MAME (32-bit)

最新版本 PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2

PyCharm 2019.2
MAME 是一個很棒的免費模擬器,可以讓你玩數以千計的 PC 遊戲! MAME 的目的是保存數十年的軟件歷史。隨著電子技術的不斷湧現,MAME 阻止了這個重要的“年份”軟件被遺失和遺忘。這是通過記錄硬件及其功能來實現的。 MAME 的源代碼作為本文檔。軟件可用的事實主要是為了驗證文檔的準確性(您還能如何證明您已經忠實地重新創建硬件?)。隨著時間的推移,MAME 吸收了姊妹項目 MESS(多模擬器超級系統),因此 MAME 除了最初關注的街機視頻遊戲之外,還記錄了各種各樣的(主要是複古的)計算機,視頻遊戲機和計算器。

MAME,以前是一個代表多街機模擬器的縮寫,通過模仿街機,計算機,控制台,國際象棋電腦,計算器等多種電子遊戲機的內部組件來文件化和再現。作為一個很好的副作用,MAME 允許在現代個人電腦上使用最初為仿真機開發的程序和遊戲.

在一點上,實際上有兩個單獨的項目,MAME 和 MESS。 MAME 覆蓋了街機,而 MESS 覆蓋了其他一切。他們現在合併成一個 MAME。 MAME 大部分都是用 C 語言編寫的,在 C ++ 中有一些核心組件。 MAME 目前可以模擬過去五十年來超過 32000 個單獨的系統.


檔案版本 PyCharm 2019.2

檔案名稱 pycharm-community-2019.2.exe
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 The MAME Team
更新日期 2019-07-26

What's new in this version:

- Jupyter Notebook Integration has been improved. Some of the most highly requested Jupyter Notebook features have been implemented in this version. Now you will be able run all cells with a single button click, select and configure your Jupyter server using a specific project and port to listen to, keep track of variables while debugging them by getting their current state, restart the kernel and publish notebooks from PyCharm to JetBrains Datalore
- Syntax highlight support for many other languages has been added. Do you work on projects where code in a different language sneaks into your project? PyCharm will now highlight the syntax of Windows .bat files, C#, C++, Groovy, Lua, Makefiles, and more
- We are adding support for some major Python 3.8 features. Try out positional-only parameters, variable assignment within expressions, ‘Final’ qualifier to restrict usage of methods, classes and variables, and new ways to use f-strings to present values and variables
- cURL format is now supported for HTTP requests. Just copy your cURL formatted request and paste it directly into your HTTP Request file for it to be converted into its format, and then feel free to modify request params, headers, or body

PyCharm 2019.2 相關參考資料