KakaoTalk for Windows 歷史版本列表 Page3

最新版本 iLok License Manager 5.9.0

KakaoTalk for Windows 歷史版本列表

沒有更多的短信超齡,短信計劃或任何其他與短信相關的麻煩。 KakaoTalk for Windows 是一個免費的智能手機信使,允許用戶發送和接收消息,包括照片,視頻,語音筆記和聯繫信息通過一對一和群聊在國際上。您可以通過點擊免費下載按鈕,從我們的網站下載 KakaoTalk for PC 離線安裝程序.KakaoTalk 功能:與您的朋友共享文件 從您的 PC 發送文件,視頻,圖像,音頻或壓縮... KakaoTalk for Windows 軟體介紹


Epic Pen 3.12.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved stability on some version of Windows 10

Topaz Video AI 3.3.9 查看版本資訊


Topaz Video AI 3.3.8 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

- amigaos: fix sys/mbuf.h m_len macro clash
- amissl: add missing signal.h include
- amissl: fix AmiSSL v5 detection
- cfilters: rename close/connect functions to avoid clashes
- ciphers.d: put URL in first column
- cmake: add `libcurlu`/`libcurltool` for unit tests
- cmake: update ngtcp2 detection
- configure: check for nghttp2_session_get_stream_local_window_size
- CONTRIBUTE: drop mention of copyright year ranges
- CONTRIBUTE: fix syntax in commit message description
- curl_multi_wait.3: fix arg quoting to doc macro .BR
- docs: mark two TLS options for TLS, not SSL
- docs: provide more see also for cipher options
- hostip: return IPv6 first for localhost resolves
- http2: fix regression on upload EOF handling
- http: VLH, very large header test and fixes
- libcurl-errors.3: add CURLUE_OK
- quiche: fix lookup of transfer at multi
- quiche: fix segfault and other things
- rustls: update rustls-ffi 0.10.0
- socks: print ipv6 address within brackets
- src/mkhelp: strip off escape sequences
- tool: fix tool_seek_cb build when SIZEOF_CURL_OFF_T > SIZEOF_OFF_T
- transfer: do not clear the credentials on redirect to absolute URL
- unittest: remove unneeded *_LDADD
- websocket: rename arguments/variables to match docs

iLok License Manager 5.8.1 查看版本資訊



What's new in this version:

- curl: add --ca-native and --proxy-ca-native
- curl: add --trace-ids
- haproxy: add --haproxy-clientip flag to set client IPs

- bufq: make write/pass methods more robust
- build: drop unused/redundant `HAVE_WINLDAP_H`
- cf-socket: don't bypass fclosesocket callback if cancelled before connect
- cf-socket: move ctx declaration under HAVE_GETPEERNAME
- cf-socket: skip getpeername()/getsockname for TFTP
- checksrc: modernise perl file open
- checksrc: quote the file name to work with "funny" letters
- CI: brew fix for openssl in default path
- CI: don't install impacket if tests are not run
- CI: enable parallel make in more builds
- circleci: install impacket & wolfssl 5.6.0
- cmake: add support for "unity" builds
- cmake: make use of snprintf
- cmake: stop CMake from quietly ignoring missing Brotli
- configure: add check for ldap_init_fd
- configure: fix run-compiler for old /bin/sh
- configure: the --without forms of the options are also gone
- connect-timeout.d: mention that the DNS lookup is included
- curl.h: include <sys/select.h> for vxworks
- curl: count uploaded data to stop at the originally given size
- curl: return error when asked to use an unsupported HTTP version
- curl_easy_nextheader.3: add missing open parenthesis examples
- curl_log: evaluate log statement only when transfer is verbose
- curl_mprintf.3: minor fix of the example
- curl_pushheader_byname/bynum.3: document in their own man pages
- curl_url_set: enforce the max string length check for all parts
- CURLOPT_AWS_SIGV4.3: remove unused variable from example
- CURLOPT_INFILESIZE.3: mention -1 triggers chunked
- CURLOPT_MIMEPOST.3: clarify what setting to NULL means
- CURLOPT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEYFILE.3: expand on the file search
- docs/libcurl/libcurl.3: cleanups and improvements
- docs: add more .IP after .RE to fix indentation of generate paragraphs
- docs: fix missing parameter names in examples
- docs: update CURLOPT_UPLOAD.3
- docs: update HTTP3.md for newer ngtcp2 and nghttp3
- docs: use a space after RFC when spelling out RFC numbers
- example/connect-to: show CURLOPT_CONNECT_TO
- example/crawler: also set CURLOPT_AUTOREFERER
- example/crawler: make it use a few more options
- example/default-scheme: set the default scheme for schemeless URLs
- example/hsts-preload: show one way to HSTS preload
- example/http2-download: set CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE
- example/ipv6: feature CURLOPT_ADDRESS_SCOPE in use
- example/maxconnects: set maxconnect example
- example/opensslthreadlock: remove
- examples/ftpuploadresume.c: add use of CURLOPT_ACCEPTTIMEOUT_MS
- examples/http-options: show how to send "OPTIONS *"
- examples/https.c: use CURLOPT_CA_CACHE_TIMEOUT
- examples/multi-debugcallback.c: avoid the bool typedef
- examples/smtp-mime: use CURLOPT_MAIL_RCPT_ALLOWFAILS
- examples/unixsocket.c: example using CURLOPT_UNIX_SOCKET_PATH
- examples/websocket.c: websocket example using CONNECT_ONLY
- examples: make use of CURLOPT_(REDIR_|)PROTOCOLS_STR
- fopen: fix conversion warning on 32-bit Android
- fopen: optimize
- hostip.c: Move macOS-specific calls into global init call
- HTTP/2: upload handling fixes
- http2: better support for --limit-rate
- http2: error stream resets with code CURLE_HTTP2_STREAM
- http2: fix crash in handling stream weights
- http2: fix variable type
- http2: h2 and h2-PROXY connection alive check fixes
- http2: raise header limitations above and beyond
- http2: send HEADER & DATA together if possible
- http2: treat initial SETTINGS as a WINDOW_UPDATE
- HTTP3.md: update openssl version
- http3/ngtcp2: upload EAGAIN handling
- http: rectify the outgoing Cookie: header field size check
- hyper: fix EOF handling on input
- hyper: unslow
- imap-append.c: update to make it more likely to work
- imap: Provide method to disable SASL if it is advertised
- krb5: add typecast to please Coverity
- libcurl-url.3: also mention CURLUPART_ZONEID
- libcurl-ws.3. WebSocket API overview
- libssh2: provide error message when setting host key type fails
- libssh2: use custom memory functions
- ngtcp2: assigning timeout, but value is overwritten before used
- ngtcp2: build with 0.17.0 and nghttp3 0.13.0
- ngtcp2: use ever increasing timestamp in io
- quiche: avoid NULL deref in debug logging
- quiche: fix defects found in latest coverity report
- quote.d: fix indentation of generated paragraphs
- runtests: abort test run after failure without -a
- runtests: better handle ^C during slow tests
- runtests: consistently write the test check summary block
- runtests: create multiple test runners when requested
- runtests: include missing valgrind package
- runtests: make test file directories in log/N
- runtests: rename server command file
- runtests: use more consistent failure lines
- runtests: work around a perl without SIGUSR1
- runtests; give each server a unique log lock file
- scripts: Fix GHA matrix job detection in cijobs.pl
- sectransp: fix EOF handling
- system.h: remove __IBMC__/__IBMCPP__ guards and apply to all z/OS compiles
- test2600: fix the description
- test427: verify sending more cookies than fit in a 8190 bytes line
- tests/http: Add mod_h2 directive `H2ProxyRequests`
- tests/servers.pm: pick unused port number with a server socket
- tests/servers: generate temp names in /tmp for unix domain sockets
- tests: fix error messages & handling around sockets
- tests: improve reliability of TFTP tests
- testutil: allow multiple %-operators on the same line
- timeval: use CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW if available
- tls13-ciphers.d: include Schannel
- tool: remove exclamation marks from error/warning messages
- tool: remove newlines from all helpf/notef/warnf/errorf calls
- tool_easysrc.h: correct `easysrc_perform` for `CURL_DISABLE_LIBCURL_OPTION`
- tool_getparam: fix comment
- tool_operate: allow cookie lines up to 8200 bytes
- tool_parsecfg: accept line lengths up to 10M
- tool_urlglob: use curl_off_t instead of longs
- tool_writeout_json: fix encoding of control characters
- transfer: clear credentials when redirecting to absolute URL
- urlapi: have *set(PATH) prepend a slash if one is missing
- urlapi: scheme must start with alpha
- vtls: avoid memory leak if sha256 call fails
- websocket-cb: example doing WebSocket download using callback
- wolfssl: detect when TLS 1.2 support is not built into wolfssl
- wolfssl: support setting CA certificates as blob
- ws: make the curl_ws_meta() return pointer a const

iLok License Manager 5.8.0 查看版本資訊


KakaoTalk for Windows 查看版本資訊


novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 411 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 411
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 404
- Updated: Improved conversion for transparent patterns
- Fixed: Object streams correction
- Fixed: Paper forms management correction

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 398
- Updated: Reduced size of setup files

- FTP options set when uploading files
- Attach other files via Outlook emails error when folder was missing
- Changes for the Microsoft Store app

novaPDF Pro 11.8 Build 384
- Save to Drafts and Open Outlook email option
- Macro for server computer name

- Updated: Document printing management improved (reduced print queue timeouts)

- Windows driver restrictions check for setup
- Missing field when importing printers from novaPDF 10
- Cancel jobs re-added by spooler after service restart

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 374
- More UI language translation improvements
- Conversion of large Excel documents
- Tray app text inconsistencies

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 367
- Outlook and OAuth emails on Windows 11 22H2
- Read license errors on some systems
- Start Profile Manager from the Tray app
- Check for updates issue on some restricted systems

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 357
- Added: Option constant to set HTML body for Outlook emails in COM

- Error when using a particular PDF to overlay with
- Older versions did not show correct licensing error message
- Column ordering in novaPDF Printer Monitor

novaPDF Pro 11.7 Build 352
- Added: New macro for Color that returns printing color (black and white, color, greyscale, monochrome)

- Licenses can be unblocked during a limited period of time
- Activation button was not functional for blocked licenses
- UI changes for license management window

novaPDF Pro 11.6 Build 345
- Added: New option to open folder of the original PDF
- Updated: Check for updates window UI adjustments for multiple languages
- Updated: Romanian translation
- Fixed: Compression level options in COM

novaPDF Pro 11.5 Build 334
- Added: Predefined Outlook Voting options

- Application windows are loading faster now
- Spanish translation for the user interface
- Restart app message after changing language

novaPDF Pro 11.5 Build 333
- Added: Premium edition - view more on https://www.dopdf.com/compare.html
- Added: Option to permanently activate a Premium license
- Updated: Improved activation process for slow networks (Premium edition)
- Updated: UI for the activation process (Premium edition)
- Fixed: Always try to download the corresponding MSI files when using the web installer

novaPDF Pro 11.4 Build 323
- Not Available text on activation window
- Deactivate license option failed in some cases
- Command prompt windows were displayed during installation
- Addin for Office did not work with version 7 printers
- Inversed User and Domain macro in file name
- Crash when merging with a damaged PDF

novaPDF Pro 11.4 Build 287
- Duplex options that can be configured manually and included in the PDF
- Permanent licenses with limitations that do not require re-activation
- Turkish translation for the user interface
- Delete license functionality in Printer Manager

- Detect restrictions for PrintNightmare and show warning message
- License activation mechanism
- Unlicense depending on computer usage

- Activation expire warning message
- Overwrite warning message when merging PDF files
- Issues when printing a file created by Foxit PhantomPDF with non-Unicode fonts
- Document info when merging PDFs is replaced with what was configured in profile
- Use 64-bit version of email client if the 32 bit cannot be started

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 248
- Added: Developer option to select profiles file in the co-branding tools
- Updated: Polish translations for the user interface
- Fixed: Tray app translations in multiple languages
- Fixed: Restart tray app after changing the language

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 239
- Added: Indonesian language
- Updated: Conversion improvements for specific image types
- Updated: Improved error logging

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 236
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.3 Build 225
- Fully compatible with Windows 11
- Option to rotate landscape pages automatically
- Macro placeholders for security passwords
- Macro placeholder for the computer where the print job is started
- Use wildcards for attaching other matching files to emails

Updated: Online activation works without https as a fallback option

- SMTP emails were not sent when using the x64 version of the email tool
- Activation error when using TLS 1.2 or newer
- License error when upgrading to new versions
- Error message when trying to overwrite an open PDF
- Empty Check for updates window when offline

novaPDF Pro 11.2 Build 187
- Option to use digital signature timestamps certified by independent servers
- 6 new predefined digital signature timestamp servers

- Support for creating secure channels with TLS v1.3 for SMTP connections
- Support for new SFTP host keys

- Error when printing to a paused printer
- Error message when trying to overwrite an open PDF

novaPDF Pro 11.1 Build 181
- Include other file attachments in the generated PDF files
- Define and use PDF attachment presets

- All users registry entry for update frequency option
- UI changes for activation window

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 170
- Added: Progress window when printing via the Outlook addin

- Exporting profiles/presets on a network file is now faster as a local copy is saved first
- Danish language
- Portuguese language
- Spanish language
- Finnish language
- Activation process

- Window position was losing focus relative to taskbar position
- Error appending file in some rare situations
- Corrections for some macros

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 141
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 134
- Links now open with the default browser
- Italian translation
- Portuguese translation
- Romanian translation
- German translation

- Fixed: Long translation texts

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 126
- Fixed: Issue when creating PDFs via the add-in for Microsoft Outlook

novaPDF Pro 11.0 Build 125
- PDF add-in for Microsoft Outlook
- Create PDF/A-2a, PDF/A-2b and PDF/A-2u compliant PDFs
- Create PDF/A-3a, PDF/A-3b and PDF/A-3u compliant PDFs
- Quick Access Tray application
- N-up page layout options
- Print multiple pages per sheet (up to 16) and set page order
- Pause/Resume PDF printing process
- Set default signature when sending email via Outlook
- Request delivery receipt to emails sent via Outlook
- Change Sensitivity for emails sent via Outlook
- Detect and convert telephone links
- Ignore missing files when adding other file attachments to emails
- New options when file exists in the destination for Copy actions

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 133
- Added: Option to import/export profiles association per printer
- Updated: Several language corrections
- Fixed: Outlook problem with novaPDF scheduled tasks

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 132
- Added: Do not ask again option in Getting Started for continuing printing
- Fixed: Error creating the PDF file, the specified module cannot be found
- Fixed: Correction for importing profiles

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 130
- Updated: Optimized behavior when doing batch printing from multiple users

- Error when sending emails via Outlook from Office in different languages
- Double hyphen error in the path set via Profile Manager
- New strings and error in Printer Monitor for real time view
- Partially visible buttons in Greek
- Logs show random GSOAP error 10053 - Connection expired

novaPDF Pro 10.9 Build 128
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.8 Build 127
- Added: Malay language
- Updated: Set Active profile option
- Fixed: Import profiles from the same version didn't import all data
- Fixed: Delete profiles wasn't cleaning all data
- Fixed: Errors for the conversion service

novaPDF Pro 10.8 Build 125
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.7 Build 124
- Option to add the default signature in the Outlook email body as text/html
- Added Finnish language
- Added Portuguese language
- Added Nepali language

- Updated Polish language

- Corrected Printer Monitor memory leak
- COM corrected delete watermark error
- Corrected some black boxes in images
- Corrected fonts embedding
- Corrected Windows version on About
- Corrected activation error
- Help button crash

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 123
- Multiple corrections for the Getting Started window
- Spooler crash for simultaneous printed documents
- Profile Manager error when using wrong profile path
- Manual deactivation was unsuccessful in certain situations
- Installation corrections
- COM correction when deleting watermarks
- Co-Branding tool error when loading branding settings from file

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 122
- Printing Preferences dialog correction
- Manage Forms dialog correction
- COM correction when loading existing profiles

novaPDF Pro 10.6 Build 121
- New: Added Polish language for the user interface
- Update: Italian translation updated
- Update: Romanian translation updated
- Update: Improved system language detection
- Fix: PowerPoint gradient conversion error
- Fix: New COM options

novaPDF Pro 10.5 Build 120
- New: Interface is now translated into Italian
- New: Option to print document markup via the add-in for Office
- Update: Multiple translations updated
- Update: Manual activation window was redesigned
- Fix: Various fixes for the Profile Manager
- Fix: Error in ConvertOfficeDocs COM samples

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 119
- Update: Show "allow changing passwords" options
- Update: Translation improvements
- Fix: Minor conversion fixes

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 118
- Added Burmese language
- Added Polish language
- Added Romanian language

- "Use regional settings" option now uses the Windows display language
- Existing PDF files are parsed to detect Unicode strings before merging

- Vertical position of Word bookmarks was wrongfully displayed at the top of the page
- Error creating PDF file (The specific module could not be found)

novaPDF Pro 10.4 Build 117
- Added Burmese language
- Added Polish language
- Added Romanian language

- "Use regional settings" option now uses the Windows display language
- Existing PDF files are parsed to detect Unicode strings before merging

- Vertical position of Word bookmarks was wrongfully displayed at the top of the page
- Error creating PDF file (The specific module could not be found)

novaPDF Pro 10.3 Build 115
- Show and save Order By status for Columns in Printer Monitor
- Added Display Name setting for SMTP emails
- Added hyperlink detection support for "tel:" phone number links

- Printing Preferences stopped when broadcasting active profile change
- Corrected the PDF/A format when non-latin characters are used

novaPDF Pro 10.2 Build 114
- New: Added User tags macros in Actions file names
- New: Collect Headings from Outline Levels when using the addin
- Update: Korean and Portuguese-Brazilian translations
- Update: Corrections for the German translation
- Update: Added the possibility to show the hidden News page
- Fix: Importing printers from version 9
- Fix: Errors when using special characters in user name

novaPDF Pro 10.1 Build 112

- MSI file names were changed when installing Office addin via OEM setup
- Modifying bookmark styles in the Office addin was not always saved
- Show Installation ID field in the interface
- Client crash on Windows 7 32-bit when printing via Outlook
- Crash when converting documents with links in comments via the Office addin

novaPDF Pro 10.1 Build 111
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 108
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 107
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 105
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 104
- Fix: Activation failed under certain circumstances

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 103
- New: Added User tags that can be detected from the original document
- New: Custom Save Rules with support for regular expressions
- New: Option to remove text based on formatting
- New: Send generated PDF automatically via Outlook
- New: Password protect ZIP attachments
- New: Page visibility options by size and orientation
- New: Support for multiple overlays
- Updated: The add-in for Office applications was re-stylized
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 102
- New: Send generated PDF automatically via Outlook
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses

novaPDF Pro 10.0 Build 101
- New: Custom Save Rules with support for regular expressions
- New: Option to remove text based on formatting
- New: Page visibility options by size and orientation
- Updated: The add-in for Office applications was re-stylized
- Updated: Support for multiple overlays
- Updated: Advanced options for managing licenses
- Updated: Realtime printers window updated

novaPDF Pro 9.6 Build 245

- Added Firewall exception for Log service
- Updated names for Firewall rules
- Save folder in Profile Manager with custom path
- Office Addin crash when converting long bookmarks
- Multiline links correction for the Office Addin

novaPDF Pro 9.6 Build 244
- New 30% faster PDF creation when printing from the network
- New Updated several interface translations

novaPDF Pro 9.5 Build 243
- Fix: File name saved without extension when using autonumber
- Fix: Open page after merging PDFs ignored Start Page option
- Fix: Printing from .Net 2.0 applications returned errors
- Fix: Co-Branding tool error when Default Files folder was empty

novaPDF Pro 9.5 Build 242
- New: News tab in the Getting Started, Printer Manager and Printer Monitor applications
- Update: Enhancements of the Status and Column features in Printer Monitor
- Fix: Hyperlink conversion via the Add-in for Word was not taking into account line spacing
- Fix: Trial period expiration was showing incorrectly
- Fix: After save actions were not executed on server locations from 32 bits computers

novaPDF Pro 9.4 Build 241
- Change log not available for this version

novaPDF Pro 9.3 Build 240
- New: Interface is now translated into Spanish
- Fix: Multiple GDPR compliance changes
- Fix: Checkbox in Check for Updates to enable or disable announcements
- Fix: Installation error logs are sent only when the user chooses to do so
- Fix: Correction for client elevation rights when printing from IE