MediaInfo Lite

最新版本 J. River Media Center 24.0.052 (64-bit)

J. River Media Center 24.0.052 (64-bit)

J. River Media Center 24.0.052 (64-bit)
MediaInfo 是免費的軟件,將提供有關視頻或音頻文件的技術和標籤信息。

MediaInfo Lite Features:
閱讀許多視頻和音頻文件格式以不同的格式(文本,圖表,樹,HTML ...)查看信息自定義這些查看格式導出信息為文本,CSV,HTML ... 圖形界面,命令行或國際化:在任何操作系統上顯示任何語言本地化能力我可以從 MediaInfo 獲得什麼信息?
一般:標題,作者,導演,專輯,軌道號,日期,持續時間...?視頻:編解碼器,方面,fps,比特率... ?? 音頻:編解碼器,採樣率,聲道,語言,比特率... ... 文本:字幕語言章節:章節數,章節列表 MediaInfo 支持什麼格式(容器)? MKV,OGM,AVI,DivX,WMV,QuickTime,Real,MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4,DVD(VOB)...(編解碼器:DivX,XviD,MSMPEG4,ASP,H .264,AVC ...)?? 音頻:OGG,MP3,WAV,RA,AC3,DTS,AAC,M4A,AU,AIFF ...?字幕:SRT,SSA,ASS,SAMI ...


檔案版本 J. River Media Center 24.0.052 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 MediaCenter240052-x64.exe
檔案大小 34.4 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Codec Guide
更新日期 2018-09-17

What's new in this version:

- Editing the display name of a field in the Manage Library Fields dialog would break the connection with the field
- Tab navigation was not working in some areas like the Pix01 upload page
- If you edit a field's display name, it will auto-change if you type the same name as another field.

- Pix01 uses more secure building and uploading of galleriesYou MUST have this build or newer to upload galleries to Pix01 now
- Pix01 has higher resolution gallery uploads and the webpage displays larger thumbnail images

- Pix01 has a password change function which it triggered by the "forgot password" button in the pix01 login information boxALL passwords for pix01 have been reset and will need to be updated by the user
- Closed Captioning support in ATSC live and recorded TV shows

J. River Media Center 24.0.052 (64-bit) 相關參考資料