MixPad 歷史版本列表 Page42

最新版本 Megacubo 17.4.3 (64-bit)

MixPad 歷史版本列表

借助 MixPad 多軌錄音和混音軟件,您可以通過單一平台訪問專業錄音和混音設備的所有功能,簡化流程,使混音變得輕而易舉.MixPad 是一款工作室品質的音樂混合應用程序,集成了多種的音頻工具,像這個版本的 MixPad,是免費的非商業用途。它與通常的混音軟件不同之處在於,它不會嘗試看起來像演播室控制台,而是使用易於理解的拖放式佈局,從 Explorer 和 Office 中獲取視覺線索。它可以剪... MixPad 軟體介紹

Corona SDK 2017.3184 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Corona Native builds are now supported on Windows:
- Starting with this build, Windows developers can now use Android Studio to build native based apps including building plugins, linking to native Android libraries similar to the way Mac based users have been able to do for some time.
- You will find a new “Native” folder in Corona’s Start menu folder, which has our standard “App” template in it. Copy that folder to your project directory and use “Open an Existing Android Studio project” option with Android Studio.

New Welcome Window:
- When you first start Corona you’re presented with a Welcome Window with a list of recent projects, icons to start new projects and open existing projects. This window has been redesigned with a more modern look.

Windows Live Server now supports both Bonjour v2 and v3:
- Bonjour is Apple’s library that lets Corona Live Server work on Windows. Until recently, Bonjour v3 was included with the installation of iTunes. However, Apple no longer includes Bonjour with iTunes. The standalone version of Bonjour is version 2. Live Server now can use either v2 or v3 of Bonjour.

Gradient paint now supports arbitrary directions:
- Previously you could only set directions like 0, 45, 90 and 180 when constructing a gradient fill using the fill.rotation value. It can now take a number allowing you to have gradients at other angles.

Windows text renderer is rewritten:
- Windows text renderer was rewritten to better match other platforms behavior, fixing number of bugs.

Google’s ContentProvider path traversal vulnerability warning:
- This public build also contains an update that addresses Corona made apps that get flagged in Google Play with the “ContentProvider path traversal vulnerability” warning. If you’re getting this warning in Google Play, simply rebuild with this version of Corona.

Corona can now use the latest Java:
- Corona has been updated to use 64 bit Java installations. You no longer need to install a specific version of Java, just have the latest version installed.

MixPad 4.40 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.31 查看版本資訊


Vim 8.0.586 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- I have built a version of Vim 8.0 with all the latest patches. This is mainly interesting for MS-Windows users who download the binary. Upgrading to this version is recommended, since it fixes many problems.
- I have renamed the original Vim 8.0 files to include the patchlevel. The new files are both available as "80" and "80-586". Note that caching may cause the "80" file to still be the old one.

MixPad 4.27 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.23 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.22 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.21 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.16 查看版本資訊


MixPad 4.10 查看版本資訊
