FileTransfer into the app options dialog, under the Cordova / General / Plugins options. This plugin has been added primarely to be used by the new FileDownload action, but can also be used for other purposes too.
- Added the new action FileDownload, which allow us to download files in both the app private storage and the user device storage. See the FileDownload action help reference for more information and details.
- Added an header in all the generated Batch and Shell files for Apache Cordova with the App Builder version and release number. Just for information purposes.
- From some releases ago App Builder pick the app icon to be used as the splash screen of the app, if an specific splash screen is not specified. However, App Builder do not include the appropriate Apache Cordova plugin to show the app splash screen. This is fixed now.

App Builder 2018.27
- Add the new FrontCamera, FlipButton and TorchButton variables / options to the Barcode control. The Barcode app samples has been enhanced in order to shown the usage of these new variables / options of the Barcode control. The program's help file has been also upgraded describing that variables / options too.

App Builder 2018.26
- App Builder never requires a portrait and landscape splash screens anymore, but, just one image, that, the program uses to automatically generate all the splash screen images for all the supported Apache Cordova platforms. This change is made mostly to be ready with the iOS platform, who changes their splash screens conventions. App Builder continue generating portrait and lanscape screens for the supported platforms, but, now based in the only one image that you must to provide in the app
- Fix an introduced error in the conditions related actions wich can cause certain problems if we deal with decimal numbers "as is" (not using variables) in that conditions related actions

App Builder 2018.25
- We are proud to announce that the splash screens for Apache Cordova that App Builder generates for your app, looks now better than never. App Builder uses now certain new algorithm to create the splash screen files for all the Cordova platforms, and, now also saves the aspect ratio of your provided images.
- App Builder creates now the appropriate splash screens for Apache Cordova based in the app icon, if no other images has been provided in the Cordova / Splash options.
- Translate some missing spanish strings in the DecSoft's App Builder i18n file

MKVToolNix 24.0.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features and enhancements:
- mkvmerge: MP4 reader: improved the detection of edit lists consisting of two identical entries, each spanning the file's duration as given in the movie header atom. The second entry is ignored in such cases
- mkvmerge: JSON identification: the "display unit" video track property is now reported as `display_unit`. The JSON schema has been bumped to v11 for this change
- mkvmerge, mkvextract: AVC/h.264: empty NALUs will now be removed
- mkvextract: VobSub extraction: empty SPU packets will now be dropped during extraction as other tools such as MP4Box cannot handle them correctly

Bug fixes:
- mkvmerge: E-AC-3 parser: fixed determining the number of channels for streams that contain an AC-3 core with dependent E-AC-3 frames
- mkvmerge: Matroska reader: fixed mkvmerge buffering the whole file if a video track is multiplexed that consists of only one or a few frames
- mkvmerge: the "display unit" video track property will now be kept if it is set in the source file
- MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: when scanning playlists, all playlists were offered for selection regardless of the value of the "minimum playlist duration" setting
- MKVToolNix GUI: multiplexer: deriving track languages from file names: the regular sub-expressions for ISO 639-1 codes could match on empty strings, too, causing matches in wrong places and hence no language being recognized in certain situations
- MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: fixed a crash when saving the file fails (e.g. because it isn't writable)
- MKVToolNix GUI: header editor: the editor was wrongfully claiming that mandatory elements with default values cannot be removed in the "status" text
- MKVToolNix GUI: preferences: on macOS & Linux the setting "enable copying tracks by their type" wasn't restored on program start

Other changes:
- Niels Lohmann's JSON library: the bundled version has been updated from v1.1.0 (git revision 54d3cab) to v3.1.1
- pugixml library: the bundled version has been updated from v1.8 to v1.9

vMix 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed issue with SetAudioFade when used with List input
- Improved CPU usage accuracy
- CPU/GPU warnings are now disabled by default
- Can be enabled under Settings -> Performance.
- When disabled, will still be reported in the logs to help assist our support team

- Additional bug fixes for Sony BRC series VISCA over IP support
- Will now no longer attempt to reconnect to Facebook streams that have expired

- Improved performance of local desktop capture on desktop PCs
- Added support for Sony BRC series PTZ cameras using VISCA over IP
- Fixed issue with audio only NDI outputs not appearing

- Fixed memory issue with VST3 plugins, especially with latest Windows 10 update
- Video frame delay now supported on NDI and VLC inputs
- Added "Custom Multi-Bitrate" dropdown option in streaming destinations.
- This allows custom URLs and Stream Keys for each stream without using separate streaming instances for each which may cause problems with some CDNs
- Fixed issue in vMix Social where Overlay was sometimes triggered before content in title had been updated

PeaZip Portable 6.6.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated to 7z 18.05
- patches CVE-2018-10115 vulnerability
- patches bug on some Windows 10 versions working incorrectly with Large memory pages
- improves performances

- Added new fast function for hinting possible duplicates
- Possible duplicates shows exactly same size, and same CRC32 calculated on sample(s) of file's data
- For files up to 64 KB data it is sampled a 32 KB region at the beginning of the file
- For files larger than 64 KB a second 32KB region is sampled after the half of the file
- Added option to reset search history in search menu
- Various fixes and improvements

- New option "Try to edit non explicitly supported file types" in Options > Settings > Archive manager
- off by default in order to protect from modification files outside known supported extensions
- if on, allows to try to add/update and remove files form files not usually employed as archives, but structurally based on archive types such as Java jar, MS Office and OOo files, etc