Krita (64-bit)

最新版本 Krita 3.0.1 (64-bit)

Krita 3.0.1 (64-bit)

Krita 3.0.1 (64-bit)
Krita 64 位是免費的數字繪畫和插圖應用程序。 Krita 提供 CMYK 支持,HDR 繪畫,透視網格,碼頭,過濾器,繪畫助手,以及許多您期望的其他功能。 Krita 是一個免費的素描和繪畫程序。這是創建與以下類型的藝術思想:概念藝術,紋理或亞光繪畫,插圖和漫畫。

Krita 特點:

Interface 和 Workspace
Krita 有一個用戶友好的界面。在設置菜單中,您可以選擇顏色主題,要使用的工具欄和泊塢窗,以及編輯鍵盤快捷鍵。將一組給定的泊塢窗保存為一個工作空間並在它們之間切換。畫布可以很容易地旋轉和鏡像。 OpenGL 畫布支持高位深度監視器。有大量的選項可用來創建一個沒有分心畫布的繪畫模式.

現在很容易創建無縫的紋理和圖案。按下     當繪畫切換環繞模式時鍵。圖像將沿 x 和 y 軸進行自我引用。繼續繪畫,立即觀看所有參考資料。沒有更笨重的抵消,看看你的形像如何重演。你甚至可以畫邊,它會自動開始畫在上面。這是你必須為自己看到的功能之一.


Krita 64 位具有多種選擇畫布部分的方法來編輯它們。您可以選擇矩形和圓形等形狀,選擇顏色,選擇顏色,按顏色選擇,由 Bezier 選擇。您可以添加,刪除或相交到您的選擇。您還可以通過上下文單擊圖層並單擊“選擇不透明”按層內容進行選擇。您可以自行創建透明圖層,也可以將其添加到現有圖層。這是非破壞性更改的好工具.

比基本鏡像更進一步的對稱工具。通過能夠確定您需要的軸數來完全控制。修改原點中心,角度和平滑參數。輕鬆切換頂部工具欄中的 x 和 y 鏡像按鈕。具有磁性設置的透視網格和形狀等繪圖輔助工具.

過濾器可以直接用在圖層上,也可以用作過濾器蒙版或圖層。過濾器的效果是在圖像本身上預覽的。有波,油畫,浮雕等特效。還包括諸如水平,亮度 / 對比度和 HSV 的調整。額外的工具,可用於選擇顏色,如阿爾法和顏色轉移.

Layer 和顏色管理
Krita 有柵格,矢量,過濾器,編程,組和文件支持圖層。每個圖層都具有可見性,編輯鎖定,透明度鎖定和 Alpha 鎖定的設置。可以將圖層拖放到其他應用程序中。矢量圖層支持文本,矢量形狀和過濾器上矢量形狀。 Krita 支持以下用於創建和編輯圖像的顏色模型:RGBA,Gray,CMYKA,Lab,YCbCr,XYZ,8 位整數,16 位整數,16 位浮點,32 位浮點。 Krita 總是使用色彩管理。

也可用:下載 Krita for Mac


檔案版本 Krita 3.0.1 (64-bit)

檔案名稱 krita-3.0.1-x64-setup.exe
檔案大小 55.69 MB
系統 Windows XP64 / Vista64 / Windows 7 64 / Windows 8 64 / Windows 10 64
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Krita Team
更新日期 2016-09-09

What's new in this version:

- This release already contains the first results of the 2016 Google Summer of Code projects, as well as kickstarter-funded features.

Tweak Brush settings in the pop-up palette:
- Tweak your brush without having to go into the brush editor. Each brush engine has its own settings to tweak. Use the small arrow icon to toggle this on and off. You can even configure which properties are shown.

Soft Proofing:
- See how your artwork will look like when converting to CMYK. There is an additional “out of gamut” display to show you what color data will be getting lost. The first result of Wolthera’s Google Summer of Code 2016 work!

Improved Mirror Tools:
- Additional options for the mirror tools. Lock the position so you don’t accidently move it. Hide the line so it doesn’t get in the way while painting. Move to center if you accidently move it while painting.

Threshold and Wavelet Decompose Added:
- Added a Threshold filter and a Wavelet Decompose plugin.

Quick Flip and Rotate buttons:
- Quickly flip or rotate your layers and selections with the free transform tool. No more -100% width transformations. Buttons exist for flipping vertical or horizontal, rotating clock wise or counter clock wise rotate.

Improved Dockers:
- We moved the Histogram area from the layers menu into its own Histogram docker so it always can stay on the screen. Greatly improved the visual quality of the overview docker so it looks better. The channels docker now shows thumbnails as well.

Other New or Improved Features:
- Smarter input boxes that can accept simple maths! Unit conversion is still coming!
- Per-stroke fuzziness sensor, called “Fuzzy: Stroke”, perfect for all those grassblades that need to be subtly different.
- Added “Ratio” property to the brush editor. This allows you to map the brush width and height aspect ratio to your pen. This feature was created by Nishant Rodriguez
- Gradient Maps can now be added as filter layers.
- New option to convert a group into an animated layer
- Added showing coordinates when using the Move Tool. Enable this feature from the tool options.
- Added Japanese animation template
- Snap free transform tool with the Shift key
- Improved Pixel 1 Preset
- Improved default onion skin settings to make it easier to use
- Use relative zooming so you zoom based off your cursor instead of the center of the screen
- Add ability to enter groups with PgUp/PgDown shortcuts
- Gray out sliders for disabled onion skin columns
- Added Breeze color themes
- re-organized the layers menu and layer context-click menu so they take up less space
- Improved verbiage for “paste to simple source” dialog. It is now called “Missing Color Profile”. Added option to remember your selection.
- Visibility of status bar is now saved
- Show previous color in Advanced Colors Selector docker
- Retired the support for the little-used OpenJPEG export format. (Note: this has nothing to do with JPEG support!)
- There is an optional button available for the toolbars to switch pressure sensitivity off and on

- Fix sharp corners when drawing circles with the stabilizer on Windows
- Fix drag & drop slow down with layers
- Added Full screen functionality back
- Fix crash when dragging and dropping transform mask
- Fix crashes with some tablet manufacturers when you try to paint
- Fix crash when duplicating a file layer
- Fix double dots in the file name when saving
- Fix crash when loading multi layer EXR files
- Fix crash with saving layer group
- Fix: Switch off ‘canvas only mode’ before closing the main window. It made restarting krita get in an odd state.
- Fix crash when moving a hidden layer with the arrow keys
- Fix Clone tool crash when when using Ctrl + left mouse button
- Fix Onion skin build up issue when changing frames
- OSX: fixed some touchpad issues
- OSX: fix brush freeze with Wacom after lifting stylus from canvas
- OSX: Fixed 100% opacity blobs at the start of a line
- Fix some part of the application not changing to the appropriate language
- Fix crash when editing a macro that contains a filter layer
- Fix memory issue when closing and opening new images
- 3_texture brush tip has been fixed to use alpha
- Fix assistants so previews can be hidden and shown
- When using the deform transform tool, moving now takes the rotation of the canvas into account
- Fix saving templates
- Fix loading images with uppercase suffix
- Fix HSL/HSV adjustment filter with Colorize displaying wrong hue value
- Fix to make feather selection work again (thanks Spencer Brown)
- Some display issues (black screens) when using assistants on NVida GPU’s have been fixed
- Fix brush preset layout after changing tags and hiding scrollbars
- Fix a crash when the resource selector tries to display a deleted resource
- Fix using the threshold filter as a mask and the threshold filter preview for colorspaces other than 8 bits RGBA
- Fix initializing tool options when Krita starts
- Change range for inner and outer glow layer styles to 1 to 100
- Update the default workspace set
- When saving pixels outside of the layer will be cropped
- Fix incorrect offset when loading first animation frame
- Fix exporting animations to the CSV format
- Brush composite action has name in the toolbar config now
- Uncheck the PNG profile embedding option by default.
- Disable the system monitor check if colord doesn’t give us devices
- Make Nearest Neighbour filtering mode work properly
- Add the decoration back for the horizontal and vertical mirror tools
- Don’t put 100% pressure blobs at the start of some lines
- Don’t allow painters remove the automatically generated gradients: They are special!
- Brush preset tags load again on Windows and OSX

Krita 3.0.1 (64-bit) 相關參考資料
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krita-3.0.1-x64-setup.exe, 2016-09-12 10:57, 56M, Details · [ ] ·, 2016-09-12 10:57, 96M, Details · [ ] · krita-3.0.1-x86-setup.exe, 2016-09 ...

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Krita 64 bit

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