Loaris Trojan Remover 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 Automatic Email Processor 3.2.5

Loaris Trojan Remover 歷史版本列表

Loaris Trojan Remover 是一個強大而簡單的解決方案,用於從當代形式的在線安全威脅中刪除和清理您的計算機中的惡意軟件。如果您認為您的系統運行速度非常慢並且無法完全使用其資源,則可能是使用我們推薦的惡意軟件清除工具掃描系統的好時機。該程序將快速識別所有可能的病毒,木馬,蠕蟲,廣告軟件,間諜軟件和其他形式的感染。使用我們的反間諜程序掃描您的系統,徹底擺脫您計算機上的各種木馬。由 Lo... Loaris Trojan Remover 軟體介紹

Descript 63.1.0 查看版本資訊


Descript 62.1.1 查看版本資訊


Descript 62.1.0 查看版本資訊


Descript 61.1.2 查看版本資訊


Descript 61.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Search highlights:
- You can now search for highlights even without entering a search term. And we’ve moved it over into the main options menu for search so all your options are in one place.
- Search options
- We’ve simplified the search options so you can now find all of them in the slider icon next to your search query
- Export scene
- You can now export just the selected scene by selecting a scene and exporting “Current selection”. Or you can just use the “Current scene” option during export.

Drive Conductor:
- The conductor is now available on the drive view. You can create new projects from it, open help options, and if you paste a project link into it the project opens.
- VU meter
- Now turns yellow or red as your audio approaches or begins to clip.

Smaller tweaks & bug fixes:
- We’ve fixed how the timeline zooms when selecting just one segment of a layer spanning many scenes so it doesn’t zoom all the way out
- When playing back and you reach the end of a composition, we stop playback there rather than going back to the start of the composition
- Markers and scenes now show up nicely when placed next to each other, and you can add scenes within a marker
- Restore removed media should no longer ignore the restored media
- Volume and opacity toggles now remember the value you had previously set
- We fixed an issue where overdubs would re-generate more surrounding words when making edits elsewhere in a composition
- Fixed some bugs where replace with gap clip wasn’t working
- Added toggle to not use ScreenCaptureKit in recorder settings if having trouble
- Changed the transcription icon in the media library

ScriptCase 9.9.009 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

ScriptCase 9.9.009 (64-bit)
- option to display chart configuration of grid fields as an icon or keep the buttons
- visual customization of grid field titles
- fixed toolbar in grid
- aggregation of rating fields in summary
- display of rating fields in grid group by
- field grouping option in the grid
- confirmation message option in the visual configuration of the button in the action bar
- button grouping option in action bar
- button option in button visual setting in action bar
- label configuration option in action bar column

- performance in the creation of applications, using the Oracle connection
- visual when creating a new langs folder
- connection performance
- Note: If the new version is updated manually, it will be necessary to apply the permissions in the Scriptcase directory.
- internal library interface
- visual in the notification of saving changes in the interface

- problem when editing the application when the auto save option was activated
- problem when synchronizing the form with the option to save metadata cache on disk enabled
- Undefined array key "mysql_ssl_cipher" error in MySQL connection when using SSL in PHP 8.1 environments
- SQL errors during source code generation of example CRM project with Firebird database
- SQL errors when generating the Documents Library project source code, with PostgreSQL and SQLite databases
- issue with Excel export crashing in the grid, due to the formatting of "percent" type fields
- an error that failed to compile in applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of the publication generation done through the "Publish" button at the end of the source code generation
- problem in Healthcare Project created with SQLIte database
- a problem when creating applications in the Access type connection, when using a table column with the reserved word "MOD"
- problem when creating the form, using the "Foreign key optimization" option and the MySQLi connection
- problem in the "Value range" option for numeric values in the summary filter. The typing component was not created
- problem when selecting ODBC connection in SQL Server, Oracle, Db2 and Sybase connections. The connection driver was not being listed
- problem when importing example projects using MySQL connection
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Undefined constant "SCEOT" in the modal of WORD and RTF exports in the chart applications
- "Undefined array key" and "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" errors when accessing some options for editing application themes
- errors of Undefined array key "summary_export_xml_pwd_pwd" and "label_watermarked" in grid application, when using PHP 8.1 environment
- error "foreach() argument must be of type array|object, null given", which occurred when creating Generic ODBC connections
- "Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function sc_logged()" error, which occurred when trying to login with 2-factor authentication using the email API
- SQL errors when generating the source code of the Onlineshop sample project with a MySQL database
- problem with not displaying the rating field icons (star, smile and thumbs), when printing the Grid and the Summary
- Undefined array key "display" error, which occurred after saving some application themes at the public level
- error of Undefined array key "display", when editing menu application in PHP 8.1 environment
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function initialize_arrays() on null, when executing the procedure using the SQL SERVER connection
- "Internal Server Error" and missing files when publishing projects via SFTP

ScriptCase 9.9.008 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ScriptCase 9.9.007 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

ScriptCase 9.9.006 (64-bit)
- Added support for resizing message inputs in the Application Translation tool
- Added option to open div below or in modal in express editing and default values

- Fixed issue when deleting project message indexes that contain spaces in the name
- Fixed problem with missing libraries in the installer for Linux 64 bits
- Fixed problem using ajax events after reloading a grid with full paging defined

ScriptCase 9.9.005 (64-bit)
- Improved layout of table and dictionary deletion alerts in project data dictionary

- "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when generating security module in environments with license without upgrade
- problem in Position option of SweetAlert using Toast in express edition
- problem in Excel export generation, when using the sc_actionbar_disable macro in events
- problem when configuring a group by by month and year and sorting by day
- "Undefined array key" error when generating the calendar application, in the PHP 8.1 environment
- problem in the visualization of the "Timepicker" component of the hour field, next to the html editor field
- width problem in the columns of the save grid block, when the grid had many fields
- problem displaying the record using the MSSQL Server database uniqueidentifier data type
- problem with not compiling applications that had a friendly URL, at the end of publication generation

ScriptCase 9.9.004 (64-bit)
- quicksearch for searching indexes in the Translate Applications tool
- fixed bar on project list screen with vertical orientation
- show/hide password icon on login and license registration screens
- Error Position option in Express Edit
- Display Field Error option in a modal in Express Edit
- Error Timeout option in Express Edit
- Display Date Format option in Express Edit and Default Values
- Date Display Position option in Express Edit and Default Values
- Show Message option in Express Edit

- project message translation interface
- project data dictionary interface

- problem with displaying ordering icons, on the fixed bar of the project's list of applications, on screens with lower resolutions or after window resizing
- problem in maintaining the ordering state of the applications in the interface after closing the application's tab
- problem in buttons interface after project conversion from v8 to v9
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array when creating buttons in converted applications
- Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Serialization of 'LDAPConnection' in LDAP security module login screen
- grid sorting problem when using the MEDIUMINT data type in MySQL
- problem when inserting images/documents containing accents in the multi-upload field in the SQLServer database. The error only occurred when the option Conversion from charset to UTF8 by database was disabled in the project.
- problem when renaming folders with numerals in project messages

ScriptCase 9.9.003 (64-bit)
- Added new "Last Accessed" column in the interface of all projects in List mode
- Added protection to not create buttons using parentheses

- problem with alignment of totals when changing the placement of action buttons
- problem with Grid navigation when using the sc_change_css macro
- problem in connection definition when publishing example projects
- views of Mssql Server connections "Native Srv" and "Native SRV PDO" in Linux and Mac development environments. The connections will only be visualized when the extensions are enabled in the environment
- the visualization of Mssql Server connections in the production environment. You will need to update the production environment.
- a Javascript error when exporting the grid for printing, using a nested grid link
- problem in viewing the code in the Ajax event button, created through the action bar, when making a change to the grid's SQL
- problem when accessing detail module in grid application using sc_change_css macro in PHP 7.3
- connection error with MSSQL Server Native SRV PDO driver in production environment
- problem when using the same nested grid name in the target application
- problem with Undefined array key "t_collapse" when accessing the "Blocks" option in the Form, in environments with PHP 8.1
- problem in exporting Excel in grids that have nested grid, when the Excel option was set to "No" in the nested grid
- problem in log generation in French and Italian languages
- problem when generating project source code by choosing outdated application options
- alignment of the font awesome icon on the application button if it is displayed without a label
- problem with Undefined variable $tbapl_Texto_Size_Header in grid generation
- a problem when searching the filter in the chart, using the Slider type option
- problem when activating dynamic totaling option in configuration of group by in grid application

ScriptCase 9.9.002 (64-bit)
- Click here and see all the news in version 9.9
- payment API (Stripe)
- payment API (Braintree)
- payment API (Mercado pago)
- field type Rating Smile
- field type Rating Thumbs
- Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting
- integration with Google Sheets in form applications
- action bar for grid applications
- support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid
- preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns
- foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms
- sc_change_css() macro for grid application
- hint option for "Star" Rating fields

- problem displaying the cursor for typing when using "Select2" with the search area
- a problem with displaying the unsaved changes message in forms that contain the Signature field
- problem when using the "select2" option with multiple values

ScriptCase 9.9.001 (64-bit)
- payment API (Stripe)
- payment API (Braintree)
- payment API (Mercado pago)
- field type Rating Smile
- field type Rating Thumbs
- Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting
- integration with Google Sheets in form applications
- action bar for grid applications
- support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid
- preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns
- foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms
- sc_change_css() macro for grid application
- hint option for "Star" Rating fields
- sc_actionbar_state macro in the grid action bar
- sc_actionbar_disable macro in the grid action bar
- sc_actionbar_show macro in the grid action bar
- sc_actionbar_clicked_state macro in the grid action bar
- sc_actionbar_enable macro in the grid action bar
- sc_actionbar_hide macro in the grid action bar

- the layout of the Google Sheets API interface in the production environment

- problem when using uppercase fields in the form inclusion, using the Google Sheets api
- problem using action buttons when there is no link between applications and the detail module enabled in the grid
- Problem in viewing log module events in the application
- error of Undefined array key "name" in button creation interface
- problem when navigating between records when using subquery with iframe in Slide type orientation

ScriptCase 9.9.000 (64-bit)
- payment API (Stripe)
- payment API (Braintree)
- payment API (Mercado pago)
- field type Rating Smile
- field type Rating Thumbs
- Font Awesome support in "Rating" type field setting
- integration with Google Sheets in form applications
- action bar for grid applications
- the macros sc_actionbar_state(), sc_actionbar_clicked_state(), sc_actionbar_enable(), sc_actionbar_disable(), sc_actionbar_show(), sc_actionbar_hide(), in the grid action bar
- support for iframe in the nested grid, allowing to execute all the functionality of the grid
- preseeding for foreign key in data dictionary columns
- foreign key improvement option in Scriptcase settings, making it easier to define lookups in grids and forms

- problem with simultaneous selection of the Generate ZIP and Tar.Gz options with applications in typical publication, when selecting the Linux OS
- problem in the signature field in the Grid, when the record was inserted in the form with the signature field empty
- "Parse error: syntax error" when selecting fields for refined filter in queries that have "alias" in SQL, in PostgreSQL connections
- problem when totaling a field two or more times in the Grid
- problem in duplication of the "Documents Directory" field in the advanced publication directories step
- a problem when creating a Grid with customizable SQL in PostgreSQL connections
- "2 = Undefined array key 1" in Query source code generation in environments with PHP 8.1
- Fatal error: require_once on field binding, when configured to start by search

ScriptCase 9.8.014 (64-bit)
- Fixed problem when viewing the source code generation of outdated applications

ScriptCase 9.8.013 (64-bit)
- context menu to projects in "Gallery" and "List" modes, with shortcut options pertaining to the project
- new interface for project deletion
- option to create example database in the database tab, when creating a blank project

- problem with displaying duplicate icons in the ordering columns of the application list
- problem with sc_field_disabled macro when used in auto-complete text fields with select2 enabled
- code execution problem in Master/Detail application when there are no records
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string + int when accessing grid summary
- Undefined array key "use_login_template" error when generating the security module, when using the option to use social networks
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array in chart application, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Attempt to assign property "Db" on null in grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Unsupported operand types: string - int in the grid summary execution, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "machine" when accessing "My Scriptcase" interface in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when using Slider in numeric type virtual fields in the control application
- problem using the sc_date_dif 2 macro when the date difference corresponds to 28 days
- "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when generating LDAP security module
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: array_keys(), when accessing "recent" folder of project applications
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "nmMenuAppLayers" not found, when accessing the "Layers" option of the menu application
- problem when returning to the previous application, in master/detail calls, accessing on mobile

ScriptCase 9.8.012 (64-bit)
- Added PostgreSQL version 15 support

- problem of not inserting in the field of type "Signature", in SQL Server connections
- problem with undefined array key "webhelp" in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when using global variable as statement of the WHERE clause of the form
- problem with PDF export in forms with HTML editor field
- problem in the totalization view when using fixed label in the grid
- problem in displaying the totalization label, with custom style in the summary
- problem with Undefined array key "MgCd2" error when generating a grid application in environments with PHP 8.1
- problem with fatal error in the chart application using the dimension with date "Days of the week", when the user's license type is Annual Subscription: Scriptcase 9 Professional
- problem with variable not defined in Javascript console, when accessing form application
- problem with option to show all records on one page
- problem with file generation when publishing project without libraries and common files
- time indication in project publishing

ScriptCase 9.8.011 (64-bit)
- problem when saving zero value in initial interface configuration
- problem when executing the SQL of the chart application, when configuring a WHERE condition in SQL along with the filter
- problem in updating records in NVARCHAR columns with SQLite connection

ScriptCase 9.8.010 (64-bit)
- Added the fixed label in the application's home interface

- problem in displaying mandatory fields marker in multiple records and editable grid forms
- crash problem when uploading images with PNG extension in the Images manager, in Linux and Mac environments
- problem with the button link, in the options to open the application in another window and in another tab
- problem when notifying discarded changes in HTML Editor fields of the form
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Non-static method nmApplication::HasBackup() when restoring application in PHP 8.1 environment interface
- problem loading images in HTML Editor type field
- Undefined array key "app" error in application generation in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "app" error in application generation in PHP 8.1 environment
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each, when using PostgreSQL 7 or above connection in PHP 8.1 environment

ScriptCase 9.8.009 (64-bit)
- Added new option to change theme of application buttons, in express edition

- error_profile_test_module on connection, with Oracle drivers 8 and 8.0.5 or above, in production environment
- problem with assigning "Data" type field to variables, when the "Use ComboBox" option is enabled
- problem when saving duplicate file with new name in internal library
- "Trying to access array offset on value of type null" error when adding a lang in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem displaying inputs with numbers above three digits in Database Builder
- "undefined array key" error in PHP 8.1 environment when accessing layout configuration, in form app
- search behavior in the refined filter, when searching using the "See all" option
- problem when importing a versioned project, using the PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when assigning a value to a totalization variable of a virtual field
- problem when using the "disable field" option in the multiple record form
- crash problem after deleting a virtual field in the application
- problem with sc_label macro when passing, as a parameter, a variable with a string value that starts with a capital letter
- problem when using advanced search, along with a virtual field in the summary total
- error when using the "sc_block_display" macro in the grid slide orientation, in the PHP 8.1 environment
- fatal error when choosing a product for the table in the Restaurant example project

ScriptCase 9.8.008 (64-bit)
- search box in the "Table Name" field in the Dashboard application's index creation interface
- table search box in SQL creation in field lookup
- FI

- problem when creating security module in Italian and French languages
- problem saving JavaScript methods after code changes
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Illegal offset type in isset or empty, in advanced publishing in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem with "Select all" button in refined filter modal
- problem when downloading the file in the form using the ISO-8859-1 charset
- problem when downloading the file using the Google Drive API
- problem when downloading files using the Amazon S3 API
- You will need to configure the already installed PHP 8.1 environment
- "Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable" error in Excel import
- problem of not deleting master/detail of Form applications imported from previous versions
- problem in the size of the text font input preview in the field settings in the Report Pdf application, in the Firefox browser
- problem when applying dynamic filter on a Form with conditions in the WHERE clause
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strpos(): Argument #1 ($haystack) must be of type string, in Report Pdf application in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem with input display when inserting content in SC_HEADER header parameter, VALUE type, in the grid interface
- problem with foreign key equal to 0 (zero) in the NxN relationship table in the Form
- "Deprecated: substr(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated" error when creating a connection in PHP 8.1 production environment
- problem with sending SMS using the sc_send_sms macro
- problem in line break in vertical and slide grids

ScriptCase 9.8.007 (64-bit)
- Adjustments in the online shop example project, using the Mysql database
- Note: You will need to import the project

- error when deleting last form record from Helpdesk sample project
- Note: You will need to import the project
- problem with displaying asterisk in required fields when marking as not displayed, in marker position
- problem with modal when trying to close it by clicking the "exit" button of the application
- undefined array key "dbms" error in PHP 8.1 environment
- error when saving advanced grid filter with special characters
- problem when saving a theme other than "SC9_" in applications, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "nmgp_opc_soma_col" error in grid generation, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key errors "c_width", "t_height", "t_align_vert" and "contr_columns" in grid generation, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "filldogname" and "nmgp_opc_soma_col" error in form generation, in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when using multi-upload field configured as Read-only
- problem with setting the "Default Application" option in the menu when the linked application is renamed
- problem with "Exit" and "Cancel" buttons not showing when the detail form is marked to use modal in editing and inserting

ScriptCase 9.8.006 (64-bit)
- Added search box in the "Table" field in the creation interface of the Form and Calendar applications

- Undefined variable $str_dir_img error in menu application source generation, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "refresh" error in source generation of grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Fatal error: Unsupported operand types: string - int, when using manual lookup of type "Multiple position values" in form application, in PHP 8.1 environment
- error in the warning of the Group Label option in the Form
- error when using manual lookup Multiple values (binary) in applications with field type BIT
- "Invalid Data" message display when inserting empty records in select fields in the form
- problem when viewing navigation buttons when using the sc_btn_display macro in the onLoad event
- "Optional parameter $type declared before required parameter $bol_serialize" error in Access connection, in PHP 8.1 environment
- Undefined array key "type" error in source generation of grid application, in PHP 8.1 environment
- an error in the browser console, when calling the "fontawesome.css" file in the scriptcase interface
- problem in generating Appointments example system in Sqlite and Mysql databases
- problem in generating the Restaurant example system in Sqlite and Mysql databases

ScriptCase 9.8.005 (64-bit)
- "Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: preg_match_all()" in project search interface when selecting "Words" and "All" options
- problem passing parameter of sc_ajax_message macro when "Use SweetAlert" option is enabled
- problem when using abbreviated value option in the grid summary
- problem when informing the initial value in the form interface. The error only occurred in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when using spaces in the name of a saved state of the advanced search of the grid
- problem with "Back" button losing property after opening another application in a new tab
- problem in the list of projects logged in the interface with the Russian language
- error: Undefined variable $contr_colunas, when using the sc_field_style macro in the grid configured with the SLIDE orientation in PHP 8.1
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: strcasecmp(), when performing the search grid on double select, checkbox and select multiple values ​​fields in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem of not displaying the record right after insertion in a master/detail form with the detail configured to be displayed in a modal when editing and inserting
- problem in displaying virtual field masks in ReportPDF application
- problem with sending email function on export
- problem with Bubble chart visualization

ScriptCase 9.8.004 (64-bit)
- Added search in "lookup" fields with "ignore accent" option
- Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "form_add_users" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.
- Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "app_retrieve_pswd" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.

- Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "form_add_users" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.
- Fatal error: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is no longer supported, in the "app_retrieve_pswd" application generated by the security module. It is necessary to recreate the security module.
- problem when uploading files in the "Image Manager" interface, using the PHP 8.1 environment
- problem when viewing the label filter in the grid
- problem when using the "sc_api_download" macro in the "run" type button
- "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function is_countable()" in the "pivot_table" application of the Samples project in environments with PHP 7.0.
- problem with comma handling in the message parameter of the sc_mail_send macro
- undefined variable $embedded_in_line_pdf
- problem when viewing navigation buttons using the sc_btn_display macro in the onLoad event
- problem in calendar event view using MySQL connection
- charset error when saving grid state
- undefined array key "arr_tipo_sql_look" error
- problem with label configuration and reload button hint on toolbar
- Undefined array key "concat" error
- Undefined array key "encryption" error when creating security module with LDAP
- problem when configuring API in production environment in PHP 8.1
- problem with label visualization in manual "lookup" in group by
- problem when using summary filter together with virtual fields in the total
- "Template Error: set_root: /opt/NetMake/v9-php73/wwwroot/scriptcase/devel/conf/grp/onlineShop/tpl/header/elegant_onlineshopping is not a directory" error in onlineShop project source code generation
- problem when configuring HTML printing to also print the graphic
- overlapping problem with fixed labels in the output modal in debug mode
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: method_exists, when using file upload with storage API
- problem in viewing ajax output with fixed columns in the grid

ScriptCase 9.8.003 (64-bit)
- Added "Ignore accents" option in the filter configuration interface. The option to ignore accents considers accented and unaccented versions of letters to be identical for filtering purposes. Option available only for PostgreSQL type connection.

- error "Trying to access array offset on value of type null 4070" error
- error "Undefined array key 160" error
- problem when logging out of scriptcase, when accessing the Database Builder tool
- problem in creating the data dictionary, using the Postgres connection
- error "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function get_magic_quotes_gpc()", when using "conditions" tab in SQL Builder
- problem with zero value being returned as empty
- problem when adding langs and global variables in Form fields watermark
- problem in totaling using virtual field, being totalized through onGroupByAll event
- problem when viewing the calendar in the date field in the dynamic search
- problem when configuring API in production environment in PHP 8.1 environment
- problem with lookup of break fields in licenses with expired upgrade
- view of link to tables in Database Builder
- problem with refined search when using percentage type field
- charset error in scriptcase diagnosis
- problem when inserting record in double select field

ScriptCase 9.8.002 (64-bit)
- problem when creating project in Italian language
- problem when using single quotes in the watermark of Form fields
- problem connecting to DB2 database using DB2 driver

ScriptCase 9.8.001 (64-bit)
- Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: inarray() when performing quick search and dynamic filter
- "A non-numeric value encountered" error in develgeneratornm_gp_consulta_prep.php 668, when using '%' symbol in table width

ScriptCase 9.8.000 (64-bit)
- Added support for PHP 8.1 environments with Source Guardian

- Fixed problem when accessing SQL Server connections in Database Builder
- Fixed problem when synchronizing tables in the form

ScriptCase 9.7.023 (64-bit)
- Fixed issue in the Application List interface of tab applications

ScriptCase 9.7.022 (64-bit)
- Removed "get_magic_quotes_gpc" function call in PHP 7.4 environment. The function has been removed from versions 7.4 or higher.
- Fixed issue when uploading with filename containing "ç" in projects with ISO8859-1 charset

ScriptCase 9.7.021 (64-bit)
- problem in displaying background color of "Mac" layout in menu application
- problem with use theme background flag in menu application
- problem in displaying iframe properties in application links opening in modal
- problem in Excel export, when the title of the total contained a global variable
- problem in setting the width of layers in the menu
- problem when using tab navigation in menu applications

ScriptCase 9.7.020 (64-bit)
- Added support to hide grid detail header via sc_head_hide macro

- problem in displaying grouped buttons after search result without records in grid
- problem in image preview when informing file upload using the storage API. The error occurred when using the same file name with different content.
- problem with horizontal menu alignment
- problem when viewing the link application opening in iframe in a mobile grid
- problem with Quicksearch overlapping in grid when using advanced search label
- problem in the "label" view when selecting the calendar from the date field. The error only occurred on horizontal forms
- problem with horizontal alignment of the advanced search, when configuring and having an effect on the grid
- problem when displaying the title and collapse icon in the slide grid block on mobile
- problem after criticizing required fields in the last step of the form
- problem in shortcut to image directory for label icon on forms in advanced theme mode
- problem when viewing dropdown fields from mobile
- problem when viewing images in grid on mobile

ScriptCase 9.7.019 (64-bit)
- option to view the steps form on mobile. Option available in Layout : Pages
- option to view the steps form on mobile. Option available in Layout : Pages
- new sc_head_hide and sc_foot_hide macros
- new sc_head_hide and sc_foot_hide macros

- problem when viewing select2 in form fields on mobile devices
- problem when closing capture application after registration selection on mobile devices
- problem with editable grid (view) form modal on mobile devices
- problem when viewing the "date" field in the dashboard application index, using the DBLIB connection
- "Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function", when performing the totalization of a virtual field configured with lookup
- problem with block title display in advanced search when the option to display block title is unchecked
- problem in validating group by, when selecting the automatic lookup method without informing the SQL command
- problem in displaying the header of an application redirected by the edit link when using mobile optimizations
- problem with Progress PDO connection failure
- problem in display of fixed label in "Select" column of applications with capture link
- problem in quicksearch result, using fields with reserved words or protected by double quotes
- problem when using the "date" field calendar in modal, in versions 8 and 9 themes. This type of visualization is available when the "New Calendar" option in the "date" field settings is deselected

ScriptCase 9.7.018 (64-bit)
- Added fixed column and form ordering options in express edition of applications

- problem when in Quicksearch using the Progress connection
- error Call to undefined function nm_psq_liga_cons, when running a grid application with the filter module disabled and the fields in quicksearch selected
- problem in generating PDF in Alma Linux 8.5 environment
- problem in synchronizing data dictionary langs in applications that have group by
- problem when viewing edit buttons on horizontal forms on mobile
- a problem with the fixed label working on mobile horizontal forms
- problem with text preview in mobile vertical grids (using more than one column per page)
- problem with displaying the height of form page tabs on mobile
- problem in displaying records in xls and xlsx export in grid applications with nested grids and left text alignment
- problem with initial value in the filter when configuring with zero
- issue of overlapping menu application theme color by project theme color

ScriptCase 9.7.017 (64-bit)
- option to "Display progress bar" in PDF export setting in chart application. The user will be able to choose whether or not to display the progress bar when generating the PDF. This will only be done when the "Generate PDF Directly" option is enabled.
- new property of the link "Open in another browser tab", in the links of the grid application

- Fatal error: Call to undefined method :gera_icone() when enabling the "Icon" option in document type virtual fields in grid applications
- problem with browser window opening when enabling "Display progress bar" option. From this release, the pdf will be generated in another browser tab.
- problem displaying discarded changes message when using signature type field in forms
- problem with loading the HTML editor when browsing editable grid forms
- conflict problem using the same field name with Scriptcase's internal function
- problem in displaying the modal window in the application toolbar button group interface
- problem with displaying "Print" and "Horizontal Line" buttons in the HTML Editor
- problem with the height of the HTML editor when the field is configured to be displayed on a form page
- problem in displaying grid fields in the side menu of the interface even after the option is disabled in the form

ScriptCase 9.7.016 (64-bit)
- option to "Display progress bar" in PDF export configuration. This will only be done when the "Generate PDF Directly" option is enabled
- mobile support for HTML editor fields
- feature to fix columns in horizontal forms (multiple records, editable grid and editable grid view)
- option to include records in modal, in the form with editable grid view orientation
- selection of fields that will be part of the editable grid (view), allowing different configuration of form fields
- new sorting icon types options on forms (set by theme or Font Awesome)

- Changed the text content of the advanced, dynamic and summary filter buttons to "Reset", in the English language
- problem in onGroupByAll event when performing calculations on fields
- problem when viewing the grid and summary export modules when the initial module was configured for PDF
- problem with Z-index of the option to save grid that was behind the application label
- problem when saving the option "Definition of the fields that will be displayed in the group by" in the group by field configuration
- problem in totaling a virtual field with negative values
- problem when viewing chart themes in the grid fields interface
- JS problem when using named fields with reserved words
- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_NS_SEPARATOR), expecting identifier (T_STRING), when using global variables in "where" clause using JOIN in SQL. The error occurred when selecting some fields in the refined filter
- error when running application with theme for button that contains quote
- problem with lifetime setting of files in tmp directory

ScriptCase 9.7.015 (64-bit)
- PHP error in array_map() and array_fill_keys() Expected parameter, when using tcpdf library in blank application
- problem in field mask for different phone digits in the grid
- problem when adding the same regional setting using different charsets in the project language
- problem with refined filter when filtering a field with empty value in postgresql

ScriptCase 9.7.014 (64-bit)
- Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '(int)' (int) (T_INT_CAST) in grid and chart applications if using only one dimension
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function initializeFixedColumnsSummary, when enabling fixed column option in summary

ScriptCase 9.7.013 (64-bit)
- problem with sorting when grid has an INNER JOIN
- problem with fixed column when using nested grid configured with display below records
- problem in the option "fix column of options", when the detail module was disabled
- problem when using the "sc_redir" macro using the target as "modal" in the search application

ScriptCase 9.7.012 (64-bit)
- problem when making changes to the grid sorting tab
- problem displaying refined search labels in grid when exporting PDF
- error in the fix log when setting a directory in open_basedir
- Fatal error: Cannot redeclare initializeFixedColumnsGrid() when using fixed columns option in nested grid application
- problem displaying refined search labels after loading saved grid state

ScriptCase 9.7.011 (64-bit)
- fixed columns in the grid, freezes the data of the column during the horizontal scroll
- option to customize sort icons on field labels in grids

- problem with grid label overlapping on search label
- problem in console in the grid

ScriptCase 9.7.010 (64-bit)
- problem in tab colors on pages in the form
- problem with displaying bottom edge of last tile in Google Chrome browser
- error display problem in grid when removing radio type field from advanced search
- problem using the escaped comma in the hint parameter of the sc_link macro
- problem in displaying ajax events in grid fields after refined search
- problem with displaying Font Awesome icons on form buttons when using RTL languages

ScriptCase 9.7.009 (64-bit)
- problem with help indexes in the interface
- problem in creating FTP publishing directories without common libraries

ScriptCase 9.7.008 (64-bit)
- problem on the searching of the "select" field in the dynamic filter, when the field was not available in the advanced filter
- issue with displaying refined filter on mobile when "start as" option is collapsed

ScriptCase 9.7.007 (64-bit)
- Added the functions "scHideUserField" and "scShowUserField" to enable or hide fields in the html control application through the macro "sc_field_display". NOTE: The documentation of the new functions is available in the application itself through the "CHECK" button.

- Fixed issue when starting the search in the tag filter
- Fixed problem sending the email from the application "app_form_add_users" in the security module. It will be necessary to recreate the module.
- Fixed the login html templates in the external samples project library. The templates were modified to enable or hide the fields according to the settings informed in the security module.

ScriptCase 9.7.006 (64-bit)
- visualization in dashboard format in the grid detail on mobile
- new mobile options in the express edition

- problem with the refined filter collapse/expand option, with the filter module unchecked
- problem with layout when exporting the chart application
- problem in the fixed label that was duplicated in the mobile grid application
- problem in the fixed label that was displayed above the refined filter button in the mobile grid application
- problem in the login html template in the external project samples library. The templates were modified for the new security module fields
- problem when using capture link with special character in the captured field value
- problem when opening quicksearch dropdown in form applications using mobile devices
- problem in updating the procedure in the Editable Grid View form. The value was not being updated
- problem when editing or deleting the example Business project
- problem in form printing export with mobile optimization
- problem when viewing the toolbar of applications from the security module on mobile. It will be necessary to recreate the module
- problem in the "cancel" button in the "grid save" with the mobile option disabled

ScriptCase 9.7.005 (64-bit)
- Added option to generate mobile toolbar as simplified or free
- Added option to select year and month in mobile calendar

- Fixed error of "grid_save_grid.php not found" in the browser console, when running the grid application using the Enable mobile optimization option
- Fixed problem in the display of the scrollbar, using the Firefox browser in the "Insert Code" of the events

ScriptCase 9.7.004 (64-bit)
Forms with mobile optimization:
- Automatic optimization while accessing on mobile devices! features included
- Toolbar horizontal with scrolling, optimized mobile panels, fixed bottom toolbar, new scroll up button

Calendars with mobile optimization:
Automatic optimization while accessing on mobile devices! features included:
- 100% usage of the screen, new dates panel, calendar form with mobile optimization

New powerful security module options:
Profile image upload option and a new ‘Settings’ option within the security module, once enabled the ‘sys-admin’ end-user can change options such as:
- Session expiration action, remember me, expiration time cookie, retrieve password, new users creation, Brute force options, and 2FA options

ScriptCase 9.7.003 (64-bit)
- mobile optimization for form application
- mobile optimization for calendar application
- User profile image upload option in security module
- new 'Settings' option to end user in security module

- problem in the filter's clear button, in the checkbox type field, configured as manual lookup
- problem in formatting numeric fields passed as a parameter in the link The field was being formatted when using the open property in another window
- problem in the HTML printing of the grid, configured with static group by and the option to start treeview closed At the time of printing it only displayed the first record
- issue in the mobile grid toolbar, which only worked when there were buttons configured on the desktop toolbar
- issue with advanced filter mobile toolbar buttons It was only displayed in the mobile application if there were buttons on the desktop toolbar
- damaged file issue in macOS scriptcase installer
- problem in redirecting "sc_redir" macro to the pdf report application

ScriptCase 9.7.002 (64-bit)
- Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function NM_is_utf8() when using modal option in refined filter search
- problem when using the option "Rule Ordering" in the configuration of the grid sorting rules. The sorting was not being applied
- problem in displaying the format of "date" type breaks in Spanish
- problem in the display of the Exit (Back) button in the grid summary
- problem in generating applications when enabling the new mobile flag. Error: substr() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given

ScriptCase 9.7.001 (64-bit)
- new sample project: "Restaurant"

- problem in assigning value to a lang in the generated application
- error "Undefined variable: arr_def_proj" when creating the calendar application
- problem with size of tab margin-top in menu application
- problem when using the detail application, from a master/detail, in a step of the step form
- problem in creating tables during manual installation with MySQL connection, in PHP 7.0 environment
- problem in displaying "show" option items in menu toolbar interface. When changing the button type, some options were disabled
- problem in recognizing global variables in tab applications
- download file issue for damaged MAC OS
- problem in displaying alert message when adding a new language in the project
- problem in viewing the help of macros in events

ScriptCase 9.7.000 (64-bit)
- mobile optimization for grid, menu and chart applications
- Form Multi-Steps
- Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) to the security module
- API email configuration support in security module
- improvements to Refined Search
- new chart options (Zoomline, Scrolling and Overlapping)
- new sc_btn_disabled macro
- new sc_btn_label macro
- new sc_get_wizard_step macro
- new parameter "reply_to" in sc_mail_send macro

- error when generating source code for Online Shop project
- connection issue in CRM project when using SQL Server Native SRV PDO driver
- problem when using reload button when adding records
- sorting problem with column type CBLOB, BLOB and LONG, using Oracle database
- problem saving API in production environment, due to webkit update in some browsers
- problem when returning to the query application when using sc_redir macro in advanced search

ScriptCase 9.6.018 (64-bit)
- Added option to allow editing of records from capture link to forms and search fields

- problem in icon display, for fields that contain interval condition and capture link
- problem in the messages in case of EOF, of the lookup of display in text fields
- problem in alert display when running application with select field, radio or checkbox with no value in lookup
- problem in the inclusion of the "datetime" field with the option of system data in the inclusion and configured as label
- problem with BYTEA type when inserting data using signature type field
- problem in the configuration of the dimensions of the signature field
- problem creating untitled pages in the form

ScriptCase 9.6.017 (64-bit)
- problem when searching for "?", using the criterion contains, in quicksearch
- Uncaught TypeError error: str_link is undefined when clicking on a tree menu item
- problem not loading the menu, not Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge, due to large amount of iframes
- problem when generating tab applications using old themes

ScriptCase 9.6.016 (64-bit)
- parse error: syntax error, unexpected '"', when using checkbox field with multiple values
- problem in displaying the WORD option when exporting the chart
- scrolling problem in methods interface

ScriptCase 9.6.015 (64-bit)
- problem when exporting PDF on forms with pages
- problem in the initial value of special search criteria in DATETIME fields
- problem in WORD export of grid summary
- problem when using sc_error_message macro in the grid's onClick event
- problem when using fields to select multiple values, with Select2

ScriptCase 9.6.014 (64-bit)
- Improved connection interface: Microsoft Azure, Amazon RDS and Google Cloud and ODBC connection interface
- It will needed to clear your browser cache
- Added the sc_api_gc_get_url and sc_api_gc_get_obj macros to generate the "token" parameter, to be used in the sc_api_upload macro of google drive
- Fixed problem in displaying the cursor for typing when using the "Display the Select2 search area" option
- It will needed to clear your browser cache
- Fixed problem with fixed label alignment
- Fixed problem when using "Navigation" option in the mobile tab of the menu

ScriptCase 9.6.013 (64-bit)
- Fixed problem when viewing events on the calendar with weekly and daily view

ScriptCase 9.6.012 (64-bit)
- Improved data visualization in SQL Builder
- Added option to convert charset to UTF-8 by database in project properties. This option will convert the characters sent by the server to UTF-8, according to the database charset. As of this update, new projects will be created with this option enabled, which can be unchecked in themenu interface Project -> Properties.

- Fixed problem with the "Save in session" option in the "Persist State" button
- Fixed problem with "language" field of applications, after creating batch applications, and project with only one language selected
- Fixed problem with loss of default values, in manual lookup of radio and checkbox type fields, when clearing state of advanced grid search
- Fixed problem when defining font size and tab color of form pages
- Fixed problem when performing column ordering in forms with horizontal orientations
- Fixed problem in the visualization of themes during project creation
- Fixed problem when canceling duplicate files in the internal library

ScriptCase 9.6.011 (64-bit)
- support for utf8mb3 and utf8mb4 client encoding on MySQL connection

- -problem when creating security module using Firebird connection
- -problem with the display of the "JSON Export" button on the security module
- -problem when inserting user information in the log table, using an environment with IPv6
- -problem in viewing the upload area in the form Grid editable (view)
- -problem with the redirection parameter of the sc_ajax_message macro in event Ajax in the grid
- -JavaScript error when creating the connection in the production environment
- -problem in viewing records, after page break, in PDF export
- -problem with creating horizontal scroll bar when expanding vertical menu
- -problem with the display of an icon indicating the expansion of the menu in the PDF Layout
- -problem in the display of accented characters in the JSON export of the chart application

ScriptCase 9.6.010 (64-bit)
- Fixed display problem with the mini calendar
- Fixed problem in the treemenu tabs, using language or theme options

ScriptCase 9.6.007 (64-bit)
- problem with loading languages ​​in the field of regional settings
- problem with displaying errors when copying an application with the same name to another project
- problem in confirming the deletion of themes for charts
- problem in downloading the PDF export using the sc_set_pdf_name macro
- problem with the radio field label in the helpcase settings
- problem in the description of the scriptcase toolbar
- message error when recovering password generated by security module
- problem when configuring the style of the links in the themes of the buttons
- problem in mandatory fields, after browsing between records in the form
- problem when deleting items in the hotkey template
- alignment problem in the action buttons of the hotkey template
- problem when naming fields, using the automatic link of the form, during the creation of the application
- problem in the definition of langs created in the data dictionary, in form labels
- download problem in Document type fields, configured as read-only, when navigating form records
- problem with SQL type of DATE columns using several tables in the same query, with Oracle connection
- problem in defining refresh interval in grids, when used as a detail application in a master/detail
- issue with duplicate list of languages ​​with different regional settings in the menu application
- Javascript error: Uncaught SyntaxError, when selecting ZIP code to fill in values
- count() error when generating form after changing dependencies, using the cascade delete option
- problem with capturing fields in the Run button interface
- problem in the helpCase interface when showing CSS code overlapping the buttons, in the code editor
- problem when saving specific connection in the filter lookup, in the chart application
- problem in formatting date/time fields when marked as a label
- problem with displaying the value of the label type field, after adding a new record
- problem in the validation of the sc_changed macro for "data" type fields
- problem in the initial load of the form visualization, using the application link via iframe
- problem in the display of error messages in the html control application
- problem with the preview of Youtube videos on grid, in an SSL environment
- problem in Excel, CSV, XML and RTF export in SQL Server database with ISO charset
- problem in displaying values ​​when using the complete feature with zeros in decimal fields of the chart
- problem with aligning headings on horizontal forms
- problem with the alignment of the menu sub-items
- problem when saving connection parameters between applications
- problem when using hashes (#) in code comments in application events
- problem with German text of the "Exit" button, in form applications
- problem with form dependencies error message, using multiple languages
- problem with locality icon when creating project, using Chinese (traditional) language

ScriptCase 9.6.006 (64-bit)
- problem when exporting Grid PDF in CentOS8 environment
- problem when exporting PDF in Chart in Linux CentOS8 environments
- problem when exporting PDF in Form application in Linux CentOS8 environments
- problem with displaying commented global variables
- problem with Undefined property: $proc_fast_searc
- problem with the "Notify discarded changes" message for the checkbox, radio and double select fields
- problem when using the "Complete with zeros" feature in decimal and currency fields
- problem with Fatal error: Uncaught ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function nmFontePHPFormHtml::GeraCorpo() in the N:N relationship binding attributes
- problem in the HTML image field link to HTML control

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What's new in this version:

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian, Tamil & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Animation blending. Learn more
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 2 new effects: Filters/Crop & Filters/RoundCorners
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- <Ctrl><Shift> now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian, Tamil & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Animation blending. Learn more
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 2 new effects: Filters/Crop & Filters/RoundCorners
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian, Tamil & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Animation blending. Learn more
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 2 new effects: Filters/Crop & Filters/RoundCorners
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian, Tamil & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Animation blending. Learn more
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 1 new effect: Filters/Crop
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Suomi, Arabic, Slovenian & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 1 new effect: Filters/Crop
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: English, Nederlands, Kreyol, Français, Español, Japanese, Magyar, Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Arabic & Croatian
- Scale model joints with SX properties
- Support for GLB models with glow maps
- Support for GLB models with ambient occlusion maps
- Support for GLB models with metallic maps
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets
- Glow icon on model thumbnails in file dialog
- Glow checkbox in Layer > Active layer properties... dialog to make the whole layer glow
- 3 new properties in camera layer: Glow intensity, Glow range & Glow colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Glow
- 2 new special URLs in MEDIA > Change texture... dialog: glowmap & prevframe
- 1 new effect: Filters/Crop
- Number of textures per layer increased from 3 to 4
- Model textures are now rendered as thumbnails in the MEDIA > Change texture... dialog
- Possibility to clear model texture. Learn more
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models
- FX Ignore metallic map property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to reflection map the whole 3D model
- Unpack the GLB textures by right clicking on the GLB file and choosing Extract textures...
- now renders all child layers when the active layer is a container layer
- Bugfix: GLB models using colour-per-vertex are now correctly loaded
- Bugfix: GLB models without index buffers are now correctly loaded

- Updated translations: Français, Japanese, Magyar & Croatian
- FX Alpha test property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to improve the rendering of 3D models using transparent textures.
- FX Double sided property in the AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapNormalmapCubemap effect. This can be used to fix single sided faces of 3D models.
- Support for GLB models with animated morph targets

- Support for animated 3D models in the GLB format Learn more
- Skinning rigged models Learn more
- Seamlessly looping 3D models Learn more
- Attach a container layer to a joint of a model layer Learn more
- Introduction of JX properties
- Introduction of MX properties
- New menu item: MEDIA > Change animation...
- Support for 3D models in OBJ format Learn more
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- 20 new effects: Special/TPose, Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion, Animation & Animation speed
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in container layer: Model joint
- In-app user guide: press

- In-app user guide: press
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- 20 new effects: Special/TPose, Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cube maps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colour map layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cube map layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Additive & Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Subtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapper_Additive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million

- scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed

- Kerning property text layer
- Motion blur properties camera layer
- Shadow softness property light layer

- text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion

- In-app user guide: press
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- 19 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cube maps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colour map layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cube map layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Additive & Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Subtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapper_Additive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million
- bugfix: scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- bugfix: editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- bugfix: the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- bugfix: the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- bugfix: sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- bugfix: you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- bugfix: Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Removed: Shadow softness property light layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion

- In-app user guide: press
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- 19 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cube maps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colour map layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cube map layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Additive & Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Subtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapper_Additive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million

- the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed
- scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected

- Kerning property text layer
- Motion blur properties camera layer
- Shadow softness property light layer

- text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion

- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish

- In-app user guide: press
- Support for OBJ/MTL files
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps)
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect
- 19 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cube maps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colour map layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cube map layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Additive & Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Subtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapper_Additive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million

- scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed

- Kerning property text layer
- Motion blur properties camera layer
- Shadow softness property light layer

- text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion

- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Support for OBJ/MTL files
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps)
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect
- 19 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Special/Psychedelic, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Text/Dot, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cube maps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colour map layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cube map layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Additive & Special/RotateTowardsCamera_Subtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapper_Additive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million
- bugfix: scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- bugfix: editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- bugfix: the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- bugfix: the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- bugfix: sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- bugfix: you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- bugfix: Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Removed: Shadow softness property light layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion
- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- 17 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 7 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom, Not aligned, Normal, Wheel & Walking square
- 2 new styles in the sketch layer: Single sided & Caterpillar tread
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 1 new property in camera layer: Colour
- 1 new property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cubemaps
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Save active colourmap layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cubemap layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCameraAdditive & Special/RotateTowardsCameraSubtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapperAdditive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- Vertices budget increased to 1.5 million
- bugfix: scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- bugfix: editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- bugfix: the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- bugfix: the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- bugfix: sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- bugfix: you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- bugfix: Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Removed: Shadow softness property light layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion
- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish

- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Auto rolling wheels. Learn more
- Vertices budget increased to 1 million
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- WASD control: move camera with keys, games style! Learn more
- 17 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette, Picture/UnfoldingMap & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 4 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom & Not aligned
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 1 new style in the sketch layer: Single sided
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- New property in camera layer: Colour
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- New property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- Redesign timeline
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cubemaps
- Mouse wheel control timeline slider
- Improved templates & thumbnails
- When tabbing to the next property textbox, the textbox not only has the focus, but its text is also fully selected
- New preset in FILE > Set show resolution... dialog: QHD (2560 x 1440)
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Improved Bix model. UV mapping slightly changed for easier editing
- Save active colourmap layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cubemap layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- 2 new effect properties in Special/Bix: the 2nd slider of the FX Period, Mouth property opens his mouth and the 2nd slider of the FX Leg rotation spreads the leg
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCameraAdditive & Special/RotateTowardsCameraSubtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapperAdditive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- Max vertices increased from 200.000 to 300.000
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- More descriptive DirectShow errors
- compatibility fix: no mesh explosion when using Model repeat prop in picture layer

- scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Holes and Filled holes text layer styles fixed
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Removed: Shadow softness property light layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion
- 2 old effects converted: V11/V11_Mirror8 & V11/V11_PricklyPearReflection

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Change log not available for this version

- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Vertices budget increased to 1 million
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- WASD control: move camera with keys, games style! Learn more
- 16 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 4 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom & Not aligned
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 1 new style in the sketch layer: Single sided
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- New property in camera layer: Colour
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- New property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- Redesign timeline
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cubemaps
- Mouse wheel control timeline slider
- Improved templates & thumbnails
- When tabbing to the next property textbox, the textbox not only has the focus, but its text is also fully selected
- New preset in FILE > Set show resolution... dialog: QHD (2560 x 1440)
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Improved Bix model. UV mapping slightly changed for easier editing
- Save active colourmap layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cubemap layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- 2 new effect properties in Special/Bix: the 2nd slider of the FX Period, Mouth property opens his mouth and the 2nd slider of the FX Leg rotation spreads the leg
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCameraAdditive & Special/RotateTowardsCameraSubtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapperAdditive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- Max vertices increased from 200.000 to 300.000
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- More descriptive DirectShow errors
- compatibility fix: no mesh explosion when using Model repeat prop in picture layer
- bugfix: scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- bugfix: editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- bugfix: the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- bugfix: the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- bugfix: sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- bugfix: you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion
- 2 old effects converted: V11/V11_Mirror8 & V11/V11_PricklyPearReflection

- Updated translations: Chinese(Simplified), Chinese(Traditional), Deutsch, English, Francais, Korean, Kreyol, Magyar, Nederlands, Russian, Spanish, Suomi, Slovenian, Japanese, Zulu, Arabic, Persian & Turkish
- Support for OBJ/MTL files. Learn more
- Vertices budget increased to 1 million
- New layer: Robotic arm layer
- QR code generator in picture, vector and sketch layers. Learn more
- Bitmaps smaller than 33 x 33 are now traced pixel perfect. Learn more
- Improved quality shadow maps (Cascading Shadow Maps). Learn more
- Support for EPS files created by Affinity Designer & Inkscape
- WASD control: move camera with keys, games style! Learn more
- 16 new effects: Special/FragmentExplosion, Shine, Text/Highlighter, Special/Dino, Special/Drone, Special/WireframePlus, System/UVMap, ProceduralTextures/ShinePlus, ProceduralTextures/Gradient, ProceduralTextures/Gradient_Additive, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Earth, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Router, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_ChordDiagram, ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel_Network, Picture/PartySilhouette & Picture/PopUpBook
- 8 new styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- 4 new styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom & Not aligned
- 1 new style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- 1 new style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- 1 new style in the sketch layer: Single sided
- 3 new properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- New property in camera layer: Colour
- 2 new properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- 2 new properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- New property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- Redesign timeline
- New tags in textbox. Learn more
- Support for HDR DDS files, flat and cubemaps
- Mouse wheel control timeline slider
- Improved templates & thumbnails
- When tabbing to the next property textbox, the textbox not only has the focus, but its text is also fully selected
- New preset in FILE > Set show resolution... dialog: QHD (2560 x 1440)
- When adjusting a property with the All keys checkbox marked, only the adjusted component (X, Y or Z) is adjusted in the other keys
- When the All layers checkbox is marked, only the visible layers are affected
- Export as transparent WebM (requires an external video encoder)
- Improved Bix model. UV mapping slightly changed for easier editing
- Save active colourmap layer as picture by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- Save active cubemap layer as 360° photo by choosing FILE > Export as picture...
- 2 new effect properties in Special/Bix: the 2nd slider of the FX Period, Mouth property opens his mouth and the 2nd slider of the FX Leg rotation spreads the leg
- New effect property in Special/RotateTowardsCamera, Special/RotateTowardsCameraAdditive & Special/RotateTowardsCameraSubtractive: FX Roll
- New effect property in Special/UVMapper & Special/UVMapperAdditive: FX Character index offset
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/Horizon: FX Noise. This fights MP4 banding
- New effect properties in Filters/Blobs: FX Style and others
- New effect property in Filters/ShutterBlades: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in ProceduralTextures/ControlPanel: FX Background transparency
- New effect property in Filters/WhiteBorder: FX Clip
- New effect property in Special/NormalMapper: FX Space
- New effect property in AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontReflectionmapSides and AdvancedMaterials/ColourmapFrontCubemapSides: FX Mirror
- New effect property in Filters/SoftBorder: FX Noise
- New option in LAYER > Active layer properties... dialog: Sort elements
- Max vertices increased from 200.000 to 300.000
- New keyboard shortcut: + , toggles visibility active layer
- Possibility to attach a plasma layer to a container layer
- More descriptive DirectShow errors
- compatibility fix: no mesh explosion when using Model repeat prop in picture layer
- bugfix: scroller keeps on scrolling in playlist without hiccups
- bugfix: editing texts longer than 512 characters in textbox on tool window now works as expected
- bugfix: the Picture/SpotlightCone effect now listens to the Transparency property
- bugfix: the Scroller layer style 3D IN BACKGROUND now works as expected
- bugfix: sampling artifacts cloth effect picture layer have been removed
- bugfix: you can now detach a camera layer from a container layer
- Removed: Kerning property text layer
- Removed: Motion blur properties camera layer
- Rename: text layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: text layer: Jumble -> Character explosion
- Rename: picture layer: Explosion -> Polygon explosion
- Rename: model layer: Jumble -> Submodel explosion
- 2 old effects converted: V11/V11_Mirror8 & V11/V11_PricklyPearReflection

- styles in the picture layer: Hemisphere, Balloon, Rounded cube, Pyramid, Diamond, Chip, Star 3D & Light beam
- styles in the model layer: Vertical align top, Vertical align centre, Vertical align bottom & Not aligned
- style in the particle layer: 3D circles
- style in the plasma layer: Max displacement
- style in the sketch layer: Single sided
- properties in robotic arm layer: Beam pattern, Writer & Beam pattern speed
- property in camera layer: Colour
- properties in text layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- properties in picture layer: Fragment explosion & Fragment explosion size
- property in model layer: Submodel explosion
- Redesign timeline
- tags in textbox Learn more
- preset in FILE > Set show resolution dialog: QHD (2560 x 1440)
- effect properties in Special/Bix: the 2nd slider of the FX Period, Mouth property opens his mouth and the 2nd slider of the FX Leg ro

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.4.1
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.9
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.8
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.7
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.6
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.5
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.3
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.2.2
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.2.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.1.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 9.0.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 8.0.9
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 8.0.2
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.9.2
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.9.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.8.7
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.8.4
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.8.3
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.6.5
- Fix bug and enhance the ability of "Optimize File System"

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.6.2
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.6.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.5.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.4.1
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.3.7
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.3.6
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.3.4
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.2.7
- Change log not available for this version

NIUBI Partition Editor 7.2.6
- Fixed some bugs and improve performance

Descript 60.1.1 查看版本資訊


Descript 59.1.4 查看版本資訊
