MediaPortal 歷史版本列表 Page2

最新版本 Signal Desktop 5.50.1

MediaPortal 歷史版本列表

MediaPortal 將您的 PC 轉換為完整的媒體解決方案。你想要一個家庭影院音頻流媒體整個家庭,數碼相冊來組織所有的照片和攝像頭的視頻,訪問網絡流和信息,如天氣,新聞,體育或維基百科,加上超級 TiVo?隨著 MediaPortal(MP),你可以做所有這些和更多,從舒適的沙發。這是目前世界上功能最豐富的媒體中心軟件,它是免費的!MediaPortal 功能:觀看和錄製 TV在任何联網的 P... MediaPortal 軟體介紹

DxO PhotoLab 3.3.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DxO PhotoLab 3.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

DxO PhotoLab 3.2.0
- Change log not available for this version

DxO PhotoLab 3.1.1
- Change log not available for this version

DxO PhotoLab 3.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

DxO PhotoLab 3.0.1
- You can install PhotoLab now only in an empty directory on a local hard disk. (We have added this information in a message seen during installation)
- Fixed an “expired demo” message when first launching the trial version of the application
- You can now correctly move the main PhotoLab window between two displays with different resolutions (HD and UHD)
- Minor bug fixes

DxO PhotoLab 3.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

MediaPortal 1.25.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Update Bass Nuget to 2.4.15
- Recorded-TV sort-by-duration not support sorting in the reverse direction
- YesNoDialog ignores the default control settings from the skin when the default button is not forced to Yes
- IRTrans - fix detection server status
- Adding madVR support - Bugfixes
- Duplicate filenames with different lettercasing
- Building TVPlugins - Improvement
- The problem with scrolling text in the "listcontrol" in 4K
- Add registry check for VS2008 Redistr installed or not in DeployTool
- No version string on FullScreen splash window (DefaultWide HD skin)

Since Pre-Release:
- Titan skin fixes and updates (1.25)
- GUIDialogExif crash if GUIImage control not defined in skin ...
- Fix Exception: System.IO.FileNotFoundException

- Improve horizontal scrolling in the EPG
- XmlTV plugin : Rename xml file from zip file to match to tvguide.xml

Improvement / Rework:
- MyPictures Database rework with extended EXIF info. Wiki
- Add Control.IsVisible to skin function
- Allow other plugins reading the next PS wakeup time
- Automatically Change Channel on Program Reminder
- Recorded-radio sorting should be changed to be the same as recorded-TV sorting
- Update MediaInfo Wrapper
- Fix exceptions
- Code cleanup
- EPG Genre Map - SubSection moved as main Section
- Built-in skin variable not initialised
- Language : English / Deutsch / French
- Add some Tuning Parameters

Since Pre-Release:
- Fix exceptions
- Add position, size, align, color (from skin) to Version, CVS labels and fix displaying version label in 4K. Wiki
- VSYASM 1.2.0 provided as nuget package
- Log refreshrate at Mediaportal start
- Improving the MP1 installer (DeployTools), providing nicer GUI :)
- Grabber searches for covers in the language of the system, then in English
- Fix configuration design.
- DirectX 9 SDK (June 2010) provided as nuget package
- Libbluray (Jar ( bdj) and binary) provided as Nuget Package
- Improving the MPE Installer, providing nicer GUI :)
- Add Exif properties to Slide window. Wiki
- Add the ability to choose the type of pause for designers in the slideshow

MediaPortal 1.24.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix typo in MyMusic DB Index
- Update MediaInfo Wrapper
- Fix for source directory with spaces
- Fix restore nuget from myget as priority
- MatroskaTagInfo uses the wrong casing for tags
- Update Titan skin 1.23+
- Wrong sort order in some MusicViews
- Remove hard stop when Caching Graphics not found folders
- Built-in skin variables for current date
- Some expressions did not take into account the negative sign of the result
- Fix subtitle : read Lav splitter setting

- Codec name instead FileType in Music GUI in MIME View.
- TsWriter not processing channel's extended name with more than one segment.

Improvement / Rework:
- dvr-ms and wtv file types are treated differently in myVideos
- Log all exceptions
- Remove Deprecated Kinopoisk grabber
- Update MyVideo grabbers
- Improve XMLTV EPG Grabber
- Adding madVR support
- Skin: Titan / DefaultWide (Logos for MediaInfo update)
- Language : French / Swedish
- Add FileType (flac, mp3, etc) as Default level in default Music Views (before Disc level)
- Updated tuning parameters
- Along with the above items we kept consolidating our software

- For use Bluray with BD-J support, please read the Wiki

FastFolders 5.10.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

FastFolders 5.10.3
- Fix: saving options and configuration sometimes failed
- Fix: improved format of setup program
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

FastFolders 5.10.2
- Fix: removed statically linked Microsoft runtime libraries, because they were incorrectly detected as a virus by Windows Defender and other virus scanners (Windows Defender detects Microsoft standard libraries as a virus - that shows how bad quality Microsoft's own malware detection is...)

FastFolders 5.10.1
- DPI scaling issues for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
- various small changes and fixes

FastFolders 5.10.0
- creation of start menu shortcuts now optional in setup
- setup dynamically adjusts to DPI changes
- program interface and dialogs dynamically adjust to DPI changes
- FastFolders menus adjust to mixed DPI desktops
- font selection for FastFolders menus
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

FastFolders 5.9.0

- removed Windows XP support (please download v5.8.2 if you want to use the program under Windows XP)
- Visual Studio 2019 recompilation for better compatibility to new systems
- adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

FastFolders 5.8.2
- Fix: small cosmetical changes to some dialogs

FastFolders 5.8.1
- Fix: dialog and menu positions when screen configuration changes
- Fix: small fixes regarding user account access (data folder, etc.)
- Fix: adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

FastFolders 5.8.0
- New: improved unattended setup
- Fix: various small fixes and improvements

FastFolders 5.7.1
- Fix: issue with automatic archive function not backing up all files
- Fix: small issue with update check

FastFolders 5.7.0
- New: automatic archiving of configuration
- New: improved "About" and "Update" dialogs
- Fix: various small bug fixes, changes and improvements

FastFolders 5.6.0
- New: more detailed license information in "About" dialog
- New: updated license agreement and terms of use
- Fix: various small internal changes and improvements

FastFolders 5.5.1
- New: option to use command line parameters for alternative file manager and default program

FastFolders 5.5.0
- New: possibility to install and uninstall the program silently for mass deployment. See the manual for details

PDF Reducer Pro 3.1.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.12
- Improved support for more than 4GB files
- Improved compression rate
- Improved speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.11
- Improved compression rate
- Improve speed
- Improved MRC engine
- Better support for malformed document

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.10
- Improved speed
- Improved compression rate
- Improved MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.9
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.8
- Improved compression rate
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine
- Improved user interface
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.1.0
- Dramatically improved MRC engine
- Improved built-in PDF compression engine
- Added new option to optimize PDF fonts
- Several UI improvements
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.38
- Improved MRC compression rate and produced document quality
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.37
- Improved compression rate
- Improved the MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.36
- Dramatically improved MRC engine
- Improved compression rate
- Dramatically improved speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.35
- Improved MRC engine
- Improved compression
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.34
- Dramatically improved the MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.33
- Improved compression rate
- Added support for PDF 2.0
- Dramatically improved MRC engine
- Added options to better tweak the MRC engine
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.32
- Dramatically improved MRC engine
- Improved support of malformed documents
- Added support for txt format
- Increased processing speed
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.31
- Dramatically improved the PDF/MRC generator
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.30
- Improved compression ratio
- Dramatically improved MRC engine
- Battery of bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.29
- A battery of minor bug fixes
- Improved compression rate
- Improved speed
- Improved compatibility with some malformed documents

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.26
- Improved speed
- Improved compression rate
- Improved MRC engine
- A battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.23
- Improved compression speed and rate
- A battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.22
- The battery of minor bug fixes
- Improved compression ratio
- Improved compression speed
- Improved import of non PDF document

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.21
- Battery of minor bug fixes
- Improved performances in term of speed and compression ratio

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.20
- Reorganized the options menu, strongly enhancing its clarity. Options relying on inactivated ones are also now automatically disabled
- Added buttons to the main windows allowing to either pick input file(s) or selecting an input director directly
- Added the possibility to remove the hyperlinks from a document (command line: "/RH")
- Added the possibility to delete the original files when they are succesfully reduced (command line: "/DO")
- Added command line option "/DW" to disable warning when input and output directory are identical
- Fixed automatic character repair option
- Fixed drag and drop input mode
- Fixed a licensing bug which occured when the software window was launched in a minimized state
- Added message to inform when an instance of the program is already running
- Added possibility to export logs to destination folder (command line:"/LOG")
- Improved compression rate
- Improved support for malformed documents
- Improved speed
- Reduced memory usage

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.17
- Added an option to only process PDF documents
- Added a command line option to choose the document formats to process
- Added possibility to keep the original last edition and access time of the input files (command line:"/KT")
- Added warning when input folder and output folder are the same and possibility do disable this warning
- Got rid of Romanian language support. (will be reintroduced with several other languages in a future update)
- Added support for txt, rtf, docx and svg input formats
- Battery of user interface improvements
- Battery of minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.14
- Slightly improved compression rate
- Slightly improved speed
- Minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.10
- Improved compression rate
- Improved speed
- Minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.3
- Added support for PDF/XFA
- Minor bug fixes

PDF Reducer Pro  3.0.0
- Dramatically increased performance speed. PDF Reducer 3 is 2x faster than PDF Reducer 2.0
- Added support for nearly 100 input files formats
- Increased quality of produced documents
- Improved the color detection feature (accuracy and speed)
- Produced PDF now retain original file Date
- Minor bug fixes

EarthView 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

EarthView 6.2.3
- New: updated city database
- Fix: saving options and configuration sometimes failed
- Fix: improved format of setup program
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

EarthView 6.2.2
- Fix: removed statically linked Microsoft runtime libraries, because they were incorrectly detected as a virus by Windows Defender and other virus scanners (Windows Defender detects Microsoft standard libraries as a virus - that shows how bad quality Microsoft's own malware detection is...)

EarthView 6.2.1
- New: updated city database
- Fix: DPI scaling issues for Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

EarthView 6.2.0
- New: creation of start menu shortcuts now optional in setup
- New: setup dialogs dynamically adjusts to DPI changes
- New: program dialogs dynamically adjust to DPI changes
- New: updated city database
- Fix: updates more often than selected due to weather data updates
- Fix: better support for monitor configurations with mixed DPI settings
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

EarthView 6.1.4
- New: updated city database

EarthView 6.1.3
- New: updated city database

EarthView 6.1.2
- New: preview of default ICAO code when selecting a city from the database
- New: updated city database

EarthView 6.1.1
- New: updated city database

EarthView 6.1.0
- New: updated timezone and city databases

EarthView 6.0.3
- New: updated city database

EarthView 6.0.2
- Fix: update of screen preview when moving viewpoint in map preview

EarthView 6.0.1
- restored function of line justification tags in city labels
- better randomized camera positions

EarthView 6.0.0
- multiple view system
- different (and multiple) views on each monitor on multi-monitor systems
- improved background image handling
- updated city lights and urban areas
- weather optionally usinging METAR data based on ICAO code
- added more than 10.000 locations with ICAO code (airports, weather stations, etc.)
- minimum weather download interval reduced to 10 minutes
- more units for wind speed (m/s, km/h, mph, knots)
- more weather related tokens for display text (e.g. long weather description, wind chill, etc.)
- METAR string (or parts of it) can be displayed in the city boxes
- improved weather symbols
- flexible weather symbol sizes (size in pixels)
- separately adjustable city box colors for day and night
- city dialog usability improvements
- updated timezone and city databases

- many internal improvements and bug fixes

EarthView 5.21.3
- New: updated city database

EarthView 5.21.2
- New: updated city database

EarthView 5.21.1
- New: updated city database

EarthView 5.21.0
- updated city database
- removed Windows XP support (please download v5.20.1 if you want to use the program under Windows XP)
- Visual Studio 2019 recompilation for better compatibility to new systems
- adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

EarthView 5.20.1
- Fix: small cosmetical changes to some dialogs

EarthView 5.20.0
- New: support for improved cloud data quality
- New: updated city database
- Fix: issue with file write privileges under standard user accounts

EarthView 5.19.1
- New: updated city database

EarthView 5.19.0
- New: updated timezone and city databases

EarthView 5.18.1
- New: updated city database
- Fix: dialog and menu positions when screen configuration changes
- Fix: small fixes regarding user account access (data folder, etc.)
- Fix: adjustments for the latest updates of Windows 10

EarthView 5.18.0
- New: updated city database
- New: improved unattended setup
- Fix: various small fixes and improvements

MediaPortal 2.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

We are proud to present MediaPortal 2.2.3:
- MediaPortal 2.2.3 is a full-blown media center software that addresses the most common user requirements out of the box. Besides its TV and Radio services it is also offering a complete media management for movies, series and music, including posters, album and fan art as well as additional metadata (e.g. actor, director and much more) that are automatically downloaded from the internet. MediaPortal 2.2.3 also provides access to online video sources such as Netflix and Amazon Prime. Integrated news, weather information and management for your digital images complete this software package.

This small update essentially addresses a problem in the TV area that was reported by some users. If you are happy with your experience there is no particular need to upgrade, although we also fixed a few minor bugs:
- Downgrade of TV Engine: MP 2.2.2 included an upgrade of the engine from the MP 1.22 to the 1.23 level. In rare cases this led to a stuttering playback and artifacts when playing LIve TV or recordings. MP 2.2.3 includes again the proven engine that was used in MP 2.2.1

- Subtitles: An issue that prevented the correct display of subtitles in MP windowed mode was fixed
- Series: The missing context menu at season level has been restored
- User Management: Logged-in users will be activated again upon resume if auto-login is selected

- MediaPortal 2.2.3's functionality can be further extended through the installation of additional plugins. The choice of extensions, while currently limited, is steadily growing. Discover what else is available in our Featured Plugins section

- A new Trakt plugin has been developed with better sync and watched flags management, completely compatible with the new User Management system, allowing different trakt accounts for different users. The development of the plugin has been moved out from the standard Mediaportal 2 development. This will ease development and bug fixes
- For details or manual, please refer to the related Wiki section

- Webradio allows you to play internet radio without having to leave your familiar MP2 user interface.The plugin comes with over 10000's online radio stations from all over the world. Create your own filter from Country, City and any more. Make your own favorites list
- Moving from MP1 to MP2

Procedures to install MP2 in parallel to MP1 are described in the Wiki:
- For all those who would like to move from MP1 to MP2 and preserve their current media organisation, our forum member raffe has created a small tool that will extract information from your MP-TvSeries and MovingPictures databases and picture folders, The tool will leave all your original data untouched, create .nfo files for all your media and copy existing pictures from your MovingPictures and MP-TvSeries to your new MediaPortal 2 media folders. The .nfo files and pictures then allow a smooth and quick import of all your media info into MediaPortal 2. See thee respective forum thread for further details.

OpenCV 4.2.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

DNN module:
- Integrated GSoC project with CUDA backend
- Intel® Inference Engine backend ( OpenVINO™ ): support for nGraph OpenVINO API (preview / experimental)

Performance improvements:
- SIMD intrinsics: StereoBM/StereoSGBM algorithms, resize, integral, flip, accumulate with mask, HOG, demosaic, moments
- Muti-threading: pyrDown

And many other great patches from OpenCV community:
- VideoCapture: video stream extraction (demuxing) through FFmpeg backend
- VideoCapture: waitAny() API for camera input multiplexing (Video4Linux through poll() calls)
- (opencv_contrib) new algorithm Rapid Frequency Selective Reconstruction (FSR): #2296 + tutorial
- (opencv_contrib) RIC method for sparse match interpolation
- (opencv_contrib) LOGOS features matching strategy

Breaking changes:
- Disabled constructors for legacy C API structures
- Implementation of Thread Local Storage (TLS) has been improved to release data from terminated threads. API has been changed
- Don't define unsafe CV_XADD implementation by default
- Python conversion rules of passed arguments will be updated in next releases

Supercopier (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


OpenCV 3.4.9 查看版本資訊
