MediaPortal 歷史版本列表 Page9

最新版本 Signal Desktop 5.50.1

MediaPortal 歷史版本列表

MediaPortal 將您的 PC 轉換為完整的媒體解決方案。你想要一個家庭影院音頻流媒體整個家庭,數碼相冊來組織所有的照片和攝像頭的視頻,訪問網絡流和信息,如天氣,新聞,體育或維基百科,加上超級 TiVo?隨著 MediaPortal(MP),你可以做所有這些和更多,從舒適的沙發。這是目前世界上功能最豐富的媒體中心軟件,它是免費的!MediaPortal 功能:觀看和錄製 TV在任何联網的 P... MediaPortal 軟體介紹

MediaPortal 1.15.0 查看版本資訊


MediaPortal 1.14.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Adding ignore fullscreen resolution changes option
- Default Audio and LAV Splitter options for Videos Language section
- MiniDisplay for SharpLibDisplay

MediaPortal 1.13.0 查看版本資訊


MediaPortal 1.12.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Bug fixed:
- Gamepad dpad repeat not working
- Mouse cursor always show up when no mouse connected

- Bump version number and set log level to INFO for MP 1.12.0 Final

MediaPortal 1.10.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Thumbs loading need overhaul in Music
- No Music Thumbs are created where no album tag exists
- TvPlugin: mini-guide doesn't trigger tuning on the previous channel after tuning failure
- Recorded TV thumbnail creation causes too high disk activity if the file is corrupt Improvement/Rework:
- Add WatchDog shortcut to Desktop Task:
- Bump version number and set log level to INFO for MP 1.10.0 Final

MediaPortal 1.9.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Music 'Rating' view is broken
- Missing content protection in My Pictures if the date view is selected
- Silent exception in GUISettings Setpin() if the PIN is not a number
- 'Remember last used folder' in MyPictures is not working
- Fix large thumb not created from MP GUI Setting
- Fix MP freeze while starting video from my picture
- Fix shuffle picture when using date view and recursive mode
- MediaPortal crashes when shutting down PC
- TVSetup / Configuration - PowerScheduler Ping Monitor is always shown
- TvServer crashes if PingMonitor is enabled and pinged host is not reachable
- Rename MPEI shortcut to MediaPortal Extension Manager
- Stringformat does not work on #date when localized
- Logos don't refresh in the GUI after automatics mediainfo processing
- Rename MediaPortal Debug-Mode shortcut to WatchDog
- Some Titan Skin fixes
- MySQL database upgrade times out Improvement/Rework:
- Add possibility to use plugin dependent default thumbs
- Remove mpviz.dll and change Vis Sources
- Enable to delete the files with read only attribute
- Reset the windows and folder history after resume
- Disable the PS++ log if the handler is disabled
- PIN code is shown in config of the file menu (instead of ****)
- Add new sort method so that only the Title and Duration are visible in Shares view
- Support specific video resolution logos
- Allow update subfolder settings after parent folder setting is changed
- Send gui msg when a manual recording started
- Remove Titan Extended from DeployTool
- Change the TV plugin 'Use UNC paths' config setting to a non-debug option.
- Add keyboard shortcut for add bookmark in My Video
- Log rotation on start of MP client and TvService New Feature:
- MiniDisplay support for Futaba MDM166AA
- Add new skin function and Task:
- Bump Version and set Log Level to DEBUG For MP 1.9.0 Pre Release Documentation Sub-Task:
- Documentation for "Add new sort method so that only the Title and Duration are visible in Shares view"
- Documentation for "Support specific video resolution logos"
- Documentation for "Enable to delete the files with read only attribute"
- Documentation for "Allow update subfolder settings after parent folder setting is changed"
- Documentation for "Reset the windows and folder history after resume if the return to home selected"
- Documentation for "Add keyboard shortcut for add bookmark in My Video"
- Documentation for "PIN code is shown in config of the file menu (instead of ****)"
- Documentation for "Change the TV plugin 'Use UNC paths' config setting to a non-debug option."
- Documentation for "Remove Titan Extended from DeployTool"
- Documentation for "MiniDisplay support for Futaba MDM166AA"
- Documentation for "Stringformat does not work on #date when localized"
- Documentation for "Add new skin function and "

MediaPortal 1.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [MP1-4359] - MP exit procedures are executed in wrong order
- [MP1-4444] - Wrong Channel mapping for 3.0 and 4.0 Music Files
- [MP1-4445] - Random Last.FM crash when lookup internet
- [MP1-4454] - Pausing a BASS Web stream results in a stream dispose
- [MP1-4470] - Music player is not freeing WASAPI device when stopping from paused state
- [MP1-4471] - Music player is not freeing ASIO channels when stopping from paused state
- [MP1-4483] - Remove FixDWM hack for win7 and above
- [MP1-4484] - Fix EXIF rotation with special character
- [MP1-4485] - wrong lettercase on SQL query
- [MP1-4486] - unable to upgrade TV DB with MySQL 5.7
- [MP1-4492] - Fix regression in GUIDE
- [MP1-4494] - Music DB Search does not return all items
- [MP1-4495] - Recordings in Subfolders won't play when UNC paths are used on Multi-Seat setups
- [MP1-4502] - Fix TVServer ChannelState.DoSetChannelStates unknown error
- [MP1-4506] - Fix return to GUIPicture after playing picture and video
- [MP1-4507] - Slow Music start when hit play on big folder
- [MP1-4508] - Fix restore MP on wrong screen
- [MP1-4512] - No special characters in the EPG
- [MP1-4514] - Wrong Teletext subtitle ratio when using DPIAware
- [MP1-4520] - Fix potential SQL upgrade issues and improve the statement(s) Improvement/Rework:
- [MP1-4459] - Redirect direct call to bass in one place.
- [MP1-4463] - Remove LastFM Radio plugin, functions and skinfiles
- [MP1-4501] - EPG TV Rec Programming Recording Conflict Shows only first hit New Feature:
- [MP1-4341] - Add possibility to Deploy Tool to upgrade MySQL dB Task:
- [MP1-4515] - Bump version number and set log level to INFO for MP 1.8.0 Final Documentation Sub-Task:
- [MP1-4464] - Documentation for "Remove LastFM Radio plugin, functions and skinfiles"
- [MP1-4516] - Documentation for "Fix EXIF rotation with special character"

Supercopier (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Don't drop the settings at unistall, improvement for update, fix the free space bug, fix crash at startup into the static version, performance improvement, inode thread -> 1

MediaPortal 1.7.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [MP1-4435] - Default Music share Layout 'Album' is obsolete and causes freezes and other issues.
- [MP1-4436] - Remove INIT Flags for BassBox and Sonique BASSVIS_EXEC is no longer necessary.
- [MP1-4437] - Incorrect BassASIO library
- [MP1-4440] - Bump Bass.Net SubsystemVersion

- [MP1-4441] - Bump version number for MP 1.7.1 HotFix

MediaPortal 1.7.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [MP1-1964] - Flickering VU-Meter
- [MP1-2082] - Cannot jump to starting letters correctly using SMS keyboard in coverflow view
- [MP1-2128] - Aspect ratio information shown for some videos is incorrect
- [MP1-2448] - Playing song from share + LAN disconnect throws annoying popup which need confirmation for every single song
- [MP1-2467] - When typing a password with the virtual keyboard, the SMS style is disabled.
- [MP1-3172] - TVService ignores shutdown
- [MP1-3401] - The 'Stop Record' button brings up the 'delete recording' dialog
- [MP1-3563] - Start with 0-9 missing in TV search
- [MP1-4097] - Selecting 'Current Playlist' in MyMusic opens hidden menu
- [MP1-4149] - Recording file name is not properly checked for forbidden characters.
- [MP1-4281] - Delay Start of RefreshStatus Thread
- [MP1-4349] - FireDTVVerboseLog configuration option is not use anywhere
- [MP1-4350] - BASS Engine can make MediaPortal crash (Mixer Dispose)
- [MP1-4351] - Last.FM plugins (both) should be disabled after clean or upgrade install
- [MP1-4353] - Video Database Scan crashes
- [MP1-4355] - Fix Back Up icon on wrong position
- [MP1-4368] - LastFMRadio uses wrong path for the enable/disable icon which results in Config error
- [MP1-4372] - LoadSkin reports false threading errors
- [MP1-4380] - MP get stuck if it start on NowPlaying (only happen when ShowLastActiveModule is used)
- [MP1-4384] - DVD menus of some disks are not rendered properly (black screen) until user navigates the menu
- [MP1-4389] - BASS_ERROR_START when selecting a 2nd song while 1st is paused
- [MP1-4390] - When playback of a song fails, you get an annoying popup for EVERY song left in the playlist
- [MP1-4391] - Memory leak in bass_vis
- [MP1-4393] - Fix and support Full-HD SBS TAB 3D
- [MP1-4394] - Fix regression introduce in MP1-4197 (IPTV URL)
- [MP1-4395] - Windows plugins aren't sorted anymore after blow windowsplugin
- [MP1-4400] - Music Share View: Default Folder (set in Config) replaces Previous Folder
- [MP1-4401] - EXIF rotation not working properly
- [MP1-4402] - Overflow in DVBSubtiles decoder on small packets
- [MP1-4405] - Update MediaInfo to v0.7.67
- [MP1-4406] - Show Song dialog windows while playing music with Picture slideshow is broken
- [MP1-4407] - Syncronize the WakeUpSrv(string newFolderName) method in windows plugins
- [MP1-4409] - BD ISO are not unmounted when video is ended
- [MP1-4412] - Chapter are not updated when changing edition stream (MKV)
- [MP1-4415] - Do not allow dialogs to be created during suspend Process
- [MP1-4416] - MP always crashes after wakeup from standby audio device lead to exception
- [MP1-4417] - Refresh rate doesn't reset to default when using external player
- [MP1-4419] - dialogFileStacking.xml is missing from DefaultWide
- [MP1-4421] - PluginManager logs exception as Info instead of Error
- [MP1-4424] - SMS text entry to navigate views only picks up first letter Improvement/Rework:
- [MP1-4303] - Remove audio unmute from PowerScheduler
- [MP1-4360] - Remove UseCaptureCard Configurations from Mediaportal.sln Task:
- [MP1-4397] - Bump version number for MP 1.7.0 Final and set Info loglevel Documentation Sub-Task:
- [MP1-4422] - Documentation for "Remove audio unmute from PowerScheduler"