KeePass Password Safe

最新版本 KeePass 2.24

KeePass 2.24

KeePass 2.24
KeePass 是一個免費的開源密碼管理器,可以幫助您以安全的方式管理您的密碼。您可以將所有密碼放在一個數據庫中,並使用一個主密鑰或一個密鑰文件進行鎖定。因此,您只需記住一個主密碼或選擇密鑰文件即可解鎖整個數據庫。數據庫使用目前已知的最好和最安全的加密算法(AES 和 Twofish)加密.

今天你需要記住許多密碼。您需要 Windows 網絡登錄,您的電子郵件帳戶,您的網站的 FTP 密碼,在線密碼(如網站會員帳戶)等密碼等。名單是無止境的。另外,您應該為每個帳戶使用不同的密碼。因為如果你在任何地方只使用一個密碼,而有人得到這個密碼,你就會遇到問題... 一個嚴重的問題。小偷將有權訪問您的電子郵件帳戶,網站等。不可思議的.

KeePass 是真正免費的,不止於此:它是開源(OSI 認證)。您可以看看它的完整源代碼,並檢查加密算法是否正確實施.

KeePass 功能:強大的安全性多用戶密鑰便攜式,無需安裝導出到 TXT,HTML,XML 和 CSV 文件從多種文件格式導入簡單的數據庫傳輸支持密碼組時間字段和條目附件自動類型,全局自動類型熱鍵和拖放直觀和安全的剪貼板處理搜索和排序多語言支持強大的隨機密碼生成器插件架構開源!注意:需要.NET Framework.


檔案版本 KeePass 2.24

檔案名稱 KeePass-2.24-Setup.exe
檔案大小 2.4 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 開源軟體
作者 Dominik Reichl
更新日期 2013-11-04

What's new in this version:

New Features:
- The URL override field in the entry editing dialog is now an editable combo box, where the drop-down list contains suggestions for browser overrides.
- Password quality estimations are now computed in separate threads to improve the UI responsiveness.
- The password generator profile 'Automatically generated passwords for new entries' is now available in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
- Added UIFlags bit for hiding built-in profiles in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
- Tags can be included in printouts now.
- Generic CSV importer: added support for importing tags.
- Added support for importing Norton Identity Safe 2013 CSV files.
- Mozilla Bookmarks JSON import: added support for importing tags.
- RoboForm import: URLs are now terminated using a '/', added support for the new file format and for the new note fields.
- Added support for showing modern task dialogs even when no form exists (requiring a theming activation context).
- KeePass now terminates CtfMon child processes started by .NET/Windows, if they are not terminated automatically.
- Added workarounds for '#', '{', '}', '[', ']', '~' and diaeresis .NET SendKeys issues.
- Added workaround for 'xsel' hanging on Unix-like systems.
- Converted some PNG images as a workaround for a problem in Cairo/LibPNG on Unix-like systems.
- Installer: the version is now shown in the 'Version' field of the item in the Windows 'Programs and Features' dialog.
- TrlUtil: added 'Go to Next Untranslated' command.
- TrlUtil: added shortcut keys.

Improvements / Changes:
- The 'Open From URL' dialog is now brought to the foreground when trying to perform global auto-type while the database is locked and the main window is minimized to tray.
- Profiles are now shown directly in the password generator context menu of the entry editing dialog.
- After duplicating entries, KeePass now ensures that the copies are visible.
- User names of TAN entries are now dereferenced, if the option for showing dereferenced data in the main window is enabled.
- When creating an entry from a template, the new entry is now selected and focused.
- Empty fields are not included in detailed printouts anymore.
- Enhanced Internet Explorer detection.
- The '-preselect' command line option now works together with relative database file paths.
- Improved quoted app paths parsing.
- Extended culture invariance.
- Improved synchronization performance.
- Improved internal keypress routing.
- Last access times by default are not shown in the UI anymore.
- TrlUtil: improved dialog focusing when showing message boxes.
- KeePassLib/KPScript: improved support for running on systems without any GUI.
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.

- Fixed a crash that could occur if the option 'Show expired entries (if any)' is enabled and a trigger switches to a different locked database when unlocking a database.
- The tab bar is now updated correctly after closing an inactive database by middle-clicking its tab.
- Column display orders that are unstable with respect to linear auto-adjusting assignment are now restored correctly.

KeePass 2.24 相關參考資料
A lightweight and easy-to-use password manager, 2013-12-04, 45.5 kB. 0 ·, 2013-11-15, 38.6 kB. 0 ·, 2013-11-08, 43.1 kB. 0.

Getting KeePass - Downloads

Download the EXE file above, run it and follow the steps of the installation program. You need local installation rights (use the Portable version on the right, ...

KeePass 2.24 released

KeePass 2.24 has been released today! You can get it here: Download KeePass 2.24. This is a stable release. It is recommended to upgrade from any previous ...

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News Archive

KeePass 2.24 released 2013-11-03 14:03. Read More » · KeePass 2.23 released 2013-07-20 13:26. Read More » · KeePass 1.26 released 2013-07-12 13:32. Read More ...

pt.KeePass - Microsoft 應用程式

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免費綠色密碼管理器:KeePass 2.24新版下載 - itest8的部落格


免费绿色密码管理器:KeePass 2.24新版下载

2013年11月4日 — KeePass是一个开源的密码管理工具,它可以帮助您管理您的密码。您只需将您的密码放入一个数据库中,然后设置一个数据库密码或者建立一个密匙盘即可。