Kaspersky System Checker

最新版本 DS4Windows 1.6.3

DS4Windows 1.6.3

DS4Windows 1.6.3
Kaspersky System Checker 檢查您的 Windows PC 是否存在任何軟件漏洞,惡意軟件和病毒以及硬件詳細信息.

您的報告包含有關您的 PC 以及 PC 上安裝的瀏覽器擴展和應用程序的各種有價值的數據。所以您可以決定如何確保您的計算機繼續執行。沒有必要在 PC 上安裝任何東西。只要打開 Kaspersky System Checker– 或者將其下載到可移動設備(如 USB 閃存驅動器)上。然後,只需點擊一下鼠標,就可以開始評估您的 PC .

Kaspersky System Checker 將在有機會感染您的計算機之前檢測到所有最新的網絡威脅,並自動幫助保持關鍵軟件的最新狀態。一旦您運行掃描,它將執行全面的診斷檢查。完成後,它會及時編輯一份可保存報告中的任何性能或安全問題的完整列表,以便妥善解決.

此外,它還允許您輕鬆地從程序中輕鬆卸載任何大型,不常使用或最近安裝的應用程序 0.


檔案版本 DS4Windows 1.6.3

檔案名稱 DS4Windows_1.6.3_x86.zip
檔案大小 1.7 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 免費軟體
作者 Kaspersky Lab
官網 https://www.kaspersky.com/system-checker
更新日期 2019-01-05

What's new in this version:

- Removed use of Microsoft.Win32 namespace
- Changed suspend detection routine to use WMI

DS4Windows 1.6.3 相關參考資料
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This is not the latest version of DS4Windows available. ... To install DS4Windows, run the following command from the command line or from ...


Chocolatey Gallery | DS4Windows 1.6.3

To install DS4Windows, run the following command from the command line or from PowerShell: C:-> choco install ds4windows --version 1.6.3.


Chocolatey Gallery | DS4Windows 1.6.5

This is not the latest version of DS4Windows available. ... To install DS4Windows, run the following command from the command line or from ...


Chocolatey Gallery | DS4Windows 1.6.8

This is not the latest version of DS4Windows available. ... To install DS4Windows, run the following command from the command line or from ...


Chocolatey Gallery | DS4Windows 1.7.2

This package was approved as a trusted package on 3/25/2019. Simple and Clean UI. Since the idea is to get to get your controller ready for games, The UI was ...


Download DS4Windows - MajorGeeks

DS4Windows is an extract anywhere program that allows you to get the best DualShock 4 experience on your PC. By emulating an Xbox 360 ...


Download DS4Windows 1.7.2 - Softpedia

Free Download DS4Windows - Make the most out of your PlayStation 4 DualShock controller and create custom profiles for the games you ...


DS4Windows 1.6.3 - Free Project

Latest Version: DS4Windows 1.6.3. Requirements: Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10. Author / Product: Jays2Kings / ...


DS4Windows 1.6.3 Download for Windows 10, 8, 7 - FileHorse

Download DS4Windows 1.6.3 for Windows PC from FileHorse. 100% Safe and Secure ✓ Free Download (32-bit/64-bit) Software Version.


DS4Windows by Ryochan7 - GitHub Pages

DS4Windows is a portable program that allows you to get the best experience while using a DualShock 4 on your PC. By emulating a Xbox 360 controller, many ...
