JabRef 歷史版本列表 Page12

最新版本 ImageMagick 7.1.1-21 (64-bit)

JabRef 歷史版本列表

JabRef 是一個開源書目參考管理器。 JabRef 使用的本地文件格式是 BibTeX,標準的 LaTeX 參考書目格式。 JabRef 在 Java VM(版本 1.8 或更新版本)上運行,並且在 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS 上運行良好 X. 選擇版本:JabRef 4.1(32 位)JabRef 4.1(64 位) JabRef 軟體介紹

JabRef (32-bit)JabRef (64-bit)

SABnzbd 3.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Priority was not parsed correctly if supplied as through the API
- API-call addfile could fail if name and nzbfile were used
- Permissions were still not set correctly when creating directories
- Propagation delay label was shown even if no delay was activated
- Reading RSS feed with no categories set could result in crash
- Jobs with numeric names could crash post-processing
- Jobs with missing articles could result in crash
- macOS: changed the power assertion to NoIdleSleep
- Windows: end-of-queue-script did not run on Windows
- Windows: crash if the virus scanner removed the certificate bundle
- Basic Authentication resulted in crash
- Permissions were not set correctly when creating directories
- Windows: base SSL certificate bundle was not included
- Resolved potential security issue in FAT-filesystem check and Nice and IONice Parameters
- More information: GHSA-9x87-96gg-33w
- Sample removal did not work if only 1 sample file was present
- Crash on badly formatted RSS-feeds or readout during editing
- Only really run pre-queue-script when it is set
- Always report API paused status as a boolean
- Automatic aborting of jobs that can't be completed would sometimes not trigger
- Windows systems could enter standby state during downloading
- Some errors thrown by unrar were not caught
- Files and sockets were not always closed correctly
- Unwanted extension check was overly aggressively deleting folders

- Python 3.5 and above are the only supported versions of Python
- Cache handling is greatly improved, resulting in more stable speeds on some systems
- Articles failing with CRC errors are now retried on other servers
- SFV files, even obfuscated, will be used for renaming when there are no par2 files
- Fully obfuscated RAR-sets with no verification files are detected and extracted
- Built-in internet bandwidth test
- Windows Service support was changed. The service will need to be reinstalled
- The Windows installer is 64-bit only, for 32-bit please use the standalone package
- Files inside an NZB that are fully identical are now skipped automatically
- Folders of jobs that failed post-processing are renamed to _FAILED_
- Blocking of unwanted extensions that are directly inside an NZB
- In Python 3 OpenSSL 1.1.1 is used for Windows and macOS, as a resul
- newsservers manually set to RC4-MD5 cipher can no longer connect
- TLS1.3 support for newsserver connections
- SABYenc, par2 and unrar are now required to start downloading
- Growl-support was removed
- The smpl skin was removed
- Using the API with output=text to add NZB's will report the nzo_ids instead of ok
- Queue-item labels are no longer part of the name but separated in API-property labels
- API-calls tapi and qstatus were removed
- On Windows only Multipar is available for repair
- Linux tray icon support was improved
- On Linux special permission bits are removed from files after download
- macOS features such as the menu and notifications now use native code

Symfony 3.4.44 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Yaml] fix more numeric cases changing in PHP 8
- [Yaml] account for is_numeric() behavior changes in PHP 8
- [ExpressionLanguage] fix passing arguments to call_user_func_array() on PHP 8
- [Validator] ensure that the validator is a mock object for backwards-compatibility
- [Serializer] Fix variadic support when using type hints
- [Form] Fix Guess phpdoc return type
- Use PHPUnit 9.3 on php 8
- [Validator] Add target guards for Composite nested constraints
- [Yaml] Fix for #36624; Allow PHP constant as first key in block
- [Form] fix mapping errors from unmapped forms
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- [Console] Make sure we pass a numeric array of arguments to call_user_func_array()
- [Serializer] Fix that it will never reach DOMNode
- [Cache] fix saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
- [VarDumper] Improve previous fix on light array coloration

Symfony 4.4.12 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient][MockHttpClient][DX] Throw when the response factory callable does not return a valid response
- [PropertyInfo] Backport support for typed properties (PHP 7.4)
- [PhpUnitBridge] Polyfill new phpunit 9.1 assertions (
- [PhpUnit] Add polyfill for assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- [Yaml] fix more numeric cases changing in PHP 8
- [Yaml] account for is_numeric() behavior changes in PHP 8
- [ExpressionLanguage] fix passing arguments to call_user_func_array() on PHP 8
- [Messenger] stop using the deprecated schema synchronizer API
- [Mailer] Fixed mandrill api header structure
- [Mailer] Reorder headers used to determine Sender
- [Sendgrid-Mailer] Fixed envelope recipients on sendgridApiTransport
- [Serializer][ClassDiscriminatorMapping] Fix getMappedObjectType() when a discriminator child extends another one
- [Validator] ensure that the validator is a mock object for backwards-compatibility
- [Serializer] Fix configuration of the cache key
- [Messenger] Do not stack retry stamp
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing mailer transports in xs
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Add mixed and static return types support
- [Serializer] Fix variadic support when using type hints
- [VarDumper] Backport handler lock when using VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
- [Form] Fix Guess phpdoc return type
- Use PHPUnit 9.3 on php 8
- [Validator] Add BC layer for notInRangeMessage when min and max are set
- [Validator] Add target guards for Composite nested constraints
- Fix for issue #376
- [Yaml] Fix for #36624; Allow PHP constant as first key in bloc
- [Form] fix mapping errors from unmapped forms
- [Console] Table: support cells with newlines after a cell with colspan >=
- Fix redis connect with empty password
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- [Console] Make sure we pass a numeric array of arguments to call_user_func_array()
- [FrameworkBundle] fail properly when the required service is not defined
- [Serializer] Fix that it will never reach DOMNode
- [Cache] fix saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix error with custom function and web profiler routing tab
- [Finder] Fix GitIgnore parser when dealing with (sub)directories and take order of lines into account
- [VarDumper] Improve previous fix on light array coloratio
- [Mailer] Added the missing reset tag to mailer.logger_message_listener
- [Messenger] reduce column length for MySQL 5.6 compatibility

Symfony 5.1.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [HttpClient][MockHttpClient][DX] Throw when the response factory callable does not return a valid response
- [PropertyInfo] Backport support for typed properties (PHP 7.4)
- [PhpUnitBridge] Polyfill new phpunit 9.1 assertions
- [PhpUnit] Add polyfill for assertMatchesRegularExpression()
- [TwigBridge] allow null for $message of filter method trans
- [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing dynamic properties
- [HttpClient] fix chaining promises returned by HttplugClient
- [DI] fix dumping lazy non-shared services
- [Yaml] fix more numeric cases changing in PHP 8
- [Security] Fixed RememberMeAuthenticator::autoLogin() logic in the authenticator
- [Yaml] account for is_numeric() behavior changes in PHP 8
- [Mailer] Support Return-Path in SesApiAsyncAwsTransport
- [ExpressionLanguage] fix passing arguments to call_user_func_array() on PHP 8
- [Messenger] stop using the deprecated schema synchronizer API
- [Mailer] Support reply-to in SesApiAsyncAwsTransport
- [Mailer] Fixed mandrill api header structur
- [Notifier] Fixed base_uri while call auth/time API
- [Mailer] Reorder headers used to determine Sender
- [PropertyInfo] Fix ReflectionExtractor + minor tweaks
- [Lock] MongoDbStore handle duplicate querystring keys in mongodb uri when stripping
- [Sendgrid-Mailer] Fixed envelope recipients on sendgridApiTransport
- [Serializer][ClassDiscriminatorMapping] Fix getMappedObjectType() when a discriminator child extends another one
- [Messenger] Fix BC layer for stamps moved into separate packages
- [Validator] ensure that the validator is a mock object for backwards-compatibility
- [Serializer] Fix configuration of the cache key
- [Messenger] Do not stack retry stamp
- [FrameworkBundle] Add missing mailer transports in x
- [Lock] MongoDbStore skim non-standard options from uri
- [ErrorHandler][DebugClassLoader] Add mixed and static return types support
- [Serializer] Fix variadic support when using type hints
- [VarDumper] Backport handler lock when using VAR_DUMPER_FORMAT
- Postpone Range BC layer removal to 6.
- [Form] Fix Guess phpdoc return type
- Use PHPUnit 9.3 on php 8
- [Validator] Add BC layer for notInRangeMessage when min and max are s
- [Validator] Add target guards for Composite nested constraints
- Fix for issue #37
- [Yaml] Fix for #36624; Allow PHP constant as first key in block
- [Form] fix mapping errors from unmapped forms
- [Console] Table: support cells with newlines after a cell with colspan >=
- Fix redis connect with empty password
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- Fix deprecated libxml_disable_entity_loader
- [Console] Make sure we pass a numeric array of arguments to call_user_func_array()
- [String] We cannot have a "provides" function in test cases
- [FrameworkBundle] fail properly when the required service is not defined
- [Serializer] Fix that it will never reach DOMNode
- [Cache] fix saving no-expiry items with ArrayAdapter
- [WebProfilerBundle] Fix error with custom function and web profiler routing tab
- [Finder] Fix GitIgnore parser when dealing with (sub)directories and take order of lines into account
- [VarDumper] Improve previous fix on light array colorati
- [Messenger] Fix invalid option sslmode in AmazonSqs bridge
- [Mailer] Added the missing reset tag to mailer.logger_message_listener
- [Messenger] reduce column length for MySQL 5.6 compatibility
- HttpClient profiler error

Kinza 6.4.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for minor Chromium upgrade(84.0.4147.125 → 84.0.4147.135)

Nicepage 2.23.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Dear Nicepage Users and Followers! We are glad to present to you the new update of Nicepage 2.23. Copy and Paste Blocks in CMS, Image Slider Released, List Item Background, List and Image in Tablet Mode, Icon and Text in Responsive, Add Menu / Grid, Wrapping Links and Buttons in Text, Editing Text in Post Button, New University Video, New Design Blocks and Pages, and more.

SABnzbd 3.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Big changes:
- Python 3.5 and above are the only supported versions of Python
- Cache handling is greatly improved, resulting in more stable speeds on some systems
- Articles failing with CRC errors are now retried on other servers
- SFV files, even obfuscated, will be used for renaming when there are no par2 files
- Fully obfuscated RAR-sets with no verification files are detected and extracted
- Built-in internet bandwidth test
- Windows Service support was changed. The service will need to be reinstalled
- The Windows installer is 64-bit only, for 32-bit please use the standalone package

Other changes:
- Files inside an NZB that are fully identical are now skipped automatically
- Folders of jobs that failed post-processing are renamed to _FAILED_
- Blocking of unwanted extensions that are directly inside an NZB
- In Python 3 OpenSSL 1.1.1 is used for Windows and macOS, as a result
- newsservers manually set to RC4-MD5 cipher can no longer connect
- TLS1.3 support for newsserver connections
- SABYenc, par2 and unrar are now required to start downloading
- Growl-support was removed
- The smpl skin was removed
- Using the API with output=text to add NZB's will report the nzo_ids instead of ok
- Queue-item labels are no longer part of the name but separated in API-property labels
- API-calls tapi and qstatus were removed
- On Windows only Multipar is available for repair
- Linux tray icon support was improved
- On Linux special permission bits are removed from files after download
- macOS features such as the menu and notifications now use native code

Bug- fixes:
- Resolved potential security issue in FAT-filesystem check and Nice and IONice Parameters
- More information: GHSA-9x87-96gg-33w2
- Sample removal did not work if only 1 sample file was present
- Crash on badly formatted RSS-feeds or readout during editing
- Only really run pre-queue-script when it is set
- Always report API paused status as a boolean
- Automatic aborting of jobs that can't be completed would sometimes not trigger
- Windows systems could enter standby state during downloading
- Some errors thrown by unrar were not caught
- Files and sockets were not always closed correctly
- Unwanted extension check was overly aggressively deleting folders

DBeaver 7.1.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data transfer:
- Import from multiple CSV files was added
- Import from files into new tables
- Data import preview dialog was added
- Target table create/alter DDL now supports database-specific options
- Virtual columns are ignored in SQL INSERTs export
- Problem with data transfer wizard and Darkest Dark theme was fixed
- Problem with timestamp format for CSV/XLSX export was fixed
- Case sensitive table/column names resolution was fixed

Database navigator:
- Statistics render was fixed for MacOS and Linux
- Database size statistics was added for PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQL Server, DB2

Team work:
- Problem with empty Git Repositories view was fixed
- Git integration was added in project navigator view

- Native client version was upgraded to version 12 (Windows)
- Check constraints read was fixed (PG 12+)
- SQL results limit was fixed (for queries with LIMIT/OFFSET/FETCH clauses)
- Object DDL generator was improved (comments, permissions)
- Support of case insensitive full-text search was added
- Table partitions statistics was added

- TNS names search was fixed
- Connection info was fixed for TNS/custom URL connections
- Variables are now supported in custom JDBC URL
- Problem with check constraints read was fixed
- Table copy was fixed (bug with redundant indexes was resolved)
- Redshift: problem with read-only resultsets was fixed
- Snowflake: SQL dialect support was fixed ($$ comments)
- A large number of minor UI improvements and bugfixes

Kinza 6.4.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support for minor Chromium upgrade(84.0.4147.105 → 84.0.4147.125)
- Fixed an issue where the reflection on the sidebar is delayed when moving items on the bookmarks bar to another folder (thanks OPA)

Nicepage 2.22.0 查看版本資訊
