IMVU 歷史版本列表 Page5

最新版本 IMVU 545.6

IMVU 歷史版本列表

IMVU 是一個在線社區,會員使用 3D 頭像來結識新朋友,聊天,創建和與朋友玩遊戲。 IMVU 已達 5000 萬註冊用戶。你可以玩遊戲,裝扮你的頭像,購物,裝飾你的房間,創建你自己的個性化外觀,並與世界各地的新人聯繫。 IMVU 很容易使用!只需將免費軟件下載到您的計算機上即可開始使用.滿足 3D中的新人,在 3D 中暢遊,在數以千計的 3D 動畫室中盡情玩樂。成千上萬的新人每天加入 IMVU... IMVU 軟體介紹


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- chooser: new selectedclick attribute
- expr/vexpr: fmod operator for float modulo operations
- Max Console: Copy Selected Text option in contextual menu
- sprintf: allows list input to cold inlets to set subsequent inlets
- vst~: 'get' message accepts a parameter name

Fixed Bugs:
- amxd~: fixed crash on unfreeze of device (parameter restore issues)
- atoi: no longer truncates floats
- audiounit~: improved usage of preferred plug format in response to plug_au/vst/vst3 messages
- autopattr/pattrstorage: fixed issues with deleting/reinstantiation of objects
- capture: @size attribute works when there is no object argument
- Collections browser: filenames with single-quotes no longer throw sqlite errors
- Create Template: fixed text wrapping in panel
- detonate / pianoroll: color theme improvements
- dict.view: improved performance with large dictionaries
- expr: fixed differences with pow on Windows
- expr: increased random range
- external editor: fixed issues with using some editors on Windows
- Font Panel: uses localized font names
- gain~: multislider attr is disabled in non-MC version
- Gen reference: removed duplicate ref pages
- Groups: fixed crash when editing a poly~ patch or abstraction that contains grouped objects
- Help: fixed windowing bug
- hover: fixed crash when deleting an object when @mode is set to 1
- JS: fixed crash using bracket notation
- JS: require works in frozen Max For Live device
- jstrigger: fixed issues with complex expressions
- live.* UI objects: improve how different mouse drag speeds changes values
- live.arrows: fixed presentation issues
- live.arrows: parameter-enabled (off by default)
- live.arrows: rename idle -> off in enum
- live.banks window: misc UI improvements
- live.dial: correctly draws modulation ring
- live.drop: disabled 'type' in inspector
- object with property argument observes after id is sent
- live.text: added blinktime attr and scheduling for passing bangs while in button mode
- loadbang: fixed hang when triggering the scripting of a new patcher
- Max For Live SR switching: fixed issues with speedlim, pipe, midiout, LFO etc, when switching SR in Live
- Max For Live: fixed crashing of some Max 7 amxds (parameter cloning issue)
- Max For Live: removed 2 pixel border in device view
- MC object reference pages: removed duplicate discussion tag
- mc.gen: added ref page
- mc.gen: registers param objects
- mc.mixdown~: activechans 1 outputs as expected
- mc.playlist~: sync output is single channel
- mc.send~ / mc.receive~: opens correct ref pages
- mc.send~ / mc.receive~: correct ref pages open
- mcs.* objects: improvements to help / ref
- MFL jit.pwindow: fixed issues with creation in Live (fixes some LFO display issues)
- MFL jit.vcr: write works in the MFL editor
- MFL midiin/midiout: fixed CPU spikes when two midiin/midiout devices are in a Live set
- MFL parameters: fixed some issues related to parameters being loaded in abstractions
- midiin/midiout: fixed CPU spikes when two midiin/midiout devices are in a Live set
- New Font Panel: follows Theme color changes
- nslider: alias 'staffs' to 'staves'
- omx.* objects: restored parameter ranges to signed values and fixed all level parameters with internal "dB" values
- out~: fixed crash when transformed to MC version (which doesn't exist)
- Package Manager: can update "extending" package
- Parameter window: correct text colors
- Patching Modes: Programmatic setting of presentation mode updates the toolbar
- pattrstorage: adding/scripting new objects added to correct level in patcher hierarchy
- pattrstorage: getcurrent and storagewindow indicate same slot after insert
- pattrstorage: storagewindow properly updates
- polybuffer~: removed appendempty channel limit
- sflist~: open message works
- standalone: respects attributes set in object box
- stutter~: threadsafe
- textfield: fixed justification of italic fonts
- umenu: filter by type improvements
- vst~ / amxd~: fixed applying 'show controls in patcher' on multiple objects
- vst~: fixed crash in IEM plugin
- vst~: improved response to DSP settings
- vst~: improved support for 64-bit processing


What's new in this version:

IMVU 537.2
- Provide an informational popup when logging in while your account is on Hold

IMVU 537.0
- Korean support
- Allow filtering rooms for Chinese and Russian
- Fix some causes of failing to see Web and mobile users sitting on furniture
- Fix some bugs in chat room management

IMVU 536.20
- Fix a crash on startup when the notification cache is corrupted

IMVU 536.18
- Fix a bug when creating a new chatroom

IMVU 536.16
- Don't show Korean twice in the room language dropdown

IMVU 536.14
- Korean support for the Macintosh client

IMVU 536.12
- Korean support

IMVU 536.10
- Internal updates

IMVU 536.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 536.6
- Fix FTUX for mobile-first users
- Fix sizing of a dialog box

IMVU 536.4
- Allow filtering rooms for Chinese, Russian, and/or Korean

IMVU 536.2
- Fix some causes of failing to see Web and mobile users sitting on furniture

IMVU 536.0
- Improved support for high-resolution Windows 10
- Fix some crashes that could occur in create mode
- Allow submitting animated accessories to the accessories category

IMVU 535.10
- Allow submitting animated accessories to the accessories category

IMVU 535.8
- Fix a crash in create mode for certain configurations
- Improve 'Clear IMVU cache' option

IMVU 535.6
- Windows Installer (39,537KB) Mac DMG (63,008KB)
- Further improving support for high-resolution Windows 10

IMVU 535.4
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 535.2
- Windows Installer (39,536KB) Mac DMG (63,001KB)
- Testing improved support for high-resolution Windows 10
- Fix a crash that could happen when opening create mode

IMVU 535.0
- Client support for upcoming Facebook Registration feature
- Fix issues with Get Matched
- Fix issues on macOS High Sierra
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality
- Improve support for 3ds Max, Maya & Sketchup

IMVU 534.6
- Client support for upcoming Facebook Registration feature.
- Fix issues with Get Matched
- Fix issues on macOS High Sierra

IMVU 534.4
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality

IMVU 534.2
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality
- Improve support for 3ds Max, Maya & Sketchup

IMVU 533.2
- Enhance FBX Import functionality

IMVU 533.0
- FBX Importer in Create Mode

IMVU 532.4
- Fix a crash in the FBX importer

IMVU 532.2
- Internal updates

IMVU 532.0
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.18
- Internal Updates

IMVU 531.16
- Fix another issue with Get Matched introduced in 531.12

IMVU 531.12
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.10
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 531.6
- Replace Games Mode with Walkoff button

IMVU 531.4
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 531.2
- Fix an issue with certain room names

IMVU 531.0
- Add DPI scaling slider
- Fix possible crash when accepting WalkOff rematches

IMVU 530.14
- Fix possible crash when accepting WalkOff rematches

IMVU 530.12
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.10
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.6
- Modify recommended DPI setting

IMVU 530.4
- Add more DPI scaling slider options

IMVU 530.2
- Add DPI scaling slider

IMVU 530.0
- Change Photostream mode to Feed mode

IMVU 529.2
- about:blank pictures shouldn't show avatar cards; style changes for rtp messages; Remove fully-redundant code; expire notifications that have a 'timeout'

IMVU 529.0
- Fix an incorrect error message

IMVU 528.2
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 528.0
- Introduced new Games Mode
- Some fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows
- Fixed persistant popup issue
- Improved performance when loading many outfits

IMVU 527.36
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.34
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.32
- Internal updates

IMVU 527.30
- Testing fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows

IMVU 527.26
- Introduce new Games Mode

IMVU 527.22
- Testing fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows

IMVU 527.14
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.12
- Fix default image when editing rooms

Plex Media Player 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Plex Media Player
Plex’s new UI experience with many major enhancements including:
- Customizable / always accessible sidebar navigation
- Ability to pin and reorder your favorite libraries to the sidebar
- Quick access to all of your media through the “More” menu item
- Redesigned tab views that remember your previous view within each library (can be controlled via setting)
- A customizable home screen including pinning content rows from any library to home
- Added "Reset Customization" button in user menu to reset sidebar and home screen
- Added automatic refresh when library is rescanned
- Don't show "More" button when user has no servers and has disabled all online media providers

- Fixed an issue that could cause the app to become unresponsive after deleting a hub from the Home screen
- Fixed an issue that caused the Home page to display an infinite spinner after finishing the onboarding
- Fixed an issue that could result in managed users not seeing the onboarding screens
- Fixed home hub labels not updating after changing the language
- Fixed an issue where a scrollbar sometimes appears up on the source edit screen
- Fixed long song names not marqueeing when focused on album view
- Fixed empty library message being shown for Live TV
- Fixed an issue that could cause home page hubs to display a `Content Unavailable` error
- Fixed showing the more actions menu in the video player while playing movies
- Fixed app losing focus after reconnecting to server
- Fixed non-functional search button in Home screen

Plex Media Player
- Fixed: Home showing an endless spinner

Plex Media Player
- Disabled List View and Browse By Folder for Photo libraries
- Replaced `Browse by Folder` option available in PMS libraries with `Folders` option in types menu
- UNO preview: Added "Remember Selected Tab" app setting
- UNO preview: Removed `Go to ` metadata item action"

- UNO preview: Fixed Live TV hubs on missing airing informationfalse
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that could cause the sidebar to become inaccessible after ending playback
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that made it possible to navigate from the jump bar to the page header
- UNO preview: Fixed an issue that could result in managed users not seeing the onboarding screens
- UNO preview: Fixed an edge case that allowed a pre-UNO page header to be visible while browsing sources
- UNO preview: Don't show Search button in Home screen when no preferred server was selected"

Plex Media Player
- Added Artist TV Radio
- Added News personalize settings link to News sources in UNO sidebar
- Added loading default tab and saving last viewed tab for Playlists sources in UNO sidebar
- Automatically remove pinned sources from deleted libraries in UNO sidebar
- Improved video quality for News, Web Shows, and TIDAL Music Videos during beginning of playback"

- Fixed showing "home screen media types" setting when UNO preview is enabled
- Fixed an issue with video playback where attempting to hold down left/right would result in constant buffering indicator interrupting seeking
- Fixed an issue in search where the type would reset to "All" after pressing search button from more results
- Fixed related photos in photo player showing limited results
- Fixed an issue in UNO where users are unable to select initial pinned sources if they only have one server
- Fixed pinned sources in UNO sidebar showing error icons after switching users
- Fixed an issue in UNO where server unavailable icon won't update
- Fixed an issue where the More poster was too big for some hubs
- Fixed an issue in UNO where going back to a Recommended tab could sometimes result in focus being lost
- Fixed an issue in UNO where switching between sources chould sometimes result in loss of focus
- Fixed missing focus in TIDAL playlist pages when UNO preview is enabledrn- Fixed an issue with reordering UNO sidebar pinned sources where the wrong item would be moved
- Fixed search in UNO not correctly restricting results per type by default"

Plex Media Player
- Added error pages for empty home screen, empty libraries and unavailable servers
- Added missing fullcreen and layout toggle buttons to UNO experience preview page headers"
- Fixed bandwidth estimate handling when playing multiple videos in the same app session
- Fixed manage and refresh buttons overlap in errored home hubs
- Fixed DVR options appearing for managed users with only Live TV permissions
- Fixed an edge case that could lead to missing focus after selecting preferred server and sourcesrn- Fixed focus being lost when UNO page header is empty
- Fixed initial missing focus after selecting "Watch Now" in Live TVrn- Fixed some "Go to..." buttons redirecting to non-UNO pagesrn-
- Fixed showing play and shuffle buttons in UNO preview Collections tabs
- Fixed being unable to get back to library content after leaving a page with no content
- Fixed an issue in UNO that prevented browsing folders in list mode
- Fixed issues around focus being lost or incorrect in sidebar when navigating between sources
- Fixed occasional empty details when browsing libraries in list view in UNO preview
- Fixed an issue in UNO where users are unable to select initial pinned sources if they only have one server
- Fixed an issue in UNO where going back to a Recommended tab could sometimes result in focus being lost
- Fixed an issue in UNO where switching between sources chould sometimes result in loss of focus"

Plex Media Player

- Added a new base background imagern
- Preview Plex’s new PMP experience with many major enhancements includingrn Customizable / always accessible sidebar navigationrn
- Ability to pin and reorder your favorite libraries to the sidebarrn
- Quick access to all of your media through the “More” menu itemrn
- Redesigned tab views that remember your previous view within each library (can be controlled via setting)rn
- A customizable home screen including pinning content rows from any library to home

- Fixed missing news hubsrn
- Fixed titles missing for music videos in playlist

Plex Media Player
- Fixed blurry letter avatar in user menu
- Fixed text getting cut off in related hubs
- Fixed user avatar not appearing in playlists with shared content
- Fixed quick links hubs not correctly positioned with line borders
- Fixed On Right Now hub for Live TV not showing "More..." button
- Fixed loss of focus when only server goes offline">

Plex Media Player
- fixed user icon in settings modal displaying square instead of round initially"

Plex Media Player
- Added subtitles offset controls for external subtitle files"items_fixed
- Fixed podcasts related episodes getting cut offrn- Fixed user ratings showing the wrong value on the extended info screen"

Plex Media Player
- Fixed dashboard not loading when one or more Online Media Sources is disabled

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue where search results would come from local machine's server instead of specified server
- Fixed an issue where selecting a search result would open a blank page

Plex Media Player
- Added subtitle color and position options
- We've updated our tooling to provide an improved user experience
- AAC audio streams are no longer automatically converted to AC3, EAC3, or DTS during Direct Stream or Transcode when the related Settings > Audio setting is enabled. Instead they will play without conversion" items_fixed
- Fixed loss of focus when going to an empty web shows page
- Fixed navigation order after switching to the admin user
- Fixed News and Podcasts directories so they don't touch navigation bar
- Fixed extended info poster not positioned properly"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.83.1
- Support translation of relative time strings
- Adjusted library page jump bar so more characters can be shown
- Changed user menu from dropdown to full screen modal"

Plex Media Player
- Added actions menu to Web Shows and Podcasts show preplay pagesrn
- Added Chapter Selection title to chapter selection menurn
- Don't show 'More...' button when there is only one more item
- Fixed possible error on user switcher screenrn
- Fixed chapter selection sometimes losing focus at the end of the listrn
- Fixed Live TV restarting from another position when enabling or disabling Closed Captioningrn
- Fixed some issues with video transcoding when it can direct stream"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue where signing out or switching users could cause the app to freeze
- Fixed an issue where the app could crash when loading a type view
- Fixed an issue where focus would be lost after removing the last item from a listFixed as issue where enabling recording all episodes for certain shows could return in nothing getting added to the priority list
- Fixed an issue that could cause a blank screen to appear after playback
- Fixed loss of focus on episode preplay in some cases"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Improvements to subtitles search results titles
- Added new music player UI for podcasts
- Added Related Episodes hub underneath the Podcasts player
- Watch Later and Recommended support has been removed.
- Fixed occasional loss of focus on library page when applying "unplayed" filter
- Fixed settings failing to open in some circumstances
- Fixed zip code not disappearing in News settings after selecting a country that doesn't have zip codes
- Fixed selecting a play queue item occasionally not starting playback"

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Fixed an issue connecting to Plex Cloud servers

Plex Media Player
- Chapter titles to the chapter selectionrn
- Added the ability to focus the progress bar and move the playhead to seek more accuratelyrn
- Added preview thumbnails while seeking (when available)rn
- Adjusted rewind and fast-foward behavior to move the playhead automatically at 1x, 2x or 3x speedrn
- Added new music mini playerrn
- Added new user button design in the application headerrn
- Added split fullscreen and layout switching controls
- Fixed shuffle commands received from companion apps not being recognizedrn- Fixed dashboard hubs sometimes failing to load when switching between Home usersrn
- Fixed advancing to the same item as the one currently playing putting the player in a broken statern
- Fixed focus not being restored when returning to playlists list pagern
- Fixed missing placeholder for chapter selection preview thumbnailsrn
- Fixed broken focus behaviour when pressing right twice quickly on settingsrn
- Fixed missing 'Collections' and 'Albums' links from dashboards

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.61.1rn
- Added soft subtitles with direct play (requires PMS 1.13.4 or above)
- Added missing unwatched triangles to Watch Later/Recommendedrn
- Fixed sometimes only the background showing when going back to the pre-play pagern
- Fixed items in On Right Now starting playback immediately after going to Watch Nowrn
- Fixed icon for server and source listsrn
- Fixed an issue where pressing left or right while video is paused causes you to go to previous/next video instead of seeking"

Plex Media Player
- Fixed error showing when recording is post processing
- Fixed troubles selecting embedded subtitle streams in videos without audio streams
- Fixed grid view programs getting duplicated when refreshing EPG with grid view open
- Fixed video quality setting does not properly show user selection

Plex Media Player
- Fixed focus disappearing after selecting a different news clip from the play queue
- Fixed missing jump bars when viewing Artists and Albums from Quick Links
- Don't show 'Browse by Folder' option when not applicable
- Fixed missing shuffle button from Collections PrePlay

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed Browse by Folder showing unwatched flags on folders
- Fixed cursor getting lost when navigating up to menu on Live TV Watch Now
- Fixed metadata being displayed behind episode thumbnail in some cases
- Fixed smooth scroll behaviour on some dashboard pages
- Fixed audio & subtitle preference changes not being reflected immediately on the preplay page
- Removed “Discover” and “Watch Now” buttons from Live TV Browse All"

Plex Media Player

- TV web-client updated to 3.54.2

- Removed non-functional Channel provider

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.52.2
- Qt updated to 5.9.5
- Updated "(Un)Watched" text to "(Un)Played"

Items fixed:
- Restored ability to delete Watch Later/Recommended items
- Fixed several possible situations where focus could disappear
- Fixed an issue where shuffling a TV season would result in a play queue containing episodes from outside of that season
- Fixed an issue where the order in which items on a show page are focused could sometimes be inconsistent
- Ensured quality setting is respected when autoplaying next video
- Fixed HLS videos in Watch Later not playing in some cases
- Fixed some occurrences of "Repeat All" not repeating single video play queues
- Fixed Live TV type buttons cutoff in list view
- Fixed inconsistent queue behavior when playing season with no unwatched episodes
- Fixed music play queues not correctly restoring on app start
- Fixed an issue that prevented playing content from a Controller while the app is in the PIN entry screen

Plex Media Player
- Added Privacy Policy and Terms of Service viewing in settings
- Added quick links action buttons for type discovery pages
- (Xbox One) HDR support for Xbox One S and Xbox One
- (Xbox One) Automatic display mode switching to match video resolution and refresh rate
- Fixed the app not loading if was unavailable
- Fixed the version badge not updating after deleting a version
- Fixed missing videos in a photo library failing silently
- Fixed the OSD not hiding when resuming playback after the screensaver was shown
- (PMP) Fixed high CPU usage during music playback
- Fixed deleting of file with multiple versions
- Fix missing video titles on photo album pages
- Fix the rest of the episodes in the play queue after selecting play from the show level

Plex Media Player

Items added:
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.47.1
- Added automatic fallback to transcode if direct playing music fails
- Updated translations

Items fixed:
- Fixed an issue that prevented toggling between timed and untimed lyrics
- Fixed library lists sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Fixed the dashboard type list sometimes not scrolling to the end correctly
- Don't show the library list if there are no libraries available
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause pointer-only UI elements to appear while not controlling the app with a pointer
- Fixed an issue with news tags sometimes appearing offscreen
- Fixed an issue where going to an empty recording schedule page would make the application unresponsive to input
- Fixed UI sounds

Plex Media Player
- Change log not available for this version

Plex Media Player
- Added scrolling to dashboard header type buttons when more than 5 buttons are visible
- Swapped the Record and Play buttons on Live TV item screens
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.41.2
- Fixed possible endless buffering at start of playback
- Fixed short movie/episode summary alignment
- Fixed version count not showing up on poster lists
- Fixed the recording schedule not displaying an empty message when no events are displayed
- Fixed the next airing wrapping to two lines on the recording priority page
- Selecting "Sign Out" after selecting "Switch User" from the app's home screen no longer shows homescreen content below the confirmation modal

Plex Media Player
- Desktop web-client updated to 3.37.2
- Added subtitle support for videos in the photo player
- Remember last active library when switching between dashboard types"
- Fixed the type dropdown showing collections for Live TV
- Fixed missing separator line for Online Content in libraries
- Fixed an issue with the player controls sometimes unexpectedly disappearing after changing playing item
- Fixed video restarting from offset when changing the audio or subtitle streams
- Fixed movie filters dropdown getting cut off on certain screen sizes
- Fixed an issue where it wasn't possible to close the player until the content finished loading
- Fixed the player remaining paused after changing an item in the play queue
- Fixed title getting cut off on Live TV preplay pages
- Fixed the player controls briefly appearing when closing the player
- Fixed seeking in Live TV playback in desktop mode
- Fixed a rare bug that could cause the app to become unresponsive to key input after signing in
- Fixed some issues with item actions for some older servers
- Fixed an issue that prevented using keyboard shortcuts to mark an item as unwatched

Plex Media Player
- Updated translations
- Fixed the titles for recently added TV shows
- Fixed the player sometimes not being able to play watch later/recommended videos
- Fixed bug that could cause app to fail to load
- Fixed cases where playback would error or fallback to a transcode near the end of a video
- Fixed issues with Apple IR remotes on High Sierra

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.7.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.7.4
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.7.3
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.7.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.6.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.5.7
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.5.6
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.5.5
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.5.4
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.4.2
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.4.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.3.1
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.3.0
- Change log not available for this version

TuneFab Spotify Music Converter 2.2.0
- Change log not available for this version

TorGuard 3.96.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

TorGuard 3.96.1
- Change log not available for this version

TorGuard 3.95.0
- Add flag for Belarus server
- Custom MTU for OpenVPN: the user can now choose in the settings screen the Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) that OpenVPN will use during the connection
- Protocol and port for dedicated IP servers: When adding a new dedicated IP server, the user can now choose which port and protocol will be available on that server (or "Any" if all protocols or ports will be)
- Set a new dedicated IP server as default: when adding a new dedicated IP server, the user can set it as default. The newly added server will be automatically selected in the Connect screen
- Automatic detection of dedicated IP: with this update, the user does not need to manually fill the dedicated IP. After the first connection, the Dedicated IP list will be automatically updated
- Update warning messages in connection phase: if one step in the connection phase is taking too long, a warning message will appear. The warning messages are now updated
- Custom scripts crash fixed: this fix resolves an issue where TorGuard could crash, if a custom script needs to be killed (for example because the scripts timeout is reached)

NANO Antivirus Pro 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version

NANO Antivirus Pro
- Change log not available for this version


What's new in this version:

IMVU 537.0
- Korean support
- Allow filtering rooms for Chinese and Russian
- Fix some causes of failing to see Web and mobile users sitting on furniture
- Fix some bugs in chat room management

IMVU 536.20
- Fix a crash on startup when the notification cache is corrupted

IMVU 536.18
- Fix a bug when creating a new chatroom

IMVU 536.16
- Don't show Korean twice in the room language dropdown

IMVU 536.14
- Korean support for the Macintosh client

IMVU 536.12
- Korean support

IMVU 536.10
- Internal updates

IMVU 536.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 536.6
- Fix FTUX for mobile-first users
- Fix sizing of a dialog box

IMVU 536.4
- Allow filtering rooms for Chinese, Russian, and/or Korean

IMVU 536.2
- Fix some causes of failing to see Web and mobile users sitting on furniture

IMVU 536.0
- Improved support for high-resolution Windows 10
- Fix some crashes that could occur in create mode
- Allow submitting animated accessories to the accessories category

IMVU 535.10
- Allow submitting animated accessories to the accessories category

IMVU 535.8
- Fix a crash in create mode for certain configurations
- Improve 'Clear IMVU cache' option

IMVU 535.6
- Windows Installer (39,537KB) Mac DMG (63,008KB)
- Further improving support for high-resolution Windows 10

IMVU 535.4
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 535.2
- Windows Installer (39,536KB) Mac DMG (63,001KB)
- Testing improved support for high-resolution Windows 10
- Fix a crash that could happen when opening create mode

IMVU 535.0
- Client support for upcoming Facebook Registration feature
- Fix issues with Get Matched
- Fix issues on macOS High Sierra
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality
- Improve support for 3ds Max, Maya & Sketchup

IMVU 534.6
- Client support for upcoming Facebook Registration feature.
- Fix issues with Get Matched
- Fix issues on macOS High Sierra

IMVU 534.4
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality

IMVU 534.2
- Further enhancements to FBX Import functionality
- Improve support for 3ds Max, Maya & Sketchup

IMVU 533.2
- Enhance FBX Import functionality

IMVU 533.0
- FBX Importer in Create Mode

IMVU 532.4
- Fix a crash in the FBX importer

IMVU 532.2
- Internal updates

IMVU 532.0
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.18
- Internal Updates

IMVU 531.16
- Fix another issue with Get Matched introduced in 531.12

IMVU 531.12
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.10
- Improve client connection security. (Use TLS 1.2)

IMVU 531.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 531.6
- Replace Games Mode with Walkoff button

IMVU 531.4
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 531.2
- Fix an issue with certain room names

IMVU 531.0
- Add DPI scaling slider
- Fix possible crash when accepting WalkOff rematches

IMVU 530.14
- Fix possible crash when accepting WalkOff rematches

IMVU 530.12
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.10
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.8
- Internal updates

IMVU 530.6
- Modify recommended DPI setting

IMVU 530.4
- Add more DPI scaling slider options

IMVU 530.2
- Add DPI scaling slider

IMVU 530.0
- Change Photostream mode to Feed mode

IMVU 529.2
- about:blank pictures shouldn't show avatar cards; style changes for rtp messages; Remove fully-redundant code; expire notifications that have a 'timeout'

IMVU 529.0
- Fix an incorrect error message

IMVU 528.2
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 528.0
- Introduced new Games Mode
- Some fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows
- Fixed persistant popup issue
- Improved performance when loading many outfits

IMVU 527.36
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.34
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.32
- Internal updates

IMVU 527.30
- Testing fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows

IMVU 527.26
- Introduce new Games Mode

IMVU 527.22
- Testing fixes to display on high-DPI monitors in Windows

IMVU 527.14
- Change log not available for this version

IMVU 527.12
- Fix default image when editing rooms

Lantern 5.4.6 查看版本資訊


Rocrail 15494 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Rocrail 15494 (64-bit)
- Planpanel: save scroll position
- Mqtt-cs python example extended with XML parsing

Rocrail 15492 (64-bit)
- Item/guiframe: restore throttle position and size dependent from loco ID
- Rocview makefile: fix for wxsubincl 3.0 -> 3.1

Rocrail 15486 (64-bit)
- Signal: white address as bit pattern if port is zero
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Rocwebworker: support for https
- Tracedlg: fix for close event (X)

Rocrail 15482 (64-bit)
- Rocweb: http return code correction for plan and options xml
- Evaluate function event
- Function control type added
- Translation merge: fr
- Xmlscriptdlg: replaced settargetrange with the 3.0 start/end function
- Aboxdlg: layout fixes
- EStW: threeway symbol added

Rocrail 15475 (64-bit)
- Change log not available for this version

Rocrail 15470 (64-bit)
- Xmlscriptdlg: try to select the complete invalid line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select invalid XML line
- Xmlscriptdlg: select text from invalid XML
- Block: fix for service wait
- Output: function type added

Rocrail 15465 (64-bit)
- Block: revert put out of operation behaviour in case from dialog
- Xmlscriptdlg: find added
- Xmldlg: find added

Rocrail 15462 (64-bit)
- Model: trace level correction
- Block: crosscheck fix for service
- MBUS: not evaluating type in case of UID zero
- Cv index support for accelleration and calibrating
- Xmlscript: block throttle command added
- Locdialog: show CV index in grid
- Mbus,rocpro: mfx cv index support
- Block: fix for wait and service
- Block: check if occupied in case of modify and new state should be close

Rocrail 15453 (64-bit)
- Tt: set accessory bit in case of f6915
- Xmlpointsize default set to 11
- Manifest: removed dpiAwareness
- Xml: add wrap and pointsize attribute

Mobirise 4.10.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Mobirise 4.10.3
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.2
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.10.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.6
- New "Add Block" panel: now with block categories
- Online Image Library: enlarged preview on hover
- Updated Mobirise4 and MobiriseAMP themes: fixes, new blocks
- Code Editor: fixed inserting scripts to custom HTML block
- Fix for menus (scroll-line on mobile view)
- Fixed tags in image galleries

Mobirise 4.9.5
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.4
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.9.3
- 'Update All' button for extensions with a progress bar
- Adding images by drag and drop in Image Media
- Adding multiple images at once to sliders and galleries (non-AMP themes)
- Updated M4 themes to latest Bootstrap v4.2.1
- Updated free MobiriseAMP theme - 20 new blocks: gallery, slider, accordion, contact forms, testimonials, google maps.
- Code Editor loading speed improved
- Bug fixes for Google Maps
- Fixes for editing menu colors
- Fixe with page cloning

Mobirise 4.9.1

Code Editor update:
- Mobirise mentions removal - clear the HTML code from "made with Mobirise" etc.
- New color schemes - light and contrast
- Undo-Redo buttons

PayPal Shopping Cart update:
- Support for AMP themes
- Subscribe and Donate options
- Info on "How to add shipping, VAT, and tax"

Mobirise 4.8.10
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.8.8
- Bug fixes: parallax in M4 themes, AMP sliders

Mobirise 4.8.6
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.5
- Mobirise Icons are available for AMP themes now
- Mobirise 2 Icons added

Mobirise 4.8.1
- Custom subdomain on
- SSL certificate (url with https)
- Lightning-fast global CDN (Content Delivery Network)
- Unlimited pages
- Unlimited space and bandwidth

Mobirise 4.8.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.9
- Bug Fixes for AMP Themes: video autoplay, map layout, video lightbox

Mobirise 4.7.8
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.7
- Improved app loading
- Fixed inserting icons in menu in m3 themes
- Fixed and updated translations
- Fixed disappearance of text placeholders
- Select all text on first click
- Fixed font dropdown panel height

Mobirise 4.7.2
- Cookie Alert Extension updated - now it is "Cookie Alert and GDPR Compliance" - After activating GDPR compliance, all web forms on your website will have checkbox for agreeing to your Terms and Privacy Policy.
- Code Editor Extension updated - some fixes
- Different fixes in translation engine
- New AMP themes - StartupAMP and SpaceAMP

Mobirise 4.7.1
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.7.0
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.7
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.6
- Change log not available for this version

Mobirise 4.6.5
- Languages: Polish

Bug fixes:
- Issue with missing projects fixed
- Issue with missing user blocks fixed
- Mobirise 3: sliders
- Alignment in AgencyM4 and LawyerM4
- Text style for forms in StoreM4

Mobirise 4.6.4
- Themes optimization
- Languages: Romanian, Portuguese

Bug fixes:
- Mobirise 3: broken iconfonts

Mobirise 4.6.3
- New languages added: Dutch, Bulgarian, Russian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian
- Bootstrap is updated to v4.0.0 (stable) for all M4 themes

Mobirise 4.6.0
- Hotkey: if your Sites list is empty, you can load the list of previously used projects: open your Sites list and press Ctrl+Alt+L when it opened
- Now you can load your empty or broken project in the app to restore a previously saved site version from Site History
- SEO Extension updated: bug fixes