Loaris Trojan Remover 歷史版本列表 Page70

最新版本 Automatic Email Processor 3.2.5

Loaris Trojan Remover 歷史版本列表

Loaris Trojan Remover 是一個強大而簡單的解決方案,用於從當代形式的在線安全威脅中刪除和清理您的計算機中的惡意軟件。如果您認為您的系統運行速度非常慢並且無法完全使用其資源,則可能是使用我們推薦的惡意軟件清除工具掃描系統的好時機。該程序將快速識別所有可能的病毒,木馬,蠕蟲,廣告軟件,間諜軟件和其他形式的感染。使用我們的反間諜程序掃描您的系統,徹底擺脫您計算機上的各種木馬。由 Lo... Loaris Trojan Remover 軟體介紹

Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


WorkFlowy Desktop 1.2.5 查看版本資訊


WorkFlowy Desktop 1.2.4 查看版本資訊


Pinegrow Web Editor 5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Floating windows with CSS Grid editor, Assign Classes tool, Unsplash Photo browser and Element Code editor.
- Collapse and Expand all nodes in the Tree panel
- Bootstrap Carousel autoplay setting
- Bootstrap 4.3.1
- Bug fixes

Freegate 7.66 查看版本資訊


Pinegrow Web Editor 5.21 查看版本資訊


Pinegrow Web Editor 5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Color picker:
Picking a color from the screen:
- We had to change how the picking a color from the screen works, so that the feature works with floating windows
- Until now, the screen picker was activated by clicking on the icon and then moving the cursor over the Pinegrow window and then clicking to confirm the selection
- Now, the icon is dragged over the Pinegrow window and releasing the mouse will confirm the selection

Using the system color picker:
- Clicking on the color button next to the Picker icon opens up the system color picker

CSS Grid Editor input validation:
- CSS Grid editor now checks the syntax of grid properties. It caches common error like missing “(“ and “)” characters, wrong units and so on
- Only valid values are stored into CSS rules

Attribute editor:
- The element Attribute editor now supports editing values that contain JSON code, for example … Pinegrow will automatically use the right quote for the attribute in HTML: ‘ if the value contains “ and “ for all other cases

More resilient stylesheet loading:
- A lot of templates and projects out there in the real world contain broken code. Browsers are designed to work around such errors instead of complaining about them
- Pinegrow is more sensitive by design, because the goal is to notice and fix errors during development
- Still, we often get support requests with issues that are caused by such errors. One recent case involved a template with a stylesheet that imported itself. Pinegrow now detects and survives such situations
- On a similar note, we also see a lot commercial templates that are loaded with 10s of Javascript plugins. That can easily lead to performance issues when editing such projects in Pinegrow
- One solution is to disable Javascript while editing in Pinegrow, but then you’re often stuck with poorly implemented loaders that rely on Javascript to be cleared from the screen
- That actually makes Pinegrow a good tool for checking how projects behave in various sub-optimal environments, for example in browsers without Javascript

WordPress Theme Builder:
- Apply Master page command takes the current page, opens its master page and applies any changes to areas outside of the Site content
- A while ago we added the “Apply master page to all open files” that does this for all open pages
- Still, on larger projects with multiple templates and potentially multiple master pages, doing that is cumbersome. The easiest way is to open all template files and then run “Apply master page to all open files”

Now, we added two more options:
- Apply master pages to the whole project will go through all template files in the project and apply their respective master pages to them
- Apply master page to related files will do the same but only for project files that use the current page as their master page

Freegate 7.65 查看版本資訊


Pinegrow Web Editor 5.11 查看版本資訊


Mono (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

In Depth
- General: Due to limitations in the TLS stack on 10.7 we are updating the minimum macOS development target from 10.7 to 10.9. Mono will be supported only on 10.9 or newer versions starting with this release.

- AOT: Few hard to track race conditions in trampolines unboxing for AOT backend targetting amd64 were fixed.
- Interpreter: The interpreter received the first set of low-level optimizations, improving the execution time of typeof call by the factor of 10. Further changes were made to avoid unnecessary allocations and support Xamarin native types (nint/nuint).
- Custom Marshalers: The logic handling custom marshalers, types implementing IICustomMarshaler has been mostly rewritten in managed code with additional caching mechanisms to match .NET Framework behaviour.
- Optimizations: The intrinsics built on top of SSE41 for Math.Round/Math.Floor/Math.Ceiling were added.
- Windows: Mono Windows cross-compiler is using the same LLVM release branch as Linux resolving issues in scenarios where llvm-config.exe can’t be run (none WSL/CygWin build target).

Class Libraries
- CoreFX convergence: In this release, more CoreFX code was imported in particular in System.Reflection namespace. Many common types in mscorlib System namespace are now fully CoreFX based including System.Math. The Registry implementation on Windows is now fully based on CoreFX implementation.
- Mono.Options: A new CommandSet.GetCompletions() method was introduced, which returns all possible commands which match a given completion prefix. This is intended for e.g. bash completion support.
- System.Runtime.InteropServices: It’s now possible to use RuntimeInformation API to detect ARM and ARM64 platforms.

- MSBuild: Reference assemblies for .NET 4.7.2 are included to allow targeting .NET Framework 4.7.2 using MSBuild on Mono.