MediaMonkey 歷史版本列表 Page15

最新版本 Anki 2.1.66

MediaMonkey 歷史版本列表

MediaMonkey 是嚴肅收藏家的媒體經理。它將音頻和視頻文件分類,無論它們位於硬盤驅動器還是網絡中,將它們分為不同的“集合”(例如,當代,古典音樂,有聲讀物,家庭電影,電視,視頻等).查找和標記專輯藝術和數據通過 Freedb 和網絡,包括一個自動重命名器來重命名和組織文件,以及一個播放列表管理器來安排你的混音。它包括一個 CD 開膛手,播客管理器和下載器來建立你的圖書館,以及 CD / D... MediaMonkey 軟體介紹

Mailspring 1.5.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Mailspring now supports localization! The app detects your system locale and all text, menus, buttons, etc. in the app appear in your language. Mailspring's core strings has been manually localized in 38 languages and the rest (mostly error messages and text describing features) have been automatically translated
- We'd love your help improving these localizations! A new "Developer > Toggle Localizer Tools" menu option in Mailspring allows you to submit better translations right within the app. You can also edit the translation files directly and submit a pull request. See the new localizer guide here
- If you use a RTL language, Mailspring's entire UI now appears right-justified, including the sidebar, preference panels, scrollbars, and more. If you use Mailspring in Arabic or Hebrew and notice issues in the right-to-left presentation, please file issues or submit pull requests

- The "contact profiles" feature of Mailspring Pro is much more robust and reliable thanks to a new profile discovery mechanism
- The "contact profile" sidebar shows the Gravatar associated with the email address before falling back to the "empty box with initials"
- Mailspring now uses the latest version of libetpan, which improves stability and fixes several parsing bugs. It also more flexibly parses IMAP responses that include unquoted text fragments
- The padding of the search bar in the Darkside theme has been fixed

- Trying to open a package that does not define engines in it's package.json no longer crashes the app
- Mailspring now uses Electron 2.0.11

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MediaMonkey 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Sync: Device scan do not find MMW server
- AV error on (GroupBox|Panel).Common.DestroyControl
- (GroupBox|Panel).Common.ControlName displayed as Caption
- Common Extension issues
- Popup: Track Info Popup Value is Byte
- Can't sort with Random Album results
- Issues with syncing to external HDDs

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What's new in this version:

- Conversion to FLAC 32khz is not possible
- Artwork isn't served via UPnP (Wi-Fi sync) for tracks with inaccessible duplicates
- 'Play to' feature: On some clients, only one track is played
- Media server: sorting tweaks
- Some TVs cannot open media items served by MediaMonkey server
- Media server can stuck on serving content when there are image URL artwork deadlinks in library
- Startup issues with some specific scripts/addons (regression 4.1.21)
- Service leaks MM.exe in processes whenever an addon prevents MM from closing
- Update libmatroska and libebml to the latest versions, leaks in MKV plugin
- Tagging of some APE files lasts too long and bloats the file
- Virtual CD: Path issues
- Loading time is 60 seconds when Real time protection is active (Windows Defender)
- Windows timer resolution
- Track editing can corrupt auto-playlist criteria in some specificic cases
- Track Properties: We should trim start/end TAB character from Metadata
- AutoTag From Filename: Fail completely on Some Masks
- Context menu is gone from inline editing and Properties dialog (Windows 10 update)
- Album Art: Some Images are incorectly presented
- Auto-organize Rule: Selecting All Collection as Auto-Organize Rule Fail Always
- Sync: External HDD is detected as new device on each connection
- Sync: Failed or corrupted SDCard can throw errors on sync
- iOS12 Beta is not added into supported versions
- Album Art: Metadata update fail on some Album Art upload
- iPhone Sync: MMW created duplicate profiles
- Sync: Timeout due the Auto Convert
- Sync: <Playlist> can't be used as Mask for Playlist destination path
- Tracks on VCD/preview are skipped when playing to a DLNA/UPnP renderer


What's new in this version:

- This is a free update for all Iris paying users because the service I used for location finding is now dead. I fixed Iris to use new location service and since it’s my bad that I didn’t though this may happen the right thing to do is to give all of you free update to the latest version of Iris

Prepros 6.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Autoprefixer 8.6.3
- Cssnext 3.0.23
- Postcss 6.0.23
- Less 3.0.4
- Ruby Sass 3.5.6
- Node Sass 4.9.0


What's new in this version:

- New iteration of the fingerprint for licensing
- Not something new as a features


What's new in this version:

- Color triggers added