K7 Total Security 歷史版本列表
新的 K7 Total Security 功能為您的 PC 提供強大的多層保護。獨特的 K7 Cerebro 掃描技術能夠快速檢測出最有效的惡意軟件威脅,同時對未來的威脅採取主動的檢測和響應方法,確保全面的安全。下載 K7 Total Security Offline Installer 安裝程序! A 超高速,令人難以置信的智能掃描算法來檢測實時新興威脅,並預測未來的惡意軟件攻擊。通過確保網上銀... K7 Total Security 軟體介紹更新時間:2022-04-10
What's new in this version:
- New: Albums and Similar Artists thumbnails on Spotlight
- New: MCWS function Television/CancelRecording to cancel TV recordings
- Fixed: Loading DSP presets could crash (the threading was using a background thread to load the plugin, but now it has been moved to the main thread)
- Changed: Convolution adds choices to the drop-list as they are entered instead of only after re-opening DSP Studio
What's new in this version:
- Fixed triggering of After Screenshot Taken condition when using Optimize Screen Capture so it no longer triggers on that condition when a duplicate hash is encountered. Count added to status bar and status bar re-designed. Optimize Screen Capture includes hash dictionary grid view, Refresh Hash Dictionary button, and Clear Hash Dictionary button. Removed constraint on filepaths needing to be unique when adding screenshots to screenshot collection. Fixed bug with saving image and keeping a record of the image's hash value when using "Compare with last image" option in Optimize Screen Capture to resolve exception error "An item with the same key has already been added".
What's new in this version:
- Changed: When the system language is Czech (LANG_CZECH) that will be selected as the default translation
- Changed: Added several more system languages to the default translation list
- Fixed: The default video playback mode was set to Advanced in some cases instead of Red October JRVR in 29.0.26
What's new in this version:
- Tasks that show up later on the command line can be mysteriously skipped
- A task that is finalized by a task specified earlier on the command line causes the build to hang
- Deadlock between test task execution and dependency resolution
- Race condition with build service registration and configuration on demand
- Using a Version Catalog plugin in the plugins block still produces an @Incubating warning in 7.4.1
- NPE when VerificationException is thrown by a task and configuration cache is enabled
- Applying Build Scan Plugin (--scan) cause the following error 'Cannot mutate content repository descriptor 'Gradle Central Plugin Repository' after repository has been used'
- Configuration cache captures system property value set by the build logic causing no cache hits afterward
- Dependency resolution hangs with IDEA parallel model fetch
- plugins resolution from settings convention plugin [possible regression]
- Type-safe dependency accessors are reported as an incubating feature despite version catalog stabilization
- CLI options fail with "linked to multiple elements in class" error when inherited from interface and defined in class
- test-aggregation-plugin and jacoco-aggregation-plugin should eagerly configure objects
- 7.4 regression: exclusiveContent in buildscript doesn't work with plugins {} block
- Failure with configuration cache: Could not find build 'buildSrc'