MixPad 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Megacubo 17.4.3 (64-bit)

MixPad 歷史版本列表

借助 MixPad 多軌錄音和混音軟件,您可以通過單一平台訪問專業錄音和混音設備的所有功能,簡化流程,使混音變得輕而易舉.MixPad 是一款工作室品質的音樂混合應用程序,集成了多種的音頻工具,像這個版本的 MixPad,是免費的非商業用途。它與通常的混音軟件不同之處在於,它不會嘗試看起來像演播室控制台,而是使用易於理解的拖放式佈局,從 Explorer 和 Office 中獲取視覺線索。它可以剪... MixPad 軟體介紹

Protocol Buffers 23.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Implement a retain_options flag in protoc
- Make protoc --descriptor_set_out respect option retention
- Modify release artifacts for protoc to statically link system libraries
- Extension declaration: Enforce that if the extension range has a declaration then all extensions in that range must be declared. This should prevent non-declared extensions from being added.
- Implement "reserved" for extension declaration
- Open-source extension declaration definition

- Fix(libprotoc): export useful symbols from .so
- Turn off clang::musttail on i386
- Fixes Clang 6 linker bug
- Remove PROTOBUF_DEPRECATED in favor of [[deprecated]]
- Add assert to the list of keywords for C++
- Added Reflection::GetCord() method in C++
- Support C++ protobuf ctype=CORD for bytes field
- Expand LazySerializerEmitter to cover proto3 cases
- Unconditionally generate unknown field accessors
- Introduce proto filter for inject_field_listener_events
- Add ParseFromCord to TextFormat
- Mark proto2::Arena::GetArena as deprecated

- Adds Timestamps.now()
- Added Reflection::GetCord() method in C++
- Re-attach OSGI headers to lite,core, and util. This information was dropped in the move from maven to bazel.
- Add Java FileDescriptor.copyHeadingTo() which copies file-level settingspackage, file options) to FileDescriptorProto.Builder
- Remove unnecessary has bits from proto2 Java
- Add casts to make protobuf compatible with Java 1.8 runtime
- Fix mutability bug in Java proto lite: sub-messages inside of oneofs were not
- Document known quirks of EnumDescriptor::is_closed() when importing across files with different syntaxes

- Remove errorprone dependency from kotlin protos

- Make json_name take priority over name
- Add C# presence methods to proto3 oneof fields

- Enforce the max message size when serializing to binary form
- Mark mergeFromData:extensionRegistry: as deprecated

- Fix bug in _internal_copy_files where the rule would fail in downstream repositories.
- Make numpy/pip_deps a test-only dependency.
- Fix Python bug with required fields
- Mark deprecated SupportsUnknownEnumValues on Message reflection. Use FieldDescriptor or EnumDescriptor instead.
- Raise warnings for MessageFactory class usages
- Add Python support for retention attribute
- Document known quirks of EnumDescriptor::is_closed() when importing across files with different syntaxes

Python C-Extension:
- Fix Python bug with required fields
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect Python C-Extension

- RepeatedField: unset by index

PHP C-Extension:
- RepeatedField: unset by index
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect PHP C-Extension

- Change the Ruby code generator to emit a serialized proto instead of the DSL
- Feat(6178): emit ruby enum as integer

Ruby C-Extension:
- Feat(6178): emit ruby enum as integer
- Ruby: Implement Write Barriers
- See also UPB changes below, which may affect Ruby C-Extension.

- Implements upb_Message_DeepClone

- Other:
- Fix: missing -DPROTOBUF_USE_DLLS in pkg-config
- Avoid using string(JOIN..., which requires cmake 3.12
- Bump Abseil submodule to 20230125.3
- Fix btree issue in map tests.
- Fix declared dependencies for pkg-config
- Fix build for newlib
- Update usage disclaimer on FieldOptions.ctype
- Add config option to print 64-bit integers in JSON as unquoted ints if they can be losslessly converted into a 64-bit float.
- Version protoc according to the compiler version number.
- Fix shared object ABI exports
- Ensure VarintParseSlowArm{32,64} are exported with PROTOBUF_EXPORT
- Update the min required CMake version to 3.10

Protocol Buffers 22.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix libprotoc: export useful symbols from .so
- Fix btree issue in map tests

- Fix bug in _internal_copy_files where the rule would fail in downstream repositories

- Bump utf8_range to version with working pkg-config
- Fix declared dependencies for pkg-config
- Update abseil dependency and reorder dependencies to ensure we use the version specified in protobuf_deps
- Turn off clang::musttail on i386

Postman 10.13.0 查看版本資訊


MixPad 10.41 查看版本資訊


SoftEther VPN Gate Client Plugin 2023.04.18 build 9787 查看版本資訊


ChromaCam 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New feature, bug fix & Enhancement:
- Support for Auto Sync of Avatars made using Personify Avatar Creator mobile app
- Various bug fixes and enhancements

Publii 0.42.1 查看版本資訊


Virtual Audio Cable 4.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- ARM64 binaries
- client clock adjustment feature to the driver, allowing applications to adjust cable clock on the fly, without changing cable clock correction value permanently
- a workaround for Windows bug that requires to start high-level clients before KS ones
- the name of the process that created the stream to the stream information
- a dynamic cable clock adjustment to Audio Repeater applications
- workaround to Setup application to remove hidden "phantom" device instance if the previous installation was forcibly aborted

- Changed algorithm of actual sampling rate calculation for better reflection of recent changes
- Changed layout of Audio Repeater KS window to fit low-height screens
- Audio Repeater MME now finds the endpoint by name when the transfer is started. It allows to avoid restarting the app if endpoint order was changed (when audio devices are plugged/unplugged, default endpoint is changed etc.).
- Setup application now searches for uninstallers of older versions
- VAC driver API version increased to 6
- Fixed a driver bug that caused render streams to speed up when volume control and/or format conversion are used
- Fixed a driver bug that caused OF/UF values in the stream termination event to always be zero
- Packet mode support is disabled by default to improve stream reliability in typical applications. Packet mode controls added to VAC Control Panel

TeXstudio 4.5.2 查看版本資訊


OpenVPN 2.6.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- GHA: remove Ubuntu 18.04 builds
- vcpkg: request "tools" feature of openssl for MSVC build
- doc: run rst2* with --strict to catch warnings
- Support of DNS domain for DHCP-less drivers
- Bug-fix: segfault in dco_get_peer_stats()