Krita (64-bit) 歷史版本列表 Page8

最新版本 Krita 5.0.0 (64-bit)

Krita (64-bit) 歷史版本列表

Krita 64 位是免費的數字繪畫和插圖應用程序。 Krita 提供 CMYK 支持,HDR 繪畫,透視網格,碼頭,過濾器,繪畫助手,以及許多您期望的其他功能。 Krita 是一個免費的素描和繪畫程序。這是創建與以下類型的藝術思想:概念藝術,紋理或亞光繪畫,插圖和漫畫。Krita 特點:Interface 和 WorkspaceKrita 有一個用戶友好的界面。在設置菜單中,您可以選擇顏色主題,... Krita (64-bit) 軟體介紹

MiKTeX 2.9.7342 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


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What's new in this version:

- Limit memory usage of Activity Feed
- Windows: Fix syncing to top level folder on external drives
- Display the local or cloud item associated with unexpected errors in Attention required
- Mac: Fix cross-partition moves on Mac (such as when moving a base folder to an external drive)
- Fix a rare error when renaming a local item

The Dude 6.46.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- hotspot - fixed redirect to log in page (introduced in v6.45)
- lora - added "ru-864-mid" channel plan
- lora - improved immediate packet delivery
- lte - added GPS port support for Quectel EP06 modem
- lte - added "psc" (Primary Scrambling Code) parameter for "cell-monitor" function on R11e-LTE6 and R11e-LTE
- lte - do not show invalid "phy-cellid" when it is not yet received on "R11e-LTE"
- lte - do not show unrelated info parameters after network mode failover
- port - fixed multiple identical USB serial device detection (introduced in v6.46)
- ppp - fixed connection establishment when receiving "" DNS
- snmp - fixed "ifOperStatus" reporting for combo ports
- winbox - removed duplicate "counter", "chain", "size" and "payload" parameters under "LoRa/Traffic"

Postman 7.17.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where checkboxes in dropdown menu shrinks when label wraps to the next line.
- Fixed a bug where null and undefined values in variables were shown as empty in variable suggestion tooltip
- Right Click on links in Text Editor triggers left click action
- Fix issue where manual file mime-type selection was not working
- Fix an issue causing times and testResults property missing from run-export results
- Fixed issue in runner where run details showed unresolved URL.
- Fixed a bug where request body of type form-data was not shown in Console raw view when user-defined Content-Type request header was set
- Show fork information for collections in find and replace
- Moved APIs from Beta to General Availability
- Added events on APIs and API elements to the workspace activity feed
- You can now sync your schema residing in Postman API with GitHub

Insync 查看版本資訊


Postman 7.16.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed a bug where the dropdown for role selection would be empty

Postman 7.16.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed Import Folder flow for RAML 0.8 Specification
- In-app lesson for how to use Interceptor for capturing cookies
- Added support for in-app installation of Interceptor
- Collection runner performance improvements
- Added a warning in Postman Console about headers for failed requests
- Added ability in Console to show request body of form data type in raw view
- Added support for filename* in form data as per RFC 6266
- Fixed an issue where first suggestion was not highlighting while interacting with keyboard.
- Fixed a bug where Filter Dropdown would auto-close when data is streaming into Console
- Fixed a bug where form param with no file selected was not sent
- Fixed cell highlight bug in Request Validation
- Added support for importing RAML 1.0
- Added support for brotli decompression of response body

The Dude 6.46.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- chr - improved stability when changing ARP modes on e1000 type adapters
- console - prevent "flash" directory from being removed (introduced in v6.46)
- console - updated copyright notice
- crs305 - disable optical SFP/SFP+ module Tx power after disabling SFP+ interface
- defconf - fixed "caps-mode" not initialized properly after resetting
- defconf - fixed default configuration loading on RBwAPG-60adkit (introduced in v6.46)
- lora - fixed packet sending when using "antenna-gain" higher than 5dB
- lte - fixed "cell-monitor" on R11e-LTE in 3G mode
- lte - fixed "earfcn" reporting on R11e-LTE6 in UMTS and GSM modes
- lte - report only valid info parameters on R11e-LTE6
- ppp - fixed minor typo in "ppp-client" monitor
- qsfp - do not report bogus monitoring readouts on modules without DDMI support
- qsfp - improved module monitoring readouts for DAC and break-out cables
- routerboard - added "mode-button" support for RBcAP2nD
- security - fixed vulnerability for routers with default password (limited to Wireless Wire), admin could login on startup with empty password before default configuration script was fully loaded
- system - fixed "*.auto.rsc" file execution (introduced in v6.46)
- system - fixed "check-installation" on PowerPC devices (introduced in v6.46)
- traffic-generator - improved memory handling on CHR
- webfig - allow skin designing without "ftp" and "sensitive" policies
- webfig - fixed "skins" saving to "flash" directory if it exists (introduced in v6.46)
- winbox - automatically refresh "Packets" table when new packets are captured by "Tools/Packet Sniffer"
- winbox - fixed "Default Route Distance" default value when creating new LTE APN
- winbox - removed duplicate "join-eui" and "dev-eui" parameters under "Lora/Traffic"

Insync 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add Get Link cloud browser shortcut for Google Drive
- Add Google Drive ‘Shared Drives’ and ‘Link Sharing’ activities
- Display license update notification only when there are really changes
- Display ‘Open Location’ hover menu item on partially synced folder
- Add share dialog support for GD Shared Drives and files therein
- Add functionality to report errors shown in the ‘Attention Required’ feed

Postman 7.14.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- cursor is incorrectly focused on the the create and edit Workspace when the modal is opened
- Fixed a bug where NTLM could not complete authentication if multiple `www-authenticate` headers were sent
- Fixed a bug where proxy auth was failing when the username/password contained special characters
- Fixed a bug where basic auth was failing when it had UTF-8 characters in username/password
- Fixed a bug where the app was crashing when `username` or `password` fields were empty for NTLM auth
- Fixed a bug where IPv6 localhost request through IPv4 localhost proxy was failing
- Show confirmation dialog if there are unsaved changes while creating new documentation and user tries to close the modal using esc key
- Allowed using non-bearer tokens in OAuth2 token manager
- Switched default mode to postman-code-generators for codegen modal
- Updated the OpenAPI3.0, Swagger2.0, cURL importers
- Added feature to infer domain name when username is for the form domainusername or [email protected] for NTLM authentication