mIRC 歷史版本列表
mIRC 是一個功能齊全的互聯網中繼聊天客戶端,可用於在多用戶群組會議中或在一對一的私人討論中與其他人在 IRC 網絡上進行交流,分享,播放或與他人合作.It 文件傳輸,多服務器連接,IPv6,SSL 加密,代理支持,UTF- 8 顯示,UPnP,可定制的聲音,口頭消息,托盤通知等功能。消息日誌等等.mIRC 也有一個強大的腳本語言,可以用來自動化 mIRC 和創建應用程序,執行從網絡通信到玩遊戲... mIRC 軟體介紹更新時間:2014-08-15
What's new in this version:
- Fixed mark/copy text bug.
- Updated the replace dialog in the script editor to remember its position for the current mIRC session.
- Fixed /alias incorrectly halting script in some situations.
- Fixed SSL "Unable to get certificate CRL" bug.
- Reverted change to $sslversion so that it returns only the version number and excludes the "OpenSSL" prefix.
- Updated libraries to OpenSSL 1.0.1i.
What's new in this version:
- Fixed SendMessage() bug that prevented mIRC from processing incoming WM_MCOMMAND/WM_MEVALUATE messages correctly.
- Changed right-click popup menu item order for Treebar, Switchbar and Toolbar for common menu items so that they match.
- Added Switchbar font option to right-click popup menu.
- Changed Switchbar to display active window tab in a slightly different color when a background picture for the Switchbar is set.
- Changed tooltip display delay to use the Windows default tooltip display delay value.
- Changed Clear History feature to not delete some interface settings, such as font settings for Treebar, Switchbar, and Scripts Editor and background picture settings for Treebar, Switchbar, and Toolbar.
- Changed installer to default to upgrade mode if installing over an existing installation when using the /S silent option and added a /FULL command line option to force a full install.
- Fixed DNS resolution bug that would have returned incorrect results during multiple simultaneous DNS requests in rare contexts.
- Updated libraries to OpenSSL 1.0.1h.
- Added Lock dialog option to disable SendMessage. If cMethod value 16 is used for more useful error messages, returns 64 to indicate SendMessage is disabled. You can use $lock(sendmessage) to check if it is disabled.
- Extended mouse wheel to work in interface elements, such as list boxes in dialogs, under the cursor even if they are not active.
- Added /comlist command to list open com objects.
- Added $servertarget identifier to return address specified in the /server command, which may not be the same as $server.
- Added /play -x switch to treat the first line in the file as plain text even if it is a number.
- Fixed custom dialog listbox with checkboxes not working correctly on Windows 8 tablet touch screens.