軟體下載 Uninstall Tool 3.7.0

檔案名稱 uninstalltool_setup.exe

Uninstall Tool 3.7.0 軟體下載

檔案版本 Uninstall Tool 3.7.0

檔案名稱 uninstalltool_setup.exe
更新日期 2022-10-10
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軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Uninstall Tool 3.7.0
MKVToolNix 64 位是一套在 Linux 和 Windows 下創建,更改和檢查 Matroska 文件的工具。他們為 Matroska 做了 OGM 工具為 OGM 格式做了些什麼,然後做了一些。它支持處理幾個輸入文件,就好像它們已經被二進制連接成一個大的輸入文件。 MKVToolNix  64 位是一套軟件工具,包括 mkvmerge,mkvinfo,mkvextract,... MKVToolNix (64-bit) 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

Uninstall Tool 3.7.0
- Windows 10/11 dark theme/mode
- Windows 11 shell extension (context menu for Install Tracker) support

- Fixed context menu clash with NVIDIA context menu
- Fixed shell extension preventing of pinning shortcuts to start menu and starting apps as administrator

Uninstall Tool 3.6.1
- Windows 11: invalid installation date for apps (Dec 31, 1970)
- Install Tracker causes BSOD in Windows 11 22H2
- Specify trace log path via command line

Uninstall Tool 3.6.0
- Displaying of startup items coming from Windows UWP Apps
- Startup Manager: activate with a taskbar task and with a command line switch

- Improved setup process
- Better detection of startup items listed in the Windows task scheduler
- Better detection of child uninstall processes
- Better detection of an app installation date
- Now compatible with Windows 7 and later. Read more
- Translations update

- Search filter is reset when first loading of Windows Store Apps
- Fixed Shell Extension crashing Windows Explorer crash with NVIDIA shell extension installed
- Fixed running portable version of the app from a path containing a space

Uninstall Tool 3.5.10
- Fixed error 740 when launching Install tracker using context menu on some computers
- Fixed removal of disabled startup tasks
- Fixed rare crash when uninstalling certain apps with Uninstall Wizard
- Multiple small fixes

Uninstall Tool 3.5.9
- Simplified app launch without User Account Control (UAC) confirmation. The option can be activated during setup as well as in the Preferences

- Translations update

- Fixed pinning the app icon to the Windows 10 Taskbar during setup

Uninstall Tool 3.5.8
- Translations update

- Fixed calculating of occupied size for certain apps
- Fixed saving of window position when using Install Tracker via context menu
- Fixed missing icons for some Windows Store apps #29

Uninstall Tool 3.5.7
- Install Tracker: better support of different installers (e.g. ones created with Squirrel installation framework)
- Recompiled in Visual Studio 2017 for better optimization and improved stability

Uninstall Tool 3.5.6 Build 5591
- Change log not available for this version

Uninstall Tool 3.5.6 Build 5590
- Better About dialog with Privacy policy, EULA and Uninstall information
- Translations update

Uninstall Tool 3.5.5 Build 5580
- Optimized the app size (smaller)
- Translations update

- Fixed drawing disabled icons on a retina-screen

Uninstall Tool 3.5.4 Build 5566
- Fixed compatibility with ASLR on Windows 10
- Better RTL (Hebrew & Arabic languages) support
- Fixed detection of an app install location and date in some scenarios
- Fixed incorrect names for some Windows Store Apps
- Misc fixes and improvements

Uninstall Tool 3.5.4 Build 5565
- Better RTL (Hebrew & Arabic languages) support

- Fixed detection of an app install location and date in some scenarios
- Fixed incorrect names for some Windows Store Apps
- Misc fixes and improvements

Uninstall Tool 3.5.3 Build 5561
- Fixed detection of Windows Store Apps icons
- Fixed detection of install location of certain apps (Adobe products)
- Fixed enabling/disabling of startup apps

Uninstall Tool 3.5.2 Build 5552
- Uninstall Tool now remembers (apps list) sorting parameters between its launches

- Translations update
- Uninstall Wizard leftovers scan speed is significantly increased (really noticeable, specially on Windows 10)
- Size calculation algorithm now includes data folders (e.g. in AppData, MyDocuments and others)
- Increased list item height from 32 to 40 px for better readability
- Install Tracker now supports .msp files to append traced data
- The app now works on older CPUs without SSE2 support (Windows XP 32-bit)

- Fixed Install Tracker now works in Windows 10 with Secure Boot turned on in BIOS
- Fixed waiting for uninstall process(es) for some apps
- Fixed delayed removal (after restart) of empty folders in Uninstall Wizard
- Fixed calculating of apps installation date in Windows 10
- Fixed displaying of apps updates (sub-items)
- Fixed algorithm of initial sorting of programs by occupied size
- Fixed incorrect detection of apps as recent
- Misc fixes and improvements

Uninstall Tool 3.5.2 Build 5531 Beta
- Install Tracker now supports .msp files to append traced data
- Fixed incorrect detection of apps as recent
- Fixed crash on old CPUs without SSE2 on Windows XP 32-bit
- New, more safe license checking scheme
- Minor fixes
- Build 5531 fixes blinking of icons

Uninstall Tool 3.5.1 Build 5510
- Improved calculating of occupied space of an app
- Multiple bug fixes in trial version
- Improvements for Windows Tasks in Startup programs
- Translations updates

Uninstall Tool 3.5.0 Build 5508
- New build 5508: fixed trial version dialog, minor improvements for Windows Tasks startup programs

Uninstall Tool 3.7.0 相關參考資料
Uninstall Tool 3.7.0

Remove unwanted software, make your computer clean and even faster with an effective, powerful and easy-to-use Windows app. Uninstall Wizard.


Uninstall Tool 3.7.0 | Uninstallers

Remove unwanted software, make your computer clean and even faster with an effective, powerful and easy-to-use Windows app. Uninstall Wizard.


Uninstall Tool 3.7.3 Build 5720_中文破解版

Uninstall Tool中文版是一款专业的软件卸载工具,比系统自带的'添加/删除程序'功能快3倍。它可以彻底移除系统无法删除的程序,使用强制删除功能可以清理注册表相关项, ...


Uninstall Tool Portable 免安裝中文版– 軟體徹底 ...

2023年10月28日 — 總而言之,Uninstall Tool是一款功能強大、操作簡單且安全可靠的軟體卸載移除工具。它能夠徹底地清理系統,刪除不需要的應用程式,釋放系統資源,提升電腦 ...


Uninstall Tool Portable 多國語言免安裝- 卸載清除

Uninstall Tool 是CrystalIdea Software出品的一款強大而靈活的Windows標準新增/移除程式工具的替代軟體.它能快速,安全而方便的刪除不必要的應用程式並提高您的電腦 ...


Uninstall Tool Release Notes

2023年7月27日 — Fixed Fixed icon and name detection for some startup apps (Discord). Version 3.7.0. Released on October 10, 2022 | Download from GitHub. New ...


小巧的軟體移除程式-Uninstall Tool 中文免安裝

2023年10月28日 — Uninstall Tool 是CrystalIdea Software 出品的一款快速、小巧的軟體移除程式,Uninstall Tool 能夠完全取代Window內建的移除程式.


新增移除工具Uninstall Tool Portable 繁體中文免 ...

【軟體名稱】:Uninstall Tool Portable 【軟體版本】: 【版本類型】:免安裝【軟體語言】:多國語言(繁體中文) 【檔案大小】:4.86MB


软件卸载(Uninstall Tool)单文件便携版

Uninstall Tool 是一款小巧、安全、快速、强大的软件卸载工具,它支持在卸载程序后扫描软件残留的注册表项和文件,彻底清除安装软件遗留的痕迹。
