MEmu 歷史版本列表 Page32

最新版本 MEmu 9.0.7

MEmu 歷史版本列表

MEmu 允許您在 Windows 系統上模擬 Android 環境。幾乎所有的 Windows 設備(PC,筆記本電腦,2 合 1 設備,平板電腦)上運行 MEmu。與其他 Android 模擬器相比,MEmu 提供了最高的性能和最大的兼容性。而且,在你的 Windows 系統上,iEmulate Android 環境具有最豐富的功能:全面的 Android 體驗,優雅的桌面。靈活的定制(CPU... MEmu 軟體介紹

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Change Log:
- Add support to custom Macro in key-mapping HOW-TO
- Add support to drag&drop to copy file from Windows to Android
- Improve the user experience of operation synchronizer
- Improve the user experience of shared folder
- Fix the issue of mouse wheel malfunction when display FPS
- Fix the issue of some keys in keypad malfunction when key-mapping
- Fix some tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- Override install doesn’t support downgrade to MEmu 5.3 or earlier revision

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add layout self-adaption for 2K and 4K screen
- Add floating bar for operation and screen recorder
- Add support to reboot emulator in operation recorder
- Improve the quality of audio play
- Fix some tiny bugs

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to Android 7.1 in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to free look in keymapping panel
- Add support to display frame rate on the corner
- Add support to change country code
- Improve the quality of audio and speaker record
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view auto-activation
- Fix an issue of occasional keymapping dis-function
- Change for PUBG mobile
- Add support to smart sprint (run by default)
- Add support to smart key for emoji (F4, 0~9, -, =)
- Improve the range limitation of free look to the right
- Fix an issue of scope disabled when on fire
- Fix an issue of occasional WASD stuck when get in/off car
- Fix some tiny bugs


- Fix an issue of audio input glitch
- Fix an issue of occasional no message in message box
- Fix an issue of left click not work when hold on right click in LOL keymapping mode
- Improve the accuracy of MOBA skillshot like Mobile Legends
- Improve the usage of CPU for low-end computer
- Improve the re-connection when Wifi broken
- Fix some other tiny bug

Change for PUBG mobile:
- Fix an issue of graphic compatibility in OpenGL render mode
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view sudden change
- Improve the timing of camera view switch in/out
- Improve the view range of free look

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to Android 7.1 in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to free look in keymapping panel
- Add support to display frame rate on the corner
- Add support to change country code
- Improve the quality of audio and speaker record
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view auto-activation
- Fix an issue of occasional keymapping dis-function
- Change for PUBG mobile
- Add support to smart sprint (run by default)
- Add support to smart key for emoji (F4, 0~9, -, =)
- Improve the range limitation of free look to the right
- Fix an issue of scope disabled when on fire
- Fix an issue of occasional WASD stuck when get in/off car
- Fix some tiny bugs


- Fix an issue of audio input glitch
- Fix an issue of occasional no message in message box
- Fix an issue of left click not work when hold on right click in LOL keymapping mode
- Improve the accuracy of MOBA skillshot like Mobile Legends
- Improve the usage of CPU for low-end computer
- Improve the re-connection when Wifi broken
- Fix some other tiny bug

Change for PUBG mobile:
- Fix an issue of graphic compatibility in OpenGL render mode
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view sudden change
- Improve the timing of camera view switch in/out
- Improve the view range of free look

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support to Android 7.1 in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to free look in keymapping panel
- Add support to display frame rate on the corner
- Add support to change country code
- Improve the quality of audio and speaker record
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view auto-activation
- Fix an issue of occasional keymapping dis-function
- Change for PUBG mobile
- Add support to smart sprint (run by default)
- Add support to smart key for emoji (F4, 0~9, -, =)
- Improve the range limitation of free look to the right
- Fix an issue of scope disabled when on fire
- Fix an issue of occasional WASD stuck when get in/off car
- Fix some tiny bugs


- Fix an issue of audio input glitch
- Fix an issue of occasional no message in message box
- Fix an issue of left click not work when hold on right click in LOL keymapping mode
- Improve the accuracy of MOBA skillshot like Mobile Legends
- Improve the usage of CPU for low-end computer
- Improve the re-connection when Wifi broken
- Fix some other tiny bug

Change for PUBG mobile:
- Fix an issue of graphic compatibility in OpenGL render mode
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view sudden change
- Improve the timing of camera view switch in/out
- Improve the view range of free look

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:


- Fix an issue of audio input glitch
- Fix an issue of occasional no message in message box
- Fix an issue of left click not work when hold on right click in LOL keymapping mode
- Improve the accuracy of MOBA skillshot like Mobile Legends
- Improve the usage of CPU for low-end computer
- Improve the re-connection when Wifi broken
- Fix some other tiny bug

Change for PUBG mobile:
- Fix an issue of graphic compatibility in OpenGL render mode
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view sudden change
- Improve the timing of camera view switch in/out
- Improve the view range of free look

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Change log not available for this version

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support to configure each VM setting when shutdown in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to configure advanced setting in Multi-MEmu
- Add support to control side bar for PUBG mobile
- Add support to zoom in/out map with mouse wheel in PUBG
- Add support to Shift key for sprint in PUBG
- Improve the performance of game play in Direct X mode
- Fix an issue of camera view stuck when get in/off car in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping resolution change in PUBG
- Fix an issue of keymapping data update
- Fix an issue of occasional launcher crash
- Fix an issue of occasional Google Play crash
- Fix a compatibility issue with game Ommyoji
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support to smart B key for fire-mode toggle in PUBG mobile
- Add support to match game resolution with PUBG mode keymapping
- Improve the compatibility of direct x mode with some games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.2.3

Change Log:
- Improve the graphic quality and frame rate for heavy game under direct-x mode, like PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional image blink under direct-x mode
- Fix an issue of audio glitch on window minimization
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
– It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
– Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
– Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.2

Changes to PUBG keymapping:
- Add support to select weapons in the box with mouse wheel
- Add support to drive with WASD in vehicle button controls mode
- Fix an issue of occasional black grass in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional top coordinate disappear in PUBG mobile
- Fix an issue of occasional camera view stuck when take off car or throw grenade
- Fix an issue of occasional window layout not working in Multi-MEMU
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.2.1
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.1.1
- Add support to OpenGL ES3.1 for some new heavy graphics games, like PUBG Mobile, Black Desert, etc.
- Add support to create app shortcut onto Windows desktop
- Add support to apply camera to any VM
- Add support to import/export VM in batch
- Improve the response speed of boss key
- Fix an issue of occasional crosshair stuck in some shooting games
- Fix an issue of occasional VM deadlock when bootup
- Fix an issue of occasional sychronizer crash
- Fix some other tiny bugs

MEmu 5.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.5
- Change log not available for this version

MEmu 5.0.3
Change Log:
- Improve the compatibility with the new PUBG mobile games
- Improve the speed of VM boot-up and window popup
- Improve the stability of COM environment in 32-bit Windows
- Fix the issue of first-person mode occasional stuck in some shooting games, like War Robot and Modern Combat
- Fix the issue of audio and video occasional failure to play during games
- Fix some other tiny bugs

- It might take a little bit longer for the first time boot-up
- It might take a while if overwrite multiple existed Android 5.1 VMs
- Download additional Android 4.4 kernel in Multi-MEmu if need it
- Import/Export supports backward compatibility, NOT forward MEmu 3

MEmu 5.0.1
- Android 5.1.1 as default Kernel
- Add support to mobile games require ES3.0 (Direct X)
- Add support to synchronize operation for multiple VMs
- Add support to window layout for multiple VMs
- Add warning sign for non-VT machine
- Remove the dependency on Windows UAC
- Reduce the package size of installer
- Improve the performance and stability of MEmu kernel
- Improve the efficiency of Multi-MEmu, like create, clone, etc
- Improve the shortcut setting, like Return, Home, Recent, etc
- Improve the compatibility with some popular games
- Improve the user experience of side tool bar
- Fix some other tiny bugs