MAME (32-bit) 歷史版本列表
MAME 是一個很棒的免費模擬器,可以讓你玩數以千計的 PC 遊戲! MAME 的目的是保存數十年的軟件歷史。隨著電子技術的不斷湧現,MAME 阻止了這個重要的“年份”軟件被遺失和遺忘。這是通過記錄硬件及其功能來實現的。 MAME 的源代碼作為本文檔。軟件可用的事實主要是為了驗證文檔的準確性(您還能如何證明您已經忠實地重新創建硬件?)。隨著時間的推移,MAME 吸收了姊妹項目 MESS(多模擬器超... MAME (32-bit) 軟體介紹更新時間:2022-06-19
What's new in this version:
Friendlier User Experience:
- Add commands in the new Mouse Gestures and Shortcut Bar conveniently instead of looking for them in the menu; there is a smarter way to add constraint inferences as well.
Multiple Smart Modeling Tools:
- With big time-savers such as Instance Parameter Table and Variable Spacing Table, you can modify parameter/variable values quickly for every pattern feature. Also, it empowers engineers to create product designs of higher & styling quality with G3 continuous surfaces.
Large assembly, Expanded Industrial Applications:
- Several new functions have been added to accelerate the creation of exploded views, such as Exploded Trail and Reuse Exploded View
Newly Structural Simulation:
- It allows you to perform structural statics, modal analysis, heat transfer, and structural dynamics analysis quickly with the newly available ZW3D Structural add-on to verify the rationality of product design
Safe & Efficient Manufacturing Capacity:
- It raises your programming efficiency greatly with the sped-up calculation of QuickMill™ rough operations cutting the time needed by 70% on average. In addition, Full Machine Simulation has been upgraded to cater to more diversified and more complicated machining needs.
What's new in this version:
- Crash with MOV and MPG4 files that don't have mdat blocks
- Improper display of some Chinese characters
- Copy and Paste shortcuts do not work when renaming from Contact Sheet
What's new in this version:
- When opening a workbook connected to a JSON cloud file data source, the following error could result, "Error Code A7CFA9FE"
- When connecting to Informix/Denodo data using the CData connector, the error "AlqProcessor evaluation failed" could occur. The following message could also occur, "Bad Connection: Tableau could not connect to the data source.
- Error Code: B19090E0".
- When publishing a workbook to server and modifying a user's permissions, the user in the preview window would be blank
- Workbook data accuracy could render differently in 2021.3 and newer when compared to older versions
- Adding a map layer with blended data could result in an error code D9151F7B
- An error code E04B915D would occur when attempting to edit a calculate field after pivoting data
- It was not possible to connect to a data source using a port greater than 65499
- The Kanji character was incorrect when using the Workbook Optimizer
- The Workbook Optimizer would redirect to the incorrect help link when expanding a section and a rule
- When using LBLM as the activation method, sometimes the LBLM reports on Tableau Server or Tableau Online would not show the correct usage data