軟體下載 Select Version

檔案名稱 image_resizer_setup.exe

Select Version 軟體下載

檔案版本 Select Version

檔案名稱 image_resizer_setup.exe
更新日期 2024-02-08
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3

軟體介紹 & 更新資訊

Select Version
IceCream Image Resizer 是一個免費的程序更改圖像大小。該應用程序具有批量模式,拖放機制支持以及對流行圖像格式的支持。該程序支持 JPG,JPEG,BMP,TIFF 和 BMP 文件,並允許用戶批量轉換文件。 “電子郵件”,“桌面”,“320x200”,“高清 1080p”,“高清 720p”,“iPhone 5”,“iPhone 6”和“iPhone 6 Plus”等常用任務... IceCream Image Resizer 軟體介紹

What's new in this version:

IceCream Image Resizer 2.14
- Change log not available for this version

IceCream Image Resizer 2.13
- Minor UI changes

IceCream Image Resizer 2.12
- Resolution preset profiles updated

IceCream Image Resizer 2.11
- Potential security issues fixed

IceCream Image Resizer 2.10
- PRO activation bug fixes and improvements

IceCream Image Resizer 2.09
- Automatic image orientation detection

IceCream Image Resizer 2.08
- Minor changes

IceCream Image Resizer 2.06
- Debug system update

IceCream Image Resizer 2.05
- 'Overwrite original file' option added
- Resolution preset profiles updated
- Add your own watermark to the photos
- 'Keep proportions' option removed
- Multiple GUI improvements and fixes
- License changed

IceCream Image Resizer 1.62
- UI language auto detection improved
- Other minor fixes

IceCream Image Resizer 1.60
- Installer size reduced x2
- Debug system upgrade
- Minor improvements

IceCream Image Resizer 1.51
- Non-admin users better support

IceCream Image Resizer 1.50
- Initial program launch fix

IceCream Image Resizer 1.49
- Minor changes

IceCream Image Resizer 1.48
- Installer improved

IceCream Image Resizer 1.47
- Installer bug fixes

IceCream Image Resizer 1.46
- Albanian language added

IceCream Image Resizer 1.45
- Security improved
- Installer updated

Select Version 相關參考資料
How to Determine Your Postgres Version

Viewing the server version. To determine the server version using an SQL statement, simply issue the SELECT version(); command: =# SELECT version(); version ...


How to find the SQL Server version

2019年10月8日 — We can use the @@VERSION function to find out all version details of the SQL Server instance. ... SELECT @@VERSION AS 'SQL Server Version Details' ...


MySQL VERSION() Function

Return the current version of the MySQL database: SELECT VERSION();. Try it Yourself ». Definition and Usage. The VERSION() function returns the current ...


Select PHP Version

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Select Version - 2011 - SOLIDWORKS PDM 說明

Select the version of SolidWorks to which you want to upgrade the files. The SolidWorks version you select must be installed on each workstation ...


Understanding the SQL Server SELECT @@VERSION ...

I was recently trying to determine what version of SQL Server was installed on a particular server. I found this tip to determine the version and tried to ...


VERSION (Transact-SQL) - SQL Server

2023年6月21日 — 下列範例會顯示傳回目前安裝架構的版本資訊。 SELECT @@VERSION AS 'SQL Server Version';. 範例:Azure Synapse Analytics 和Analytics Platform ...


VERSION - Amazon Redshift

The VERSION function returns details about the currently installed release, with specific Amazon Redshift version information at the end.


判斷資料庫引擎的版本和版本SQL Server

2024年1月30日 — 方法3:連線至SQL Server 的執行個體,然後執行下列查詢:. SQL 複製. Select @@version. 此查詢的輸出範例如下所示:. 輸出 複製. Microsoft SQL Server ...
