K7 Total Security 歷史版本列表 Page34

最新版本 App Builder 2024.10

K7 Total Security 歷史版本列表

新的 K7 Total Security 功能為您的 PC 提供強大的多層保護。獨特的 K7 Cerebro 掃描技術能夠快速檢測出最有效的惡意軟件威脅,同時對未來的威脅採取主動的檢測和響應方法,確保全面的安全。下載 K7 Total Security Offline Installer 安裝程序! A 超高速,令人難以置信的智能掃描算法來檢測實時新興威脅,並預測未來的惡意軟件攻擊。通過確保網上銀... K7 Total Security 軟體介紹

Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Startup log file is now written to user's Local AppData directory inside "Auto Screen Capture" directory instead of same directory as application

K7 Total Security 16.0.0780 查看版本資訊


Auto Screen Capture 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fix to encrypted screenshots so they can be handled correctly when decrypting multiple times. Fix to Application Focus so options are saved in Setup. Schedules have scope! This means schedules can take screenshots of individual screens and/or regions instead of all screens and regions (which is still an option). Schedules have their own intervals that run independently from the main interval, but can still control the main interval if needed. Multiple schedules can overlap their scheduled time ranges. Interval no longer uses milliseconds for performance reasons. The -interval command no longer uses milliseconds (-interval=hh:mm:ss should be used going forward) but can still parse the milliseconds part of the command for the purpose of backwards compatibility with older versions of the application so -interval=hh:mm:ss.nnn will still work even though only hours, minutes, and seconds will be used; milliseconds will be ignored. Schedules no longer use seconds for their One Time and Period options; again this is for performance reasons. Similarly the -captureat, -startat, and -stopat commands no longer require seconds to be defined (but still have their seconds part parsed to maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of the application). Module items in module lists have their textbox fields background colour set as a light yellow instead of the standard control grey for easier reading of titles. Any module item titles that exceed 20 characters show in a tool tip so you can hover over a long title and read the full title. Rewrote the code for hiding the application on startup so it hides better than before (especially if using the -hide command). The default filename pattern ("Macro") has changed from "%date%%name%%process% (%date% %time%).%format%" to "%date%%name%%date%_%time%.%format%". New application settings LowDiskMode and LowDiskBytesThreshold (which is set to 50 MB by default); LowDiskMode is set to consider low disk space in bytes instead of low disk space by percentage. New commands -optimize=on and -optimize=off for turning on and off Optimize Screen Capture. Capture Now Options gives the ability to define a Macro specifically for "Capture Now / Archive" and "Capture Now / Edit". Optimize Screen Capture no longer uses a hash dictionary. It now uses an image comparison library to compare the histogram between the new image and the previous image. You can set a level of "tolerance" to determine how acceptable the image difference should be. ⦁ Auto Screen Capture Configuration File has been enhanced to include definitions for default Screens, Regions, Editors, Schedules, Macro Tags, and Triggers so you no longer need to craft the specific XML data files for each user; simply ensure you have autoscreen.exe and autoscreen.conf available and the application will create the data files based on the default settings and default definitions. If existing data files are encountered then existing settings will be used. New tool "Command Deck" is a small floating window containing the application's most common controls. New Region Select option "Add Region (Express)" creates a new Region based on the selected screen area without showing the Add Region dialog window. A main menu bar added. You can now hide and show the modules on the right side of the main interface by clicking on the toggle button located on the very right side of the main interface. New commands -showInterface and -hideInterface to show and hide the main interface from the command line. New tool "Auto Screen Capture For Beginners" for people who are unfamiliar with the functionality of the application but familiar enough with other screen capture software

K7 Total Security 16.0.0779 查看版本資訊


KLayout 0.27.11 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fixed Normalize zero dimension when generating regular array instance
- Enhancement: Add setting to disable Save Needed dialog box
- fixed "move by" does not move instances from partial selection
- fixed GenericDeviceExtractor#define_opt_layer not working
- fixed MSYS2 compatibility with latest revision (based on gcc 12.1)
- fixed Internal error on DRC operation
- fixed LVS mismatch on parallel devices and issue on ambiguity resolution
- Enhancement: Support for Python 3.11
- Enhancement: L2N and LVSDB readers made compatible with potential future extensions
- Enhancement: DRC Antenna check now can be given a text layer which receives output describing the measured and computed values
- fixed: *= method (e.g. Point, DPoint) properly listed in help and reflection API
- Fixed a number of potential segfaults due to memory corruption found during master branch refactoring

HeidiSQL 查看版本資訊


CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Gradle 7.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- JavaVersion.VERSION_18 is still marked @Incubating
- NullPointerException when passing certain types of config properties to Checkstyle
- Finalizers of finalizers no longer execute when upstream task fails
- CheckStyle fails because it has no javaLauncher configured
- Update upgrading guide to warn about change in Checkstyle working directory
- Storing a task property set to a ValueSource provider with ValueSourceParameters.None parameter type into configuration cache fails
- Gradle 7.5 Javadoc plugin is broken for multi-module aggregation (due to setting --source-path)
- Scala compilation fails with 'rt.jar (class sbt.internal.inc.DummyVirtualFile) is not supported'

K7 TotalSecurity 16.0.0773 查看版本資訊
