K7 Total Security

最新版本 Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5
新的 K7 Total Security 功能為您的 PC 提供強大的多層保護。獨特的 K7 Cerebro 掃描技術能夠快速檢測出最有效的惡意軟件威脅,同時對未來的威脅採取主動的檢測和響應方法,確保全面的安全。下載 K7 Total Security Offline Installer 安裝程序!

A 超高速,令人難以置信的智能掃描算法來檢測實時新興威脅,並預測未來的惡意軟件攻擊。通過確保網上銀行網站,支付服務和在線購物網站在線交易期間的完整保護,電子商務運營更安全。用戶在網站上輸入的密碼,銀行賬戶憑證等個人信息仍然安全無法查找。下載 K7 Total Security 離線安裝程序安裝程序!限制訪問互聯網,遊戲,應用程序和網站可以實現。可以控製文件下載,並可以防止信用卡信息,郵件憑據等私人數據的傳輸。

K7 Total Security 產品特點:
兒童可以探索網絡世界,而不會危及自​​己的虛假用戶和不良網站。家長可以禁止暴力和成人相關網站等不適當的內容出現。自動掃描插入的 USB 媒體,並防止惡意自動運行。使用低存儲空間,系統性能不受影響。清理系統並自動刪除由惡意軟件感染引起的所有有害更改。掃描文件以查找隱藏的惡意軟件,並阻止受感染的文件。社交網絡變得有趣和安全。注:30 天試用版.


檔案版本 Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5

檔案名稱 PinegrowWinSetup.4.5.exe
檔案大小 101 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 K7 Computing Pvt Ltd.
官網 https://www.k7computing.com/eng/home-users/k7-totalsecurity.html
更新日期 2018-03-05

What's new in this version:

Easily customize Bootstrap 4 themes:
- You can now use Pinegrow to customize your Bootstrap 4 themes by modifying Bootstrap SASS variables and adding CSS rules. Customizing Bootstrap is normally a bit complicated because it requires setting up the SASS compilation environment, installing Bootstrap SASS sources and creating a file structure for your custom theme. But with Pinegrow it’s very simple. Pinegrow takes care of all these tasks. All we have to do is the actual customization.

Customize SASS variables:
- SASS variables can already be directly edited in the CSS List editor in Pinegrow. But for frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation and various templates it is not recommended to edit variables directly in the source files. By doing that we lose the ability to easily update framework or template files to newer version. The correct approach is to over-ride the variables in custom SASS file and then include the rest of the frameworks / template’s SASS files from there. The new “Customize variable in…” feature makes this process easy. Simply right-click on the variable that you want to customize and choose the SASS file where the customized variable should go. Pinegrow also takes care of copying any other variables that are referenced in the value of the over-ridden variable.

WordPress: Bootstrap 4 pagination and navigation:
- Pagination and Navigation actions for WordPress Theme Builder have been updated to support Bootstrap 4.

Pinegrow Web Editor 4.5 相關參考資料