Kodi 歷史版本列表
Kodi(以前稱為 XBMC)是一個屢獲殊榮的免費和開源(GPL)軟件媒體播放器和娛樂中心,可安裝在 Linux,OSX,Windows,iOS 和 Android 上,具有 10 英尺的用戶界面供使用與電視和遙控器。它允許用戶播放和查看本地和網絡存儲介質和互聯網上的大多數視頻,音樂,播客和其他數字媒體文件。MusicKodi 可以播放所有的音樂,包括 MP3,FLAC,WAV 和 WMA 格式。... Kodi 軟體介紹更新時間:2016-04-24
What's new in this version:
- Never cache addons directories
- Fix typo when calculating forced ratio size
- AndroidStorageProvider: Ignore /mnt/runtime and don’t call Exists all the way every some 500 ms as this will affect performance
- Set of fixes for DirectX rendering
- 20% performance gain on opening EPG guide window
- Add missing libgif.so to the Android package
- Fix Kodi freezing if no ADSP add-on is present
- EventServer security fix by only allowing localhost
- Fix possible lockup when entering EPG grid
- Fix possible problems with rendering on Windows
- Fix possible non working key presses after a key long press
- Don’t do a video chapter skip if there’s only one chapter
- Fix possible lock up by increasing timeout to let screensavers properly exit
- Fix render capture (bookmark images) on certain hardware with DXVA on Windows
- Fix problem in ZeroConfBrowser that could cause problems on exit
- Fix possible crashes when using VAAPI and DXVA video rendering
- Fix song reported on playback of songs from cuesheet
What's new in this version:
- Flush renderbuffers when flushing video player
- Fix broken network.bandwidth setting
- Fix stuttering in PVR windows
- Fix holding lock while querying PVR backend
- Unsigned apps are not working on jailbroken iOS 5.1 devices
- Add installed languages to the list of possible stream languages
- Ensure that file descriptor for logfile is NULL’ed
- Fixes a crash when trying do delete a file in filemanager
- Reimplement Cocoa_GetVolumeNameFromMountPoint for OSX
- Update label color for sliderex controls
- CProgressJob: fix crash in DoModal
- Fix missing return in CGUIWindowPVRBase::OnBack
- FFmpeg: Bump to 2.6.4
- Handle startup splash as regular window
- Fix linkage for VTB framework for iOS < 6 – fixes VTB on iOS
- Fix broken native keyboard on iOS 5.1.1 devices
- Fix wrong navigation in SmartPlaylistEditor.xml
- Make some virtual filesystems available when no network is available yet
- Fix formatting on mysql queries that could cause crash on update
- Only set mouse wheel control spin and slider controls when they are actually focusses
- Respect view mode changes of EPG when controlling number of EPG updates
- Handle startup splash as regular window which prevent problems if PVR or masterlock is used as startup window
- Fix watched flag not displaying if item is also resume-able
- Remove some logging on exiting that could crash on exit in some cases
- Fix overlapping subtitles in some cases
What's new in this version:
Kodi 15.0 Features:
- A new chapter selector window - Allows you to visually browse and select chapters from mkvs and other containers that support chapters.
- Adaptive seeking (aka Skip Steps) - The more times you press a button to seek in a period of time, the larger the jump forward or backward will be.
- Audio and Subtitle Lists - For content that includes multiple audio and subtitle choices, you can select from a full list of choices, rather than manually searching through a spinner.
- Language Add-ons and Expanded International Preferences - Now language translations aren't dependent upon release, but get regularly updated to all users as the add-ons themselves update. Additionally, you now have total control over date, time, temperature and more displayed formats.
- Improved Add-on Manager - The add-on manager has now been reworked to help make finding the add-ons you are looking for easier.
Other improvements include:
- FFmpeg 2.6.3 update
- Improved Closed Captioning support in Live TV
- Fixed music video queuing
- Allow scanning of new sources and marking as watched during other library operations such as "update library"
- Windows DXVA HEVC hardware decoding support if driver and hardware support exist
Changes from 14.2 to 15.0 include:
- Minimal 10.7 Lion 64-bit required on Mac OSX
- Minimal iOS 5.1 required and ATV2 support discontinued
- Minimum Android 4.2 Jelly Bean MR1 required on Android
- Ubuntu 12.04 support dropped in PPA
- On Android the system now handles the volume instead of Kodi
- Removed the need for root/SU on Android. Some hardware/firmware might not like that. Please contact your hardware supplier
- Removal of Tuxbox support. Users of Enigma2 boxes can use the VUPlus PVR add-on
- Removal of AFP filesystem support
- Remove legacy code pre-Frodo 11.0
- Vast amount of possible memory leaks, segfaults, crashes and minor issues have been fixed
- General improvements regarding code stability and performance in all areas
- General code clean-up in all areas to simplify adding future features
What's new in this version:
- Fix resume point of certain PVR items begin stale on playback.
- Fix weirdness when certain TVs query XBMC's UPnP server and it starts running a bunch of add-ons which cause popups on the XBMC machine.
- Fix crash at exit while airplay is playing
- Better recovery of VDPAU on errors.
- Fixes for cropping of interlaced content using VDPAU.
- Fix for FLAC tracks with large embedded images not playing.
- Fix for crash if librtmp wasn’t available.
- Fix for ffmpeg building on linux using later versions of librtmp.
- Fix for broken m4a, mp4 playback with paplayer.
- Fix for the hint text not being shown in editcontrols once unfocused.
- Fix minor memory leak in PlayMedia builtin function.
- Fix albumartist use in song smartplaylists.
- Use unique client broadcast UID in the PVR API.