KiTTY 歷史版本列表 Page6

最新版本 KiTTY

KiTTY 歷史版本列表

KiTTY 是從 PuTTY 的 0.60 版本,一個免費的 SSH,Telnet 和 Rlogin 客戶端,將使高級用戶來控制其網絡連接和文件傳輸的所有方面的分叉。 KiTTY 是源代碼可用的開源軟件,由一組志願者開發和支持。會話過濾,會話圖標,自動登錄,自動密碼保護,預定義命令快捷鍵,在遠程會話中運行本地保存的腳本等應用體育功能。KiTTY 的主要工作環境是 DOS 命令界面高級用戶可以使用他... KiTTY 軟體介紹

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix: another bad memory allocation

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- merge pull request: Add far2l terminal extensions support

Firefox Developer Edition 97.0b5 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 97.0b4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 97.0b3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 97.0b2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Firefox Developer Edition 97.0b1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix the issue with Private key usage confirmation

KiTTY 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix the issue with Private key usage confirmation

PhpStorm 2021.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

PhpStorm 2021.3.1
- Besides bug fixes and enhancements, this release brings an important new feature: trusted projects
- Trusted projects
- This release introduces the concept of trusted projects, designed to mitigate the risks associated with working with projects from unknown and untrusted sources.
- When you open a project, PhpStorm doesn’t execute any code from it and checks whether it is trusted or from a trusted location. If the project currently is not trusted, the IDE will ask you to choose whether to open it in safe mode or full-trust mode.
- If you open a project in safe mode, many IDE features, such as error highlighting, will be disabled. However, you can still browse the project’s contents and open its source files in the editor.
- The IDE will also warn you about all potential code execution, which includes running Composer commands and refreshing the versions for configured test frameworks and PHP command-line tools.
- To avoid showing warnings for every project, PhpStorm lets you define trusted locations under Preferences/Settings | Build, Execution, Deployment | Trusted Locations. Projects in directories specified as “Trusted Locations” are always considered trusted. To ensure that you get the untrusted project warnings only when something out of the ordinary is happening, it is recommended adding the directory where you usually create projects to trusted locations.
- If you want to disable the untrusted project warnings, you can add your machine’s root directory to the trusted locations. But since this could potentially leave you open to an attack, it is generally not recommended.

Other notable changes:
- Fixed: Yarn PnP: Indirect dependencies are not indexed
- Fixed: Tailwind 3: Completion for classes doesn’t work
- Fixed: Accidental tool window drag’n’drop instead of resizing
- Fixed: Incorrect results in DateTime columns with Clickhouse
- Angular: support events from custom EventManagerPlugin
- Support v-bind CSS function in Vue Single-File Components
- Fixed: ESLint 8.0: doesn’t work with YarnPnP
- Fixed: Sass @use / @import statements without tilde aren’t being resolved correctly
- Provide the text search in the Quick Documentation (Ctrl + Q)
- Fixed: @import in LESS does not resolve packages in node_modules if `~` is omitted
- Fixed: Performance problem after running http tests
- Fixed: HTTPRequest: broken inside client.test callback
- Fixed: @import in scss does not resolve packages in node_modules
- Fixed: Directory content is not shown in Bookmarks list
- Add support for conditional optionallity of parameters in stubs

PhpStorm 2021.3
Full support for PHP 8.1:
- Readonly properties
- Intersection types
- New return type: `never`
- Final constants
- `new` operator in initializers
- First-class callables
- Deprecations

Generics in PHP:
- Improved support for Doctrine Collections
- Support for future Laravel 9 collections
- Infer generic types from constructor
- Support for the phpstan-* annotation for templates

Improved refactorings:
- Drag and drop support for the Move Class refactoring
- Inline function or method
- Inline variable
- Introduce (extract) variable
- Remote Development:;
- Faster and better deployment:
- Support for `rsync`
- Retry for failed uploads
- Speedup for SFTP/FTP/FTPS with multithreaded connection
- Upload all opened files
- Quickly switch default server for project
- Proxy support for SSH connections

HTTP Client:
- Support for text streams and JSON streams
- Binary responses
- Output redirection to custom file or directory
- Support for HTTP request identifiers

UI Updates:
- New Bookmarks tool window
- Source preview for Show Usages
- Improved Markdown support

- Align diff highlighting
- Checkout and Rebase onto Current for remote branches
- Reorganized VCS settings
- New ‘Push All up to Here’ action

PhpStorm 2021.2.3
- Updating indexes on every startup if IDE was closed with OS shutdown
- Find in Path: “File mask” list is empty
- Analyse code on commit is very slow with PHPStan/Psalm enabled
- Quality Tools are run on Commit | Analyze Code despite that the inspection profile has them disabled
- Complete Current Statement for Closures/anonymous functions doesn’t add a semicolon

PhpStorm 2021.2.2
- Angular 12 inline scss support
- Regular expression support in sqlite
- Fixed: Tailwind autocompletion in *.blade.php files
- Fixed: Tailwind CSS support on Mac M1 with Node.js 15.x
- ESLint 8.0 support

PhpStorm 2021.2.1
Notable updates in this release:
- Fixed: Re-arrange did not reorder the method with modifiers and name both
- Fixed: CSS class completion doesn’t work great with Tailwind 2.1 in “jit” mode
- Vue 3: Support new